The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (20 page)

The f
ish bat to the ass twice made her suck in her breath and press against the cross in an attempt to get away. Thuddy wasn’t her favorite.

Mack tossed the bat aside, bored of it already, since it didn’t make her sing. He swung the cane, feeling it become an extension of his arm. Four strokes to the back of her thighs
then he pulled the bolt that kept the cross upright and flipped the contraption so that she was upside down but on a slight angle so not all of her weight was on her ankles. She shrieked.

“Fuck! I hate that, Mack! Warn me next time!”


He re-engaged the bolt so that she’d stay in
that position then beat the insides of her thighs.

Each blow brought a scream that made his jeans more uncomfortable. He unzipped, stripped, walked to the side her head was turned to and jammed his cock into her mouth, choking her. As she gagged on him, he traced her wet slit with his
finger. She mewled, the vibration on his dick driving him crazy.

When he withdrew
, she gasped for air, drool bubbling from her mouth and probably leaking onto her face. He spread her labia with gentle fingers then flicked his tongue over her clit, which was hard to reach. She cried out in pleasure, so he bit down on the inside of her thigh, right over a bruising welt. Her scream was a thing of beauty. Thigh muscles strained, but she couldn’t protect herself from the onslaught of nips and bites that he inflicted on her thighs, ass and back.

When Winter started to sob and babble, he flipped the cross again so that it lay horizontal.

He slid on a pair of surgical gloves and covered her back, ass and thighs with antiseptic. A pack of sterile pins called to him, and he opened it, jabbing a few into the flesh of her ass. She squealed.

“No, no!” She tried to crawl away, but was caught fast.

“No? You don’t like this?” He threaded one through the skin of her back, then another, a third, four.

Moans filled the air, punctuated by unsteady breath.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Please more?” He grabbed the sterilized knife and ran it over her back, between pins, like a fiendish slalom. She shrieked. A small line of blood rose on her ass when he pressed harder. He eased up and moved the knife away, leaning in to taste her fear, smell her arousal. Copper in his mouth. His mind and body warred, one wanting to cut, the other to fuck.

She’d fallen silent under his hands, eyes glassy, mouth open. His body won. Uncuffing her, he then lowered her to her face on the concrete floor, pulled her hips up. He drove his cock into her wetness, grunting at how tight she was, how hot. Supporting her hips with one forearm, he pummeled into her, using her body to ease the ache she’d made inside him. One by one, he yanked out the pins, beads of blood adorning the white perfection of her back. He pulled off the gloves, clawing his fingers through the lot of them.

His woman
screamed again, her cunt gripping around his cock, trying to steal the last vestiges of his humanity as she came. He lost control, pounding into her, the rough floor digging into his knees. His snarl was animalistic, ripped from his throat as his body discharged into hers. For a moment he couldn’t see and he wondered if he’d fucked himself blind. Exhausted, he collapsed onto his side, pulling her into the shelter of his arms. Breathing. She was breathing. He exhaled in relief.

Quiet stole over the room. The floor was cold, and eventually he convinced himself to get up and
take Winter somewhere more comfortable. He coaxed her to her feet, picked her up, and carried her to the mattress. Ramsay pulled Saya closer and Mack laid Winter out on her stomach, then went to get alcohol. He cleaned the small punctures he’d made, and Winter mewled and shuddered under his hands.

As he worked
, he glanced over at Ramsay, who watched the process with fascination. Saya was tucked into his chest and seemed to be asleep. Winter was subspacing and he knew better than to try to bring her out of it before she came out on her own.

“Was it my imagination or did she get off?”

“Oh, she got off.” Mack stroked the hair back from her forehead and kissed her there. Her eyes were open and staring – she seemed aware, but not interested in communicating just yet. “You two managed okay?”

Ramsay smirked. “I fucked Saya at some point and we both got off, but you were too busy to notice. As soon as you went further than the canes, she wouldn’t look.”

“Not my kink!” Saya blurted, her voice muffled by Ramsay’s chest.

Mack laughe
d quietly. He slid in beside Winter and held her tight. “Well, you wanted to see what we did when we were alone. That was a pretty good example.”

“I can’t imagine doing that every time. It’s
too intense. Don’t you ever just have regular sex?”

“Sometimes, when we’re feeling lazy
, but it’s probably not as much fun to watch.” He licked the back of Winter’s neck, sweat making her skin salty. “So what about you? Were you freaked out?”

Ramsay looked thoughtful. “Not especially. I watched your
face, though. That was creepy. You, Mack, are one crazy motherfucker.”

Mack wasn’t insulted. It was only the truth.

Winter looked dreamily at Mack, her eyes slitted.

“Yes, he is a crazy motherfucker
, and he’s all mine.”

Chapter Twelve

Her stomach twisted and fluttered. She watched and waited while Master snoozed in the chair at her elbow. The show they’d done the night before had run late, and the drive back from New York City had been bumper to bumper. He didn’t see what the big deal was, but it wasn’t his life that was being turned completely upside down.

Finally, they were summoned and the flight attendant checked their ID – and checked out Master. Spider gripped the flight attendant’s hand, looking frightened, tousled. His face was dirty. The pants he wore were too short and his raggedy bear had one button eye that was dangling precariously.

“Hey, big guy!” Master thumped him on the back and Spider dodged behind the woman, staring at him with round eyes.

Saya got down low
, made a face, waved and scrunched her nose. The attendant urged the boy toward Saya, seeming to decide she was the safer bet.

“Hi Spider, I’m your Auntie Saya.” She held out the little stuffed dog she
had bought him at a shop in New York. He took a few steps toward her and held out his hand for the toy. Without asking for more, she handed over the dog. “Where is his luggage?”

The woman shrugged and pointed at the toddler backpack on his back. It was the size of a lunch bag.

What on earth? Master’s sister, Bronwyn, made decent money. Why was her boy so unkempt?

With his big blue eyes and shaggy blond hair, the similar bone structure, there was no question that the boy was related to Master. Whether the personality was similar when the boy was more comfortable with them remained to be seen.

“Let’s go to our house, Spider. We got a tent for you to sleep in and set it up in our living room. It’ll be like a camp-out!”

He nodded, unsmiling, and went to her. When she took his hand
, he allowed it. Master smiled at her and she was pleased to have pleased him.

“Are you hungry?”

Spider shook his head no, and looked over the dog she’d given him. “He’s small.”

“Yes. I thought you’d like a little puppy to take care of.”

“He looks sad.” He frowned.

“You think so?” She followed Master through the airport, glad he remembered the way
to the SUV. Spider clung to her like he’d been clinging to the flight attendant, as though he was afraid the crowd would sweep him away if he let go.

“Uh huh.” He slowed for a moment to look at a display of candy bars.

Saya had the urge to buy him one, but decided he probably needed a meal first. They were going to be driving for ages to get home, and giving him chocolate now might upset his stomach.

stuffy dog miss his mom?” Saya asked.

Spider’s eyes were serious.
“No, he misses Alexandra.”

“Who’s that?”

“Alexandra is my cat. She’s white and fluffy. Sometimes she sleeps on my bed if I stay real still. I hope Mommy remembers to give her food. That’s my job.” He tripped and would have fallen if Saya hadn’t been holding his hand.

“New shoes?” Master asked. Those looked new, at least.

Spider eyed his uncle cautiously. “Yes. They were supposed to make me run faster, but they make me trip. They’re way bigger than my last ones, but they don’t squish my toes.”

Master’s gaze met
hers and they exchanged subtle smiles. Chatty little guy.

They made it to the
SUV and the fuss Saya was expecting Spider to make over the vehicle never came to fruition. The car seat they’d bought had been installed, but it still took a few minutes for them to figure out how to tie him in. It involved the child showing them how he figured it worked, and Saya reading over the instructions again.

At the next McDonald’s, they stopped for lunch. Spider wolfed down his food, but was
hesitant about playing in the playland. Eventually he went. Saya and Master watched him through the glass viewing window.

“He doesn’t look very tired. Do you think he could manage a quick trip to the mall?” Saya asked.

“Why?” His eyebrow quirked. He probably thought she was crazy for suggesting a shopping expedition with a kid they didn’t know.

“I looked in his backpack. There are two changes of clothes in there and they’re both
worn out and too small. The socks look like they’re for a baby.”

“You think maybe she didn’t have time to do laundry or something?”

The clothes, the coat, the teddy bear, the hair? The too-big shoes? Two changes of clothes for two weeks? Chances were this was most of what the kid owned. It wasn’t like she and Master lived high on the hog, and she knew it was bad to raise kids to be materialistic, but this little guy needed clothes. She’d be darned if he was going to live under their roof for two weeks wearing rags.

Ramsay brought the boy to
the bathroom when he asked, then they hit the road.

“Can you believe he didn’t know how to pee standing up? Didn’t take him long to figure it out. Smart kid.”

“He’s a urinal savant?”

“You betcha. No Cheerios required.”

“Bronwyn might not thank you when he goes home. He’ll be peeing all over their bathroom floor.”

“Uncle’s prerogative.”

Traffic was light and they got to the mall quickly. When they went into the department store, Master popped Spider into a cart and they headed straight for the children’s clothing section.

“What are we doing here?” Spider looked around curiously, clutching his bear.

“We’re going to buy you some clothes for while you visit, okay?” Saya stroked his hair, unable to stop herself. He was too adorable, like a mini Ramsay. Would their babies look like him if they were ever blessed with any?

He accepted the affection from her and shrugged. “These pants are only tight when I tie them.”

“Yes, but you don’t have enough, so we’re going to get you more.”

Spider frowned at her. “Wasting money isn’t good. Kids grow fast, you know.”

“Who told you that?” Master laughed. She could tell he wasn’t amused.


Master grunted and started looking at clothes. A young woman was stocking shelves and he beckoned her over. She blinked for a second, but obeyed, probably wondering why she was doing it.

“How do I know what size to buy him? These can’t be waist sizes.” He brandished a pair of jeans at her. “He’s had a long day and I don’t think he wants to start trying
shi– things on.”

The worker smiled up at Master
, and Saya wondered if she’d try to touch him. A lot of women found excuses to lay their hands on him in one manner or another. She loved ribbing him about it later. “Hm. I’d say he’d fit in a size four.”

“Oh, he’s
almost four. Is that how it works?”

“Not necessarily, Sir. My sister’s boy is four and he wears a
size six.”

“Okay. Shirts too?”

“Yes, Sir.” She simpered up at him. “If you need help with
else, just let me know. I’m Serena, by the way.”

Serena held out her hand and
Master shook it, looking bemused. When she wandered off, Master looked at Saya. “Friendly girl.”

“She wanted you to do her over the t-shirt display.”

He barked a laugh and covered Spider’s ears. “Behave, girl. The boy doesn’t need to be repeating things like that.”

“You almost said the impolite word for poop... Ramsay.” He’d told her to call him by name when Spider was with them, but it was

Master dropped his hands from the child’s ears. “I did, didn’t I

“We need to practice. That’s all.” She looked over some t-shirts and held
up the ones she liked one at a time so that Master could nod or shake his head. The ones they agreed on went in the basket. Spider laughed and burrowed into the clothing they threw in, like a puppy in a blanket.

shifted a subtle hand behind her and pinched her ass. “I’ll show you something else we need to practice.”

That’ll have to wait until after someone’s bedtime,” she said archly.

He groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face. Master wasn’t used to waiting.

T-shirts, jeans, a jacket, some pajamas, all went into the cart. They picked up a toothbrush, children’s toothpaste, and baby shampoo on the way to the shoe section.

When they measured his feet
and it turned out his shoes were two sizes too big.

“What the hell was she thinking
?” Master shook his head, looking disgusted. Spider had a serious dialogue going on between the bear and the dog and wasn’t paying attention to the big people.

“Maybe they were on sale. A lot of people buy kids
’ clothes that they can grow into. She’s probably just careful with her money.”

Master grunted and tapped the boy on the shoulder. “Which pair of these do you want? This pair lights up when you run? Or this pair with the lightning bolts?”

“I get to pick?” His eyes were wide and he looked up and down the aisle with more interest than he had previously.

“Yes. Anything you want, as long as it fits properly.”

Spider’s gaze settled on something a good distance down the aisle. A broad grin spread across his face. “Those! Can I have those?”

Saya looked
to where he pointed and her heart sank. Saying no to him this early in the relationship seemed mean, but this choice was not going to fly with Master.

He strode over to where Spider had pointed and grabbed a pair off the shelf, coming back to hold them out to the boy. “These purple ones? They have butterflies on them.”

“I like butterflies. They’re pretty.”

“Come here.” Ramsay lifted him out of the cart and pretended to fly him to a bench. “Let’s try them on to see if they fit.”

“Master,” Saya whispered as the boy stomped around in them, watching them light up. “What if the other children make fun of him? He’s only going to be with us for two weeks, but there’s the park. Then there’s preschool or daycare when he goes home.”

gave a one shouldered shrug. “Everyone gets made fun of for something. I don’t think other kids his age will even care. The way things are now, I doubt even the adults will say anything much. This isn’t the 1950s. If it happens, we’ll tell him how to deal with it or buy him new shoes – whichever he prefers.” He threw Spider’s other shoes in the cart and they headed for the front of the store.

At the checkout, the boy stared longingly at the candy bars, but said nothing.

“You want one of those?” Saya asked. Maybe letting him have chocolate was a bad idea before the drive home, but it was cute that he was too polite to say anything.

Master grabbed a chocolate bar and put it on the counter.
“I’m getting a Butterfinger and I bet Auntie Saya will pick a Milky Way.”

The boy scanned the display, avid but looking confused. “I don’t know.”

“Are you allergic to anything?”

“No. Spencer is allergic to oranges, but not me.”

“Who’s Spencer?”

“My friend at

Master threw another Milky Way onto the counter and picked Spider up. “I think you’ll like that one. If you don’t, I’ll eat the rest of it. We have to take your new shoes off for a minute so we can pay for them, okay buddy? We’ll put them right back on after.”


Saya pulled the shoes off of Spider’s feet and the woman at the check-out smiled at him.

“You look like your


“Goodnight.” Spider crawled into the little tent they’d set up in the living room without a backward glance.

“Oh, you’re going to bed now?” She and
Master went over and crouched down to look inside.

The boy had slid between the sheets already and was arranging his bear and his dog to make sure they were tucked in.

“You don’t want a hug goodnight or a story or something?” Saya was at a loss. Her parents had been very demonstrative and she couldn’t remember ever going to bed without a hug and kiss. Bedtime had always been a big production. Spider didn’t seem to want anything from her.

“I’m not a baby anymore. I can put myself to bed.”

She and Master glanced at each other, and her heart broke a little.

“Can I have a hug at least? I won’t sleep well if I don’t get a hug.”

“You’re silly, Auntie Saya.” He crawled to her and gave her a hug.

“If she gets a hug and I don’t, I’m going to pout.” Master crossed his arms. The boy
hugged him too.

“Don’t pout. No one wants to see that,” Spider told him sincerely.

Saya smothered a laugh and Master made a choking noise.

They wished him a good
night and reminded him they’d be in their bedroom. Saya flipped on the light in the entryway so that the living room was vaguely illuminated.

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