The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (22 page)

“You didn’t
use me at lunch, Master. You know how my body is.”

got rough, banging into her g-spot. Saya moaned, then stuffed bedding into her mouth and screamed a few times. The homemade silencer worked. Master came, drilling into her cervix hard enough to hurt, but the soreness when he withdrew was glorious.

“No coming until tonight.”

Saya lay where he’d left her, used and horny. She pulled the blanket out of her mouth and with her tongue she hunted for a piece of lint it had left behind.

A big hand swatted her bare bottom. “How come you could handle that, and you can’t handle me gagging you?”

She stared at the soggy patch on the blanket for a moment. “I couldn’t let him hear me. Poor kid.”

Master’s chuckle was evil and made her blood run cold. “Good. We’ll be using the same gag later then.”

“For when you have sex with me again later?”

“Yes, but also for when I put your butt plug in before we go to the park.”

She yanked her pants back up fast, as though they would save her.



She glanced into the back seat, wondering if this nap was going to mess up his sleep schedule. As it was, it felt weird dragging him to practice at a time when most kids were probably winding down for bed. It was the weekend, though. An hour’s practice, tops, and she’d find somewhere for him to sleep. Maybe they should have let Uncle Donny and Aunt Emma watch him, but it felt like it was too soon to pawn him off like that. He was starting to get clingy with them, which was adorable, but a little
difficult to get used to.

noise-cancelling headphones would protect his ears from the high volumes while they practiced, and the second-hand baby monitor she’d bought from the consignment store meant that they could go to different parts of the house if he fell asleep. Winter hadn’t sounded happy they were bringing him, but had agreed they needed to practice. She offered to set up a spare room for him to sleep in after practice so they could talk about the gig offers that Law and Luther had been calling Winter with almost every day.

“Did she call?”

“No, Master,” she whispered back.

Every day he waited for word from Bronwyn. She hadn’t been sure when she was flying home, so the exact day when Sp
ider would be leaving was up in the air.

“She hasn’t even called to check on him. Bron was always a little self-centered, but this is ridiculous. I mean, we didn’t even know him before he showed up here. How does she know everything is okay?”

“Your mother told me you were always responsible, even as a little boy, Master. I guess Bronwyn thinks you’ll figure it out.”

“Even if we had a cell number for her I’d feel better.”

Silence fell between them, and Saya figured he was continuing his rant internally. They tried to be careful not to discuss what was going on where Spider might overhear, but there was only so much privacy nowadays.

“We didn’t have to do
this tonight, you know. The Kink Monsters could have survived a two-week hiatus.” Master knew how much harder her life had been over the past week, and did what he could to help, including housework, which she usually refused to let him do. All of her time was going toward homeschooling. Bronwyn hadn’t thought it was a big deal for Spider to miss two weeks of preschool, but Saya worried that he’d be bored if he wasn’t challenged. They could only hang out at the park so much.

f she had a car, she could have brought him into Felix to go to the children’s museum and plan other outings, but there was only so much to do in Cobalt Harbor. Luckily, he loved the beach, which wasn’t a far walk when she put him in the wagon she’d bought at a yard sale. They’d been hunting little crabs and counting shells, learning about fish.

“I know the band could have survived, but I...”

He glanced at her speculatively. “You miss Winter.”

Saya’s cheeks burned. “I miss both of them. We
usually hang out with them every day. Not seeing them for a week has been hard.”

“Boy kisses aren’t good enough for you anymore?”

Her jaw dropped and she made an inarticulate noise. “Master, it’s not like that. It’s just...”

In the pause his mouth twisted into a smile he tried to hide. “Mmhmm. Just remember she can’t do the same things for you, princess. You like...male organs...too much to replace me.”

She checked on Spider, but he was out cold, face smooshed against his bear, whose eyes she’d sewn back on properly. A few holes had been sutured closed too. The boy and bear had weathered the stuffy’s operation with a minimum of discomfort. As sweet as he was when he was awake, the child was like a cherub when he slept. Part of her wanted him to go home so her life with Master could get back to normal, but when he did she was going to miss the little guy.

“She could always get a strap-on, Master.” Saya suggested helpfully. It had been a joke just to be a bit of a brat, but now that the thought had come into her mind, the idea of Winter fucking her that way was hot.

“You’re damned lucky there’s a child in the SUV. This is a long, empty highway – plenty of spots to pull over and teach you to watch your tone.”

Master was so fucking sexy when he was irritated. Saya sneaked a hand between her legs and pressed.

“Did I say you could do that?” His voice was dangerous and, if anything, made her want to touch herself more.

“No.” She sighed and squirmed in her seat, but moved her hand away. The plug he’d put in her ass wiggled with her movement and she gasped. This new one felt huge, but Master had told her there was one more size befo
re he’d try fucking her there. She was endlessly pleased that he was being more patient with hers than he’d been with Mack’s. Poor Mack.

She’d been busy this week, but she’d still found plenty
of time to miss their...bandmates. She’d had friends in California, but this was different. Being away from her old friends didn’t make her feel so unsettled. At various times during the day she wondered what they were doing, wondered if they had plans to hang out with another couple. Winter and Mack had never played with another couple before, but now that the door was open, did it mean they’d be more likely to seek out other partners? The idea scared her and made her feel anxious and sick. Was this something she could discuss with Master without making him upset? Maybe it was time to make an exclusivity agreement or something. Was that even a thing?

Unbidden, an image of Winter kissing another girl floated into her head. It felt like her heart was being squeezed and for a moment she couldn’t breathe. She had no hold on Winter – she could do whatever she wanted. Even if Master didn’t think talking to them about exclusivity
was necessary, Saya couldn’t keep going without that agreement in place. People lusted after Winter just as much as they did after her. They teased each other about it often, but she’d never thought about it seriously. At any given moment Winter could have another girlfriend.

Another? Was she even Winter’s girlfriend?

She hadn’t felt this uncertain since she’d dated Master in high school and girls had followed him around like he was the Pied Piper.

Chapter Thirteen

Winter had been watching out the front window for them, on and off, for an hour. It was a weird, uncomfortable feeling, being excited to see people. The waiting sucked, but it wasn’t as bad as wondering when they’d get there and hoping they wouldn’t have to cancel because of the kid.

It had been a long week. Without Saya and Ramsay around, she and Mack had plenty of time alone together
– time she would have paid for not long ago, when the others had started encroaching on their date nights. Now it felt weird to be just the two of them all the time.

Sure she had a small infatuation with Saya, and a tiny crush on Ramsay, jerk that he was
, but that could end at any point and she’d be fine with it, right? The idea that maybe she’d be less content with Mack after this thing with them ended twisted in her stomach. He’d been her purposely tiny universe for a long time. She’d cut her family out of her life almost entirely, bloodsuckers that they were. A few people had made overtures of friendship and she’d warded them off. These two, though, they’d snuck in and now the concept of going without them made life seem too quiet.

Not that Mack was boring
in the slightest, but how could one person compete with three?

Finally she
’d spotted dust down the road.

“They’re here?” Mack laughed.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ve been hanging around the window like a lovesick
teenager. I was starting to worry that you’d be making an emo mixed tape if they didn’t show up.”

“Fuck off, Mack.”

He came over to stand next to her at the window and slid an arm around her waist. “I love you, Winter. Even if you’re currently obsessed with Saya, I know you love me, too.”

“This coming from the guy currently obsessed with Saya’s
boyfriend. Very big of you to give me space like that.”

Lips brush
ed the back of her neck as she watched the SUV pull into the driveway from the safety of the mostly opaque curtains. “No one hurts you like I do, and no one will suffer for me like you do. Forgive me for feeling mostly secure in our relationship. There is very little chance, in my mind, that you and Saya will run off together and leave Ramsay and me behind.”

“True. But how do you know I won’t go running off with Ramsay?”
She looked up at him. His arched brow said he didn’t believe it for a second.

“The two of you are oil and water. Even if you could give in and submit to him, he
won’t hurt you the way you like. And you argue too much. Can you picture the two of you living alone together? You’d be begging me to take you back within a week.”

she drawled. “Un-fucking-likely.”

“Okay. You’d just move back in and tell me to move the fuck out if I had any objection. You could let a man dream a little, though. It doesn’t cost you anything.”

“Letting you dream means crushing it later. Better to nip it in the bud.”

“Nip you in the butt? Sure! Don’t say I’m not accommodating.”

She backed away from him, feeling the unwelcome grin take over. He was making crazy, creepy faces and stalking toward her, like a black-and-white movie monster, hands up in front of him and curled into claws.

“Screw off, jerk!”
she hollered, trying not to giggle. Giggling went against her personal rules. No silly, girlish levity. People didn’t take you seriously if you were a giggler.

He advanced, teeth snapping, looking like a doofus zombie.

“If you so much as lay a tooth on me right now, you’re sleeping alone tonight.”

“You don’t think Ramsay will agree to cuddle with me?”

The knock at the front door saved her ass from the zombie attack.

She let Mack answer the door, afraid she’d look excited to see them. A week apart had been difficult, even though Saya had found a few excuses to text her, and even a reason to call. It wasn’t the same as seeing her. Of course she could have called there too, but she didn’t want to interrupt their time with their nephew. Loo
king eager also wouldn’t do.

The four of them trailed into the living room, Ramsay’s index finger being clutched purple by the

“Mack, Winter, this is our nephew, Spider. Spider, these are our friends Mack and Winter.” Ramsay’s formality with such a small child was ridiculous, but cute.

“Hey, Spidey! Nice to meet you.” Mack stuck out his fist and the boy bumped it with his own. “So, are you secretly a superhero?”

The boy laughed. “No! I’m
three. Superheroes are more tall.”

Mack looked to Winter and gestured at the boy. “The man has a point.”

“Hello, small child. Just to be clear, I don’t change diapers.” It was the most civil thing she could think to say. Usually she told kids not to talk to her or she’d sell them to the circus.

“I don’t wear diapers.” He snickered
then pointed to her piercings. “Why do you have all those things in your face?”

The other three adults sputtered, but she gestured them to leave him be rather than correct him.

“Because I like them.”

“Oh. That’s good. People must be scared to talk to you sometimes.”

“I like it when people are too scared to talk to me.”

“Then it was a good idea to get them. Do you like my shoes? Uncle Ramsay got them for me. Look! When I bang my feet they light up!” He hopped up and down and the shoes flash
ed hard enough to give her a migraine. “They’re purple, they light up, and they have butterflies. Have you ever seen such cool shoes?”

His enthusiasm was startling. Intense kid. As long as he wasn’t whiny, he might be tolerable. It was only for another week, anyway.

“I don’t think I have.”

“Why don’t they make
light-up shoes for adults? They’re missing an entire market.” Mack took a sip of his soda. “Can I get you guys anything?”

...just yet.”

Mack reddened
and Winter smirked. Had Ramsay actually said something suggestive? What could they do with the kid around, anyway?

They decided to get down to practicing right away. Saya fiddled with Spider’s headphones until she was satisfied they were blocking a good part of the noise, and settled him with some books and coloring.

Once the music started, Spider didn’t sit long. It started with him getting up and moving to the music, a three-year-old’s interpretive dance. The speed of the music made his movements exaggerated and frenetic. A few times he instinctively started banging his head, shaggy blond hair like a wild halo. In pauses between songs, when they were discussing technical things, he would take Saya by the hand and lead her around, asking her what things were. He climbed onto Ramsay’s lap and beat on the drums under his uncle’s direction.

Winter watched how they were with him, her stomach
feeling like she’d eaten rocks. Breeders. They’d hooked up with breeders. She’d never pegged them that way before, but sooner or later they were going to have children, and that was going to fuck up everything Winter wanted in life.

So the question was
, end things now or wait until it happened?

The band had started off on the right foot, but when they started popping out kids, that would be the end of trying to get anywhere.

Fuck the band, though. Where did that leave her? The feelings she had for them weren’t just about music and lust. She genuinely liked them. They were fun to be around and accepted her as she was. And Saya was so sweet, so hot, so docile.

She realized she was staring at her when Saya’s gaze dropped to her shoes.
From some of the subtle body language and comments she’d picked up on, the girl obviously wanted to play, but they couldn’t do anything with the tiny chaperone in the room.

“Ramsay, would you mind if I talked to Saya in the other room for a minute? Girl talk.”

Mack guffawed. “Like you’ve ever engaged in girl talk in your life. You’re going to have to think of a better line than that.”

“It’ll do for now.” Ramsay smirked. “You have five minutes, then we have to talk shop. If I have to go in th
ere to interrupt, you won’t like what happens.”

“Or maybe she would.” Saya laughed. She let Winter take her hand and lead her up to the bedroom.

Five minutes. What could they do in five minutes?

As soon as Saya shut the door behind her, Winter backed her against it.

“Do you know how hard it is to behave around you?” She kissed Saya hard and pressed her to the door with her body.

Saya whimpered, but opened her mouth, allowing Winter to do whatever she wanted. Winter explored her
mouth for a moment, then took a step back and whipped off Saya’s t-shirt. She unhooked Saya’s bra one-handed and slid it down her arms. The girl’s breasts sprang free and Winter attacked them with licks and bites, then nipped her way back up to her neck. They kissed again and Winter tugged at Saya’s nipples until she was whining and rubbing against the thigh she’d pressed between her legs. Saya skimmed her hands up under the back of Winter’s shirt and she scratched a set of long, burning furrows with her nails. Winter moaned, the pain making her groin ache.

“We need to stop,” Saya panted. “I need to talk to you.”

Winter unzipped the girl’s jeans and thrust a hand inside her panties, burrowing down until she found wetness and heat. She rubbed moisture around Saya’s labia and pressed a finger up into her. Hot. Wet. Really tight.

With a small cry, Saya grabbed onto her upper arms, trying to keep her balance. “There’s a...mmm!”

Hips bucked against Winter’s hand, and one of her fingers nudged against something hard further back. Butt plug. Winter let out a low, evil chuckle.

“No, don’t touch it. It’s huge and uncomfortable,” Saya whined.

Winter shoved Saya’s jeans and panties down to her knees, then slid a finger back into her pussy, fucking her with likely the only thing that would fit in there right then. Her other hand snuck around to the girl’s bottom. She grabbed one globe of her ass, then smacked it hard. Her questing fingers sought out the plug, then she tapped the base of it, making it vibrate a little.

“No, Winter! Please!”

Her internal muscles clutched at Winter’s finger as she tried to clench on the plug to keep it still.



“Ooh, he’s mean.” She grasped the base with her fingertips and wiggled it, then tugged on it until it started come out. Before it came out very far, Winter pushed it back in, then fucked her with it.

Saya leaned her head on Winter’s shoulder, gurgling and sobbing while she was toyed with.

The doorknob rattled, and when the door wouldn’t open, someone knocked.

“Time’s up.” Ramsay’s rough voice sent shivers through Winter. She wouldn’t put it past the fucker to kick the door down.

Slowly, she withdrew her finger, making s
ure to get her a little crazier. She slid Saya’s underwear and jeans back up and zipped them for her, then patted her ass, right on the base of the plug.

“Coming! Are you a good girl for me, Saya?”

“Yes, Winter.” She sniffled.

“Will you let me do whatever I want?”


ower coursed through her and Winter was painfully tempted to ignore Ramsay’s time limit. Torturing Saya until Ramsay popped the door off its hinges or jimmied the lock would be excruciatingly enjoyable. Even when he did make it into the room, what could he do to punish her? She wasn’t his to punish.

But playing with his sub was contingent on her playing by his rules.

“Fucking cocksucking son-of-a-bitch,” Winter muttered. Saya wasn’t just his anymore, but Winter’s authority only stretched so far. For now.

Saya stood on her toes and kissed the corner of her mouth, trying to draw her back into making out.
Apparently, she was ready to disobey her Master to get more attention from Winter.

“Be good. We have to go talk to the boys.”

“I don’t want boys right now. I want you.” Saya’s eyes were warm and deep. Winter became mired in them, unable to escape. Not for the first time, she wished she had a cock so she could fuck her violently against the door.

Winter groaned and tipped her head back, searching for self control. “Out! You heard your Master. Time’s up.”

Saya pouted, but grabbed the door handle. “Yes, Mistress.”

Oh fuck.

Unable to stop herself, Winter kissed her again, with all the passion and violence she inspired.

She pulled away. “Get! Before I do something you’ll be sorry for later.”

Saya opened the door and there stood Ramsay, looking like punishment was high on his priority list.

“When Spider is asleep, you’re both in for it.”

“I’m sorry, Master. It was hard to stop.” Saya’s eyes were beseeching, but he didn’t seem moved.

“I’m not sorry. You’re lucky I stopped at all.” Winter smirked at him.

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