Read The Changeling Princess Online

Authors: Jackie Shirley

The Changeling Princess (46 page)






We materialized in front of Ishba, the Keeper of the Records hut. “It is good to see that the Angel of Deliverance has returned to us. I see your companion is in need of help.”

Yes, Ishba, Wade has a virus that he picked up in your world.”

We must visit the crystal immediately.”

Wade was laid directly on the crystal for ten minutes. He was smiling when he was helped to his feet.
“I feel like a new man. I’ve got a lot of my strength back and I even have new hands and feet.”

I looked at Wade
’s hands and feet and saw that they were webbed. I remembered our last visit when we had the same webbed features.

It will take a total of three visits before your body will be completely free of the virus,” said Ishba. You will visit the crystal tomorrow and the day after. Then you and Janis will be married. Now it is time for Janis and her two small friends to draw the required power from the crystal. It only requires a total of five minutes and the transformation will be complete.

I laid on the crystal for five minutes and developed the same webbed hands and feet as Wade. Missy and Izzy looked uneasy when I placed them on the crystal.
“Don’t be afraid, girls; no one is going to hurt you.”

Missy and Izzy remained perfectly still as they were engulfed by the glow of the crystal. When they were finished, I hugged them and sat them on the ground.

“You sure do have funny looking feet,” said Missy.

So do you,” said Izzy. “Oh my goodness, I can hear my voice. I can talk.”

So can I,” said Missy. “Can you hear me, Janis?”

I sure can and I think it’s wonderful. You’re also going to be able to breathe under water. Think of all the fun you can have playing in the ocean.”

Missy look
ed grumpy. “I don’t do water.”

Wade and I were both laughing as we all walked toward
the beach.

The next two days were pure heaven. Wade was getting stronger and Missy and Izzy had discovered they liked the ocean. I laughed every time the girls played the dolphin game. They were really fast swimmers and they could propel their tiny bodies high out of the water. When Missy called out
“Weeeeeee,” it reminded of how I used to fly her around the bedroom.”

Wade had his third treatment and he was completely cured. Arrangement
s had been made for Wade and me to be married at Sunset. This was the happiest day of my life.

We were in for a pleasant surprise when we were greeted by a pair of islanders and their two children.
“It is a great honor to finally meet the Changeling Princess and her companion,” said the wife. I didn’t recognize the couple, but Wade did.

You are Jasma and this is your husband, Ausue,” said Wade. “You were the first Ivarrs to battle the Demon intruders ten thousand years ago.”

This is true,” said Ausue. “Jasma was badly wounded and I would not leave her side. The Supreme Being brought us here and we have been together since then. These are our two children, Ausue Jr. and Ivy.”

The children looked to be around seven years old, but my instincts told me that they
were much, much older. I got down on one knee and hugged each of them. “Your parents are legends,” I said. “It is an honor to meet both of you.”

We will be at your wedding,” said Jasma. “No one brings gifts, but you will be showered with love.”

I was so happy I felt a tear forming in my eye. My next surprise was seeing Princess Meea as she materialized before me.
“You can travel to Crystal Island?” I asked.

Yes. I have the power to travel anyplace on this planet. I just want you to know that I will be attending your wedding; just as I attended the wedding of Jasma and Ausue. I have a simple request.”

There is nothing we would deny you if it is in our power,” said Wade.

I would like to bring Yolla with me. She idolizes both of you and I would like her to have a glimpse into the future to see a world that is totally devoid of evil.

I looked and Wade and we both smiled.
“We would be honored,” I said.

* * *

The ceremony was officiated by Ishba. It lasted only ten minutes and it was the happiest ten minutes of my life. “We will keep in touch,” said Jasma. “As former Ivarrs, we have a lot to talk about.”

I wish you a long and happy life,” said Princess Meea. “You deserve all the happiness that Crystal Island has to offer.”

Yolla had tears in her eyes.
“You too finally marry. Yolla cry because I happy for you.”

We took turns hugging Yolla and Princess Meea. They were both smiling as they faded from view and disappeared.

After all the guests had left, Ishba led us to a hut that was to be our new home. It wasn’t very large, but it didn’t have to be. The island took care of our needs and the hut was only for privacy.

Missy and Izzy were busy investigating our new home.
“You girls will be sleeping outside tonight,” I said.

I understand,” said Missy. “Come on Izzy; let’s go see if there are any tomcats on this island.”

Just remember this one important rule, girls. You chase the boys until they catch you.”

That doesn’t make sense,” said Izzy as she was walking away with Missy.

I’ll explain it to you later,” said Missy. “And try to keep quiet if we do run into any tomcats. I’ll do all the talking.”

Wade and I were both laughing as we closed the door. Wade took me into his arms and we kissed.
“You once told me you were my girl, Janis. Now that we’re married it’s official.”

That’s right, Wade, and I’ve still got your ring to prove it.” Wade looked amused. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

I was just thinking that it could take a couple of thousand years before we have our first child.”

If that’s the case, we’ll have lots of time to practice.”

We were both laughing as Wade took me in his arms again and kissed me. I was happy beyond belief and tears of happiness were running down my cheeks. I was going to count my blessings every single day for the rest of my life.








Jackie Shirley grew up in St. Joseph, Michigan, a picturesque little town on the shore of Lake Michigan. Jackie has always been fascinated with science fiction. He has seen every episode of
“Captain Video,” “Science Fiction Theater,” “Twilight Zone,” “Outer Limits” and “Stargate SG-1.”


Jackie taught rudimental drumming, worked as an Aerospace and Automotive tool designer and once owned and operated a family billiard room in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Since retiring to Las Vegas, Jackie has taken up writing.
The Changeling Princess
is his first venture into the world of fantasy. Jackie has also authored several children’s books that he plans to release in the near future.


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