Read The Changeling Princess Online

Authors: Jackie Shirley

The Changeling Princess (37 page)

It has always been the policy of the Fairy community not to interfere with those who live outside the Enchanted Forest. We have never resorted to violence.”

I respect what you’ve told me, but the evil brother and sister will eventually discover the Enchanted Forest. If they take control of this planet, they will eventually discover you.”

That is something we have considered. If it comes down to that, then we will fight to protect the Enchanted Forest. What you call Fairy dust can be an exceptionally powerful weapon.”

Hopefully, we will be able to stop the evil siblings,” I said with a threating tone. “Maybe we should make the Vadrza kingdom our next stop?”

Princess Meea pondered what I had said.
“The first crystal that landed on this planet was in what is now called Castle Town. The last crystal that fell to the surface was in the kingdom now ruled by Subaza and Nardo. I think you were sent to Castle Town because you were expected to defuse all of the crystals that lay between you and the Vadraza kingdom.”

I couldn
’t believe all the information we had acquired. And to top it off, we were treated to viewing the battle of the first Ivarr and his Witch companion. We thanked Princess Meea and we joined Yolla and Andra. Yolla was so thrilled she couldn’t stop talking. I was pretty thrilled myself.

* * *

Yolla’s father was waiting for us when we arrived back at the village. He was a proud father and his face was beaming. “You have Princess Meea blessing?” he asked.

Yes, father. Yolla make you proud one day.”

Already proud. If mother was alive, she be proud, too.”

Wade and I decided to spend the night and head out early the next morning. I had an idea I wanted to discuss with Wade.
“What do you think of the idea of making swords and shields for the village warriors? They’d be indestructible and they’d make a great going away present.”

That’s a wonderful idea, Janis. I think we’re in debt to the Clan because we got to meet Princess Meea. How many swords and shields did you have in mind?”

I think we should make a hundred of each. This would be a good time for you to work on perfecting your force field shaping skills.”

I agree. Let’s get to work.”






We were up early the next morning to finish the swords and shields. We compressed extra air into the weapons to make them heaver. This gave the weapons a more natural feel instead of being ultra-light weight. I also added a new twist by making the swords sharper, giving them the capability to slice through iron. The swords were going to be a super weapon on this planet.

When we finished the weapons, we lined them in a row for Borgof and Yolla to inspect. Borgof picked up one of the swords and faced off against Yolla.
“Defend yourself, daughter.”

Yolla drew her sword and assumed a fighting stance. With a single motion, Borgof cut Yolla
’s sword in two like it was butter. “This powerful sword,” said Borgof.

I interrupted.
“The only defense against your sword is another sword just like it. Another advantage is that these swords never have to be sharpened. Your shield is made of the same hard material and it cannot be pierced.”

Good weapons, light but strong,” said Borgof. “What we pay you?”

Nothing,” I said. “The swords and shields are given in friendship. Maybe someday you can do us a favor.”

Borgof placed his sword across his chest.
“I make pledge here and now. You need help from Zema Clan, we be there and help.”

Yolla hugged me before we left.
“Yolla learn much from you. Yolla always miss you.”

Just do the best you can and become a wise and strong High Priestess. And don’t forget to follow your father’s advice. He only wants what’s best for you.”

Yolla turned to Wade.
“You strong and brave. Janis strong woman. She give you many fine babies. They grow up become warriors.” I tried not to giggle because Wade looked embarrassed.

Janis and I aren’t married, yet, but I’m working on it,” Wade said with a smile.

Yolla faced me.
“What wrong with you. You not find another like Wade. He beautiful, like gods who look over us.”

Now I was the one who was embarrassed.
“Maybe we’ll get married when our mission is complete.”

Not know what marriage is. Still time to make babies. No one that busy.”

Wade was smirking as we headed out of the forest.
“All right, Wade, I know you’re dying to make some kind of a cute remark. Say it and get it over with.”

Okay, I think Yolla’s wisdom is going to make her a great High Priestess.”

No remarks about having babies?”

Of course not. I know I have enough will power for the both of us if you can’t control yourself. After all, it’s not every woman who has the opportunity to sleep alongside a beautiful god-like creature every night.”

I smacked Wade on the arm and we both laughed. I thought Wade was the sweetest and most considerate guy I
’d ever met. I’d just have to wait and see what the future had in store for us.

* * *

We traveled as Mists for two hours and there was still nothing but forest below us. The scent of another crystal was getting stronger, so I knew we didn’t have much farther to go. We decided to take a break from flying, so we dropped down to the ground and morphed into our human form. I thought the surrounding looked similar to the forest Yolla’s Clan lived in. The only difference was the weather was getting colder.

We traveled several miles on foot and the sunlight was slowly disappearing. My senses were suddenly alerted to an invisible presence directly in front of me. I threw up a protective force field just as several humanoid creatures appeared out of thin air. They fired several energy bolts at us and then turned invisible again.

I decided the blasts were just a warning because the energy bolts were extremely weak. The creatures appeared again and fired off another set of energy bolts. I threw a force field around the creatures, imprisoning them in place in their present form. Wade and I approached the surprised creatures.

Why do you attack us,” I asked. “We come in peace and we mean you no harm.” We backed away and released the creatures from the force field.

When I released the force field,
the creatures looked puzzled and then one of them stepped forward. “My name Halanda. You trespass in Forest of Mistazoids. We mean no harm, just chase you away.”

I remembered that Mistazoid was a term used by Mists many centuries ago. I couldn
’t help wondering if the creatures on this planet could be related to the Mists on Earth. “We are Mistazoids, too, I said. “We come from a faraway land unknown to you. I motioned to Wade and we put on a quick demonstration by turning into Mists.

That not possible,” said Halanda. “I know all Mistazoids living on this world.”

Wade and I reverted back to our human form.
“As I said before, we are not from this world. We have traveled a long ways and we wish to speak with your leaders.”

The Mistazoids huddled in a circle. When they broke the circle, Halanda confronted us again.
“Why we trust you?”

We could have destroyed all of you if that had been our intention.” I looked around and picked out a dead tree to use for an example. Using my power of telekinesis, I pulled the tree up by its roots and suspended it a hundred feet in the air. “Do you want to do the honors,” I asked Wade?

Wade used his energy beam and blew the dead tree into a million pieces. Then he caused the wind to blow, scattering the pieces all over the forest.

I decided to introduce myself. “My name is Janis and this is my companion, Wade.”

You evil Wizards,” Halanda said, moving backwards in fear.

We are not Wizards and we are not evil. We are on a mission to collect crystals and we offer protection to all who seek it. Princess Meea told us the crystals will lead us to Subaza and Nardo, the evil siblings in the kingdom of Vadraza.”

You speak to Princess Meea? That great honor, you just youngsters. How you fight Subaza and Nardo? They most powerful Sorcerers on this world.”

We also have many powerful skills. Our assignment is to seek out The Queen and her brother and destroy them.”

Who gave powers?” Halanda asked.

The Supreme Being,” I answered. “Wade has great powers too.”

Halanda spoke again.
“We believe in the great power, he live in sky, look over all creatures. He called many names. We call him Wachacha. If Wachacha spoke to you, you are chosen ones. Come, I take you to town.” The Mistazoids turned into Mists. Wade and I turned into Mists and followed them.

When we materialized, I found myself in a town that was far more modern than the villages we
’d visited earlier. It was obvious the Mistazoids were an advanced culture because the streets were lit with glowing lamps. I was especially impressed because everything was sparking clean. The scent of the crystal was overwhelming and I knew we had reached its source.

The people in the town reminded me of the Rens. The only thing out of the ordinary was the sight of the people constantly disappearing and suddenly reappearing.

We attracted quite a crowd as we walked down the street with Halanda. I was studying the layout of the town when we came upon a large flat bolder in the middle of the street. The top of the bolder was completely flat and lying on top of the bolder was a green crystal about three feet in diameter. Several citizens were kneeling around the crystal as if in prayer.

This is healing stone,” said Halanda. “It cure sick, gives us many powers.”

Is your energy beam powered by the crystal?” I asked.

Yes, but beam never used for evil. Mistazoids are peaceful.” 

We stopped in front of a large building that I assumed to be the town hall. Once we were inside the building, we were given stools to sit on. Directly in front of us was a long table with six empty chairs.

The town hall filled up quickly because the news had spread that there were strangers in town. I assumed we were going to meet the leaders of the Mistazoid Clan.

Six older Mistazoid men entered room. I assumed these were the Town Elders. All six Elders had shoulder length white hair and long beards hanging down to their waist. The Elders wore dark blue gowns and pointed hats that were at least two feet high. Both the gowns and the hats had white stars painted on them. I’d seen pictures of Wizards dressed like this in Fairytale books. None of the Elders had any unusual powers, so I knew they weren’t Wizards.

The Elders seated themselves with the exception of the senior Elder who remained on his feet to speak.
“This meeting called because visitors possess unusual powers. Will visitors rise, tell us why they enter Forest of the Mistazoids.” I looked at Wade and then rose to my feet before I spoke.

We are travelers from another world. We are searching for the many crystals that landed on your world, countless years ago. The crystals I speak of are similar to the one your people draw their power from. Unlike the Mistazoids, there are those who have used the crystal for evil. Our mission is to destroy the evil creatures who misuse their powers. Our final objective is to defeat Queen Subaza and her brother in the kingdom of Vadraza.” 

The senior Elder spoke again. “Subaza and Nardo too powerful to destroy. It take power of gods to defeat them.”

We have such powers,” I said. The crowd gasped as I used my power of telekinesis to raise the entire building off the ground. Some of the townspeople were hanging onto their chairs and others turned into Mists and flew out of the building. After I placed the building back on the ground, Wade and I went through a series of transformations, including morphing into two of the Town Elders. For a demonstration of strength, I decided to morph into the Changeling Princess for maximum power. The crowd was shocked, but I had no idea why. I was a little bit taller and I was wearing my toga, but that shouldn’t have caused such an extreme reaction.

Behold,” said the senior Elder. “Prophecy of Angel of Deliverance come to pass. We do test, prove she is one.”

I think you’ve been mistaken for some sort of a goddess,” Wade whispered. “Whoever this Angel of Deliverance is, you must bear a striking resemblance to her.”

Do any kind of test you want,” I said with confidence. “My body is indestructible and I cannot be harmed.”

A Mistazoid was singled out of the crowd and stepped forward with a determined look on his face.
“I am Cador. I have strongest energy blast of Mistazoids. I do test.”

I was summoned to stand with my back against the wall. I watched as Cador took a deep breath before he fired his energy blast directly at my midsection. I stood there smiling.
“Who’s next?” I asked, looking confident.”

The senior Elder shouted in a loud voice,
“Fetch Mistazoid Ax. It strengthened by magic crystal. It slice tree in half with single swing.”

A Mistazoid returned with a huge ax that contained a large green blade. It was obvious that the blade of the ax had been reinforced with the power of the crystal. The senior Elder nodded his head and the Mistazoid walked slowly toward me.

The Mistazoid looked hesitant as I patted myself on my stomach. “Right here,” I said, “and make it a strong blow. The ax man proceeded to hit me in the stomach with all the strength he could muster. The blade of the ax shattered into a hundred pieces.

There was a hush in the town hall as the senior Elder spoke.
“We honored to be in presence of Angel of Deliverance.”

I had Wade stand beside me and we both bowed to the Town Elders. “The Mistazoids are an intelligent and noble race. It is we who are honored, but I do not know of this person you call the Angel of Deliverance.”

Mawanda was great Seer who foretold of Angle of Deliverance. We take you to Hall of Knowledge to see drawing. You have questions, I answer them.” 

I have a question concerning the Mistazoids on my world. Do you have any records of Mistazoids leaving your Clan and traveling to another world? Their journey would have been long, long ago, possibly through some kind of a portal.”

The senior Elder hesitated.
“Yes, stories handed down from generation to generation of such adventures. If you know of this, it’s a sign the journey was successful. Descendants still alive?”

Yes, but the Mists, as we call them, keep to themselves and are few in number. I do not know of any instances in which a Mist has ever resorted to violence.”

The senior Elder smiled.
“Mistazoids always peaceful. We believe in strength through faith, but we defend ourselves. Is time to visit Hall of Knowledge.”

I nodded my head and we following the Elders to a small building at the far end of the village. I had no idea what to expect and neither did Wade.

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