Read Tangled in a Web of Lies Online

Authors: Jesse Johnson

Tangled in a Web of Lies (31 page)

“What do you want me to do?” asks Cole.

“Nothing. Follow her back, stay on her shadow. I’ll handle it.”



Chapter 29
Revenge Served Sweet


I have the long drive back to my brother’s in Colorado. I call up my mom and tell her I have an emergency and I’m out of town. She deposits $3,000 for me and I tell her I’ll give her the cash sometime next week.

Keila is inside helping herself to Dustin’s fridge when I get back.

“Hey. Where did you take off to?” she asks, pulling a soda from the door.

“Jaime and I had some friends in Denver, I just went to go say hey for a while,” I lie.

“We’re hitting the casino tonight, right?”

“Yeah. I’m just going to get cleaned up.”

After a shower, the three of us head to a casino resort up the street from Dustin’s. I’m not much of a gambler, but what money I lose in slots, I make back with the casino’s free drink policy.

I get drunk enough to feel like dancing, and me and Keila take over a dance floor in the casino’s bar. Even Dustin gets down with us. Men all over the place are hitting on Keila in her little pink dress and silver heels. She dances with a few of them, obviously trying to put Cole out of her mind. She keeps drinking, until she can barely stand on her heels without her arm around someone. Guys cheer when she finally falls, exposing a generous amount of her lace panties to everyone watching. Dustin is quick to help her up, and it’s cute how he seems a little embarrassed for her.

“Maybe it’s time we get out of here,” he says to me while Keila is still cheering back at all the people mocking her grace.

Together we wrangle Keila back out to Dustin’s SUV. Not that I’m in much better shape. I had almost as much to drink as Keila, I’m just less of a lightweight.

After losing her footing on her heels several times in the parking lot, Dustin heaves Keila over his shoulder and carries her the rest of the way. I throw my sweater over her ass to help cover her up.

Keila is so drunk she doesn’t even realize how ridiculous she sounds in her attempts to flirt with Dustin. Luckily, he’s a gentleman about it. I almost feel bad dumping her on him the minute we get through the door, but I’m exhausted. He seems to be pretty taken with her, regardless of the fact that she’s wasted.

I fall asleep pretty quickly, but I’m woken up several times because of Keila’s screaming through the thin walls of Dustin’s house.
Guess she’s getting her revenge sex.

Sunday morning we all sleep in past noon. Once we’re awake, we take the entire day to chill, smoke bowls and play video games on Dustin’s flat screen. It’s relaxing, but on the inside, I’m anxious about Billy.

I wonder if he got the money okay, and if everything is alright. I keep thinking he’ll call but my phone never rings. I check my phone one last time before I try to fall asleep. It’s going to be a long drive back to Cali in the morning.

My alarm goes off at 6:00, but I hit snooze a couple times before I finally get up. I have to knock on Dustin’s door to wake Keila up. I walk into his kitchen and start a pot of coffee before I get dressed and toss my bags in the car.

Keila’s just getting out of the shower when I sit at the table to have a cup of coffee with Dustin. I catch him eyeing her scurrying into the spare room in her towel.

“Thanks for bringing a friend,” Dustin smiles a wicked grin at me.

“And you always said all my friends were ugly,” I tease.

“That was just to piss Kelli off.” Dustin takes a sip of coffee with a grin still plastered on his face.

“Her husband is gonna rip me a new asshole if he finds out she slept with my brother.”

“Seems like she had a bit of getting even to do,” says Dustin.

“No shit!” I agree. To be honest, Dustin is right, and I don’t really care what Cole thinks.

“Think they’ll get back together?” he asks.

I give Dustin a strange look, wondering why he cares.

“I have no idea.” I shake my head as I bury my face in my coffee mug again. Could Dustin really be crushing on her? I guess it makes sense, she is cute.

Keila finally emerges from the room, looking like a Hawaiian supermodel right out of a magazine. Her long flowing dress, with two manicured feet popping out the bottom, hugs her tits. The matching blue flower holding the side of her hair accents her eyes.

Dustin stands up to help her with her bags, and I rinse my cup in the sink. They don’t come back inside, so after using the bathroom one last time, I head out. I’m not surprised to see them kissing at the back of Odin’s truck.  But I am surprised at the moment they seem to share when she looks up at him to say goodbye.

I try not to watch, climbing into the truck, as if my brother isn’t making out with my boyfriends sister-in-law. Keila gets in, and I turn up the volume on the Pantera CD in the stereo. Things are quiet, although Keila seems a lot more peaceful on the drive home than she did on the way here.

The whole way back, I keep wondering what to say to Odin about Billy. I know I should tell him. I just have this feeling he’s going to flip out. He’s a very protective man, and he doesn’t like me doing anything that he doesn’t know about. I should have told him before I went. But even then, I knew it was going to be a fight. I had to see what Billy needed, and I couldn’t let Odin get in the way. The further I drive, and the longer I think about it, the easier it seems I should just keep this little side trip to myself. 

“You okay?” asks Keila, after my long, drawn out silence.

“Yeah,” I smile, but inside I’m still really worried about Billy.

It’s after dark by the time I finally drop Keila off and make it back to Odin’s house. It’s almost strange not having a motorcycle escort on my tail when I pull into the driveway. As I open the front door, I’m surprised with lit candles and scattered rose peddles. They trail along the floor leading me first to a glass of wine on the breakfast bar, and then to the stairs.

As I reach the first step, I catch a glimpse of Odin, staring down at me from the loft. He’s not wearing a shirt, and his hands hang loosely from his pockets.

“Hey,” he calls to me as I begin to climb to the steps. “How was your trip?”

“Good,” I smile, making my way closer.

“What did you do?” he asks as I finally reach him.

“Just hung out at Dustin’s house and went to the casino for a night. Keila got really drunk.” I place my arms around Odin, resting my hands on his smooth back.

“Anything else?”  Odin pulls me close, gazing into my eyes. There’s just no way I’m going to ruin this moment with the truth.

“Nope. Just hung out and played video games.”

Odin’s lips seal over mine, and he sucks my tongue into his mouth. When I pull it back, his teeth sink into my lower lip. I wince for a moment, but the metallic taste in my mouth arouses me, and I take in a breath. Odin begins pulling my clothes off, throwing them in opposite directions.

“I have a scene ready to go in the dungeon,” he says. I should have known he didn’t quit with candles, wine and roses. “It’s no gentle spanking either,” he warns.

That familiar feeling of anxiety and excitement creeps through me. The dungeon is always intense. I finish my glass of wine and set it on the pool table. Odin comes up behind me, and caresses my bare ass cheek. He gives it one good spank before he ushers me toward the door to the spare room.

The anticipation is thrilling, moving through my nerves like a fire as he opens the door. He has candles lit inside as well.

He lets me in the room, and chains me in the standing position from cuffs dangling from the ceiling. He’s moved things around in preparation. When he’s finished securing my arms, he gags me. My adrenaline spikes, realizing I won’t be able to use my safeword. Then, Odin grabs a gas mask from the wall and secures it over my head. The eyes have been painted black leaving me with no vision, and muffled hearing.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest. It’s terrifying having my senses taken away from me. But the fear turns me on. Odin smoothes the surface of what feels like a wooden paddle over my ass, and I get excited. The first blow is soft and it makes me wet. The second blow has more of a purpose to it, slapping hard against my skin. The second blow comes down just as swiftly, stinging my flesh. I groan around the gag with the third hard smack. My skin begins tingling, and my nipples tighten as my body fully embraces the sweet pain of submission.

Then, the paddle comes down so hard it rattles my bones. I shriek around the gag, but I’m completely helpless. It cracks down again, with equal force. The pain is intense, I don’t know if I can take much of this. But I have no way to tell Odin as much. It’s hard not to panic. I just have to trust that Odin knows my limits, and won’t push them past their breaking point.

I bite down on the gag, bracing myself for his next blow, but it comes softer. Odin must notice my nipples getting harder. He smacks one with his bare hand and I moan around the gag. It turns me on when he uses his hands instead of the paddle. He slaps my other breast, then the paddle comes down on my ass a few more times until it’s unbearable. I try to move away from it. But my toes barely dance along the floor, and Odin uses the palm of his hand to smack my pussy.

“Don’t try to get away from me!” he orders, paddling my ass again. His voice is angered. Did I do something to deserve harsh treatment?

He smacks my pussy again, harder this time. It’s hot. I want him to make me cum, but he doesn’t. Instead, he tortures me some more, alternating between the paddle on my bare ass and his hand spanking me between my legs. I can feel his fingers start to slip between my lips with each slap, but he’s careful not to push them inside me, keeping me on the edge of pleasure without actually giving it to me.

My ass throbs as I bite down on my gag, and desperately try to beg with my body language for him to ease up. When I think I can’t handle one more blow, his hand slaps my pussy and a finger finally slips inside, easing the tension inside of me. His fingers press forward, massaging the sensitive spot inside me. The paddle comes down again, forcing me forward into his hand. It fucking hurts, and I scream around the gag in my mouth. He pushes two more fingers inside, stretching me open as he paddles me again.

His hand thrusts in and out, fucking me hard with three fingers. I moan wildly, trying to concentrate on the motion of his fingers. Then he slows down, pushing a fourth finger into my already wet pussy. It pinches at first, but with one more strike of the paddle, it’s quickly forgotten. Four fingers dive into me, curling forward in a way that makes my knees weak as I dangle from my wrists. I want to cum, and I’m almost there. Even the excruciating burn of the paddle isn’t enough to stop the orgasm that begins to seed deep within.

Then a strange muffled noise catches my ear. It’s a ringing cell phone. Odin never brings his phone in here, he must be expecting something. His hand slips out of me, just as I’m about to cum.

“Hello,” I hear him say. “Yeah. Right now?” There’s a moment of silence but other than his voice I’m completely unaware of my surroundings. “That’s fine. Yeah, I’m on my way.”

On his way? He’s going leave me like this?




Devil’s Cut

Odin hangs up the phone and gazes up at Lila, beautifully hanging from the ceiling. Her hair flows beneath the straps of the gas mask creating a maze of red waves down her back. Her toes graze along the floor, trying to find a solid place to stand. He wants to leave her just the way she is, but it’s dangerous. Arms suspended, with a ball gag in her mouth, she could suffocate. There’s also no way in hell he’s letting her go free, not after the lie she just told.

“Daddy has to go take care of some things,” he says, unfastening her wrists and leading her toward a leather bench seat. He lays her face down and cuffs her wrists and ankles to the feet of the bench.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he warns, “this is far from over.” Her legs are spread on either side of the bench, giving him easy access to her ass. He coats a smaller butt plug with a ginger lotion. It’s not nearly as intense as straight up ginger, but it will still burn.

“I’m gonna leave you something to remember me while I’m gone,” he says, pushing the ginger coated plug into her. Her body stiffens uncomfortably, as he spreads her cheeks with his hands. “Don’t mind the burn, it will only last an hour or so. I’ll be back later to finish this.” He gently kisses her back, caressing her hip one last time before leaves her bound, gagged and completely alone with a ginger coated anal plug.

“To be continued,” he says under his breath, wishing he could stay and enjoy this now. But she’ll be here waiting, with even more anticipation when he returns from the Devil’s errand he’s about to run. The call was to let him know there is an opening at the county jail, an opening to get Rick alone.

He slides the phone into his pocket with a wicked grin, stepping out the door. He carefully locks it behind him, making sure Lila will be perfectly safe inside. Then he quickly makes his way downstairs and into the garage where he mounts his bike. The entire ride he ponders all the things he’s going to do to Rick. A man can only do so much with his bare hands, but that won’t stop Odin from delivering a lifetime’s worth of pain and suffering. He can’t help that his smile gets bigger beneath his helmet as he speeds toward county.

Odin recognizes John from their earlier meet. He’s leaning on a black Corolla in the parking lot. He parks his bike, looking around the lot to make sure no one else is watching.

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