Read Tangled in a Web of Lies Online

Authors: Jesse Johnson

Tangled in a Web of Lies (28 page)

When he pulls out, I wince, feeling swore and extremely satisfied. He kisses his way from my neck, down my arms, to my ass. I shriek as he bites into the skin on my right cheek, and a single tear of pain slips from my eye. Odin laughs as I flip over onto my back, pulling at the ropes.

“Going somewhere?” he asks with a grin so evil I want to slap it right off.

“Untie me,” I demand, still feeling the sting of his bite on my ass.

“As you wish.” Odin moves towards my waist to begin untying my legs. He takes his time, enjoying my discomfort. But once the ropes are off, Odin takes a bottle of lotion from the bathroom, and proceeds to massage my entire body starting with my feet. As he moves up my back, he’s careful be gentle over his fresh bite mark, and avoids the new brand on my shoulder completely. He tries to convince me we should change the bandage he’s placed on it, but I beg him to wait. I don’t want to have to deal with that kind of pain right this moment.

We make it back to Barstow in the early afternoon and stop for lunch. Odin says he wants me to stay with him, starting immediately. Since we don’t know where Rick is at with the recent death of his son, I agree to stay with him. Odin starts talking movers and cutting my lease short. I get tired just thinking about the process of moving again.

“Maybe we can just keep my apartment till the lease is up. I only have a little less than two months left anyhow. I can go back and forth a little, move slowly. Then we don’t even have to hire a mover, we’ll have plenty of time. Plus if you want me to live at your house, you’re going to have to make room for me. I’d really like to keep the furniture set you just bought me.”

Odin contemplates this a moment while eating his fries. “I can clear the guest room out. I don’t mind keeping the place till the lease is up, but I don’t want you staying there alone. It makes me nervous. Besides, you belong in my bed.”

His boyish grin warms my heart.

“Fine.” I agree. “I can get rid of my couches, I don’t really have any use for them and they’re old. Jaime took the nice one.” Idly I wonder what happens to all his stuff now anyways. Not that I want any of it. I washed my hands of all his shit the night I put my fist through his face. “I can put them up on craigslist now. That gives me almost two months to get them gone, along with anything else I don’t need.”

“I can get you a storage container for free. We have a friend who owns a storage lot,” Odin offers.

“I don’t think I’ll need it. I really didn’t take much when I moved into the condo.”

“I can get Cole, Damien and Nathan to help move. Make a few prospects clean the place out. That’s what they’re there for anyway,” he jokes.

I take a deep breath, letting the commitment sink in. “You sure you’re ready to live with me?”

“Are you kidding? Coming home to your shit cooking, and that fine ass of yours every night? Yeah, baby, I’m ready.” He takes a shot at my cooking.

“As far as I’m concerned, you can cook!” I stick my tongue out at him before taking a bite of my burger.

“How bout I pay for some cooking classes?”

I grimace. Not because he’s bashing my cooking, I know I can’t cook well. It’s because he has to pay for everything, and I hate it. I know he doesn’t want me working, but I hate him covering the cost for everything. What if I want to go shopping, or go out with the girls? Having to ask for an allowance feels childish.

“What’s wrong, Ly?” he asks, picking up on my distracted look.

“Nothing,” I lie, not really wanting to have the argument.

“Don’t lie to me. What are you thinking?”

I gaze into Odin’s deep blue eyes, waiting patiently for me to respond.

“I hate not working. I know it’s what you want, but I hate it. I can’t stand feeling…” Feeling what? Worthless? Useless?  “Like a bum.”

Odin laughs like I’m just being dramatic, but it only irritates me. He just doesn’t get it. It’s the way I was raised. My grandma and my mom are two very hard working women, and I feel like I’m failing to do the same, letting a man practically wipe my ass for me.

“It’s not funny. I don’t want to be a kept woman. I’ll go fucking crazy sitting at home all day, waiting for you to come home and fuck me. There’s really only so much porn a girl can watch.” I try and joke, but my mood doesn’t lighten.

“Why don’t you come work for Harting Brothers?”

My face turns to shock. Did he just ask me to come work with him and his family?


“Come work in the office. Shannon and Keila could use the help. They can teach you everything about designing blue prints, making orders, setting up consultants.”

“Shouldn’t you at least ask them first?”

“Actually, it was Micah’s idea. He’s putting together an offer for you. I was gonna wait till he gave it to me, but I’m sure it will be generous. Solves both our problems. You can have a job, and I don’t have to be concerned about where you are, or who you’re working with, or whether or not your ex father-in-law is gonna come in gunning for you.” He says the last part like it’s a joke, but I know he’s not kidding.

I can hardly believe it was Micah’s idea, but I do believe they had a conversation about it and I’m excited. Working for Odin’s family’s company is as good as being married to him really. A huge grin spreads across my face, realizing his family obviously likes me. It’s something I never really accomplished with Jaime’s family.

“There’s the smile I want to see,” says Odin, grinning as the waitress picks up our empty plates. “So is that a yes?”

“Yeah. I’d love to work with you guys.”


Chapter 26

Dog House

Cole is lounging on the Odin’s couch when we come through the garage, carrying our stuff.

“Hey! How was your trip?” Cole sounds surprisingly cheerful, for someone who just found out he might have knocked up a stripper.

“Good. Don’t get comfortable.” Odin’s tone is clipped, and he sounds pissed at Cole. I’m mad at Cole too, and I can’t imagine what Keila is feeling. It’s good to know Odin isn’t taking his brother’s side.

Speaking of brothers, I need to call Dustin. He left me a voicemail yesterday. I excuse myself and head up to Odin’s room with my bags. Pulling my phone from by bag, I call him.

“What’s up?” Dustin sounds happy to hear from me.

“Not much. I just got back from a little cross country trip with Odin.”

“I thought you got out of the cross country business,” says Dustin, thinking I was drug running.

“Actually, it wasn’t a business trip. It was for pleasure. We took the bike out to Louisiana, back to Odin’s home town.”

“That’s cool. When you gonna take a trip to come visit your favorite brother?” He’s only my favorite brother because I don’t have any other brothers. But I smile into the phone.

“Actually, I would love to take a trip and come see you soon. But I’m starting a new job, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to slip away.”

“Where are you going to start working?”

“Harting Brothers Construction, with Odin. His family is giving me a job in the office.”


“Yeah, Odin asked me to move in with him too.”

“Odin, that’s the guy who showed up at your place while I was there right?” Dusting sounds suspicious.

“Yeah, we dated when Jaime was in jail. I really like him. We were broken up when you were here, but we’re back together, everything is going good.”

“Alright.” If there’s one thing I can always count on about Dustin, it’s that he won’t question my choices. And I love that about him.

“Jumping right into it then.  Good for you. Well hey, listen. I’d love to have you out for the weekend, before the weather starts getting worse.”

“Yeah. Well maybe Odin and I can come out for Thanksgiving. I have a feeling it’s going to be an awkward holiday for his family. Odin’s brother knocked up a stripper, and his wife is pissed.”

Dustin laughs, like I would at a hilarious sitcom. “Oh man, with a stripper, that’s righteous.”

I smile, because it is totally cliché. “Yeah. Anyways, I will let you know when we can make it out. Talk to you later?”

“Later on.”

I hang up the phone, and lay down on the bed. Being on the road was the best vacation ever, but long periods of riding on the back of a bike, can be exhausting. I can hear Odin and Cole arguing downstairs with the door open, and I catch a little of Odin calling Cole an arrogant asshole. But I fall asleep after a few minutes of lying comfortably.

I awake as the bed dips down, and Odin kneels beside me. He runs his hand gently up and down my side, slowly coaxing me awake.

“Hey, beautiful,” he says as I open my eyes. “I’m gonna hop though the shower, care to join me?”

I smile lazily, the idea of a shower with him stirs a strong desire inside me. He catches my grin, and a hungry growl escapes him. He leans down and plants a kiss on my hip, pulling the covers down my legs.

“Burr! At least go get the water warm before you make me get out of bed,” I tease, and Odin smiles an incredibly handsome smile.

He pulls the covers back up, planting another kiss on my lips and nuzzling my nose with his. “Yes love, I will warm the water up for you.”

I blush as Odin makes his way towards the bathroom, waiting in bed while the bathroom gets hot and steamy. I strip my clothes once the bathroom door is shut behind me, and quickly pull back the glass door of the shower. Odin lets me stand under the hot running water, handing me a soapy sponge, and opening up his arms, inviting me to bathe him.

“Turn around,” I whisper over the sound of the water. Odin turns and puts his hands up on the tile wall behind him. The sight of his back makes my knees weak. Sculpted muscles ripple down his arms, and back, The large Devil’s Bandit tattoo stares me in the eyes. He hangs his head forward and my eyes glide down from the bandit skull on his back, to the thick muscles of his ass. I reach my hand out, choosing to devour desert before having dinner.

Odin sounds amused as I gently caress his bottom with the soapy sponge in my hand. I move in circular motions, taking my time. Then I move up his back, using my other hand to rub soap into his skin as well. He relaxes under my touch, taking deep breaths as my arms wrap around him, and my hands reach his chest. With two hands, I wash soap over sternum, and down his tight abdominal muscles.

I purposely avoid his cock, moving around his balls to his legs. I squat down in the shower, washing all the way down to his feet. He turns slightly to gaze down at me, a pleased smile on his face. I feel gratification, knowing that I possess the key to his happiness. As I move back up his legs, I gently cup his balls in my soapy hand, washing tentatively. He allows me to wash his cock, but before I get a chance to get him too hard, he stops my hand, and pulls me back to my feet.

He moves us so that he is standing under the water, and pours more soap onto the same sponge.

“Now, you turn around,” he whispers with a seductive grin on his face. I return his stare, batting my lashes as I turn around and face the wall, pressing my back side at him.

He squeezes the sponge over my shoulders, letting soap fall down my back. Then he drops the sponge to the floor, and his hands proceed to lather soap all over my body.

He groans as his hands cup my ass, firmly rubbing suds into my cheeks. I press myself into his hands, and I hear his amusement. His hands move up my sides and around my body, grasping my breasts firmly.

My head falls back, pushing my chest into him as he squeezes gently. My nipples swell as his thumb grazes over them. I moan breathlessly, wanting him to touch me everywhere.

After a few minutes, Odin’s left arm reaches around my body to cup my right breast. His right hand smoothes down my body and rests between my thighs. My body is slippery, covered in soap and his hand easily glides over me, stroking my clit. He drags his whole hand, back and forth between my legs, and I roll my hips, grinding against his palm. His touch is sensual, his lips kissing my neck and sending shivers through my body.

Odin’s fingers find my clit, and he pulls me back so our bodies are pressed together. I feel his cock slip between my ass cheeks, and I instinctively move forward against his hand, trying to get away. But there’s nowhere to go. I’m pressed against the wall with Odin’s arm still holding me tightly against him. His cock moves between my cheeks once more, as his fingers move from my clit, to my entrance. Three large fingers slide inside me, soapy and smooth.

I moan as my insides catch fire. I spread my legs wider, begging him to go deeper. Odin doesn’t disappoint, sinking his fingers deep inside me, in a fucking motion. It feels so good. My fingers press into the wall in front of me, and I move my hips so that I’m riding his fingers.

“Show me how horny you are for me baby,” Odin says over my shoulder, igniting the flames inside of me. I moan louder, pushing my ass against his groin and spreading my thighs for him.

“Fuck me,” I beg.

Odin’s body forces me against the wall, his palm smashing into my breast as his cock presses into my ass. I gasp as he enters me. It hurts at first, but his fingers massage over my clit, relaxing my body. I grind against his hand, taking his dick deeper inside me each time I move backward.

Odin’s lips find the crook of my neck, and suck. My knees get weak beneath me as he holds me pinned to the wall. His hips flex slowly before picking up their pace. His fingers dive inside me, then pull out and continue to smooth over my clit. I try to keep my voice down, but fail. I lose my self to him, falling into an orgasm so fucking intense a gush of my juices flow over his fingers.

“Fuck baby! That’s so hot!” he hisses. His hand moves even faster, savagely forcing my orgasm to continue to a place where I am completely immobile. My mouth hangs open as every muscle locks into place. Screams echo through the shower as I cum so hard around his fingers that my body goes stiff as a board. Odin cums buried deep in my ass, growling my name through clenched teeth.

When we are finished, he holds me still, giving me a moment to gain my wobbly footing. I rest against his chest as he rinses me down. When he steps out, he hands me a terrycloth robe before pulling a towel around his waist.

I move on two shaky feet towards the bed, and climb beneath the covers. Odin checks his phone before coming to bed.

“I have to go out on a ride tomorrow. Shannon wants to know if you’d be down to come by the office. Keila’s taking some personal time, Shannon could use a hand,” he says as he comes to bed.

“Yeah. Can you drop me off at my house in the morning? I’ll drive over there.”

“No, take the Camaro. I have Nathan follow you in. I don’t want you alone.”

“Okay,” I don’t bother arguing.

“I’ll take you by your place tomorrow to grab some stuff.”

Having a chaperone, and not having a say in my own life feels suffocating, even if the reason behind it is as dangerous as Rick Mosley. I sigh in defeat.

“It’s only temporary, babe. We’ll get it worked out,” Odin assures me.



The next morning, Odin wakes me early to let me know that he’s taking off. He tells me that Nathan is downstairs, but Shannon won’t be in the office for a few more hours. He kisses me gently before he leaves. Before I fall back to sleep, I say a quick prayer that he stays safe today.

I dress as professionally as possible with the limited clothes I have at Odin’s house. I have one nice pair of dark denim jeans that I pair with a purple shirt that has lace sleeves. The back ties up, showing off some back, so I slip on a black undershirt first.

Nathan is downstairs, playing video games on Odin’s TV. “Morning Lila,” he smiles, looking up at me as I walk down the stairs. “I made coffee.”

“Thanks.” It’s kind of awkward having Nathan as a baby sitter, and I subtly avoid him, making myself something to eat in the kitchen.

“Ready to head out?” I ask, pulling my converse on my feet.

Nathan shuts off his game, and stands up from the couch, waiting on me to grab my purse.

“I’ve never been to the office, I’ll let you lead the way,” I tell Nathan before I head into the garage. I make myself comfortable in Odin’s Camaro, and follow Nathan down toward the Santa Monica Harbor. The office is a suite in one of the harbor’s many business buildings.

Shannon is sitting over a desk with her reading glasses on when I come through the door.

“Thank God!” she says when she sees me. “I am so behind, it’s not funny. Take a seat over here, and I’ll set you up with some papers.”

I nervously take a seat, hoping I won’t do anything to set her even further back when left alone. Shannon explains the process of putting together a quick estimate.

“So this is Micah’s handy work.” She points to some hand written script on a Haring Bro’s Construction co. pad. “You just input the estimated amount of labor hours, here where it says labor, “she points to the computer screen. “And then down here, it will ask for the estimated supply hardware. If you have any questions about what the abbreviations Micah uses just ask, but a lot of them are self explanatory. The computer will separate it into categories for you, tools, lumber, and hardware. Then it will spit out an estimated cost. When you’re done, send them to my email. I will take a quick glance at them, and turn them into a professional estimate, which I will teach you how to do later.”

I nod, typing away as I try to cipher out Micah’s hand writing. Shannon sits at her desk filing paperwork, and answering the phone. Every time I have a question, she’s has an easy answer and it puts my mind at ease. I get through a small pile of estimates before Shannon orders Chinese for lunch. It’s only once we’re taking a break over two bowls of chow mein, she tells me how pissed she is about the Cole and Keila situation.

“I feel so sorry for Keila. She’s been trying to get pregnant for a while, and now Cole knocks up some whore? So insulting. There’s nothing Keila wouldn’t do for him, she’s so in love. She might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but she’s the sweetest. He’s got no right fucking whores. And if you are going to do that kind of shit, you gotta keep it hidden, and away from your old lady. Not let the bitch show up at your house, insult your wife, and wave her fat pregnant belly around likes she’s proud of that shit.” Shannon is pretty blunt about her opinion, and I don’t blame her. Cheating is extremely insulting.

It’s almost naive to think it won’t ever happen, but as long as you never have to come face to face with it, it’s easy to lie to yourself.

“Cole thought he was going show up at my house for a place to stay, I don’t fucking think so! I’m keeping his room empty, just in case my daughter-in-law needs a place to crash for a night.”

“That’s awesome. I know Odin’s pretty pissed at Cole too.”

“Good! Cole ain’t going to listen to anyone else. Someone needs to slap some sense into his head. He can’t seem to think with anything other than his dick!”

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