Read Swing Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Swing (8 page)

Melissa clung to him. Oh God, she needed this man. Why had it taken her so long to find him? How had she lived

without him, and the pleasure only he could provide, for so long?

Her entire body seemed to contract. She gasped, then moaned with his thrusts. An overwhelming, tortuously

sublime, reeling pleasure blazed through her, searing every nerve of her body.

He thrust deeper and harder. Faster and with more enthusiasm. Her pleasure increased until her consciousness

expanded beyond time and space. She became pleasure in its most basic form. Pure bliss.

"Oh, Ty."

Melissa catapulted awake.

Oh my God. Guilt flushed through her as she realized here she was, in Shane's arms, dreaming about another


She glanced around at Shane's handsome, beloved face on the pil ow beside her. Last night, they'd made love

for the first time ever. An event she had dreamed about for years. And as soon as it had happened, she'd

dreamed about Ty Adams. A man she'd just met. A man who would have casual sex with other women even

though he was married. A man she could never, ever love.

Yet, in the dream, she'd felt so total y smitten with him.

Stupid dream!

She snuggled closer to Shane, taking comfort in the warmth of his arms around her, and the solid mass of his

chest against her cheek.

Gazing at his classically handsome, familiar face . . . a face she'd known and loved for years . . . she wondered

how she could have dreamed of Ty Adams. Shane was the one she wanted to be with.

He wrapped his arms around her, drawing her tight against his hard, broad chest. As she snuggled against him,

his chest hairs tickling her nose, she realized that in Shane's arms she felt safe and cherished.

This is where she wanted to be. Not with Ty Adams. That dream was just an aberration, triggered by the wild

goings-on in this crazy place. It didn't mean anything.

So why then did she feel so guilty?

"Mmm. Hi, there, sweetheart. Sleep well?" His murmured words caressed her cheek.

"Uh . . . yeah. Great."

His sea-blue eyes opened a little wider and he focused on her.

"Melissa, what's going on?" He propped himself up on his elbow. "Are you having regrets?" His expression grew taut. "Damn, I was afraid—"

She darted forward and covered his mouth with hers, stopping his stream of words. Then she toppled him

backward and climbed over him, keeping him in a passionate lip-lock. She thrust her tongue between his lips,

swirled it around, then released his mouth.

"Does that feel like a woman having regrets?"

"No." He smiled but his blue eyes grew pensive as he stroked her hair. "So what does this mean exactly? With respect to our relationship."

She perched her head on her elbow.

"Well, we're still friends," she assured him, purposely hedging around his question.

"And lovers?"

She smiled and stroked down his chest, the coarse hairs tickling her palm, then over the firm ridges of his

stomach. "Are you trying to hint you'd like another tumble?"

His hand clamped over hers, stopping its downward progress.

"Liss, I want to know. Was this just because we're here . . . at this resort?" His strong, warm hand wrapped

around hers. "There are a lot of . . . stimulating activities going on around here . . ."

She drew away, holding the sheet to her naked chest. Tumultuous emotions somersaulted through her.

Emotions she did not want to examine too closely.

"Are you asking if I just slept with you because you're convenient?"

"I know you wouldn't want to have sex with a stranger."

Her stomach tightened. "So you think I just used you?" Anger blazed through her. "Because I was horny?"

"Liss, it's okay. I understand, and I don't mind being there for you. I've had friends with benefits before—we just need to be careful not to let our emotions get involved."

Her fist clenched around the white cotton sheet.

"Don't worry, you can keep swinging with the wildlife around here." She bolted from the bed, tugging the sheet with her, ignoring Shane's ful y exposed, naked body. "I don't have any claims on you."

She stormed toward the bathroom. As soon as she'd closed the door behind her, she leaned against it and

sucked in a deep breath, her heartbeat hammering in her chest. Why was she so angry?

Maybe because what he says is partly true.

Last night, she had been confused, her hormones reacting to seeing Shane in that mini-orgy. Confused about the

excitement she'd felt seeing the woman making love with two men at the same time. Disturbed by how close

she'd come to grabbing onto Ty Adams and making a total fool of herself.

I know you wouldn't want to have sex with a stranger. I've had friends with benefits before. That's what Shane

had said.

Although she'd love to convince herself last night had been about pursuing a loving, intimate relationship with

Shane, which she'd longed to do for quite a while, it wasn't true. Last night had been about fleeing an onslaught

of disturbing sexual desires—including Ty Adams.

Melissa hugged the fluffy beach towel to her chest as she walked across the hot, stone patio toward the pool.

The sun, stil low on the horizon, set the sky alight in soft pinks and mauves. The sound of the surf rol ing along

the beach and the salty breeze caressing her face did nothing to distract her from the blazing guilt escalating

within her.

How could she have used Shane like that? Then, after having the greatest night of her life in Shane's arms, how

could she have dreamt of loving Ty Adams? No, making love with Ty. Actual love had nothing to do with it.

No one was at the pool at this early hour. Melissa dropped her towel on a lounge chair and walked down the

steps into the water. It felt a little cool on her calves. She waded deeper. As the cool water caressed her breasts,

a little shiver rushed down her spine and her nipples blossomed beneath her turquoise bikini. She swam to the

deep end and treaded water. Her eyelids drifted closed as she al owed the sounds of the birds twittering in the

trees, mingling with the soft breeze and the ocean rushing over the sand then rol ing away again, to wash her

mind free of troubling thoughts.

"Good morning."

Melissa opened her eyes. A statuesque blonde stood by the side of the pool, her trim, yet well-endowed figure

showcased in a floral wrap top, plunging low in front.

The aerobic-instructor-perfect blonde who had been on Ty Adams's arm. This was Ty's wife.

She dropped her towel on the chair beside Melissa's, then unfastened the tie at her waist and slipped off the

top. She wore only a bikini bottom beneath. As she walked down the steps of the pool, her bare breasts—

perfect ful , round globes—bounced slightly. The nipples puckered as she stepped deeper and deeper into the

water. Finally, she swam toward Melissa, then tread water beside her.

"It's a lovely time for a swim."

Melissa had to force her gaze to the woman's face rather than watch the bobbing breasts visible under the


"Um . . . yes. Quiet."

"My name's Suzanne. I was in the orientation meeting with you. I'm a virgin, too."

Not bloody likely. It was difficult to believe this woman had ever been a virgin. She exuded too much raw


"Yes, I remember," Melissa said.

"So, are you enjoying the resort so far?"

"It's definitely been . . . interesting."

Suzanne's brow furrowed as she watched uncertainty cross the other woman's face. This did not sound good. Ty

had told her he was sure this was the woman who would report to the buyer interested in the resort, and if she

didn't enjoy herself here, she would probably give a negative report. Suzanne real y needed this sale. She had to

find a way to make this woman come to a positive opinion.

"It is pretty overwhelming," Suzanne said, hoping to prompt more conversation.

"Yeah, no kidding."

Melissa swam to the edge of the pool. Suzanne fol owed her, then rested her hand on the tiled deck so she

didn't have to keep treading water.

"Did you go to the welcome party last night?" Suzanne asked.


"Didn't you enjoy it?"

"It's not that. I guess it's just not my kind of scene."

As Suzanne watched Melissa, she realized there might be a different explanation for the woman's unease.

"Honey, you look troubled. Are you here because your husband pushed you into it?"

She'd seen it many times. Wives who came along because their husbands pressured them, telling them it was

the key to spicing up their marriage, when in reality, they just wanted permission to chase tail. It always angered

her that these susceptible, unconfident women had to put up with such psychological abuse from boorish,

uncaring, self-centered husbands.

This woman might be here as a spy for the buyer, but Suzanne didn't know that for sure. She might be one of

those sad, uncertain wives. Either way, she seemed to be hurting right now. Suzanne could sense it.

"No, we both wanted to come."

Suzanne didn't believe her. It was clear that she was total y out of her element here.

"I heard that your husband took part in one of the viewing rooms last night. You knew about that, right?"

Melissa's stomach churned. Did Suzanne know Ty had been with Melissa at the time? If so, was she jealous?

Suzanne rested her arm on Melissa's shoulder.

"Honey, do you feel betrayed by your husband?"

Betrayed? She thought about the fact she'd made love with Shane last night—for the wrong reasons—then been

in Ty's arms in her dreams.

"No, I feel I've betrayed him." Damn, why had she said that?

"Oh, honey. You shouldn't feel that way. Whatever you did, and with whom, it's al right. Everyone who came

here did it with the intent of having sex with someone else."

Suzanne slipped her arms around Melissa and pul ed her into a hug.

"It's okay."

The woman patted Melissa's back, but rather than being soothed, al she could think about were Suzanne's

large, firm breasts pushing against her bare skin, one tight nipple pushing against her arm.

"I didn't actual y do anything with anyone."

"Come on, honey. I heard that you did oral sex on my Ty in the numbers room."

Chapter 6


"Don't look so worried. It's fine with me." Suzanne laughed. "I hope you enjoyed him."

Melissa shook her head. "Did he tel you . . . ?" She paused, not quite sure what to ask. Did your husband tel you a strange woman pretended to suck his cock while a roomful of people watched?

"No, he didn't tel me. One of the other newbies did. But relax. It's not a problem. Really."

Melissa would have been more comfortable if Ty had told Suzanne it had been a pretense, but from his point of

view, why should he? Suzanne clearly had no problem with it.

This was all so strange. Melissa simply couldn't understand these people.

"Look, honey. I've met some people here. Members who've been coming for a long time. Why don't you come

have breakfast with us and you can talk to them? Find out about their experiences and how they handle the

swinging lifestyle."

Melissa nodded. This was exactly what she needed for her research.

Suzanne stepped from the pool and dried off. Melissa had gone ahead to her room to change.

"There's one gorgeous sight."

Suzanne smiled at Ty, stepping from between the trees. He was the gorgeous one, in his moss-green bathing

suit, his broad chest and arms bulging with muscles, his abs tight and wel -defined.

His gaze caressed her naked breasts like the soft breeze of the ocean. She stroked her hands up her ribcage and

beneath her breasts, lifting them slightly.

"Are you talking about these?"

He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Definitely." He cupped her breasts in his big, masculine hands, and gently caressed them. Her ripe nipples

rubbed against his palms, pushing out, hardening.

She leaned back against him, feeling his muscular chest against her bare back. "If you start something, you'd

better fol ow through."

He nuzzled her neck, sending tingles careening through her.

"Whatever you say."

Stil holding one happy breast in his hand, he slid his other hand down her stomach then dipped inside her

thong. He stroked her silky curls, then one finger slid over her mound and into her wet slit.

"Oh, honey. You know what I like." She parted her legs to give him better access.

He slid one finger inside, then two, stroking and pulsing inside her.

They heard voices—two men talking—and Ty started to slip his hand away, but Suzanne flattened her hand on

top of his, preventing its escape.

"Don't stop."

A moment later, two men appeared at the top of the steps to the patio. They stopped, taking in the scene with

Ty and Suzanne. Suzanne smiled at them, then leaned her head back on Ty's shoulder. The men continued down

the steps, both pairs of eyes on Suzanne. Ty pushed his finger deeper inside her, then started to thrust. The men

sat where they had a full-frontal view of Suzanne. One began stroking his crotch. She felt her whole body flush in

excitement. These men watching her, getting turned on, Ty stroking her, wanting her.

Ty's thumb brushed across her clit and she moaned. She was so close, ultra-turned on with the combination of

physical stimulation and being the intense focus of several horny males.

An orgasm crashed through her like wild surf hitting rocks, intense, raging pleasure pounding through her. She

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