Read Swing Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Swing (4 page)

to fairly evaluate the place, but she couldn't bring herself to ask. Not until she became more comfortable with

the place. If that ever happened.

"Thanks." She took a sip of her drink.

"Sure, honey." She held out her hand. "Karen Smeed."

Melissa shook her hand. "I'm Melissa Woods."

A man stepped to the bar and Melissa cringed, fearing he was going to approach her, but he slid his arm around

Karen's waist.

"Hello, sweetheart. I see you've made a new friend."

"Yes, Derrick, this is Melissa." Her voice took on a conspiratorial tone. "She's a virgin."

Melissa wished the woman would stop saying that.

"Really?" A smile spread across his rugged face and his eyes twinkled. "Isn't that delightful."

His hand slid higher and he cupped Karen's breast. Melissa's breath caught and she kept her gaze on Karen's

face, trying valiantly to ignore the way Derrick's fingers circled over her breast and how the nipple rose to a clear

outline through the thin fabric. Karen arched forward, forcing her breast fully into his hand.

"This man knows how to work a pair of tits."

Melissa's hand went to her necklace as she gazed around and noticed a few people glancing their way. Her face


"We'd love you to join us, Melissa." She rested her hand on Melissa's arm.

Melissa stiffened at the woman's touch.

Suddenly, she could imagine her little sister Elaine sitting here, alone and uncertain, this lewd couple

propositioning her while Steve was off chasing other women. Protective urges catapulted through her, fol owed

by a determination to make Elaine see reason.

"Derrick is very good with virgins. I can just watch or . . ." Her fingers stroked along Melissa's arm. ". . . Join in.

There's nothing like a good licking from another woman, don't you think?"

"I, uh . . ." Panic overwhelmed Melissa. She wanted to pul away but she couldn't.

"Ah, never tried it." She squeezed Melissa's arm in encouragement. "Well, that's what this place is about. Trying new things." She smiled wickedly. "And talking about new things, if you want to invite your husband along, you could try two men at the same time. You've never felt real pleasure until you've had one cock in your cunt and

another up your—"

"Melissa, there you are."

Melissa jumped at the voice and the hand clamping simultaneously on her shoulder. She glanced around and

came face-to-face with Ty Adams.

"I told my wife about your proposition and she would love for you to join us." Ty held out his hand and she

grabbed it like a lifeline. As he drew her to her feet, he turned to Karen. "Sorry to interrupt, but Melissa and I have a prior engagement."

Disappointment crossed the woman's face, but she smiled sweetly. "Of course. Maybe later, Melissa."

Melissa just stared at her dumbfounded as Ty gently tugged her away from the bar. She fol owed him across the

room, then out a door to a patio beyond. She sucked in a breath of fresh air. The rolling waves of the ocean

serenaded them as they walked beneath the glittering cascade of stars in the black sky.

Finally, Melissa regained her composure and stopped in her tracks.

"Wait a minute. I'm not going to join you and your wife—"

He waved her words away. "I know that. I just thought you could use some rescuing."

Her back stiffened. "I didn't need rescuing."

She became intensely aware that her hand was stil nestled in his, but pul ing it away would draw too much

attention to the fact.

He shrugged. "If you say so."

She glared at him, but then realized she really hadn't handled herself well.

What had come over her? Shock, most likely. She had suspected people were as brazen as Karen and her

husband in a swingers' club—that's one of the reasons she didn't want her sister anywhere near a place like

this—but Melissa real y hadn't anticipated being approached in such a bold manner.

Damn it, the man had helped her out of a difficult situation. She should at least be gracious about it.

"Thank you," she said, the words strung tight.

Usually, she was the one taking care of others—her sisters anyway. It was a strange feeling to have someone

else looking out for her. As she walked along beside him, she realized it wasn't altogether a bad feeling.

"Apparently, Karen can be hard to escape once she's set her sights on you," he said.

For the first time, she realized how comforting his hand felt wrapped around hers. Tendrils of warmth coiled up

her arm into her body and spiraled downward. She remembered Karen's breast, pointed and aroused, Derrick's

fingers curling over the tip of her nipple. Melissa's nipples peaked, longing for a man's touch. This man's touch,

which made no sense at al . Wanting Shane's touch—that she understood. She'd wanted to make love with

Shane for a long time. But this man was a stranger. This man was a lecherous husband who frequented swingers'

clubs in search of lewd sex with other men's wives.

Actual y, he was a newbie, the voice of reason reminded her. Just like her. That meant he hadn't done this

before either. The difference was, Melissa wasn't really a swinger. She'd come here to find out what the club

was like so she could look out for her sister.

This guy was here for the sex.

And Melissa damned wel wouldn't be the one to give it to him!

People laughed nearby, then Melissa heard a splash.

"The pool must be close." Melissa glanced to the right and saw a clump of bushes. Probably on the other side.

"Do you want to check it out?"

She nodded and headed toward it, then suddenly remembered the swimsuits-optional rule. She slowed, but he

kept going. She peered around the bushes and there was a beautiful free-form pool with a waterfall at one end.

Colored lights reflected on the falling water and people reclined around the edge of the pool, several floating in

the aqua water.

To Melissa's relief, all of them wore bathing suits. Not a naked breast, or any other private body part, in sight.

"There's a hot tub over there." Ty pointed beyond the pool to a tub that seemed carved from stone.

"It's lovely."

As they passed another set of bushes, farther from the building, she caught sight of a second hot tub. She sat

down on a wooden bench by a flowering bush, enjoying the warm night air and the smell of the ocean. Ty sat

down beside her.

There were two women and a man in the hot tub, and another man lounging on the side. As Melissa watched,

one of the women, tall with short blond hair, stood up and Melissa realized the woman was topless.

The man slid his hands around her waist and drew her onto his lap. In shock, but unable to tear her gaze away,

Melissa watched him cup her breasts. The woman moaned as her head lol ed back, resting on his shoulder.

The other woman, a brunette, slid in front of the couple. The man released one breast, then slid his hand down

his partner's stomach and into the water. Melissa could guess its destination. The brunette leaned forward and

sucked the free breast into her mouth. The blonde moaned, then squirmed a little. The man on the side of the

pool drew his cock from his bathing suit and stroked the long, hard flesh.

Melissa's gaze remained glued to the scene, despite her embarrassment, which was made worse with Ty sitting

beside her. Melissa's nipples hardened and intense need ached within her. Al she could think about while

watching the man's hands circle over the woman's breast, her nipple thrusting outward in eager arousal, was

that she wanted a man's hands on her breasts, too.

The blonde arched and moaned. Clearly, the man's hand toyed with her clit. Melissa wanted to feel a man

touching her clit, nuzzling it with his tongue, sucking it into his mouth. She imagined Shane crouching in front of

her, easing her legs apart, leaning toward her. At least, she tried to make it Shane, but the handsome stranger,

Ty, kept replacing him.

The ache within her intensified. She'd love to rest her hand on Ty's leg and stroke upward. To wrap her fingers

around his growing cock, then draw it free and pump it until he cried for mercy. She'd love to shed her dress and

part her legs, inviting him to feast on her slick flesh.

The blond woman in the hot tub groaned. The man lifted her from his lap and sat her on the edge of the tub. She

was totally naked, and definitely a natural blonde. He dropped his face between her thighs. The man on the side

of the tub sucked on one of her breasts and the brunette sucked on the other. The blonde groaned with

pleasure, then the pussy-eater stood up, his erect cock bobbing up and down. He wrapped his hand around it

and placed the tip against her opening. He slid forward and she cried out.

The other man and woman released her breasts, then kissed each other. He lifted her from the tub and laid her

on the stone edge, while the other man thrust into the blond woman. The second man shed his bathing suit. The

brunette opened her legs, and wrapped them around him as he lowered himself onto her. His cock entered her

in one swift stroke, then he thrust deep.

"God, yeah. Good and deep, honey," she urged.

He thrust in and out as she moaned her approval. The first couple, fucking fast and furious now, moaned and

grunted. The blonde wailed, clearly in orgasm as he thrust faster and faster. He grunted again and collapsed

against her. The other couple continued for another few minutes before they, too, reached orgasm.

Melissa felt herself dripping. She wanted a cock so badly, she was tempted to reach over and grab the closest


"Feel like a dip?" Ty asked.

His voice startled her and her gaze locked on his. Humor danced in those dark, midnight eyes.

Oh God, he knew she was turned on. She was sure of it.

Embarrassment flashed through her. She lurched to her feet and strode toward the building. He followed her,

keeping up with her easily with his long-legged stroll.

She dashed in the nearest door, then walked down the carpeted hal way, fol owing the sound of music and

laughter. Anything to get away from the relative solitude of the patio, his knowing gaze, and the questions that

might follow.

She entered a room full of people seated at tables. A man inside the door offered her a piece of paper. She

grabbed it and continued into the room, then negotiated her way through the press of people. She sat down at

the first empty table she found. Ty fol owed her, waving away the paper they offered him. He sat down beside


"You probably shouldn't have taken that." He nodded to the paper in her hand.

"Why not?"

"Hi. My name's Mindy. What'll you have?" An attractive waitress in a low-cut black top and short skirt stood

beside the table.

"Piña Colada, please." Melissa glanced at the paper and noticed two numbers handwritten on it.

"Whatever's on tap." Ty smiled at the waitress and Melissa had to stamp down a disturbing lance of jealousy.

Which was absolutely ridiculous. If anyone should be jealous, it should be his wife. Not that anyone should feel

jealous. Especial y not Melissa. She sucked in a deep breath. Oh God, she was going over the edge.

Ty leaned back and crossed his long legs. Melissa noticed the movement of muscle under the dark gray fabric.

Her gaze glided upward, over his thigh, resting briefly on his crotch before it careened away again, but not

before her swirling hormones kicked in, sending her barely recovered heart rate into hyper-drive once again. She

shifted her gaze back to the relatively innocuous piece of paper. What was it about this man that sent her so off


"This is a game room and those numbers represent activities."

"What kind of activities?" Melissa asked once the waitress left.

"I think we both know what kind."

The blood drained from her face as she stared at the offensive slip of paper in her hand. Of course she did.


The waitress returned with their drinks and placed a fancy glass garnished with a pineapple slice and a

maraschino cherry on a tiny sword in front of Melissa and a tall, frosty mug of beer in front of Ty.

Melissa stared at the digits in red ink trying to fathom their hidden meaning.

"There are two numbers," Melissa pointed out.

"One is probably a person."

Someone she was supposed to . . . do something sexual with. Her hand started to shake. She grasped her heart

pendant and stroked it.

She glanced around and realized most people were staring in the same direction. She fol owed their gaze and

noticed a couple across the room, the woman's dress open, revealing her large breasts, and the man sucking on


A buzzer sounded.

"Time," a man with a microphone said.

Oh, God, she couldn't stay here.

She took a gulp of her Piña Colada and pushed her chair from the table, ready to flee yet again.

"Now," the announcer said, "we have a special treat. A virgin has joined the game."

A spotlight shone on Melissa and she froze. Oh God, this couldn't be happening to her.

"I know there are many of you ahead of her, but I don't think we should make her wait, do you?"

The crowd broke into applause, all of them staring at her. Escape was impossible now. But she couldn't stay here

and perform a public sexual act.

Ty's gut clenched at the trapped look in Melissa's eyes and how her hands shook uncontrol ably. For the second

time since they'd met, protective instincts rose to the surface with an earth-shattering roar, which disturbed


The first time had been when he'd seen that Karen woman and her husband hitting on her. Melissa had tried to

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