Read Stolen Love, The Complete Collection: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Katie Kyler

Tags: #An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Stolen Love, The Complete Collection: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (14 page)

Waiting to make my move, I couldn’t help but smile. These moments always brought me peace and serenity. I didn’t know why, but I reveled in it. It gave me the strength and confidence I needed to get the job done. You needed self-belief to be a thief. You needed to believe that nothing could bring you down, that it was impossible to fail. Otherwise, you’d never have the guts to go in and do the job.

It was funny how fate worked. I never made mistakes—ever—and yet I had bumbled through my thievery at Jason’s mansion. Was it because he was supposed to be a part of my life? Had I been able to get in and out unscathed, I would never have met him. And because I never return to the same place twice, our connection would have been lost forever. So it must have been fate’s desire that we were brought together in that moment. I’d like to believe that something intentional united us, and that it was all for a reason.

I’d had very little control over my life when I was growing up, and bad things had happened to me. Someone in my family betrayed me in the vilest of ways. That person stole my innocence and continued to do so for years on end. Everything good about my life was taken away, and I turned into someone I didn’t even recognize. It had taken me many years to fight my way out of that pain to become the person I now was. It was no easy battle, but at some point, I realized I was worth something, and I refused to let anyone beat me down. I think the reason I loved thievery so much was that it was an attempt—albeit feeble—to steal control from someone else and make it my own.

It was very different this time, though. I had to share this moment. Jason was out there somewhere, watching my back, and I would need to watch his as well. I was part of a team this time, and that didn’t sit well with me at all. It used to be just about taking care of myself and getting quickly and safely out of a situation. With Jason, I had to worry about another person. I had always been a loner, and that had kept me alive. Having to worry about someone else could get you killed. I worried less about myself than I did about Jason. He might run into a situation where he felt he had to save me, and as a result, he might get himself killed. That was the last thing I wanted.

It wasn’t all bad, though. There was a good side to having an accomplice. Knowing Jason was out there watching me and caring for me felt good. I didn’t feel so alone. We were a team, and there was something very comforting about that. There was also something about his presence that made the moment even more electrifying and exciting.

Chapter Two


My heart was pumping hard, and I had to keep reminding myself to control my breathing in case I needed to sprint. I couldn’t imagine doing these sorts of things on a regular basis like Mackenzie did. How did she manage to stay so calm and collected all the time? It must come with practice.

I sat behind a box, too terrified to move. I wasn’t terrified for my own safety, I was terrified of failing the two most important women in my life. My sister was somewhere on the property in God only knew what kind of shape, and Mackenzie was currently creeping from crate to crate toward my sister’s location. It was my job to watch her back.

I slid up the side of the box and peered over the top. I would have to move soon if I was going to keep up with Mackenzie. I knew her location from the maps she had shown me, but I still had to watch carefully. She was dressed in black and moved so silently and fluidly she was nearly invisible in the night.

I took a few deep breaths to try to slow my heart rate as I watched for her movement. I worried about not being able to keep up with her. Maybe she’d been right about me staying behind. I knew I was capable of protecting her if need be, but my sleuthing abilities were nowhere near the level of hers. I shoved aside my doubts as I saw her glide to the next crate, and I prepared for my move. After scanning my surroundings for any sign of the kidnappers, I scurried to my next location. I certainly wasn’t as graceful as Mackenzie, but at least I was quiet.

Lexy and James were on the outer perimeter doing recon. They were circling the entire dock area, hoping to stumble upon the kidnappers. They would be coming in from behind, so they’d have the biggest advantage. All four of us were communicating via earpiece and were aware of each other’s movements as well as the movements of the enemies. It was Mackenzie who was in the most danger at the moment, and I didn’t like it one bit.

Another thing I had a hard time accepting with this whole charade was that Brett was somehow involved. Mackenzie had made very valid points about his inconsistencies, though. How had he known that Janelle had been kidnapped? And why had he gone after her not once but twice without even having a conversation with me about it?

It pained me to think that he would do anything to hurt me—or worse, to hurt Janelle. Was he the one who had taken a knife to her face? Just thinking about it prompted a rage so fierce that I thought I might explode. And yet, I still couldn’t believe he would do something like that to me. We weren’t just buddies. We had grown up together, gone to the same summer camp, worked as lifeguards together. We’d spent decades together. If Mackenzie’s suspicions turned out to be true, how long had he been waiting in the wings to take me down? How long does it take to plan to ruin your best friend’s life? Months? Years? As they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

If Brett was involved, he’d obviously not been working alone, and the odds that I knew the other kidnappers were high. So who had enough of a vendetta against me that they’d be willing to hurt Janelle? She was so sweet and innocent, and yet someone had used a knife to cut her face. What kind of person was capable of such a thing?

I shook my head to clear it. I needed to be focused and in the game, not obsessing about what Brett might have done and motives for his alleged betrayal. I had to concentrate on Mackenzie and her safety. I was grateful that she was on my side this time. She didn’t owe me or my sister anything, and yet she was out there risking her life to make sure Janelle got home safely. It took a damn special person to do something like that.

I pulled out a pair of binoculars and focused them on Mackenzie. I watched as she entered the office and knew it was time for me to move.

Chapter Three


Crouching outside the office, I listened for any movements inside then moved closer to the door. It was now or never. I looked out into the night and wondered how close Jason was to me. Had he been able to follow my movements? Would he be there if I needed him? But it was too late to worry about any of that now. I had to make my move. Once I did, I wouldn’t be able to contact any of them for fear that someone inside the building might hear me. I only hoped that Janelle was the sole person inside.

I put my hand on the doorknob and tested it. It was unlocked. The office wouldn’t have been left unlocked by personnel, which told me that if the kidnappers weren’t in there now, they had been recently. I took a deep breath and released it slowly and silently. I turned the knob of the door and slipped inside. Closing the door quietly behind me, I leaned against it…and waited. I breathed in deeply and listened. I didn’t see anyone, but it was a fairly large office, and there were a few different rooms to investigate. I put on my night vision glasses and moved forward slowly.

As I moved away from the entrance and passed a desk, I nearly tripped on something on the floor. I looked down to see a body at my feet. It was Brett.

Oh god, Brett, what did you get yourself into?

It was obvious he was dead, but I checked for a pulse anyway. He was cold, and rigor mortis had started to set in. The kidnappers had been telling the truth when they had told Jason that Brett was dead. What a waste. I still believed he was a part of the kidnapping plan, so why did they kill him? I’d like to think he had a change of heart and wanted to back out.

I was startled when I saw someone emerge from the shadows holding what appeared to be a video camera, the red light indicating it was recording.

What the hell?

I took off my glasses just before the lights came on. A pudgy, older woman stood in front of me with the camera. I immediately recognized her from the night I had cased Jason’s house. She was one of the two people Brett had escorted from the house, the wife of the butler. I wondered if that was the night they’d hatched their plan, all three of them. But how did Brett get connected with them? Why had he turned on his friend?

As I sized her up, I knew I could take her down physically if I had to. It was obvious she’d never seen any real action in her life. There was no doubt she outweighed me, but I was stronger, quicker, and more skilled.

“I don’t know who the hell you are, but I assume you’re connected to that idiot, Jason,” she said harshly. “It doesn’t matter. You’ll both go down for this. I have everything I need—all the proof to turn you into the authorities.”

I had no idea what this crazy woman was talking about. I stood up slowly as she turned off the camera.

“What are you doing? What’s going on?”

“You fools. I’ve got you both. There are other recordings—most of them my husband Edward taped—that show you and Jason together. The police will believe this was a crime of passion. That maybe Jason found out that you and Brett were having an affair behind his back.”

I was completely baffled except for one thing—the woman was clearly batshit crazy. Of all the scenarios I had played out in my head, this was not one of them, and I have to admit I was taken aback.

“Oh, yes, it’s over for you, for the both of you.”

The woman started cackling like a madman, adding another layer of concern. I needed to stay calm. As with everything else, it was the only way to get on top of the situation. I also needed to distract the woman so I could get the upper hand and find out where Janelle was.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “You used to work for Jason.”

“We slaved away for him and his family for so many years. We were sick and tired of it. Jason ruined my husband, and because of that, he turned to gambling. We lost our entire savings. This is just a way of getting back what’s rightfully ours and paying back Jason for his
,” she spit out sarcastically.

“Jason is a kind man,” I told her. “You two were his servants—you were
to wait on him hand and foot. That’s exactly what he paid you to do. What is wrong with you? If you didn’t like it, you should have just found a different job.”

“Don’t you dare talk that way to me, you little tramp. I don’t belong in the world of servants, and I plan to get out and at the same time ruin Jason.”

I looked down at Brett. “How does he fit into all this?”

“Oh, that’s the best part. Betrayal at its finest. Isn’t it grand? Turns out that Brett here blew all the money in his trust fund. When he escorted us out of the house that night, we asked if he’d like to make some easy cash. He folded like a deck of cards. He was so easy to turn and even easier to manipulate. But then he got a guilty conscience at the final hour, and I had to put him down like the dog he is.”

The woman was so unstable and delusional that it made her very dangerous. Her lost embezzled fortune had caused a bitterness so deep that she saw her employer as the enemy and the cause of all her problems. Instead of blaming it all on her husband’s weakness, she blamed Jason. It was pathetic—and potentially deadly.

“Is Janelle dead?”

“No, but she will be. There can’t be any loose ends this time. I need a clean break from all this. The two of you will go to jail, and I’ll be pitied by the entire country. Everyone will love me and want to build me back up after hearing about all my sufferings. I’ll be the hero of the day.”

“Where’s Janelle?”

“In the other room. I’ll get rid of her right after I get rid of you. She’s the least of my worries right now.”

“What makes you think you can get away with this? Do you think I’m going to stand by silently while I’m arrested? No, I’m going to tell the police all about you and let them fit the puzzle pieces together. Jason is a respected member of the community. You’ll never get away with this.”

“Oh darling, maybe you misunderstood. Jason is the one going to jail. You will be killed.” The woman raised a gun and pointed it at my chest.

Oh shit, this is getting dicier than I’d expected

I still had my earpiece on and hoped my teammates were listening. But it might not matter. She could shoot me at any time, so I was on my own. I needed to figure out a different approach. If I went down, Janelle would be next, and I couldn’t let that happen. The girl was the most innocent person in this entire scenario and didn’t deserve any of this. My whole purpose was to save her, and that’s what I planned to do.

“Look, you don’t have to do this.”

“Oh yes, I do.”

“I have plenty of money. I can pay you to let me go.”

I could see the wheels spinning in her head and hoped I could bullshit long enough to think of a way out of the mess I was in.

“No. I already have millions coming my way. I’m not letting any of you get away with this. You’re all going to pay for my suffering. Believe me, when I’m done with the lot of you, you will be begging to die.”

The woman was completely out of her mind. I’d have to outwit her if I was going to get Janelle and myself out of there alive.

Chapter Four


Listening to Mackenzie’s exchange with Susan nearly paralyzed me with fear and panic. Mackenzie was in danger and needed my help, but I had no idea what the next course of action should be. I didn’t know if going in there would get her killed or if doing nothing would be what sealed her doom.

I was stunned by Susan’s vitriol. I had been good to those two from the time they started working for me, and this was the thanks I got? Two soulless individuals who had not only robbed me of millions but who had hurt my sister and now wanted Mackenzie dead and me in jail. My blood boiled, and I thought there was a good chance that I might kill someone myself tonight.

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