Read Stolen Love, The Complete Collection: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Katie Kyler

Tags: #An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Stolen Love, The Complete Collection: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (11 page)

I eased back, and she yanked off her shirt and wiggled out of jeans that seemed painted on her hips and legs. I pulled off her thong and growled as she spread her legs wide, allowing me to see all of her. Her breasts heaved with each quivering breath she took. I grabbed her hair, bent down, and found her mouth once again.

My hands were cupping her breasts. I brought one to my mouth, then the other, my tongue flicking and my teeth scraping her nipples, hardening them instantly. I sucked and nipped until she was crying out, her desire stoking my own. I put my hand between her legs and rubbed her clit with the heel of my palm while slowly stroking my finger along the moist folds of her opening. She was shaking beneath me, her hips thrusting as I brought her closer to the edge. I watched her face as my hand caressed her through her wetness. She writhed and groaned under my touch.

“Tell me that this is all for me,” I said.

She nodded, gasping. “It’s for you, baby.”

Mackenzie wrapped her legs around me, and my cock grazed her opening. I pinned her wrists above her head, locking them tightly in one hand. Two fingers of my other hand entered her, and she wailed erotically.

“Do you want me inside you?”

“Yes…please.” She looked at me longingly, and I knew I had never seen a more beautiful woman in all my life. “Please, Jason, I need you.”

I positioned my cock then took my time, filling her up slowly, carefully drawing out the ecstasy. It felt so snug inside her, and a shuddering moan escaped her throat when I slid every inch of my shaft inside her. Her pussy felt so incredible, squeezing me, and I didn’t want to move. I gently cupped her breasts again as my mouth reclaimed hers.

I slowly rocked inside her, walking a fine line between delirium and sanity. I sucked on her nipples, and her pussy clenched around my cock in response as her orgasm built up. She moved her hips urgently against mine. Her back arched and her eyes rolled as waves of pleasure creased her face. She exploded around me, and her entire body shook with a powerful orgasm. Unable to hold back, I released my own explosion into her. Mackenzie clutched my body as she continued to spasm, and she bit my shoulder to stifle her cries of pleasure. I sighed deeply in satisfaction, still moving inside her after our orgasms had been depleted. Her body relaxed, and she stretched languidly.

I grabbed her beautiful ass and realized I was already hard again inside of her. I began thrusting faster, ready to take her another time. I lifted her legs so they draped over my arms, and Mackenzie gasped as I plunged in hard, pumping deep until her groans turned into a scream as a second orgasm erupted through her body. I called out her name as I came with her, succumbing to waves of pleasure as she drained me, leaving my body literally humming with intensity afterward.

I had claimed her as my own, and I hoped she didn’t want it any other way. I rolled off and pulled her close to me. It wasn’t long before Mackenzie fell asleep, wrapped in my arms.

Chapter Two


I had a plan and no one—no one—was going to stand in the way of my following it through to completion. I had been through too much in my life, and I wasn’t going down now without a fight. Kidnapping Janelle had been a brilliant plan, and it had been my idea. Embezzling the money from Jason may have been Edward’s bright scheme, but where had that gotten us other than getting caught and fired? Now we didn’t have jobs, and most of the money we’d stolen had already been spent.

My plan had been perfectly executed, and the best part was that Jason had no idea that we were behind the kidnapping. He was a fool, just like the rest of the rich people who obliviously swam around in their money while they walked all over the people who worked for them. It made me absolutely sick to my stomach. No, someone was going to pay for all my suffering, and they were going to pay in a big way. It had all started with Jason, and it would all end with him. By the time I was finished with him, he would rue the day he ever decided to mess with my life and regret the day he ever hired Edward. Jason was a fool if he thought he could fire us and we would just go away quietly—nothing but a fool.

I once had a joy for life, but the years of working for Jason had left me bitter. Now, I wanted to be a rich socialite and live out my big dreams. I wanted to have people waiting on me hand and foot, and not the other way around. My days of taking orders were over. I planned on taking Jason for as much as we could, leaving the country, and then living on a beach somewhere without a care in the world. I would not be beaten down anymore. I was about to start living the good life, and it was going to be on Jason’s dime.

Despising Jason had become a full-time job for me. My hatred for him and his family had been brewing for many years. I wanted to destroy them all for what they had done to my Edward. I barely recognized him anymore as my husband—he’d become a dim shadow of the virile man he used to be. And I blamed all of it on Jason. Serving Jason had sapped Edward of his vitality, and that had led to a gambling addiction that had cost us our life savings. Our entire nest egg—gone. We were ruined.

That was when Edward became obsessed with money and started embezzling funds. I told him he’d never get away with it, but he never expected Jason to notice millions being siphoned out of his bank account. Men were fools, especially when it came to money or taking care of their wives. Edward was supposed to take care of me. He wasn’t supposed to make a mockery out of our life together. And even after stealing the money from Jason, he continued to gamble away our embezzled funds as if they would never run out. So, once again, we were ruined. Or we would have been without my plan. I
be rich and have everything I ever wanted, with Jason paying dearly for it all. Maybe then other rich folks would take notice and treat their staff like gold.

Standing in the kitchen with Edward, I knew it was time to execute the plan that would get us our giant payday. There were two things resting on the sink counter—a cheap cell phone and a knife. Both would be used to get me what I so badly wanted and needed.

“I just don’t understand why we have to hurt her,” Edward complained.

I rolled my eyes. “Edward, so help me God…you’d better start acting like a man—and start real soon. This kidnapping has to look authentic, or we won’t see a dime.”

Janelle was sitting tied to a kitchen chair with a gag in her mouth. She was blindfolded and had headphones on, so she had no idea what was going on around her. My first order of business was to make sure that Jason experienced all the pain and heartache I had felt all those years. That’s where Janelle came in. I would use her as much as I wanted to in order to hurt Jason—and I wouldn’t feel bad about it for one moment. She was just another rich socialite, and who needed another one of those around? You couldn’t feel bad for the rich—they had everything they wanted, and they got whatever they wanted. They knew nothing about suffering, but I was going to change all that for Jason.

“Look, I just don’t see why we have to hurt her. She’s done nothing wrong. That isn’t Jason sitting in the chair.”

“They’re all the same, Edward. I thought you hated Jason.”

“I do,” he said angrily.

“Then prove it. Take that knife and carve a nice scar down that pretty little face. Then I’ll send a picture to Jason, and believe me, he’ll be throwing money at us.”

“But Susan—”

“Do it!” I screamed.

I was starting to lose my temper with Edward. This was all his fault, so why couldn’t he just step up and take responsibility? If it hadn’t been for his gambling, I wouldn’t have had to kidnap someone and send out ransom demands.

He stood there, looking stricken, but he picked up the knife. He’d always had a soft spot for that twit Janelle, but I didn’t care how he felt about her. He needed to prove his commitment to the plan. I smiled as my dear husband went over to Janelle, held her face, and sliced a line down her cheek while she struggled and screamed into the gag. I smiled wider as I watched the blood trickle down, mixing with her tears. I was glad she was terrified. She’d never had a hard moment in her life. Maybe now she would understand how the other side felt.

“I’m sure she has a plastic surgeon on speed dial. They all do,” I told Edward. “If not, I’m sure her precious brother will find her one.”

Edward set the knife down and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He twisted the cap off and took a long swig. I rolled my eyes. Men were definitely the weaker sex. I picked up the cheap phone, took a picture of Janelle’s bloody face, and immediately sent the image to Jason’s phone. I smiled at the thought of the pain it would cause. He was going to lose his mind. I wished I could be there to see him crumbling to the ground in agony. I hated him that much. Maybe if I was lucky, he’d have himself a heart attack.

Now it was time to sit back and watch the puppets dance.

Chapter Three


I woke up in Jason’s arms, feeling energized and gloriously happy. The sex? Oh my, were we ever going to have fun together! We had that hot kind of chemistry that allowed for slow, gentle sex along with an intensity that brought on some rough, mind-blowing sex. Either way, I loved it. While the sex was definitely one of the high points of being with Jason, it wasn’t only that. I was shocked by the depth of feelings I had for him. They had come on quickly but were no less intense because of it. The fact that he was the one who had pulled me out of the depths of hell said a lot for how strong my feelings for him were.

Was I falling in love with him? I dared to believe I was, and the thought of it brought a smile to my face. It was hard to believe how my world had so easily expanded to accommodate his presence. For the longest time, it had been just Lexy and me, and now there was Jason, too, and he had come to me so unexpectedly.

We’d sure have one hell of a story to tell the grandkids.

It took my breath away when I thought about the trust I now had in him. It was extremely difficult for me to trust people. It seemed like I’d been hurt and betrayed my entire life. For as long as I can remember, Lexy was the only person in the world I trusted, so the idea of me bringing someone else into the fold terrified me. Would I be able to do it? Or would I end up pushing him away at some point? I wasn’t sure, but time would tell if I could stand to keep him so close to my heart.

I looked up at Jason then and seeing him smiling down on me made me throb again with need. He moved me in so many ways, and I would be forever grateful for him bringing me back from my personal hell. He was so sexy and incredible that I wanted him constantly. I longed for his touch at all times. How many people could say that about their partner? I wished I could stay in bed with him indefinitely.

But there was work to do, and we had to get up and join the rest of the team. We got dressed and went back to the living room to see how far Lexy and James had gotten in devising a plan. They were hunched over the table, looking at paperwork.

Lexy looked up when we walked in. “Welcome back, girl!” She came over and hugged me hard.

I hugged her back even tighter. “I’m sorry—I went away for a while.”

“You never have to apologize for anything, Mackenzie—not ever—and certainly not for anything that has to do with your past. It’s good to see you have someone else you can depend on as well. Good job, Jason,” she commended me.

I smiled. “Thanks.”

“So how are we doing here?” I asked her as I went over to the table.

“Things are looking good. I think we can proceed really soon.”

Jason’s text message alert sounded, and he took his phone out of his pocket to check it.

“Oh, dear God…” he whispered as he stared at his phone.

We all went to him, and he passed his phone to me. On the phone screen was a picture of a girl I assumed was his sister. She had a cut on her face and was bleeding. She looked terrified, and her skin was splotchy as if she’d been crying. I knew how Jason must be feeling. I’d felt the same sort of fear when I thought that James had kidnapped Lexy. It was a terrible position for anyone to be in, but I felt even worse that Jason had to suffer, too.

“Man, you have some really bad luck,” James said.

“James, will you shut up?” Lexy said, and James chuckled. He was a fool sometimes. It was just the way it was.

“I’m sorry, Jason,” I said.

“Who the hell is doing this? Who could be capable of doing something like that? They have to be crazy. They’re going to kill her, aren’t they?” He was practically shouting now. I needed him to calm down so that things wouldn’t escalate out of control.

“That’s not necessarily true, Jason,” Lexy said. “They could be trying to scare you. Give you an incentive to get them their money quickly.”

“God, I can’t. I just can’t give them any more. She’ll be dead for sure.”

“You won’t have to,” I assured him. “We can do this. We’ll get her back alive, Jason. I promise you.”

“This is really dangerous, and it’s getting much worse,” Jason said morosely.

We continued devising our plan to rescue his sister, the recent text making it clear we needed to get moving fast. We all knew that what we were about to embark on might be very dangerous. I was used to danger—my job was always risky. Lexy knew it, and I knew it. It was the price you paid for being a thief. But we were damn good at our jobs, and we had never considered any other lifestyle. We made a boatload of money, and that was reason enough to stay in the business we were in.

But you never knew when your plan could get fucked up and cause problems—as proven by my initial encounter with Jason. It was a very high-risk job, and now we were dealing with kidnappers who were clearly not afraid of violence.

A long time ago, I had come to terms with the fact that Lexy or I could find ourselves in danger. That’s why I’d made sure from the beginning to teach Lexy how to take care of herself. Now she went to the gym and kicked ass regularly. We may be small females, but we had big muscles, and we knew how to hit. Both Lexy and I knew what we were doing, and I wasn’t worried about us at all.

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