Shutout (The Renegades Series Book 5) (29 page)

BOOK: Shutout (The Renegades Series Book 5)
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“Dom!” Tyler and Kris skated towards the net. The grins on their faces told him they were up to no good, like usual. “Dude, I think someone is trying to get your attention.”

“What?” Between the pucks flying at him and Tyler’s comment, Dom was confused. He was trying not to take his eyes off the shots coming at him, because he obviously didn’t want to let any in, even if it was just warm-ups. “What are you talking about?”

“Look behind you. I think she’s talking to you.” Kris pointed to the audience behind the net.

“Who are you talking about?” Dom dodged a few pucks aimed at his head, then yelled over the music to the team. “What the hell, guys?”

“Ty.” Kris pointed behind the glass.

“Guys, take some laps!” Tyler called to the team. “Dom, you really do need to check this out.”

Dom didn’t know what these two were going on about. It was probably just another bunny wanting a stick or telling him if he got a shutout her boyfriend would ask her to prom. He grabbed his water bottle and squirted it through his mask. Looking at the glass seats behind his net, a few folks had signs, but one specifically grabbed his attention. Then he saw her.


His eyes were trained on hers. How he missed those beautiful blue eyes. Her sign was simple; she’d used his nickname from back home, “Z” and his jersey number. But what caught his eye were the words he had been longing to hear since she’d walked, or danced, back into his life. She missed him. And when he looked closer, he saw “I’m sorry” written underneath. His heart soared.

She had on his jersey, and she looked adorable. If he could run into the stands and pull her into his arms, he would. The last few weeks not talking to her had been hell. Sure, he’d had the playoffs to be preoccupied with, but she’d always been on his mind. Especially after the last few days.

He should’ve talked to her the other day when Alison called, but he didn’t need to be bitched at more by her and he wasn’t convinced that wasn’t going to happen. He’d decided that when she was ready, she would come to him. And now she was here.

Warm-ups were winding down. He didn’t have much time. The bass was pumping and the guys were now just skating laps around their half of the rink. At Tyler’s lead, the guys cut their lap arc short and rounded in front of the net instead of behind it.

Dom skated right up to the glass. The crowd went wild, screaming and pounding on the glass, but he was only focused on one girl. Through his mask, he stared at her, concentrating on her face. Her crystal blue eyes glistened with unshed tears and raw emotion. She bit her lip with a nervous look on her face.

He needed to communicate to her without words. He pushed his mask up onto his head, and moved his glance back to the sign before meeting her eyes.

One tear slid down her cheek as her bottom lip trembled. He didn’t like seeing her like this, and he couldn’t believe she had any doubt how he felt. He grinned the biggest smile he could at her. It wasn’t his flirty smile, it wasn’t his mischievous smile, it was pure and genuine. At least he hoped it looked that way.

He pulled off his blocker glove and put his hand on the glass.

Hailee wiped away the tear and a smile filled her face. She met his action and put her hand to his on the glass. Her sign dropped to the floor. She mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.”

His heart ached that she felt she needed to apologize.

The warm-ups song was nearing the end, and slowly the players were leaving the ice. Looking back at the guys, he knew he needed to wrap this up. This thick pane of glass was making this reunion difficult. This was a big game, and he needed to be focused on it, not her. And that wouldn’t happen unless he told her what he needed to tell her.

But before he could say anything, she smiled the most beautiful smile and another tear slid down her cheek. She mouthed the words, “I love you.”

He had waited years to hear her say that again. “I love you, too,” he mouthed back, wishing this damn glass wasn’t in the way. His words made her face light up and tears rush down her cheeks.

The crowd roared with cheers and applause. Alison shook Hailee’s shoulder and pointed to the scoreboard. Not sure what was happening, Dom looked up to see their private exchange being broadcast on the big video screen. Cartoon hearts floated around them.
Those damn video guys, they think they’re real cute
. But he wasn’t mad and couldn’t help but laugh. Looking back at Hailee, he was relieved to see that all uncertainty was gone from her expression, and the tears she shed were no doubt happy.

Warm-ups were over; he had to go. She was versed enough in the game to know that he had to go. With the biggest smile, she blew him a kiss, which he caught with his glove hand.

Skating off the ice, he headed down the runway. He was almost the last off the ice; only Kris and Tyler followed behind him.

Back in the locker room, the guys were all talking.

“Looks like someone finally came around?” Kris said with a chuckle.

“Dom, I think you should send her down a locker room pass for after the game. Really seal the deal,” Tyler suggested, before he called over one of the front office men who were standing in the doorway. “Stan, can you send two passes down to Zanetti’s girl? She’s sitting right behind his net.”

Stan nodded. “Two locker room passes? Sure. Zanetti, you want me to pass her a note or anything in homeroom?”

“Smart-ass.” Dom shook his head, but couldn’t stop grinning. “Just make sure they know they’re supposed to come down after the game.”

Stan nodded. “I’ll make sure they know.”

“Okay, Meatball, I know you’re pumped you got your girl back, but we have a game to play. And it’s not just any game.”

It was game six in the finals. If the Renegades could win this, they would win the Cup tonight, here, in front of their home crowd, and Hailee. His heart was full, knowing Hailee still loved him. The way he felt right now, his heart pounding and blood speeding through his veins, no matter what happened, he was walking away a winner.

“Don’t be a lovesick puss, Meatball,” Matt called across the room.

“Shut it, Matt. I’ll show you a puss when I kick your ass.” Even Matt picking on him couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

“Zanetti!” Coach Walker called, quieting the locker room. “I know you have a lady in the stands rooting for you. Focus that energy into your game. We’re all behind you and the D will back you up out there. Right guys? It’s almost game time. Take a few moments, then line up.”

“Zanetti,” Stan called from the doorway. “Passes are going out to the girls as we speak.”

Assistant Coach Sal led the guys in a quick prayer, asking to keep them all safe tonight. When he was done, Coach Walker clapped his hands. “Let’s go, men! Game six — you can do this!”

Dom hopped in place at the end of the line, ready to head down the tunnel, two hops on each side, back and forth. His stomach flopped, and his legs felt heavy. He shook out his legs then his arms. Two heavy breaths in, two quick breaths out. Closing his eyes, he counted to twenty. He was ready. “Let’s do this!” he yelled. The boys answered with cheers.

The team filed out on to the ice, one by one. The crowd roared. The music blared. Dom skated to his goal, sparing a quick look and a wink back at Hailee. The smile she responded with was everything he needed before his focus was all on the game. He slid back and forth, digging up the ice to make it less slippery, plus causing a little snow buildup to help slow the puck. He looked up at the video board.
Game six.

He took a deep breath and squirted water on his face. This was it. The Cup finals.
We could win it all tonight
. His mind moved to Hailee in the audience. I have to focus. He pushed her out of his mind and continued to go through his pre-game rituals. He dug his skates into the ice a few more times, back and forth he skated. He tapped each side of the goal and the crossbar with his stick, then each of his leg pads.

The anthem singer took his place on the ice. The crowd cheered for him, then quickly became silent. Dom pulled off his mask and bowed his head as the anthem began. When the song was over, the crowd cheered. Dom put his helmet back on and hopped from leg to leg and yelled, “One-two-three, go Renegades!”

The men lined up at center ice and they dropped the puck.
Game on

The Renegades kept the puck in Detroit’s end for most of the first period, keeping things quiet on his end of the ice. Dom looked up at the scoreboard, watching what was happening on the other end of the ice. The Renegades played keep away with the puck, passing it back and forth between them. The first period ended scoreless. The second period was more of the same.

“Hey guys, I’m getting bored down here!” he yelled, knowing no one was going to hear him.

The fans banged on the glass behind him, some booed and others cheered. With every noise they made, he got pumped. Skating from side to side, he kept warmed up, ready for the puck to come back his way.

In the third period, Detroit found their balls and got it past the Renegades and down towards Dom. Tyler tried to steal the puck, but Detroit took it back and shot at the net. The puck bounced off Dom’s shoulder and deflected back out to Detroit. Their captain slapped it back towards the net, and Kris dove in front of it, stopping it from getting near their goal.

With the score tied 1–1 and only two minutes left in the game, Kris had control of the puck. Dom’s stomach twisted and his breathing quickened. A drop of sweat dripped down his face. He couldn’t let them score. Letting Detroit get one up on them was the worst thing that could happen. He had to keep the puck out of his net.

Taking it down the ice to Detroit’s side, Kris passed the puck cross the ice east to west to Patrick, who tapped it over to Sam. Dom watched as much as he could, but bodies were in the way. Glancing at the video screen from time to time for an unobstructed view of the net, he clenched his teeth. If the guys scored, he wanted to see every second of it. Sam one-timed it to the net, but it was deflected off Detroit’s goalie. The puck flew past Detroit’s defense and right to Kris. He slapped it to the net, but it hit the post with a loud clanging sound, bouncing to the boards. Patrick stole it out from under a defenseman and passed it to Tyler, who slapped it right in the goalie’s five-hole. Score!

“Fuck yeah, Ty!” Dom yelled through his mask.

It was 2–1 Renegades and a minute to go left in play. The crowd roared, but all Dom could hear was his own heartbeat. It pounded so loudly in his ears he was shaking. Detroit had control of the puck. Dom stiffened as they rushed down the ice towards him. This was it. The moment they had worked so hard to get to. It was time to dance.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes steadied on the puck.
. He slid side to side, digging his blades into the ice, trying to predict what moves they were going to make even before they did. Detroit passed the puck across the ice and a winger took a wrist shot at the net.

Sliding to the right, Dom deflected the shot to the corner. Detroit recovered the puck and circled around the net, trying to slide it in behind Dom, but he wedged the back of his skate against the post and stopped it from being poked in.

Detroit still had control of the puck with twenty seconds left. Twenty seconds, and not only would the season be over, but they could be holding the greatest trophy in hockey. His heart hammered against his chest. Twenty seconds.

Dom stood guarding his net, watching the large bodies of Detroit’s top line rush at him. Sam stole the puck, and calling out, he passed it to Patrick at the blue line. Dom’s view was blocked by the Detroit defense, but the sound the crowd made told him it got picked off and was headed his way. He looked every which way he could, determined to stop whatever came at him. He had no choice.

With no time to react, Dom finally saw their top scorer was rushing in on his right side. The closer he got, there was only one thing to do. Dom slid his body towards his right post across the frigid ice, putting up a barrier over the entire goal crease in the process. As the forward shot the puck, Dom stretched half out of his goal, his body long and lean on the ice. He quickly covered the puck with his glove, just as the buzzer sounded.

Game over. Lying on the ice, covering the puck, it took a second before it sunk in.
Game over!
Dom let out a heavy breath before picking up his head to look around.

The crowd wildly cheered and yelled. Cowbells rang and horns blew. Music blared and confetti fell from the rafters. He jumped up off the ice, just in time to see his entire team rushing onto the ice and towards him. Gloves and helmets were being taken off and some things haphazardly tossed aside as grown men turned into little boys.

The group of them tackled Dom to the ice dogpiling onto him. The yells and cheers were faint from under it all. His muscles ached and exhaustion threatened to set in, but his body pushed past it as adrenaline pumped through his veins. As the team moved away, Tyler grabbed Dom’s pad, helping him to his feet. He flipped his helmet up onto his head just in time to see Matt rushing towards him.

“Meatball! We fucking did it! Holy shit! I think we should call you ‘stretch’ after that last save!” Matt yelled before pulling him and Ty into a hug.

BOOK: Shutout (The Renegades Series Book 5)
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