Safeword Interrupted (The Cattail Club Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Safeword Interrupted (The Cattail Club Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty


“Dude, it’s not going to bite you.” Deacon shook his head, as Chet held the squirming earthworm between his thumb and forefinger while trying to bait his hook. A look of distaste was apparent from the pursed lips to the deeply furrowed brow. “Why the hell did you ask me to go fishing, if you can’t even handle baiting your own hook?”

Deacon’s exasperated voice carried easily over the open water, because instead of sitting at home enjoying some quality time with Bethany, he’d let her talk him into taking Chet to his favorite fishing hole. He saw a spanking in her future He should’ve been enjoying a few relaxing hours fishing. But was he? No, he was dealing with an idiot who not only didn’t have the slightest clue how to be quiet, worse he had no real desire to catch anything.

“Cause Bethany wants us to be friends.” Chet tried once more to wrap the night crawler around the shaft of the hook, only to drop it for the third time.

“Here…” Frustrated, he took the hook from Chet. “Let me see that.” With a few economical twists he had the hook bated. “Now just toss it into the water, and try not to hit me in the face this time.”

Chet rolled his eyes. “Christ, it only happened once.”

Deacon arched a brow at him. “Says the man who didn’t have to wipe worm guts off his forehead.”

“Whatever.” Chet gave a haphazard toss - thankfully not hitting Deacon in the face this time, but somehow managing to tangle his line up on a floating log about thirty feet
them. Closing his eyes briefly Deacon prayed for patience. But gave up when Chet jerked hard, snagging the line even more and in the process elbowing Deacon in the stomach – after nearly tipping over the boat.

“That’s it. We’re done.” He shoved Chet back in his seat, swiftly cut the nylon line then tossed his spare pole into the opening between them. “It’s time to pack up this farce of a fishing trip. I’m going home to Bethany and telling her we had a grand time – that we’re now the best of friends.” He glared at Chet. “And you, boy, are going to back me up, ‘cause so help me god if she finds out what a disaster this was, and plans some other cockamamie scheme for us to play nice, I’m gonna kick your ass up between your shoulder blades.”

“But…” Chet glanced at his watch. “..we can’t. It hasn’t been long enough yet. I promised Bethany I’d…”

Deacon jerked his own pole from the water. Seconds later it joined Chet’s. “I don’t care at this moment what you promised her. You’re not cut out for fishing, and I refuse to waste my one day off this week playing fishing guide to a man who can’t stand to get his hands dirty.” He turned in his seat and started the engine. “Hang on. We’ll be back to the dock in no time.”

Chet started to protest, but Deacon gunned the outboard motor – the surge of speed and burst of noise drowning out whatever the man had been about to say.
Good, maybe that will keep the bastard quiet for a while.

He was just pulling into the dock when his cell phone vibrated at his hip. He jerked it free of its holster as Chet clumsily tied the boat up to the dock. A quick glance at the screen told him it was his uncle.

“Hey, LeRoy. Gimme a second.” He squeezed the phone between his shoulder and ear when Chet climbed onto the dock and took off toward Deacon’s SUV. “Hey asshole, I’m not carrying all this shit back to the truck by myself.”

Chet shook his head and put even more distance between them. “I’ll come back for it later, when I know I’m not in any danger of being thrown in the lake.”

What the hell is up with that damned city boy? If I was gonna dunk his ass, it’d have been after the ‘worm guts in the face’ thing.

His uncle’s voice in his ear drew his attention back to the phone. “Sorry about that. I just spent the most miserable two hours of my life fishing with Chet to make Bethany happy – so what can I do for you – since my fishing trip has been ruined…” he raised his voice so Chet could hear him. “…by a dumb city boy who can’t even bait a fuckin’ hook!”

“I need you to come by the club. There’s something we need to talk to you about.”

Deacon squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Can’t it wait until I come by tomorrow. I’d really like to salvage what’s left of this day, by spending some time with Bethany.”

His uncle sighed. “That’s what I need to talk to you about. Did you - or did you not -give your submissive permission to scene with another dominant?”

Fire burned in his veins at the idea of another man touching his submissive. “Hell no!”

LeRoy’s drawn out sigh was louder this time. “Then you better get your ass over here. She’s in the midst of scene negotiations, and has assured Mistress Annie that she has your permission to set the boundaries of her next scene.”

* * * *

Bethany’s heart leapt when Mistress Jasmin led her toward the Symbian machine. When LeRoy had suggested the older Domme help her get her needs and ideas through to Deacon, she’d been leery. She’d never been with a woman, but when the older man had revealed that it had been Jasmin who’d trained Deacon, Bethany realized the woman would be perfect. Of course it didn’t hurt that sexy silver haired Domme was also a practicing OB-GYN with the same medical group as her own obstetrician.

Perhaps once Sir sees his former Mistress playing with me, he’ll get that giving me what we both need - won’t hurt me or our baby .

“Are you ready for this, Bethany?” Mistress Jasmin tapped her flogger against her thigh. “You realize, even with your Master’s boon in allowing you to set the scene, you will probably earn a rather severe punishment for allowing another dominant to touch you without his express permission.”

She met Jasmin’s eyes. “There is that possibility, Mistress. But if this works like I’m hoping, the reward will be well worth any punishment Sir decides upon.”

“Good. Then assume the position we discussed. I want my former sub to be entranced by your submission.”

“Yes, Mistress.” She turned and approached the Sybian machine and the medium sized phallus attached to it. While not near as large as Deacon, the toy would stretch her pussy. She climbed the small platform and threw her leg over the rounded base. As agreed upon, she didn’t mount the attachment – instead nestling the thick length between her folds but not in her. Penetration wouldn’t occur until Deacon arrived.

Along with the flogging I agreed to as payment for her services.

Her nipples tightened and she rubbed her palms over her thighs. She barely noticed when Mistress Jasmin approached.

“I’ll have to say your form is excellent, Bethany.” Jasmin circled her, taking in every angle, before nodding to Master Timothy and LeRoy. “My student has done well with your training.”

“Thank you, Mistress.” She whispered the honorific, but watched as each man grabbed a side of the specially designed stocks and moved them into position. Once attached to the base of the Sybian, the vertical design of the sturdy oak would keep her torso drawn taunt and limit her range of motion. Her breathing grew raspy as Mistress Jasmin approached.

“What level are you at, Bethany? Are you ready to play?”

“Green, Mistress.” She met the older woman’s gaze. “Nothing would please me more than to submit to you.”

Jasmin gave a nod. “So be it. Lift your head for me.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Obeying, Bethany couldn’t help but shiver in anticipation, as Jasmin with the help of the other two Doms positioned her neck and hands within the confines of the stocks. Once in place, LeRoy secured them with a quick release latch. He met her gaze. “He’s on his way.” He gave her a wink. “And boy is he pissed! I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Yes, Master LeRoy. I’m going to remind him that if he won’t give me what we both need, I’m not above forcing the issue.”

“Remember that, when he whips your ass for topping from the bottom.” LeRoy backed away.

“Anything pinching, Bethany?” Jasmin checked the tightness of each restraint.

“No, Mistress.”

“Good.” There was a loud sound as a door slammed against something. Then the furious cadence of rushing footsteps echoed down the aisle.

Bethany’s heart tripped then began to pound. Deacon was here.

The brush of Jasmin’s soft lips against her cheek surprised her. “A kiss for luck, sweetie.” Then the older woman stood – her bearing regal as she allowed her inner Domme to come out in play. “Shall we begin?”

“Like hell!” Deacon stormed into the area - then froze at the sight of Jasmin. “What the fuck – Jasmin?”

Even bound the way she was, Bethany could hear the confusion in his tone. Poor Sir had come in expecting to rip a strip off whatever dominant had dared to even think about a scene with his submissive, but instead found her with his former Mistress and teacher.

“It’s good to see you again, Deacon.” Jasmin continued to block Deacon from Bethany. “I wish I could say it was under better circumstances.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Bethany watched as he raked a hand through his dark hair. “And why do you have
submissive bound?”

Jasmin actually whacked him with the business end of her flogger. “That will be enough! If you were doing your duties as her Dom, she wouldn’t have had to call me. It seems like you’ve forgotten the most important lesson when it comes to a D/s relationship.”

“And what’s that?”

Bethany couldn’t see Jasmin’s face but she was sure the expression on it wasn’t nice.

“While as dominants we may control each and every moment of a scene, it is the submissive’s desires that fuel every stroke of the lash, every plea for more – every time she gives over to you.” She stepped back from Deacon, and she caught sight of her Sir. He was rumpled from his mad dash across town. “Take a close look at your submissive. What does she need from you – her Master? What does she deserve?”

He looked past Jasmin to make eye contact with Bethany. “Everything. She deserves everything – included a dom who won’t risk her personal health and safety to satisfy an itch.”

“Does it look like she’s hurting?”

Deacon stalked across the room toward Bethany. She moaned softly when the Sybian clicked on and began to vibrate under her.

“Do you see how much she enjoys this – being bound and at our mercy?”

He nodded, stepping closer, his hand coming out to cup the small baby bump – his eyes meeting hers. “You’d dare risk our baby for a flash of momentary pleasure—”

He didn’t even get a chance to finish his statement, before Jasmin slapped him upside the back of his head.

“How dare you accuse her of endangering your child, Deacon Willis. That little peanut is snug as a bug in a rug inside his or her mommy’s womb. Women can have sex up until the day before their delivery - if they choose. And nothing we’ve planned for tonight will harm Bethany or the child.” Jasmin glared at him. “You have to decide if you’re going to be the dominant that Bethany offered her submission to, or the scared silly bastard who doesn’t realize he can have it all – that his submissive won’t leave him – as long as she getting the whole man.”

Deacon crossed his arms over his chest. “Can you promise me that nothing we’ll do to her will cause her or the baby harm? In your professional medical opinion – not the kinky Domme side of you, Jasmin.”

Her nostrils flared. “I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t a hundred percent sure. I would’ve nixed this idea from the get go.”

Bethany held her breath, ignoring the brush of the phallus against her clit, as her future as Deacon’s submissive hung in the balance. Every part of her hoped he would realize what she’d known all along – she needed her Dom – not just the man.

* * * *

Deacon struggled with what Jasmin was telling him. Could he honestly have his cake and eat it too. Be able to be her Dom as well as her lover? Jasmin seemed to think so – and she was an OB-BYN – she knew the female form inside and out, and how much it could take without injuring the mother or baby.

He turned to face Bethany. “Is this what you truly want, Bethany? To be dominated until all you can do is scream in pleasure?”

“Yes, Sir. Please.”

Stripping off his t-shirt, he nodded. “So be it.” Then he loosened the rein he’d had on his inner Dom. Bethany must’ve recognized the difference in him because true joy lit up her eyes.

“Sir, if this submissive might request it – she’d like Mistress Jasmin to flog her while she rides the Sybian.”

He glanced over at Jasmin. “Is it safe?”

Jasmin gave a short nod. “Use your damned head, boy. The flogger can be soft as a baby’s kiss, or as hard as a horse’s kick – it’s all about pressure and aim.”

“I’m sure it is.” He swallowed down his unease. “Will you teach me how to give my submissive what she needs – without endangering her or our child?”

“Of course, I will – as long as you promise to quit trying to be something you’re not. Bethany fell in love with the real Deacon – not the silly overly romantic fool who’s been wooing her for the past three months.”

His chest tight, he moved closer to Bethany and tipped her head up. “Is that what you honestly want, little one?”

The need and acceptance in her gaze floored him. He didn’t even need her words to realize what her answer would be – but it soothed his fears when she whispered them.

BOOK: Safeword Interrupted (The Cattail Club Book 1)
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