Safeword Interrupted (The Cattail Club Book 1) (5 page)





Chapter Six



“Oh, my God.” Bethany panted and gripped the spindles of the headboard even harder. Between her thighs on his stomach, Deacon gave a hum of approval as he placed open-mouthed kisses on the top of her mound. His palms rubbed over her inner thighs as his lips strayed lower, until he could dip his tongue in, if he wanted. She waited on baited breath to see if he’d taste her or merely tease. She groaned as he skirted her slit to tongue the crease of where her thigh met her torso. She still couldn’t believe she was doing this…hell, that he was doing this. After coming at the beach, she’d figured that she was in for another punishment. Not one as severe as the one she’d earned by running, but at least a spanking.

Instead, he tosses me on the bed, and orders me to hang onto the headboard while he eats my pussy – what kinda fucked up punishment is that?

“That’s it, little one.” Deacon lifted his head, while spreading her labia wide with his thumbs, exposing her wet inner folds. She should be embarrassed to have him examining her so closely. She should be protesting but instead found herself even more aroused at the idea he wanted to see every part of her sex. “Let me see that pretty little clit and luscious wet hole.” His fingers kept her open as his head dipped lower - his tongue extended.

She was torn between wanting to close her eyes, unable to bear the raw image of him tasting her, and storing up every second of their time together like a greedy squirrel hoarding nuts for winter. She jolted at the first brush of wetness across her inner folds. She squirmed when he circled her opening, then cried out as he dipped inside as delicately as a humming bird sipping at nectar. “Sir!”

“Mmmmm.” His tongue deserted her entrance.

She groaned as agile, wet heat lashed at her clit. From her elevated position, she could see his tongue moving over her bud. It was beyond her scope of experience, to watch and feel him feasting on her. “I…oh, hell…Dea—Sir….damn it.” She knew she was babbling but couldn’t tear her focus away from the fire burning in-between her legs.

The sharp slap against her thigh had her moaning and arching toward his mouth. It also told her even with his attention focused on his meal, he was aware of her slip. She grew wetter. Where the hell had this man been hiding? She’d have never guessed her best friend hid this attention to detail under his easy going, good old boy attitude.

Guess it goes to prove that it all depends upon the subject matter.

The sudden intrusion of two thick fingers into her pussy sent her thoughts scattering. She greedily clamped around the invading digits as pleasure burst over her. The thrust and drag of them as he finger-fucked her, only sent her higher. Instinctively, she lifted towards them, tears welling in her eyes as she fought the need for more. Every thought, every sharp inhale was centered on her growing orgasm. She trembled on the edge, her knuckles going white around the spindles.
“Sir, please.”

He lifted his head. “It’s not going to be that easy. You’re going to have to work for it.” Pulling his fingers free, he made a production out of sucking them clean. Her womb clenched hard. Had she ever seen anything so erotic in her life?

“Mmmm…” He gave her rakish grin, then hooked his hands under her knees and pushed them towards her chest. She squeaked as her bottom left the bed. A protest built in her throat as he dipped his head once more, but this time considerably lower than before. If she could’ve jumped up from the bed she would’ve, when she felt the hot probe of his tongue against her anus.

She gritted her teeth and her head tilted back, as he circled her bottom hole then pressed against it. Unfamiliar sensations filled her.

“You better not be closing those eyes, Bethany.” His warning was hoarse but firm. Then he shifted his hold and braced her legs with one long forearm across the back of her thighs – leaving one hand free while he resumed his teasing.

“No, Sir,” she panted, squirming each time the tip of his tongue breached her hole.
How could he be doing this? It’s dirty….

All thoughts of how deliciously wrong his actions were fell to the wayside when his thumb circled her clit, sending a shard of sharp pleasure through her. She moaned and squeezed the spindles harder.

Oh God, if he keeps that up, I’m going to come.

But the small rational part of her remembered his rules – no coming without permission. He owned her orgasms – at least for the remainder of the week. She bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to keep the overwhelming need at bay. She wouldn’t fail him this time. She couldn’t!

“So good. So sweet.”

The sound and feel of his approval before his tongue made the leisurely lap from her anus up to her clit sent another wave of tingles through her pussy. Thankfully, his thumb abandoned the heart of her sex, halting her orgasm.

“Look at me.”

She lifted her head off the pillow and gazed between her thighs. Lying on his stomach with his weight on his elbows, and his lips slightly swollen and dripping wet with her juices, he looked like sex incarnate.

“Good girl. Watch.” He made a show out of dipping his fingers inside her sheath and drawing out them out. In the sun-dappled room, they glistened. She held her breath. What was he doing? Would he lick them clean or do something else? Her heart leapt at the thought. At this point, she didn’t care what he did – as long as he continued to touch her.

“When I push in, I want you to push out,” were his only instructions before he pressed against her anus. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she was quick to obey, despite the slight burn of his fingers stretching her ass. She held her breath as he slipped what felt like three fingers inside her ass.

“It burns…” she tried to focus on anything but the full feeling inside her bottom. “I…don’t know…if I can…do this.”

“Sure you can.” He nuzzled the inside of her thigh. “And I’ll help you.”

“Help me?” She barely managed to get the words out, before he filled her pussy with two fingers of the opposite hand and dipped his head once more. She gave a surprised shriek as he swirled his tongue over her clit, then tugged at it erotically. “Sir!”

She clenched down hard on his fingers, her orgasm racing towards her like a freight train. She couldn’t help it. She’d never felt so full in her life, nor had any man in the past ever explored the very depths of both orifices. Trying to pull back from his expert touch wasn’t an option, nor was uttering her safeword – she was screwed because she was going to come.

He made noises of encouragement in his throat as he drilled her clit with the tip of his tongue. He obviously didn’t care that she couldn’t control herself. She jerked on the headboard, hoping to distract herself but nothing worked. Her thighs began to tremble against his shoulders as her body turned on her – her self-control shattered. “Fuck!” Her eyes drifted shut and she threw her head back. “Going to come!”

A growl escaped him and he tore his mouth and fingers away. “Not yet!” Then he scrambled onto his knees, hooked her thighs over his arms, and shoved his condom-covered cock inside her in one sharp thrust.

* * * *

Deacon held onto his control by a mere thread, as she clamped down on his cock and her sheath tried to milk him. Her taste still lingered on his tongue while the heat of her ass had yet to fade from his fingers. He couldn’t wait to shove his dick up her tight ass. He’d always been an ass man, and Bethany had a fine one.

Under him, she went rigid as she fought her body. He couldn’t stop the sadistic smile from crossing his face. “You’re not allowed to come yet, Bethany.” Then he gave a hard snap of his hips, loving the way her eyes flew open and her mouth opened on a soundless scream.

“Hold on.” He gritted out, as he set a grueling pace, loving the sound of slapping skins and her fractured guttural moans. Around him, she grew incredibly wetter even as her sheath tightened around him. The added wetness along with the snug feel of her pussy had him riding the razor’s edge.

He shouldn’t have been this turned on- this crazy by merely eating her pussy. He’d scened with other subs – pushed other women harder than he’d yet to push Bethany, but his body acted like he’d been fucking for hours. All because a slip of a woman had gotten under his skin with the way she’d clung to him in desperation, as her orgasm had rocked her world. And now to feel it around his dick?

Fuck, I’m not going to be able to hold it.

The fragmented thought raced through his lust-filled mind, when her hands released the spindles to claw at his shoulders. He snarled at the sting of her nails, before slamming her arms above her head. “No!”

She sobbed, her eyes wild and desperate. “Please!” She struggled against his hold. “I need to hold you.” She squirmed, her legs tightening around his waist. “I’m….” Her cheeks pinked even as a deep flush rose to encompass her pretty tits.

He narrowed his eyes. His little submissive was on the verge of losing it – coming hard – and disobeying his direct order. He really needed to teach her some control, but at this particular moment in time, buried balls deep in her, he decided to be merciful. It had nothing to do with the seed in his balls that had reached a boiling point – nothing at all. Or at least that’s what he would tell himself later.

“Come, baby. Milk me with that pussy.” The words were growled against her lips, even as he promised himself that before their trip was over he’d take her slow and hard – drive her to the point where she begged for her release.

“Deacon!” His name came out on a squeal. Then her eyes rolled back in her head as she convulsed around him. He hissed as pleasure jolted up his spine – surprising in its intensity. Then he was coming, filling the condom full as his orgasm surged through him. Clamping his teeth on the tender muscle between her neck and shoulder, he rode the sharp euphoria as he marked her as his.


Her breathless sentiment echoed his own feelings. If he’d thought their earlier interlude in the kitchen had been intense, this one had blown that one out of the water.

Rolling on to his back, he drew her against his side. He smiled when she softly grumbled before settling.

“Shhh, sleep.” He ran a hand down her damp back, knowing between the sun and the numerous orgasms he’d forced from her had to have made her tired. She deserved a nap.

“Mmm…kay…” She burrowed closer. “Love…you…” She cuddled closer, her soft breath teasing his skin.

Deacon stilled. She loved him?

If it had been any other woman or submissive he’d have instantly left the bed, before breaking off any further contact. He didn’t do clingy women – but this was Bethany. The same young girl who kicked Freddy Keegan’s ass for teasing Old Man Writher’s blind dog. The same woman who handled the drunks at his bar with the identical ease she balanced the mess he’d made of his books. Hell, she’d even taken soup to his mother last month, when Deborah Willis had come down with the flu. Bethany wouldn’t know - let alone do clingy - if she tried with both hands. She’d never looked for a man to take care of her.

Instead, she takes care of everyone else – including me.

Throw in the most amazing sex he’d ever had, and Bethany Adams was the perfect woman for him. A true sexual submissive, but also one who wouldn’t need him to dictate to her outside the bedroom.

But the real question was, why the hell didn’t that scare him?





Chapter Seven


Bethany slowly opened her eyes against the bright morning sun. Seldom used parts of her body ached from overuse – particularly the vulnerable flesh between her thighs as she shifted against the soft cotton sheets. Deacon had put her poor pussy through a marathon of sex in the past twenty-hours. Six orgasms were five more than she was used to – but she wasn’t about to complain. She’d take as much of Deacon Willis as she could get. Because she knew once they returned home, things would be different between them – one of the reasons why she’d tried to welsh on their agreement. Too bad the silver-tongued devil knew her so well.

Speaking of her temporary Dom, she rolled over to find cool sheets.

Where was he?

“Deacon?” She sat up, catching the sheet before it pooled around her waist. Why she was being shy after spending most of yesterday naked, she didn’t know. Maybe she was having her own walk of shame moment. Minus the indifferent lover.

“Coming.” His voice filtered from the main living area of the bungalow. “Don’t you think of moving your ass from that spot, either. I’m hungry.”

Her cheeks flushed as he finished his order with the same phrase he’d uttered the day before when they returned from the beach.

I’m hungry.

The same two words had preceded him climbing between her thighs and burying his face in her pussy. She bit her lower lip as she grew wet with desire.

This is fucking ridiculous. All I have to hear his voice and I’m ready to go again. I may be in the market for a new job when I get back home, if this keeps up.

“I come bearing tempting morsels.” Deacon appeared in the doorway of the bedroom in nothing more than a towel. Either her Dom had ordered room service once more, or her crazy-ass friend had risked more than his fingers in making her breakfast, she thought as he approached the bed with tray fully loaded with food. It smelled delicious.

“Breakfast is served.”

She gave him a tentative smile as he set the tray across her legs. Loaded with soft tortilla shells, light and fluffy scrambled eggs with bits of peppers and onion, along with coffee and some kind of fruit juice, she decided that there was no way Deacon cooked. As soon as he joined her on the bed, she reached for one of the cups of the
café con leche
. As the strong – almost espresso style coffee passed her lips, she sighed. Nothing tasted better in the morning.

Desperate for the caffeine jolt, she said little as she sipped the intoxicating brew. After she’d consumed nearly the whole cup, her mind was finally more alert, so she reached for the fork. Only to have Deacon whisk it away. A frown crossed her face as he dug into the mound of fragrant eggs. “Hey! That’s mine!”

“Nope. Not today.” He gave her a lazy grin before lifting the utensil to her mouth. “Open.”

Surprised, she stared at him. “Ex—” Her protest was cut off as he shoved a forkful of eggs and peppers into her mouth. She had no choice but to either chew and swallow, or choke.

“Good girl.” He speared a fried plantain, then offered it to her. She thought about taking the fork away from him again – she didn’t need him to feed her, then the fool did the most amazing thing – he began to make choo-choo noises.

A giggle escaped her. “Really? Are you three?”

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, reminding her of the boy he’d once been. “Open up. We can’t have a full day of exploring if you have an empty stomach.” Another round of sound effects escaped him.

“You’re a fruit.” She mumbled around the crispy sweet fruit. “What kinda of exploring? I don’t think I can handle another one of your beach picnics.”

He gave her an indulgent smile, while filling the fork with eggs again. “That’s for me to know, and for you to enjoy. But rest assured we’re not heading to the beach today.”

“With all the sand and surf around us, please tell me you’re not planning on taking me to some stodgy old museum. I came here to spend some time in the sun, surf, and sand.”

He chuckled, then ripped off a piece of tortilla and placed it on top of the eggs on the fork. “You’ll get your outdoors fix, squirt.”

She narrowed her eyes. “But you’re not going to tell me what it is?”

He shook his head. “Sorry. It’s a surprise. Here – try this.” He offered her the tortilla and eggs mixture.

She accepted it, loving the flavors as they burst over her tongue. “Yum.” She swallowed it down, then glared at him. “But don’t think the food is gonna butter me up. You’re still a tease. I’ll get it out of you eventually.”

“You’re welcome to try.” He offered her another plantain. “But before you do, I want you to take a shower. Hot water will help ease any sore muscles you have, so you can enjoy our outing. I’ve already set out an outfit I’d like you to wear. It’s on the bathroom counter.”

She glared at him as she chewed up the fruit. “I think I’m old enough to pick out my own clothing, Deacon.”

He shrugged. “You are, but the fact you’re letting me on this trip only makes your submission sweeter.” He rubbed another piece of plantain across her lips. “When we return home everything will go back to normal. You’ll get to pick out your own clothing.”

Pain pooled in her stomach at the thought. Had he already decided that it would end here?

“Everything?” She couldn’t stop the question. Her heart raced as she waited for his answer.

He tilted his head. “That will all depend upon you.” He set the fork down. “Even if you decide to continue our arrangement, I don’t want the responsibility of picking out your clothing every day.”

A mixture of relief and sadness mixed in her system. She didn’t know whether to be happy or upset that the attention he was showing her was temporary or not. “I see.”

He gazed at her coolly. “No, I don’t think you do – but you will.” He nodded toward the tray. “Are you full or do you want more?”

She tore her eyes away from his. “I’ll have some more fruit…and another coffee, if that’s okay.”

“Of course it is.”

She remained silent as he fed her the rest of the plantains and she finished off another cup of
café con leche.
When she was finally done, she shifted against the sheets, wondering if she had to ask for permission to leave the bed or if she should just get up.

“Headed for the shower?”

“Ummm, yeah.” Her cheeks flushed.

“Good. We have about thirty minutes before we need to leave for the rental place. Think you can be ready in that amount of time?” He lifted the tray off her lap, then slid from the bed, carrying it toward the dresser on the far side of the room.

“Should be.” She threw her legs over the edge, while being careful to keep the sheet around her. It was one thing to be nude at the beach, or even when making love. It was quite another to walk around in her birthday suit in the cold light of morning.

“Good, and don’t forget to wear your comfortable shoes. We’re going to be doing a bit of walking today.”

She drew a ragged breath as she slowly stood. The memory of the intense pleasure brought on by the toys scared her. She’d totally given into him, uncaring about the people around them. “Please tell me, we’re leaving the balls here.”

He placed the tray on the dresser, then turned around and leaned back against the wood. “You can’t tell me you didn’t love them, Bethany.”

Her cheeks flushed and she clenched her fingers around the sheet. “I might just choke you if you stick those damn things in me again. They are evil.”

He gave her a sadistic smile. “Relax. They are put away for now, because where we’re going today, the acoustics would ruin any effort at privacy we tried to attempt.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Come here.”

She tugged on the sheet, intent on taking the covering with her.

“Drop it.” His lazy command quickly shattered any illusions she had of staying covered until she reached the bathroom.

She froze. “Ah…Deacon, I’m naked under…”

He smirked. “I know. Drop it.”

She fidgeted with the material. Did she dare?

“The longer you stall, the less time you’re going to have to shower.”


“But, nothing. I want to see that sexy body of yours before you cover it up with the clothing
picked out for you.”

“Beast! You just want me to walk across the room naked.”

“Of course I do. Now drop it.” He pushed off the dresser. “I won’t ask again.”

The firm request was such a contrast to their earlier camaraderie that she felt uncertain, off balance almost. Perhaps that’s what he’d been going for?

Her nipples tightened against the sheet at the reemergence of her Dom.

* * * *

Deacon waited to see if she’d obey or if she’d continue to cling to the sheet and her false modesty.

Or if she’s going to force my hand. Dear Lord, let her force my hand.

Images of how he’d make her pay for her rebellion flashed before his eyes. His favorite of course, was bending her over his lap and warming her ass. But she dashed those thoughts when she dropped the bedding, letting it pool around her ankles. He didn’t bother to stop the soft groan from escaping his chest. Standing in a pool of sunlight, her lush curves backlit with her blond hair shining like an angel’s halo, she reminded him of heaven on earth. One he was definitely going to explore once they got back from the caverns.

“Now come here.” It was difficult but he kept his tone even.

She took halting steps towards him, finally stopping about three feet from him.


She inched closer, then stopped. He sighed dramatically before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her up against him. “Better. Now kiss me.”

Her lips parted, and for a moment, he thought she would baulk, but instead she lifted up on tiptoe and pressed her mouth to his. He savored the rich taste of coffee on her lips while she pressed a bit harder. He waited to see what she’d do. How far she’d go. He almost caved when her tongue rubbed over the seam of his lips before darting back into her mouth. If she thought that her little tease would coax him into playing, she was sadly mistaken. He continued to let her kiss him, not actively participating until a low frustrated moan escaped her. Then he took mercy on her, spearing his tongue inside her mouth. She gave a happy sigh as her tongue rubbed over his.

By the time he lifted his head, he was precariously close to saying screw it and tossing her back onto the bed. Only his plans of seducing not only her body but her mind as well kept him from giving into his baser urges. He had a plan. He drew back and slowly released her.

“Go shower, sweetheart. Before I forget my good intentions.” He curled his fingers into fists. Anything to keep from reaching out and taking what was his – at least for the duration of their vacation.

Which is why today is so important. I have to prove that it’s more than just sex – that as a good Dom, I’ll see to all her needs, in AND out of the bedroom.

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