Read Revealed by You (Torn) Online

Authors: J.M. Walker

Revealed by You (Torn) (25 page)

BOOK: Revealed by You (Torn)
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My eyelids grew heavy and just when I was drifting into that moment of peaceful sleep, a hard body covered mine.

I gasped and stared up into Brett’s dark heated gaze. Lust and hunger seeped from his pores as he crashed his lips to mine. A moment of hesitation fluttered through me but I bit it back. I needed to be strong. For him. “Brett.”

He groaned. “Open for me.”

I struggled under his grip and pushed him back. “Brett.”

“Lover, please. I need inside...what the fuck?” His hands pulled at my clothes, trying to tear them off of me.

“Stop. Now,” I demanded, grabbing his hands.

He pinned me beneath him and licked up the side of my neck.

My body bloomed but I had to stop him. He would be grateful in the end. “Brett. No. Stop.”

He growled and sat back, scrubbing a shaky hand down his face. “You’re telling me no?”

“Brett, you need this.”

He snarled. “I need inside of you. That’s what I need, Evvie.” He pulled at my pants, attempting to tug them off of me when I pushed him.

Brett fell back on his ass, his chest rising and falling with each shaky breath. “What the hell is your fucking problem?”

I swallowed past the anger and braced myself for his rage but he needed this. I needed this. “We are getting married tomorrow. I’m trying to help you get control of your damn nightmares.”

He reached for me and pulled me in his arms. “The only way I have control is when I’m inside you. You know this. I...I...shit.”

My stomach clenched at the desperation in his voice. Cupping his cheeks, I placed a soft kiss on his mouth. “I’m sorry. I am. I want to help you in any way I can but I need you to get out of your head.”

Brett took a shaky breath and sighed. “God, what would I do without you?”

I smiled. “I also want to wait to have sex until tomorrow night, when we’re man and wife. I want it pure...ish.”

He sighed, his lips turning up at the corners. “Nothing about tomorrow night will be pure, lover.”

I laughed. My heart lifting that he reacted better than I thought he would over not being allowed access to me. “I love you. I’m sorry for tonight.”

“I get it. I’m sorry. I make me feel better. Sane.”

I swallowed and brushed my fingers down his cheek before running my thumb over his full lips. His strong jaw ticked. “You’re not insane.”

He looked away.

Pinching his chin, I turned his head to meet my lips. “For the rest of our lives, I will help you deal with this. With your mom. With whatever issues you have. I understand the need for sex.”

“I don’t think you do. You have no idea how addicted I am to you. To being inside of you.” His eyes saddened. “I crave you.”

My heart thumped. Was he upset at how he was feeling? Maybe his addiction went further than I thought. “We’ll deal with this.”

He nodded. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked, frowning.

“For not telling me that you’ll help me get over this.”

“I don’t want you to get it over it. I love the way you need me. The way you make me feel wanted. But I don’t want your addiction taking control. I’m new at this whole thing but I’ve seen what my dad had gone through with alcohol. I just don’t want it to destroy you.”

“I love you. Everything about you. Your Skin. Your heart. Your mind and soul. You are perfect. For me. I’m not a religious man, by any means, but I do believe.” He linked our fingers and brought our joined hands up to his lips. “I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. God put you on this earth for me. You, my sweet Evvie, were created...for me.”

Tears welled in my eyes and I swallowed past the hard lump in my throat. Brushing his hair out of his eyes, I reined kisses on his face. “My prayers were answered when I met you. We’ve had our issues and I know we will have more but knowing you are mine and that this is real, makes me believe that we can get through anything.”

His deep blue eyes twinkled. “My one.”

“My only.”

The rest of the night, we lay in each other’s arms. Not sleeping. Not talking. Just feeling.




As I stood at the entrance to the sanctuary in the church, I gripped my father’s arm in a tight hold. The last two days had flown by as we quickly got everything ready for our wedding. We could have waited, but our Vegas trip was coming up and we were going to use that as our honeymoon.

Earlier that morning we had an unexpected visit from Officer Charles. The older cop had reassured us that he was doing everything in his power to track down Brett’s mom. They had a lead that they were looking into and would hopefully have her behind bars and soon. They did find his step dad and brought him in for questioning. The disgusting monster of a man blamed everything on Diane like the pussy that he was.

“You ready for this, sweet pea?”

I jumped, my thoughts interrupted and I looked up at my dad.

He raised an eyebrow. “Distracted?”

“I’m fine.” I smiled reassuringly and let out a deep breath. Seeing the hard burly man in a black suit brought tears to my eyes. “I wish mom were here,” I whispered.

He nodded once, kissed me on the cheek and didn’t say anything else until it was our time to walk down the aisle. The wedding was small as only a few people sat in the audience to celebrate our marriage. We didn’t want a huge wedding and only invited a couple of people.

Brett’s sister had greeted me while I was in the bathroom and hugged the life out of me. For a small woman, she sure was strong.

I wished Everett was there also but no one had been able to get a hold of my brother. Last night I had gotten a text from an unknown number wishing me good luck on my wedding day. I could only assume it was from him.

The music switched and we started walking down the aisle. The tiny hairs on my body tingled as everyone stared at me but the only one I cared about was Brett. He stood at the end, waiting for me. Kane stood beside him, a huge grin on his face and he clapped a hand on Brett’s shoulder like a proud father.

Brett’s deep blue eyes drew me in, pulling me forward as I took the small steps towards him. At that moment, I stopped forcing my dad to pause beside me.

Small gasps sounded around me but the look on Brett’s face let me know that he knew I wasn’t running. Never. But I needed a moment.


“I want to walk the rest of the way by myself,” I said to my dad without taking my eyes off of Brett.

“Okay.” My dad kissed my cheek, walked up to Brett and whispered something in his ear. My father nodded towards me and blew me a kiss.

Brett grinned, his eyes heating with a love so deep, it practically tugged me towards him. I could almost hear him say,
Come to me, lover. Show everyone here how much you love me.

A giggle escaped my lips and I quickly walked the rest of the way towards him. Towards my husband. My future.




“No words can describe how much I love you. How much you mean to me. Or how much you make me happy. You’ve taught me to be a better man, to open up, to love. I thank God every day for giving me you. My best friend, my lover, my Angel.”

Tears welled in my eyes as I replayed Brett’s vows over and over in my head. They came from his heart and I couldn’t ask for more.

“From the first moment we met, I knew you were the one. I’m not an easy man to get along with but you, my sweet Evvie, put me in my place. You teach me. You love me. You see me. You’re my one. My only.”

I looked at the gold double band set on my ring finger. My stomach flipped. Mrs. MacLean. I was now Mrs. Brett MacLean.

“I will spend the rest of my life making you happy. I will make it my mission to keep that smile on your face. God gave me a gift when he brought you into my life. We’ve had our ups and downs but we’re stronger than ever. I love you, Evvie Neal, and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives showing you how much.”

A sigh of bliss left my lips as I let the words that came from Brett’s heart wash over me.

“I like knowing that I put that smile on your face.”

I grinned at the deep voice in my ear.

Brett grabbed my hand and kissed my ring finger before pinching my chin. “I plan on putting more smiles on that beautiful face of yours tonight and the rest of our lives, lover.”

I smiled up at him.

As the sounds of the city went by us, the only thing that I could think about was the man sitting beside me. The man I loved. The man I just married.

We drove back to our apartment in silence but I could feel the lust rolling off of Brett. It was stronger than ever since we hadn’t had sex in two days. Normal for most but unusual for us. If I didn’t want him so bad, I would make him wait just to see how long he could go without it.

After Brett unlocked the door, I stepped into the living room and pulled off the white dress I was wearing. Letting it pool at my feet, I waited. For the feel of his touch, the taste of his breath, the sounds of his groans of passion. My body vibrated, never needing him more than ever. To consummate our love. Our commitment to each other for the rest of our lives.

“How much do you want me?”

I trembled at the deep voice in my ear. “I ache for you. I want you so bad, it hurts.”

“Tell me more,” he said, his voice firm.

My pussy clenched at the demand. “I want you so deep inside of me, making love to me so I’ll feel you for days.”

He stepped in front of me. A wicked smirk spread on his face as he wrapped a hand around my throat. “Evvie, it’s been two days. The things I do to you tonight will not be making love.”




The next morning I woke to a light swat on my ass. I giggled and sighed, stretching my arms out under the pillow before turning to Brett.

“Good morning, my wife,” he said, his blue eyes twinkling.

My body stirred and I placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Morning, my husband.”

He grinned and cupped the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. Pushing me onto my back, he knelt between my legs. “So beautiful.”

My gaze roamed down his hard chiseled body. My mouth watered. “You’re beautiful, too.”

A cheesy grin spread on his face. “You think I’m beautiful?” he asked, kissing my forehead.

“Mmmhmm. Your heart,” I said, lazily grazing my fingers down his chest. “You love me for me. Every inch of my skin,” I breathed as he trailed kisses down my jaw.

“You’ve made me who I am. Without you, I am nothing.” He gripped my hips, pulling me under him and brushed his mouth along mine.

I couldn’t believe that we were now married. Although we knew each other’s bodies, last night was like a fresh start. Getting to know one another all over again as husband and wife.

I pushed Brett onto his back and straddled his hips. The sense of power consuming me as I ran my center over his rock hard erection.

He growled against my mouth and threw me off of him, covering my body with his.

I smiled against his lips and pushed him again. Our bodies entwined, our limbs entangled in sheets as our mouths remained locked.

Brett pushed me one last time and we both ended up on the floor. Bubbles of laughter bursting forth from us both. “You alright?”

I smiled and nodded, brushing the strands of hair out of his eyes. “More so now than ever.”

A cheesy grin spread on Brett’s face. “I love you. My sweet Evvie. My one.”

“My only,” I finished for him.

“Did you have fun last night?” he asked, nipping my chin.

My body bloomed as memories of the many times we had consummated our marriage during the night reined full force in my mind. “Yes.”

“Good. Now spread your legs for me.”

I attempted to do as he said although my body was caught in the white sheet.

Brett moved between my legs, his erection resting against my mound.

Lifting my hips, I took him in. A sigh escaped my lips at the sense of familiarity. The only skin touching was our most intimate spots, the rest covered by the sheets.

I could never get enough. Him being inside of me felt like home. Safe. No wonder it calmed him whenever he had a nightmare.

Brett grunted, his hips speeding up, pushing his thick length deep inside of me.

A tingle of pleasure spread through my body and exploded into tiny electrifying amounts of ecstasy.

“Scream my name, lover.”

I moaned, his name leaving my lips again and again.



Brett and I had been married for a week before our trip to Vegas. The Saturday night, I got a call unexpectedly as I walked down the long hallway to our apartment. I glanced at the phone, not recognizing the number. “Hello?”

“How was the wedding?”

. “No hello?”

He grunted. “Hello, Evvie.”

I sighed. “The wedding was small but good. Where are you?”

“Don’t worry about me.”

I huffed. “You sound like Ethan.”

“‘Bout time he learned something from me.”

“What’s going on, Ev?” I asked, once reaching the door to my home.

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m fine and see how you are doing.”

“We haven’t talked since daddy’s heart attack, Everett.”

There was a pause. “Evvie, be safe. I love you.” And with that, he hung up.

I frowned and walked into the apartment. Throwing my phone and keys onto the table by the wall, I let out a heavy sigh.

“What’s wrong, lover?”

My gaze landed on Brett sitting on the black leather couch in the living room. He held a small tumbler with dark amber liquid and took a sip as I neared him.

“Everett called me. It was the weirdest conversation ever,” I explained, sitting at Brett’s feet.

“Where is he?” Brett asked, curling his hand around the base of my throat.

I shrugged. “He’s safe. That’s all I know.” My stomach clenched. I tried not to worry for my family but the men in my life didn’t always make the smartest decisions.

BOOK: Revealed by You (Torn)
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