Re/Paired (Doms of the FBI Book 2) (19 page)

Katrina worked out when she could, which translated to about four or five times each month. Or two. She couldn’t maintain that position for very long. Still, she knew better than to argue.

He arranged her other arm the same way on the other side of the bench. If she were standing or lying on her back, she could hold this position with no problem. But she was on her stomach and fighting gravity. Thank goodness he was going to tie her in place.

He wound rope around one elbow, looped it under the table below her head, and secured it to her other elbow. Then he tied her wrists together above the table, forcing her hands to stay at the top of her head. It solved the problem of resting her arms, but the position proved awkward. He played around with the ropes, tugging on them and slipping his fingers beneath to test the give.

When everything was satisfactory, he stood next to her and fiddled with the things on her back. With her head turned and her inability to move, she found herself staring at his crotch. This table was the perfect level for him to slip his cock into her mouth. Saliva pooled on her tongue at the thought, and she swallowed.

Keith said nothing. He put sticky things on her back. From what she could feel, two were just under her shoulder blades on each side, and two were on the muscles she most liked massaged after a long day of research and paperwork.

“I’m going to turn it on. Tell me when it becomes uncomfortable.”

At first, she felt nothing. After several moments, she became aware of a light tapping underneath the sticky things. The tapping sped up and became sharper. It didn’t hurt, but the sensation surprised an unplanned exclamation from her.

“Kat? Does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t. It’s…different. I can’t quite decide if it feels good or just weird. Is this the TENS unit?”

“Yes.” As he said that, the distinction between each tap vanished. Underneath the pads, her muscles bunched and relaxed. The sensation traveled a counterclockwise path around her back, a weird kind of massage. “Oh, now that feels good.”

“I’ll leave it here for now. Close your eyes and relax.”

She gladly complied. Within a minute or so, the physical manifestation of her stress melted away. Her mind drifted on a tide of tranquility. Even when he slid her down the table so that her legs and hips were no longer supported, she clung to that place, stubbornly refusing to leave.

He closed his hand around her ankle and guided her to stand with her legs apart. Ropes wound around her flesh, fastening her to cold metal poles.

Then he turned off the device. She groaned in protest, but she did remember her manners. “Thank you, Keith. That felt nice.” It didn’t do anything for the fire he’d lit in the bedroom, but it did release the tension from deep within her muscles.

More rope encircled her legs just above her knees. He buckled a thick belt over her lower back, further binding her to the table. She couldn’t move any part of her body, and she took a moment to admire his strategic placement of the ropes. He stood behind her. She could detect no movement, so she deduced he was just looking at her. He was definitely big on the visual aspects of sex.

He caressed her ass, brushing the soft back of his hand over her skin. Since it was still sore from earlier, that touch was magnified a thousand times. She felt the soft, sticky pads as he repositioned two of them low on her ass, only inches from her pussy. The other two ended up high on her thighs, equally close to her vaginal lips. She wasn’t sure about this part of his plan, but she trusted him, so she tabled her reservations. She’d liked the kneading feeling on the places in her back where stress lived. A massage around her pussy couldn’t be anything but pleasurable. Right?

“You have permission to come tonight as often as you can. Don’t temper your reactions. I want to see you and hear you.”

He stated his instructions firmly and with as much devious passion as he’d used the night before when he told her he got off on her pain. Though she’d liked some of the kinds of pain he’d issued, she worried a little.

Tingling under the pads drew her attention away from her fretting thoughts. As the sensation picked up the pace, traveling from pad to pad, it began to feel like she was being slowly fucked. She liked the feeling, but she would rather it was closer to her pussy.

“Keith? Could you maybe put one of those pads on my clit?” Her voice came out thin and flat. Thin because she was a prisoner of the electricity pulsing through her ass. Flat because her cheek was pressed against the bench.

“It’s not safe to do that, Kitty Kat. Dry skin only.” He slapped a flogger lightly against her ass. The falls landed together, but they fell down her behind by themselves, scraping against her tender skin. “Don’t worry. We have all night.”

As the last of the falls slithered down her flesh, he lifted them. He ran them up her back and down her legs, sensitizing her skin to what was about to happen. Her heart beat faster, because she knew he would deliver on his promises.

“Relax. Breathe into it. This is going to hurt at first. I’m going to cover this lovely tanned skin with red stripes. You can scream as loud as you want, Kitty Kat, and I won’t stop until you look exactly the way I want you to look.”

A response wasn’t necessary. Because his will was her will, her permission was assumed. She wanted this because he wanted to give it to her. It was as simple as that.

The first series of lashes lacked serious bite. It awakened her nerve endings, not that they needed all that much help. Her muscles tensed, and she had to work to keep them soft. In a purely theoretical way, she knew tightening them up would make it hurt worse.

Through it all, the pads that were almost between her legs pulsed in a sensuous rhythm. The muscles of her lower ass and inner thighs danced to it. They were helpless in the face of the electrical onslaught.

The next stroke of the flogger snapped loudly, the sound startling her more than the feel. Only when the tips of the falls pulled away did the searing pain register, eliciting a cry of protest. He’d said he would go for a light sting to give her a floating feeling. This wasn’t light by any means.

She opened her mouth to call yellow so she could remind him about what he’d agreed to do, but the snapping sound came again, high on her left shoulder. He was careful to hit the fleshy parts, she noticed, but it still hurt like hell.

You can do this.

The voice came from somewhere inside her head, a cheerleader urging her on when the coward inside argued for a reprieve. She breathed into the sting, winning her internal battle. She would be strong, and she would do this for her Master. And she called him by that title because he was a Master. Her Master.

But she still didn’t want to utter the word. For some men the title was a mark of respect. For Keith it was a wall she wouldn’t let him build between them.

As she rationalized her decision yet again, Keith picked up the pace. The snaps came at regular intervals, ringing through the air to become her consciousness, and the lag time between them seemed to have disappeared. Just as the searing sting from one blow registered, he was already delivering the next. The sensations ran together. The agony throbbed through the skin of her back, ass, and upper thighs. He even targeted the curves of muscle along the backs of her calves.

She cried out. She struggled against her bonds. Desperate pleas fell from her lips, but she wasn’t cognizant of anything she said. She wanted out. She wanted it to stop. At the same time, she felt as if she would die if he didn’t continue.

Sobs heaved from deep in her chest, and at last her body relaxed. She submitted to this torture, accepting this pain because it had obliterated everything else, and she needed to erase the stress of the past week. With that decision came peace. She floated in a vast sea of calm, riding the ripples of pain that had transformed into the sweetest pleasure.

The snapping sounds of the flogger came from far away. Vaguely, she registered that it was falling with even more force that before. Instead of hurting, it served to keep her anchored to this refuge where no worries, no pain, nothing bad could penetrate.

Some time passed before she became cognizant of the fact that he’d stopped, but she had no idea how much. Her entire body buzzed, tingling with awareness and the remnant sting of the flogger. Keith sat on a low stool next to her and smoothed her hair away from her face. He murmured quiet praises of both her performance and her beauty.

Her eyes had been half-open. She blinked, clearing away the heaviest of the cobwebs, and focused on his handsome face. The lines around his mouth had softened. His entire demeanor had softened, as if he’d found relief the same way she had. For the first time ever, she saw the tentative beginnings of tranquil peace through the windows to his soul.

“Thank you, Keith.” She said his name as reverently and respectfully as if it were his title. In her heart, she wanted to call him Master, but her heart didn’t overrule her better sense. She didn’t want to use his title until he could feel the true weight of that word.

“You were made to be flogged, Kitty Kat. Your fight and your surrender were beautiful to witness.” He leaned forward and kissed her wrist.

She wondered if he was going to untie her.

Seeming to read her mind, he shook his head. “Wiggle your hands and feet. They weren’t cold when I last checked, but you need to make sure you still have feeling. We’re not even close to being finished tonight.”

Nothing was amiss, though she noted that her shoulders were going to be sore. She voiced that concern, but he just chuckled.

“Most of your body will be sore in the morning. It just means you were well and thoroughly used. That should be a point of pride.”

Or at least cause for a sated grin. Though he hadn’t actually given her an orgasm yet, she knew that was on the menu.

He stood and made his way to stand behind her. She felt the coolness of his palm sliding over her hot skin, moving down her shoulder blade, over the belt binding her to the table, to the smoking flesh of her ass. The light caress burned like wildfire. She tried to buck his hand away from that tenderized flesh. It had been twice abused in only a few hours.

But Keith knew his way around restraints, and she was only able to flex her muscles.

“I love your ass, Kitty Kat. I’ve spent years stealing glances at it.”

All went silent, and she knew he was taking time to look his fill. Never once had she caught him checking out her ass or sporting a guilty expression. As the utter stillness continued, she became acutely aware of how wet she was. Being bound in this position and the impact play had certainly turned her on. Even the spanking, discipline though it was, had whetted her appetite to have Keith inside her. His simplest touch had the ability to send her senses reeling.

Now she was finding out that he didn’t even need to touch her. The power of his inspection melted her insides and made juices rush to her pussy.

“Like what you see?” In all the years she’d known him, she’d never censored her sense of humor. It might get her into trouble, or he might remember how much he liked her wit.

“Most definitely.”

She heard his amusement, but he didn’t touch her. He didn’t do anything. This was almost worse than physical torture. At least when he was flogging her or spanking her, she knew exactly where his attention was centered. She wanted to squirm, but she couldn’t. She tried to lift her head to look over her shoulder, but his ropes were doing their job.

After an eternity, she heard the sounds of things moving. Small noises told her that he was doing something to the table directly underneath her pussy, and that made her realize he’d removed those sticky pads sometime during or after her flogging. The long, slow trek of his tongue from her clit to her rosebud startled a strangled cry from her.

He returned for a second pass, then a third, almost as if he couldn’t help himself. His tongue became more insistent. He moaned and added his fingers to the mix, circling her clit, alternating light and heavy pressure. The heat of his tongue teased her hole before plunging in. She moaned and struggled to push back against his face.

He played her body expertly, and she could only lie there and take it. Heat suffused her core, highlighting the job the flogger had done on her skin. It came from everywhere and blanketed her mind. The force of her climax shattered any illusion of control she thought she had.

Waves of delicious warmth lapped over her in time to the rhythm of his tongue. He licked away her cream and prolonged the orgasm. When her clit tried to hide, he pinched it to draw it out of its protective hood. Tremors shook the insides of her thighs as the stimulation reached the point where it was too much.

Just as she opened her mouth to beg, he stopped. Sort of.

Something settled against her clit. It was large and round, squishing against the tip of her nub and extending almost to her vaginal opening. Cold jelly covered it.

Keith appeared near her face. Her juices glistened from his lips and chin, and the scent of her musk permeated the small amount of air between them. He planted a kiss on her cheek.

“A little-known fact, Kitty Kat. A woman’s clit is a larger, ovoid structure. What we think of as the clit is actually the tip. The rest of the muscle stretches down in two strips around the urethra, meeting up again just above the opening of the vagina. The best orgasms come from remembering to stimulate the entire area.”

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