Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6) (20 page)

BOOK: Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)
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Rebecca leaned forward, seemingly unable to hold herself up. She planted her hands on the edge of the bed, and Griffen reached out to snag her and haul her onto the mattress. Catching a second wind, he crawled off the bed, positioned her on the edge, spread her legs with his hands, and lowered his mouth to suck her pussy before she knew what was happening enough to put up a struggle.

Her hands landed on his head to push him away for about half a second, and then she gave up and pulled him in tighter.

He grinned against her clit and ate his sweet little mate until she cried out with a second orgasm.

When she finished, he pressed her farther onto the bed, leaned over, kissed her lips, and then left her lying there. “My turn in the shower.”

His cock was so hard, it was about to burst, but her expression was priceless. He’d take care of himself under the warm water. She would be too sore for either man to fuck her right away.

That didn’t stop them from rocking her world, but at least he had the good sense to walk away afterward.


“I’d like to go check out the apartment today,” Rebecca said over breakfast the next morning. She wore nothing but one of Miles’ T-shirts, and he knew good and well she was squirming against the chair.

He’d always heard about the first few weeks after mating, but it was impossible to grasp the entirety until it happened to him.

Now he was catching on. He wanted her every hour of every day. When she wasn’t in the room, he could smell her lingering scent everywhere.

When Griffen was next to him, he could smell her on his other mate.

It was impossible to concentrate on anything substantial. His cock was always hard, and he knew Griffen was in the same boat.

As for Rebecca, her pheromones leaked from her constantly, a mating call of sorts, and it didn’t abate.

He stiffened. Was he ready to share her with the world?

“Talked to my parents yesterday,” Griffen said as he pushed his plate back. “They’re anxious to meet you.”

“I have to go back to work tomorrow,” she said on top of that.

Miles sighed. They needed to face reality and the rest of the world, though he still had his doubts about their ability to leave the property. So far, every time they tried, they ended up returning. Crazy, since it was incongruent that someone had apparently also vandalized the house. How the hell did that fit in? If the mountain spirits wanted to ensure the mating was secure, why put up road blocks, literally, both at home and out of the house? And why were the spirits still hassling them now that the mating was complete? There had to be some human or shifter messing with them also.

He hadn’t mentioned to either mate the shredded shirt. He winced; he needed to tell them. It was important they stay diligent at all times.

“What is it?” Griffen asked. He was sharper at staying in tune with Miles’ thoughts. That was natural.

Miles took a long drink of his coffee and sat back. “When we came back to the house the other day and found it trashed, there was something I didn’t tell you. Either of you.” He glanced from one to the other.

Griffen furrowed his brow. Rebecca’s eyes went wide.

“Apparently Rebecca missed a shirt when she was packing.”

“A pink tee,” she muttered. “Been wondering where that went.”

“It was on the bed. What was left of it.”

“What do you mean?” Griffen asked, leaning forward.

“Shredded. The only way I could know what it had been was its color. I don’t have anything pink.”

“It was torn up and lying on the bed?” Griffen repeated.

Rebecca stiffened, her hands gripping the sides of the table. “What does that mean?”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Griffen asked.

Miles faced Griffen first. “Didn’t want to upset Rebecca further, and then it slipped my mind, honestly.”

Griffen nodded. “What do you make of it?”

Miles inhaled long and slow. “That’s the thing. I can’t come up with any logical explanation. It makes no sense.”

“Can spirits do that?” Rebecca asked. “Can they rip up shirts and throw rocks through windows?”

Miles looked down. “I don’t think so.”

“Jesus.” Griffen stood and began to pace. “So, maybe this had nothing to do with any sort of supernatural phenomenon after all. I mean, we could come up with slightly plausible explanations for almost everything.”

Miles lifted his gaze. He’d thought along these same lines, but it never added up no matter how many times he pieced the puzzle together.

Griffen went on. He needed to work through the same thought process Miles had already been through. “Maybe there was no spirit in the woods that day. Maybe it was a shadow of some sort. A bear. My own mind playing tricks on me.”

He heaved for more oxygen and continued. “Someone could have let the air out of the tires. The wind could have blown the tree over. It happens. Nature can easily take out a transformer, or a human can tamper with it.”

Griffen stopped in his tracks and set his gaze on Rebecca. “Someone could be trapping Rebecca.”

Miles interjected. “Why? I mean, do you have any enemies? I don’t. Who would want to fuck with our mate like this?”

“What if it
me?” Rebecca stood, nearly knocking her chair over.

Griffen turned toward her. “Baby, that’s crazy.”

“Not any crazier than someone having a grudge against one of you. Maybe some patient I had in the hospital, or worse, their family. Maybe someone doesn’t want me to race next weekend. Maybe I have a stalker.” Her voice rose.

Miles jumped up now and took her in his arms. “And this is why I didn’t mention the shirt.”

“You can’t keep shit from us, Miles.” She lifted her head, pressing against him. “We all three deserve to know what’s happening.”

He released her reluctantly when she pushed harder.

Her long hair hung loose down her back, swaying as she ran her hands through the top and then turned back to him. “So, maybe there’s no strange spooky spirit at all.” She gave a sharp chuckle that wasn’t meant to belie humor. “Maybe all these events were caused by a man.”

“Or a shifter,” Griffen added.

Miles shook his head. “Not buying it.”

“Why the hell not?” Griffen asked.

“Because you haven’t managed to explain my grandmother’s part in all this. She was at our door, sitting on the porch when we got down from the mountains that first day. She knew.” He was nearly shouting, pointing toward the front of the house.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and then continued. “I know you two don’t know my grandma like I do, but trust me. That woman raised me and my sister. I know her better than anyone alive. If she thinks there’s a spirit trying to communicate with us, I believe her.”

“Okay,” Rebecca consented, shocking him. She patted his chest and lifted her gaze to his, her lip between her teeth for several seconds before she continued. “Miles, Melinda told me about your parents. At least what little she knows. I’m so sorry.”

He stepped out of her reach. His parents weren’t a subject he liked to discuss with anyone. These were his mates, however, and he would need to open up to them. But not now. Not with all this going on. Discussing his parents was a shitstorm of its own.

Luckily Rebecca didn’t press the issue. Bless her. “What do we do now?”

Miles stroked a hand down his face and proposed the last thing he wanted to do. “We head into Cambridge.” And then he left the room. He needed a shower first and some space.

Chapter Nineteen

Rebecca held her breath as they made their way into town. It was almost forty-five minutes to her place from Miles’. Griffen’s condo was another five minutes away—the one he shared with his next oldest brother Trace. Already she’d heard him on the phone numerous times with Zachary and Logan. It seemed both brothers were conspiring to move into his share of the condo.

She also knew Griffen was concerned. It was quite a trek from Miles’ home on the reservation to the ski slopes where Griffen worked the majority of the year. Luckily everyone in his vast family was covering for him this week in light of the craziness.

During the drive, her cell rang. She snatched it from her lap to see the caller ID. “Crap. My mom,” she muttered. She hadn’t called her parents all week. That wasn’t like her. “Mom,” she answered as Griffen squeezed her thigh.

“Hey, honey. Haven’t talked to you in a few days. Thought I’d better check in. I know you have that race coming up, and you’re probably super busy between that and work.”

“Yeah. I’m beyond busy, actually. A transformer exploded at my apartment building Monday. There was extensive fire damage.”

“Oh God, sweetie. Were you home? Did anyone get hurt?”

“No. Luckily. I’m fine. Just heading there now to see if I can salvage anything.”

“Do you have someplace to stay?”

“Yes, I’m, um…staying with friends.” She glanced at Griffen and then Miles, both of whom had a smirk on their faces.

“Do you want Dad and I to come up there?”

She shook her head, even though her mother obviously couldn’t see her. The last thing she needed on top of everything else was to deal with introducing her parents to two men.
Mom, Dad, these are my mates…

“No, Mom. I’m fine. Don’t worry. I’m so busy I wouldn’t even be able to spend time with you. I’m putting the apartment out of my mind for now.” That much was the truth. After she visited the place and grabbed her important belongings, she needed to pretend it didn’t exist for a few days. Her brain was full.

“Okay, but let us know if anything changes and you need us to come up. Dad can probably get a few days off work.”

“Thanks, Mom. I’ll be okay. I’ll call you after the race when things start to calm down and I can think.”
As if that’s gonna happen…

“Sounds good. Be safe. Love you, sweetie.”

“Love you too, Mom.” Rebecca set the phone down, her fingers clenching it tightly. The entire conversation made her nervous. There was no way she could add her parents to the pile of craziness that was her life.

“You okay, baby?” Griffen’s fingers tightened on her thigh and then stroked up and down her bare leg.

“Yeah.” She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She needed to get her mind back on track. The men surrounding her with their weird pheromones weren’t helping. That wasn’t something she could change if she wanted to, which if she were truthful with herself, she did not.

Minutes later, Miles pulled up to the building where Rebecca had lived for the past two years. The front was cordoned off with no-trespassing tape.

He parked and climbed out, helping Rebecca ease to the ground on shaky legs. Sharon immediately emerged from the car already parked in front of them and nearly ran to greet them. Rebecca had called her that morning. She should have known the woman would want to meet up with them first chance she got.

After a quick hug for Rebecca, and then one for her brother, she also squeezed Miles around the waist and then stepped back. “You look good,” she said as her gaze roamed up Rebecca’s frame. “Mating works for you.” She winked.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. “You aren’t mad?” she asked Sharon.

Sharon furrowed her brow. “Why would I be mad?”

“You specifically said you didn’t like to introduce your friends to your brothers for this very reason.” Rebecca chewed on her lower lip, worried about Sharon’s reaction to this development.

Sharon giggled. “Oh, gosh, no. This is fantastic. I’m excited for you. Random girls pretending to befriend me to get in with my brothers is always annoying, but you aren’t random. Can’t help what Fate brought. That’s different.”

Rebecca forced a smile. The entire thing was taking some getting used to. She could almost ignore the bizarre as long as they were alone in Miles’ house where they spent most of their time having sex. Stepping out into public made her realize how big of a deal this was.

It wasn’t like she could parade around town on the arms of two men. After much discussion, and for the sake of simplicity, the three of them had decided she would pretend to be with Griffen publicly for now.

With that thought in mind, she wasn’t surprised when Griffen came up to her side and set a hand on her lower back.

BOOK: Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)
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