Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6) (18 page)

As he made his way deeper into the house, he found much of the same. No serious damage, just a mess. What the hell?

The master bedroom where he’d spent the last twenty-four hours claiming his mate was tossed more than the rest of the house. And then something on the bed caught his eye.

He took two strides to reach the side of his bed and lifted the shreds of pink cotton material. “Fuck.” He turned to ensure neither of his mates had followed him and then gathered up all the scraps and wadded them into a ball. He opened a drawer to his dresser and buried the evidence under his T-shirts.

The last thing he needed was for his mate to see anything that upsetting in her precarious state of mind.

Finally, he glanced around again and stepped back through the house and out to the truck. “Coast is clear. Whoever did this is gone now.”

Chapter Seventeen

Rebecca felt sick to her stomach. After an enormous breakfast and an equally huge lunch, she felt the bile rising in her throat at the emotional turmoil assaulting her from every direction.

“Who would do this?” she muttered under her breath as she stepped into Miles’ house. The place was trashed, but nothing was destroyed. It looked more like a twister had come through. As Miles and Griffen started putting things to rights, she realized nothing was broken, just flipped over, as though someone had been looking for something. Or maybe even set the scene to mask their true intentions.

Miles put the cushions on the couch and then physically escorted her to sit. “Love, sit down.” He gave her a stern look.

“Shouldn’t we call the cops?”

“And tell them what?” Griffen asked. “Some angry spirit is pissed off with us and wants to ensure we do exactly as the specter wants?” He gave a sharp chuckle that didn’t have an ounce of humor.

Miles stiffened where he was bent sweeping up glass. “I’ll call the local authorities in Sojourn. They’re all shifters. We do need to report this.”

“Can spirits throw rocks through windows?” she asked.

Miles pursed his lips and didn’t meet her gaze.

The answer was
. And her Native American mate was concerned.

She decided not to press the issue for the time being.

Griffen leaned over her from behind the couch, tossed a throw pillow at the end, nudged her to lie down, and covered her with an intricately sewn blanket, covered in beautifully patterned geometric designs in browns, yellows, oranges, and reds.

She smoothed her hand over the hand-sewn work and closed her eyes.

It seemed like minutes passed before she opened her eyes again. But as she blinked into the room, she realized the sun was low in the sky, and the living room was cast in shadows.

There were also several men on the porch in a heated discussion. She could hear their voices traveling through the broken window now covered with plastic but not thick enough to keep their voices from traveling.

Griffen and Miles were there, but two others whose voices she didn’t know as well.

She pulled herself to sitting, feeling the groggy, hung-over sensation one gets from taking a nap way too long in the middle of the day. She’d been asleep for hours. There was no doubt she needed the rest, but now she felt a bone-weary tired that kept her from dragging herself to standing.

And she’d never gone for her run. Dammit.

She leaned her head back on the couch and dragged her knees to her chest. And then she listened.

“No. It’s not an option. I told you twice already. We aren’t leaving this house. And I’m not sending away either of my mates, either.” This was Miles. He sounded firm.

And then Griffen. “He’s right. We can’t split up. Not gonna happen.”

And then the voice of someone she didn’t know. “Listen to reason. What if it’s not safe here? Don’t you think you’ve had enough evidence to support that idea?”

Rebecca glanced around. The man had a point. The house had been vandalized.

“This is my property, and I’ll protect it,” Miles insisted.

She could picture him standing on the porch, stance wide, arms crossed at his chest, head held high. She smiled.

Another unknown voice. “Miles, it’s been years since one of our own has mated outside the pack.”

“So? Your point?”

“Just sayin’, man. Maybe that’s what the spirits are inflamed about. Did you ever think of that?”

“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” Miles’ voice was louder now, and then it dipped again. She imagined he realized he might wake her.

Too late.

“Listen. I know you two mean well. I get that entirely. And it’s your duty to protect the rez. But you aren’t mated. Until you are, don’t fucking talk to me about leaving my mate, whom I’ve barely claimed thirty hours ago, and separating my family. Griffen, Rebecca, and I are not separable. It’s done. Fuck, it was always done. Even before it was done, it was done.

“So, unless you have some suggestion that doesn’t involve me leaving my home or separating from my mates, we don’t have anything else to discuss.”

Her heart pounded at his vehemence. She squeezed her legs together to stave the irrational pull she had toward him just listening to his words. Her pussy tightened with need. She crossed her arms over her chest to squeeze her swollen breasts tight.

That didn’t help.

The words Miles used were harsh, but he was firm about his intentions toward her. And Griffen. And he knew the number of hours since they’d first had sex. That made her smile.

Then Griffen spoke. “We’ll take turns patrolling the property. No one is going to be able to approach without us scenting them from quite a distance.”

The first man who’d spoken sighed so loudly even Rebecca heard him. Feet shuffled on the porch. “No,” he nearly moaned, “I’ll get some officers over here to patrol. You two go back inside and take care of your human mate. She must be freaked the fuck out by now.”

The man had no idea. Was he also a shifter? She assumed so by the way he referred to the pack. And what did he mean by the spirits being angry about this mating? Was it possible the unbelievable apparition was actually trying to keep the three of them apart instead of bring them together?

That made no sense, considering the intensity in his grandmother’s voice when she’d insisted they mate and do it immediately.

“I’ll have two men circling the property through the night. We’ll reconvene in the morning.”

Shit. Rebecca dropped her legs and glanced around. It was Monday. She had to work tomorrow. Seven o’clock in the morning. She jumped up from the couch and scrambled around in the near darkness to locate her purse on the kitchen table. She flipped it open, intent on calling her boss. There were three missed calls and three messages. One from the hospital.

She pushed the button to listen to that one first, exhaling slowly as she heard the voice of the head of her department, Marian Pierce, telling her she’d heard about the fire and wanted to ensure Rebecca was indeed safe as the police had informed her. She’d also switched the schedule around so Rebecca had the next two days off, and she asked Rebecca to call her if she needed more time.

Rebecca wandered back over to the couch as she listened, her breathing evening out and her body relaxing. At least she didn’t have to worry about that problem for a few days. She had no idea how she was going to tell the woman she couldn’t get to work because there were supernatural obstacles in the way.

One small saving grace caused by the inopportune fire.

The next message was from Sharon, who informed her she’d been by the apartment complex. It seemed most of the damage had been on the other end of her building. There was a possibility some of her belongings would be salvageable whenever the fire department determined it was safe to enter the premises.

Another blessing.

By the end of the third message, this one from Melinda, Rebecca was almost smiling. Melinda’s soft voice was calm and polite, expressing her sorrow over the fire and informing Rebecca she could call her at any time. She was certain the two of them would grow to be close friends, sisters really, as soon as her overprotective brother let Rebecca out of the house.

Rebecca giggled at that last part, just as her men reentered the house.

“You’re awake.” Griffen indicated the obvious as she set the phone down.


Both men came to her side and flanked her on the couch.

Miles brushed a loose hair from her forehead. “And you’re smiling.”

“I was listening to my messages.”

“And there was some good news buried in them?”

“Under the circumstances, it wouldn’t take much. My boss has rearranged the schedule so I’m off the next two days. Sharon says there’s a possibility my belongings can be salvaged eventually. And your sister called.” She winked at Miles. “She’s very sweet.”

Miles rolled his eyes. “I don’t like the idea of her regaling you with tales of my childhood just yet.”

“Why? You said yourself nothing could separate this weird bond.”

He grinned. “True.”

“You never got to see your patients today.” She wasn’t the only one needing to get back to work.

He shook his head. “No. I rescheduled them all for later this week.”

“Do you go to their homes?”

“Often. My office is here in Sojourn, but there are three vets in the office. The other two handle most of the small animals in-house. I do most of the larger animals and usually cover a lot of ground to see them all.”

He leaned in and kissed her lips. He may have intended a peck, but the second his mouth touched hers, she opened to him, needing more. She twisted her body to face him more directly, aware of Griffen’s hands at her waist as his lips hit her neck from behind.

Rebecca angled her head to one side, tasting the man she was growing more attached to by the minute. They’d had sex so many times since yesterday morning, it was unimaginable she could want more, but her arousal shot sky high in an instant.

She reached for his head to curl her fingers in his dark hair.

His hands landed on her sides, his thumbs grazing over the edges of her breasts.

She moaned, leaning in for more.

Griffen’s mouth nibbled at her neck behind her ear. His hands roamed up to cup her breasts, his thumbs flicking over her nipples, making them harden instantly.

On a moan, she arched her chest into his touch. Every nerve ending came to life in a heartbeat. She needed more. And she needed it now.

“We should feed you,” Griffen mumbled into her ear.

She shivered at the tickle. The last thing she wanted to do was eat.

Miles broke the kiss to mumble against her lips. “He’s right. We should.”

She shook her head. “Jeez, all you ever do is feed me. I’m not interested in food right now. Less talking. Less clothing. More kissing.” She was shocked by her bold request, so unlike her.

But these two mates of hers did things to her libido she would have laughed at before Friday afternoon.

Now she had only one thing in mind—tangled naked bodies making her hum like they did every time.

Miles grinned against her lips. “Yes, ma’am.” He tugged his shirt over his head with one hand and tossed it behind him.

She ran her fingers up his chest, luxuriating in his warm firm pecs. She leaned forward to flick her tongue over one of his nipples, enjoying the way it puckered as he flinched and hummed low in his throat.

Then someone grabbed the hem of her tank top, and it disappeared over her head. Her bra evaporated with it, four hands working at once to divest her of all clothing.

Miles reached forward to cup her breasts, pressing them up in offering.

When Griffen reached around from behind to pinch her nipples, her head rolled back against his bare shoulder. She grabbed his forearms, arching into the contact, the sweet torment of pleasure and pain that combined to make her pussy so wet and needy she squirmed.

“Hang on, love. We’re getting there.” Miles chuckled as he released her breasts and reached for the button on her shorts.

Griffen still held her nipples, pinching and twisting them in both directions, a distraction that kept her from paying attention to how easily Miles removed her shorts, taking her panties with them.

She was wet.

The air in the room hit her immediately, making her plead for more in her head.

Griffen set his lips on her ear again. “Your thoughts are an open book, baby. Hold still. Let us love you.”

She cringed as she remembered their mental connection. They always seemed in tune with her. The reverse was not true.

Griffen scooted back until he leaned against the arm of the couch, taking Rebecca with him, hauling her so she lay between his legs, her back against his chest.

She closed her eyes at the exquisite torture of his fingers that never left her nipples. He cupped her breasts from beneath now, molding them in his hands, but he never stopped the twisting and pinching of her sensitive tips.

“Spread your legs, baby. Set your feet over my thighs.”

She glanced down.

Miles watched her intently, his hand on his thighs, not touching her anywhere.

“Legs, baby. Spread them. Let Miles see your pussy, baby.”

She shivered at the command. It was one thing for them to manhandle her into submission. It was entirely different for her to willingly do it for them.

Even though she’d fucked them several times in the most intimate of positions, opening herself up so vulnerably to them of her own free will was a challenge.

Miles watched her. He set one finger on her thigh and grazed it down her leg to her foot. He did the same on the other leg. “Open for me, love. Let me see how wet you are without my touch.”

She was wet. She swallowed, knowing what he would find between her legs. How totally embarrassing for her to be so horny before he made any contact with her pussy.

Neither man gave any indication they would budge on this issue. The only movement was Griffen’s fingers toying with her nipples until it seemed she might come from that contact alone.

She grabbed his forearms at her chest again.

She lifted her ass off the couch, longing for contact.

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