Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3) (12 page)

Chapter 12



Luke leaned back against the bar in the hotel suite that he was sharing with Evie, nursing a brandy and watching the way she gestured while she talked to whoever had called her a few minutes ago. He felt his insides tighten and he wondered if it was the man she’d had plans with. Evie had stepped out on the balcony before she answered the call and he watched her through the window as she threw her head back and laughed.

He realized he was jealous of whoever was on the phone. He froze because he’d never been possessive, not even with Melissa, but at the moment he wasn’t just jealous, he was seconds away from ripping apart the man she was talking to. Luke wanted to storm out there and snatch that phone from her and command her to never speak to whoever it was again.

He let out a little snort.
Yeah, that was likely to go over well
. Almost as well as this suite had two days ago when they’d arrived. Evie had locked herself into the second bedroom and refused to come out till he’d told her the car had arrived to take them to the office. Yesterday and today she’d been a little less freaked out and they’d actually eaten dinner together in the room a little over a half hour ago.

He glanced over at Evie again, his guts twisted in knots because he felt possessive and a little out of sorts that she was still talking to whoever was on the phone. He didn’t like it. Not one damned bit. He took another sip of his brandy feeling an ache take up residence in his chest. He stared at the wall, his mind circling around his Evie dilemma before he glanced back towards the balcony. Evie seemed to be done with her call because she entered the room, shutting the balcony doors behind her. Luke wanted to demand to know who she’d been talking to but he doubted that would be something she would tell him. He snorted a little, taking the last sip of his brandy before setting the glass on the bar.

“All done?” he asked snidely, feeling like a dick but unable to keep the nasty tone from his voice.

“Yes,” she replied, her look wary.

“Great. Then let’s go over those applicants you interviewed today and see who we need background checks on,” Luke replied, indicating the table where the files were sitting. Evie nodded and sat down with him at the table and for the next hour they went over the files. It was about eight when they finished and Luke leaned back in his chair next to hers stretching his arms over his head as he glanced at her.

“Want to watch a movie before turning in? We’ll leave tomorrow at one to head home but we don’t need to go back to the office in the morning and I’m not tired,” Luke muttered, his hand rubbing across the back of his neck as he watched her. She shifted restlessly in her seat and stared at him.

“Okay,” she replied hesitantly after a long pause. She stood up and they both headed over to the sitting area where the fifty-inch TV was. Evie lifted the remote and scrolled through the channels to find the movie selection. Luke sat on the other end of the couch trying not to stare at her bare legs, which were revealed by the thigh length shorts she was wearing.

Luke figured he’d watched enough movies he didn’t enjoy with Laney so he allowed her to choose the film. She settled on a movie about a man who traveled into the future to save the woman he loved from being murdered. Luke didn’t think he would enjoy it but found himself sucked into the plot. When the credits rolled two hours later he turned to glance at Evie to find her asleep. She looked beautiful leaning back into the couch, her hair flowing down around her face and her lips slightly parted. She let out an adorable little snort he assumed was a snore. A grin curled his lips and he felt a warmth spread through his chest.

He stared at her for a long moment, his body hardened to the point of pain. He couldn’t understand what it was about Evie that drew him so strongly but Luke couldn’t stop himself from moving closer to her, sitting right beside her on the couch. He reached out to gently brush her hair off her face. Evie stirred and her eyes opened with a hazy look complete with heavy-lidded eyes that met his and a sweet smile curled her lips. Luke felt like he’d been sucker-punched. His heart began beating like a drum and his hand lingered on her hair twirling a lock of the red-gold strands around his finger as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Evie leaned toward him, which was all the invitation he needed. Luke pressed his lips onto hers, his hand burying in her hair as he crushed her in his arms. Evie let out a little mewl of pleasure that went straight to his groin. Luke growled and devoured her. His tongue thrust into her mouth dueling with hers. Evie’s hands moved to his shoulders and she pulled him closer as if she were trying to crawl inside his skin.

Feeling the hard tips of her nipples poking him through her t-shirt, he moved his hand to cup one. His thumb rubbed over the hard peak as he continued his assault on her mouth. He felt like his whole body was on fire as desire roared to life inside him unlike any he’d ever felt. It was as if she were a live wire pumping him full of hot electric passion.

Luke growled as he nipped at her soft lips before kissing down her jaw seeking her tender flesh, needing to mark her so that every other man knew she was taken. It was a visceral need inside him suddenly to own her body and soul and it ripped him apart. Evie was tugging at his polo trying to take it off and he parted from her briefly to jerk the offending shirt over his head before tossing it to the floor nearby.

Evie moaned and rubbed her hands over his chest caressing him and he felt her nails scrape over his nipples leaving chills behind in her wake. Luke needed to touch her bare skin,
right now
. That thought at the forefront of his mind, he grabbed her shirt, jerking it off her. She was wearing a white cotton bra that he unclipped, watching as her breasts burst free from the confinement. His growl of hunger hung in the air between them for a moment before he moved forward, taking one tip into his mouth.

“So beautiful,” he murmured as his lips closed over the hard peak. 

Evie moaned and pressed against his mouth with abandonment and he felt like he was going to die if he couldn’t touch every inch of her. His hands were rough as they grabbed at her flesh trying to pull her closer. He needed to be inside her before he lost his damned mind. Sucking hard on the hardened tip of her breast, he heard her mewl of pleasure and it sent satisfaction crawling through him.

Evie wiggled beneath him on the couch, one hand gripping his hair while the other dug into the skin of his shoulder holding him to her. Luke kissed across her chest to suck on her other nipple.

“More,” Evie whispered, eagerly pressing into him.

Luke didn’t have to be asked because stopping at this point was impossible even if sleeping with his assistant was a stupid idea because at the moment he didn’t give a shit. He wanted her too much to care. He should have been more cautious after Melissa but he couldn’t seem to find his restraint at the moment. His hands gripped Evie’s hips as he rubbed his hardened cock against her wet center.

After weeks of watching her he wasn’t about to stop now. His tongue curled around her nipple and his hands held onto her tightly when she mewled again. Her head was moving back and forth when Luke raised his eyes to take in her reaction to his attentions.

“Please—oh God, please don’t stop,” Evie husked, her need making her voice high and her nails digging into his skin as she caressed his shoulders.

Pulling back slightly, his hands moving to cup her breasts, his thumbs sliding over the tips, he growled darkly, “I won’t.”

He tugged at the little shorts she wore, taking them off her as she tried to help by wiggling her hips until they were down to her mid thighs. He pulled them the rest of the way off quickly, pulling back to look down at her. She was breathtaking. Her stomach wasn’t perfectly flat like most of the women he took to his bed and her hips were wider than he was used to, but somehow she managed to transfix him more than any of the women in his past had.

Luke stared at her body, his mind almost overloaded with the possessive feelings inside him. He couldn’t seem to separate his need to make love to her from his need to own her and it scared the shit out of him but he wasn’t stopping. He

She lifted up her lips to meet his, her tongue running over his lips until he opened them and with a growl crushed her against his chest. Luke moved his hands down  seeking the hot hollow between her legs, his fingers slipping inside her slowly.

“Luke,” Evie cried out. Her voice cracked and her eyes were tightly closed in her desire to block out the sensations that flowed through her. She was trying not to act as desperate as she felt but it had been seven years since she’d had sex. She felt his fingers enter her and she cried out, her head tossing against the couch, her hips lifting toward him.

Evie couldn’t seem to catch her breath and she found herself panting in little mewling moans that would have been embarrassing if she’d had a single brain cell left to concentrate on it. She was so close to coming that she couldn’t contain it and shivers broke out racing down her spine as her orgasm flooded her. She screamed Luke’s name as her world imploded and she felt like the top of her head came off.

She had barely caught her breath when she felt the hard press of his thick cock at her entrance. While she’d been dealing with the fallout of her crushing orgasm, he’d apparently been pulling off his sweat pants and rolling on a condom. He slowly pushed inside her, his cock long and thick as it slipped into her. She felt his mouth on her neck kissing his way up to her lips. She moaned when he hit a particularly sensitive spot as his hips pumped into hers.

Luke found her lips, taking them in a deep kiss that seemed to spear straight through her. It felt like he was caressing her soul, the emotions that bombarded her were so strong. Her mind shut down and she became pure sensation. All she could think or feel were his caresses and the way his hardened cock moved inside of her. Her body tingled and her mind began to splinter as he brought her to completion a second time.

It wasn’t long after she floated down from her mind-blowing orgasm that she felt him stiffen above her and he let out a hard groan as he came, jerking into her several times before his weight was suddenly pressing her into the couch beneath her. Evie lay there with her arms around him, her hands lightly rubbing his back as she blissfully closed her eyes, feeling a little tired. It didn’t take long before she drifted off to sleep but before she did, she felt herself being lifted into his arms and he carried her to one of the beds.

Luke woke early the next morning, his arm resting beneath Evie’s head with her curled against him. For a moment he was content to just lie there looking down at her reddish-blonde head. She was so beautiful and the realization that he wanted to keep her caused a panicked feeling to take up residence in his chest.

Fuck, what the hell had he done?

Evie was his employee and sleeping with her had been the height of stupidity. Of course, his swollen cock didn’t think so. Even now it was urging him to roll over and make love to her again as he had three times the night before. He glanced around his room wondering what the hell he was going to do about this. He wasn’t the guy who slept with his employees. He shouldn’t be thinking about keeping her either.


Keep her? What the hell was the matter with him? He wasn’t going to get into a relationship with any woman. Melissa and the four women after her had taught him the hard way that he was not a man relationships worked for. He was the hit-it-and-quit-it type, not the two point five kids and a picket fence type.

The fact that he was not going to continue to sleep with her meant this could go one of several ways. None of them were good and the least likely scenario was that now things were going to be awkward in the office. It was more likely she would cry sexual harassment and he’d end up with a lawsuit on his hands because that was just the way his relationships with women went.

The reason he avoided women like Evie was because they became shrews after he told them he wasn’t going to start dating them. It had happened several times with nice girls he’d taken to his bed. Well a few of them had just called him an asshole and never spoke to him again but for the most part women didn’t take it well when he told them he wasn’t going to date or marry them.

He was such an idiot and his only defense was that his cock had been in charge last night, not his brain. Luke slipped his arm from beneath her head slowly, trying not to wake her by gently pulling it in a slow and torturous slide that seemed to take hours but was likely only a minute or two. Evie stirred and he squeezed his eyes shut, hoping she wouldn’t wake.

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