Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3) (11 page)

His eyes bored into hers as she gazed up at him, her hands on his shoulders and her breathing a little quick. Her lips parted and she tilted her head. It was all the invitation he needed. His tongue brushed against her lips and she let out a little moan. Luke pulled her into his arms, his mouth devouring hers. His arms wrapped around her to pull her closer and her hands pushed under his shirt to rub against his skin. Luke felt a roaring hunger explode inside him and he groaned.

Luke’s body pressed against hers crushing her to him, needing to be closer to her. His hand tugged at the hem of her shirt jerking it up, frustrated when it wouldn’t move out of his way. He jerked harder, hearing the little pings of buttons hitting the table as they were ripped off the blouse she was wearing. His hands thrust under the material seeking her soft flesh, rubbing over her stomach and up toward her breasts.

Evie twisted her hands in his shirt clinging to him as her tongue met his thrust for thrust, letting him know that he wasn’t the only one affected by the chemistry between them. Her nails dug into his skin as his cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing over her nipple covered in a lacy bra. He felt almost feral as he kissed down her neck, his teeth nipping her skin. Luke wanted to growl but his mouth was occupied so he settled for a rough grunt against her flesh.

She wiggled and he moved his other hand around seeking the clasp on her bra, needing to feel the soft globes of her breasts without the barrier between his skin and hers. She let out a little moan and one of her hands lifted to hold his head to her. Luke released her bra and his hands jerked the offending material off her along with her shirt, tossing them aside.

His mouth covered one nipple while his hand cupped the other and she collapsed into him, knocking him slightly off balance and causing them to fall to the couch. He landed on top of her with his mouth still around her nipple and his hand still cupping her breast. Evie seemed to suddenly realize what they were doing and her hands made to push him away but now that he had her beneath him, he wasn’t able to stop.

He began sucking her flesh and she let out a little cry of despair and pulled him closer. Luke would have smiled if he wasn’t otherwise occupied with her body, finally right where he wanted it. Licking around the tight bud, he brushed his fingers over her other nipple, gently twisting it. She groaned and her hands buried in his hair as she arched towards him pressing her breast into his mouth fully. Luke liked that and his body pressed into her, his cock throbbing to let him know it wanted to be released. He rubbed his hardened cock against her smooth thigh, unable to help the need to do so.

Luke kissed his way to her other nipple and allowed his hands to slip under her skirt, raising it to reveal cute little pink panties. His mouth lifted from her breast with a reluctant pop so he could look at those panties. He let out a little growl and lifted her hips, sliding her to the edge of the couch they lay on so he could get the scrap of lace off her. He needed to feel the hot wetness he knew would be there to greet him so badly his back teeth ached. He reached up, sliding her panties off as she lay there watching him through heavy-lidded eyes, her body languid and relaxed.

He slipped them off, seeing the blonde curls that answered the question of what color her natural hair was. His fingers slipped up to the hot junction, his fingers slowly rubbing over her clit, and his mouth moved forward to take her nipple again as he worked his way to her opening. Evie let out another of those breathless gasps as his fingers slid into her and her hips wiggled. Luke felt like he was going to explode when her body gripped his fingers tightly. He needed to be inside her soon or he was going to go mad.

He began to slowly work her into orgasm while his other hand jerked at his pants. It was a struggle to unfasten his pants one-handed but he was unwilling to stop touching her long enough to get them off. He was already stopping every few seconds to suck on her tender nipples because he felt like he was starving every time he moved away from the hard little peaks. It was insane that he felt so desperate for her when he’d never felt like this with any other woman. Luke didn’t care at the moment, all he wanted was more of her. More of her hot clasp around his finger, more of her hard nipples, and more of those breathless moans she kept releasing. 

“Luke,” Evie cried out.

She was panting now and he could feel the way her body was clenching and unclenching around his fingers letting him know she was close. He had one hand on his fly and the other inside her and he was dying to get his cock inside her before she came. He knew it wasn’t going to happen but he might be able to let her have this one without him and then work her into another one with him. Yes, that was what he wanted, for her to come over and over again. He needed that like he needed to breathe.

Luke released his pants and moved his hand to her hip, holding her down when she would have thrust her hips upwards toward him. His thumb brushed over her clit in time to his thrusting fingers and he sucked her nipple hard, his tongue curling around the tip. Evie whimpered and she tried to thrust her hips upwards again but he held her down.

“Come for me, baby. You can do it,” he whispered against her breast as he kissed his way to the other one.

“Oh–oh, I need—” Evie began but she never finished because her body began to tremble beside him and he knew she was coming for him as her body writhed and rippled around his fingers. Luke felt a deep sense of satisfaction overtake him as she cried out his name. It was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard and he planned to hear it again before the night was over, possibly multiple times because he didn’t think he would be getting tired of hearing that sound any time soon.

“Such a sweet girl. So sexy,” Luke told her as he watched her orgasm overtake her, his eyes glued to her face after he released her tightly budded nipple from his mouth. Fuck, he needed to get naked so that he could worship her properly.

That thought in mind, he sat up while Evie lay there trying to catch her breath and began unzipping his pants, allowing his thickened cock to spring free. Evie was watching him as she sat up, her jiggling breasts distracting him from what he was doing. His eyes focused on her reddened nipples and the bite marks he’d left near them. He felt satisfied pleasure burn through him as he took in the sight.

Evie’s soft hand chose that moment to wrap around his swollen cock and he let out a little hiss of need. His eyes closed and he growled as he leaned back into the couch enjoying the feel of her hand wrapped around his thick member. Her thumb rubbed over the tip and he hissed again as fire raced over him. His head spun with the possessive passions that roared through his veins. He reached out, plucking at her nipples as she continued her caresses.

His brain was focused on what he had planned for the night so he didn’t immediately understand that the music he heard playing was his phone. Evie seemed to realize it and her hand froze. It was still wrapped around his cock and he stared down at it wondering why she’d stopped when she had been doing such a great job. His brain processed that his pants were singing and he finally dug out his phone. He should have looked to see who it was but he was too distracted by the fact that Evie’s hand was releasing his cock and she was pulling back a little. Luke didn’t like that and his voice was rough when he barked, “What,” into the phone.

“Hello to you too, lover,” Rebecca’s husky bedroom voice answered.

Luke wanted to curse because not only was she interrupting but Evie had heard her. He could tell by the way she was moving quickly away from him now and the horrified look she wore. Luke wanted to hang up on Rebecca but she was a client and he had to talk to her. Sleeping with her a few years ago had been a mistake. One he hadn’t repeated but she still tried every chance she got. He’d actually passed her account on to Eric but she insisted on calling him every time even if he did just hand it off.

Luke watched with his dick still aching as Evie grabbed her shirt off the table and began pushing her arms into it. Her bra was already on and she’d fixed her skirt while he’d mentally counted to ten. He wanted to grab her and rip those damned clothes back off her because he was nowhere near done with her but the way her eyes darted frantically around and her lips trembled, he wasn’t sure that was a good idea at the moment.

“What did you need, Rebecca?” he asked curtly, still watching Evie.

She had grabbed the jacket for her suit and buttoned it over her ruined shirt and was now cleaning off the table. Luke looked down at his dick, which was red and swollen and throbbing painfully. Fuck, looked like it was going to need a hand job because he could tell he wasn’t getting inside Evie tonight. Reaching down, he shoved the protesting beast back into his pants and zipped up.

“I needed to talk to you about the security for the new building I’m doing and wanted to see if you were free?” Rebecca said into the phone.

Luke was only half listening, his main focus on Evie and her frantic attempts to clear the table. He knew that she wanted to get out of here and he didn’t want to let her. He watched her shove the papers onto her desk and she smiled wanly as she picked up her purse and indicated she was leaving.

“Rebecca, hold on for a moment please,” Luke said, hitting the mute button. “Evie, where the hell do you think you’re going?” he growled, standing up to take a step toward her.

“This–this shouldn’t have happened. You’re my boss.” She made a motion between the two of them before continuing. “This isn’t a good idea.”

“I think it’s a damned good idea,” Luke growled, his cock still pressing hard against his pants.

“No, we both know it’s not. So let’s just forget this happened and move on,” Evie said, her voice wobbly and her hands trembling where they held her purse.

Luke felt a denial roar inside him but he held it back watching her. He knew that pretending this hadn’t happened was as likely as him not breathing but he could tell she needed time to come to grips with it. He wasn’t looking for a relationship but he would be taking her to his bed. After having her body beneath his, he knew there wasn’t a chance in hell he would be able to stop himself. Evie needed to make that choice for herself too and she wasn’t ready, he could tell from the way she took a step back from him when he took a step forward. A frustrated sigh escaped him and he ran his free hand through his hair.

“Fine, we will act as if this didn’t happen,” he grunted and she looked so relieved it was almost insulting. She nodded and turned away to leave. Luke almost grabbed her and jerked her back but something held him in check. Likely the instinct that if he pushed her now she’d run and he wasn’t taking that chance, even if his cock was yelling at him to stop being an idiot.

Chapter 11



Luke stood near the doorway watching Evie talk with Laney three mornings after they almost had sex in his office. Evie threw her head back laughing and Luke wondered what they were talking about. He was feeling a bit out of sorts because for the past few days she’d been acting as if nothing had happened. If it weren’t for her blushes every time she saw him and the fact that she was
Mr. Stewart-ing
him to death again, he would think he had imagined it happening at all. It had happened though and he found himself wanting to grab her every time he was within touching distance. It was making him nuts. Luke lifted his coffee, taking a sip of it as he continued watching his sister and Evie.

“Morning,” Craig said, coming to stand beside him in the hall outside Laney’s office. “Why are you lurking here watching Laney and Evie? You didn’t piss Evie off, did you? Because if you run her off Eric and I will not be very happy with you.”

“I haven’t done anything and it’s none of your damned business why I’m standing here,” Luke grumbled, glaring at him.

“Hmm, seems odd you watching them if you’re not guilty of something. Come on, spill, what did you do?” Craig demanded, his eyes narrowed on him.

“I told you, nothing,” Luke said, although his inner voice spoke up telling him that he’d almost fucked his assistant three days ago which would likely qualify as the mother of all fuck ups considering the lawsuits it could rain down on his head. Ignoring that voice, he just stared at Craig.

“I hear you saying that but I also know you only lurk when you’re upset over something. You forget I’ve known you for more than twelve years, buddy,” Craig informed him with a raised brow.

Damn, he was right, they did know each other too well.

“It’s nothing. I just haven’t figured her out yet is all,” Luke lied because he couldn’t very well tell Craig about almost fucking her on the couch in his office the other night. Luke didn’t want to deal with the fallout from that conversation any time soon, that was for damned sure.

“Yeah, I still know there’s something you’re not telling me but I think I’ll wait to pry until you’re a little drunker,” Craig muttered, crossing his arms.

Luke made a mental note not to get drunk around Craig ever again. He wasn’t exactly loose-lipped when he was drunk but somehow Craig always seemed to manage to get him to slip up and tell him whatever he wanted to know when he was. Luke was never sure how he managed it. Shaking his head, he turned back to watch as Evie stood up, likely preparing to head back to their office. His hands tightened around his coffee cup as he watched her hungrily.

Evie bent forward slightly to grab her cup off Laney’s desk and he almost let out a groan as her skirt tightened over her ass. He felt an almost visceral urge to grab her and toss her over his shoulder to carry her to his bed. Luke’s hand almost crushed his coffee cup when the skirt edged up a few inches revealing her thighs.
Why was that so damned sexy?
He didn’t know but it was making him harder than a steel rod. Shit, he needed to get the heck out of here before Craig noticed his hard-on. Luke turned and headed toward his office down the hall.

“I’ll see you at the meeting tonight,” Luke called out over his shoulder, trying not to rush away from the other man.

Two hours after rushing away from Craig in the hall, Luke called Evie into his office. He was going to have to go to the Texas office for a few days and he wasn’t going alone. He would need her to help him with interviewing the assistants. She knew what they needed done on a daily basis and it would allow them to vet the staff a little better if she were to go over their qualifications. Normally Laney would be the one to do those interviews but he knew she and Craig had a romantic weekend planned and he didn’t want to mess that up.

Evie walked into the room, her bulky suit buttoned up, and he was sure she thought it hid her body but it only made him want to strip her naked. He shifted in his chair trying to get his hardened cock into a more comfortable position.

“You needed something, Mr. Stewart?” Evie asked as she sat down in the chair across from his desk with a little note pad in her lap.

“Yes, I need you to accompany me on a business trip to the Texas office this week. We’ll leave tomorrow and return on Saturday,” Luke explained.

Evie stared at him for a long moment before she spoke and when she did he saw that her hands tightened on the note pad. Her knuckles turned white she was gripping it so hard.

“I have plans,” Evie finally said. Luke stared at her for a long moment after she spoke unable to stay silent.

“Change them,” Luke growled, anger making his voice harsher than usual.
Did she have a date?
Luke knew that he had no right to be angry if she did but he was. He didn’t like the idea that she might be dating someone else. Not when all he thought about for the past three days was getting her into his bed. His teeth clenched and he found himself gripping the edge of his desk, his fingers digging into the wood.

“Is it really necessary for me to go with you? Can’t you handle whatever it is while I stay here and work?” Evie asked, her eyes narrowed and her body shifting nervously in the chair.

“Yes, it’s necessary for you to go. You’re my damned assistant and it is in your job description that business trips may be needed at times. So no, you can’t stay here,” Luke muttered through his clenched teeth.

“Why do you need me to go?” she demanded.

“Because I do, damn it,” Luke growled, slamming his fist into the desk. “Whoever your
are with, they can be rescheduled because this is part of your job, Evie. I’m sure the person will understand. Now, we’ll be leaving at six am tomorrow. I’ll meet you in the lobby of our apartment building.”

With that he stood and stormed out of his office, too pissed to stay seated any longer. The notion that she was seeing another man made him want to commit murder and he had no idea why. He didn’t want a relationship, damn it, he just wanted to bed her. Of course, that was before he thought she was dating someone, Luke realized as he stalked down to the gym.

Evie stared at the door Luke had just stomped out of, her mind racing over the conversation they’d just had. She hadn’t meant to make him mad but his clipped
change them
when she mentioned having plans had ticked her off. Luke was a bit of a dick when he wanted something and didn’t get it right away just the way he wanted it.

Evie’s hands shook as she pushed her hair behind her ear and stood on shaky legs to head to her desk. At first she’d thought he wanted her to go on this trip because of what had happened the other night but after his reaction she felt like she might have been wrong about that. Damn, she really needed to think things through before she said them.

Evie picked up the phone but as she did, something Luke had said popped into her head.
Had he just said their apartment building?
She wasn’t positive but she was pretty sure that was what he’d said. Evie couldn’t believe he lived in the same building and she’d had no idea. He must live on the top floor where the larger apartments were. Not that her apartment was in any way small. She shook her head and punched in Rory’s number hoping she was on break and would answer.

“What’s up, Evie?” Rory asked.

“I can’t go with you to the pottery class tomorrow or Friday like we’d planned,” Evie told her, getting right to the point.

“What? Why not? I thought you wanted to go.”

“I did–do but I have to go on a business trip with Luke and we’re leaving tomorrow morning,” Evie explained, curling the phone cord around her finger as she tried not to sound too worried.

“Damn, that sucks. Well I think they might have one next month we could go to instead. I’ll have to check. How long are you going to be gone?” Rory asked, her voice curious. Evie was glad she hadn’t told Rory about what happened the other night because if she had, this conversation would be very different.

“Saturday apparently.”

“Huh, okay. Well I won’t be home till late tonight because I have to work till ten. If you have to leave early I probably won’t see you till you get back then. So have a safe trip and bring me back some of those hotel shampoos from the ritzy place you’ll likely be staying at.” Rory snickered.

Evie rolled her eyes and promised she would just to get her friend off the phone before hanging up. She sat back in her chair hearing it creak a little as she did. Evie couldn’t help thinking that Luke might have demanded that she go on this trip so he could try to get her into his bed. Not that she wasn’t interested, it was just that she didn’t think sleeping with her boss was a good idea. She didn’t think he would treat her any different if they did but she wasn’t sure she could handle the fallout from the relationship ending.
Could she watch him with other women after feeling his touch?
Probably not.

Shaking off the heavy thoughts that weighed on her, she pulled up the report she’d been typing up before he called her into his office and started working on it, trying to get her mind off Luke and the trip.

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