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Authors: Mark Lutz

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Programming Python (200 page)

BOOK: Programming Python
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Calling Python Objects

The last two
sections dealt with running strings of code, but it’s easy
for C programs to deal in terms of Python objects, too.
Example 20-27
accomplishes the same
task as Examples
, but it uses other API tools to
interact with objects in the Python module directly:


the module from C as before


an object’s attribute value by name


Calls a
Python function (or class or method)


Python objects to C values


C values to Python objects

We used both of the data conversion functions earlier in this
chapter in extension modules. The
call in this version of the
example is the key point here: it runs the imported function with a
tuple of arguments, much like the Python
call syntax. The Python function’s
return value comes back to C as a
, a generic Python object

Example 20-27. PP4E\Integrate\Embed\Basics\embed-object.c

/* fetch and call objects in modules */
main() {
char *cstr;
PyObject *pstr, *pmod, *pfunc, *pargs;
/* get usermod.message */
pmod = PyImport_ImportModule("usermod");
pstr = PyObject_GetAttrString(pmod, "message");
/* convert string to C */
PyArg_Parse(pstr, "s", &cstr);
printf("%s\n", cstr);
/* call usermod.transform(usermod.message) */
pfunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pmod, "transform");
pargs = Py_BuildValue("(s)", cstr);
pstr = PyEval_CallObject(pfunc, pargs);
PyArg_Parse(pstr, "s", &cstr);
printf("%s\n", cstr);
/* free owned objects */
Py_DECREF(pfunc); /* not really needed in main() */
Py_DECREF(pargs); /* since all memory goes away */

When compiled and run, the result is the same again:

The meaning of life...

However, this output is generated by C this time—first, by
fetching the Python module’s
attribute value, and then by fetching and calling the module’s
function object directly and
printing its return value that is sent back to C. Input to the
function is a function argument
here, not a preset global variable. Notice that
is fetched as a module attribute this
time, instead of by running its name as a code string; as this shows,
there is often more than one way to accomplish the same goals with
different API calls.

Running functions in modules like this is a simple way to
structure embedding; code in the module file can be changed arbitrarily
without having to recompile the C program that runs it. It also provides
a direct communication model: inputs and outputs to Python code can take
the form of function arguments and return

Running Strings in Dictionaries

When we
earlier to run expressions with results, code was executed in the
namespace of an existing Python module. Sometimes, though, it’s more
convenient to
create a brand-new namespace for running code strings that
is independent of any existing module files. The C file in
Example 20-28
shows how; the new
namespace is created as a new Python dictionary object, and a handful of
new API calls are employed in the process:


Makes a
new empty dictionary object


to a dictionary’s key


(indexes) a dictionary value by key


Runs a
code string in namespaces, as before


Gets the
built-in scope’s module

The main trick here is the new dictionary. Inputs and outputs for
the embedded code strings are mapped to this dictionary by passing it as
the code’s namespace dictionaries in the
call. The net effect is that the
C program in
Example 20-28
works just like this Python code:

d = {}
d['Y'] = 2
exec('X = 99', d, d)
exec('X = X + Y', d, d)

But here, each Python operation is replaced by a C API

Example 20-28. PP4E\Integrate\Embed\Basics\embed-dict.c

/* make a new dictionary for code string namespace */
main() {
int cval;
PyObject *pdict, *pval;
/* make a new namespace */
pdict = PyDict_New();
PyDict_SetItemString(pdict, "__builtins__", PyEval_GetBuiltins());
PyDict_SetItemString(pdict, "Y", PyLong_FromLong(2)); /* dict['Y'] = 2 */
PyRun_String("X = 99", Py_file_input, pdict, pdict); /* run statements */
PyRun_String("X = X+Y", Py_file_input, pdict, pdict); /* same X and Y */
pval = PyDict_GetItemString(pdict, "X"); /* fetch dict['X'] */
PyArg_Parse(pval, "i", &cval); /* convert to C */
printf("%d\n", cval); /* result=101 */

When compiled and run, this C program creates this sort of output,
tailored for this use case:


The output is different this time: it reflects the value of the
Python variable
assigned by the
embedded Python code strings and fetched by C. In general, C can fetch
module attributes either by calling
with the module or by using
to index the module’s
attribute dictionary (expression strings work, too, but they are less
direct). Here, there is no module at all, so dictionary indexing is used
to access the code’s namespace in C.

Besides allowing you to partition code string namespaces
independent of any Python module files on the underlying system, this
scheme provides a natural communication mechanism. Values that are
stored in the new dictionary before code is run serve as inputs, and
names assigned by the embedded code can later be fetched out of the
dictionary to serve as code outputs. For instance, the variable
in the second string run refers to a name
set to 2 by C;
is assigned by the
Python code and fetched later by C code as the printed result.

There is one subtlety in this embedding
mode: dictionaries that serve as namespaces for running code are
generally required to have a
link to the built-in scope
searched last for name lookups, set with code of this form:

PyDict_SetItemString(pdict, "__builtins__", PyEval_GetBuiltins());

This is esoteric, and it is normally handled by Python internally
for modules and built-ins like the
function. For raw dictionaries used as
namespaces, though, we are responsible for setting the link manually if
we expect to reference built-in names. This still holds true in Python

Precompiling Strings to Bytecode

Finally, when you
call Python function objects from C, you are actually
running the already compiled bytecode
associated with the object (e.g., a function body),
normally created when the enclosing module is imported. When running
strings, Python must compile the string before running it. Because
compilation is a slow process, this can be a substantial overhead if you
run a code string more than once. Instead, precompile the string to a
bytecode object to be run later, using the API calls illustrated in
Example 20-29


a string of code and returns a bytecode


Runs a
compiled bytecode object

The first of these takes the mode flag that is normally passed to
, as well as a second
string argument that is used only in error messages. The second takes
two namespace dictionaries. These two API calls are used in
Example 20-29
to compile and execute
three strings of Python code in turn.

Example 20-29. PP4E\Integrate\Embed\Basics\embed-bytecode.c

/* precompile code strings to bytecode objects */
main() {
int i;
char *cval;
PyObject *pcode1, *pcode2, *pcode3, *presult, *pdict;
char *codestr1, *codestr2, *codestr3;
codestr1 = "import usermod\nprint(usermod.message)"; /* statements */
codestr2 = "usermod.transform(usermod.message)"; /* expression */
codestr3 = "print('%d:%d' % (X, X ** 2), end=' ')"; /* use input X */
/* make new namespace dictionary */
pdict = PyDict_New();
if (pdict == NULL) return −1;
PyDict_SetItemString(pdict, "__builtins__", PyEval_GetBuiltins());
/* precompile strings of code to bytecode objects */
pcode1 = Py_CompileString(codestr1, "", Py_file_input);
pcode2 = Py_CompileString(codestr2, "", Py_eval_input);
pcode3 = Py_CompileString(codestr3, "", Py_file_input);
/* run compiled bytecode in namespace dict */
if (pcode1 && pcode2 && pcode3) {
(void) PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject *)pcode1, pdict, pdict);
presult = PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject *)pcode2, pdict, pdict);
PyArg_Parse(presult, "s", &cval);
printf("%s\n", cval);
/* rerun code object repeatedly */
for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
PyDict_SetItemString(pdict, "X", PyLong_FromLong(i));
(void) PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject *)pcode3, pdict, pdict);
/* free referenced objects */

This program combines a variety of techniques that we’ve already
seen. The namespace in which the compiled code strings run, for
instance, is a newly created dictionary (not an existing module object),
and inputs for code strings are passed as preset variables in the
namespace. When built and executed, the first part of the output is
similar to previous examples in this section, but the last line
represents running the same precompiled code string 11 times:

The meaning of life...
0:0 1:1 2:4 3:9 4:16 5:25 6:36 7:49 8:64 9:81 10:100

If your system executes Python code strings multiple times, it is
a major speedup to precompile to bytecode in this fashion. This step is
not required in other contexts that invoke callable Python
objects—including the common embedding use case presented in the
next section.

Registering Callback Handler Objects

In the embedding
examples thus far, C has been running and calling Python
code from a standard main program flow of control. Things are not always
so simple, though; in some cases, programs are modeled on an
architecture in which code is executed
only in response to some sort of event. The event might be an end user
clicking a button in a GUI, the operating system delivering a signal, or
simply software running an action associated with an entry in a

In any event (pun accidental), program code in such an architecture
is typically structured as
callback handlers
—units of
code invoked by event-processing dispatch logic. It’s easy to use embedded
Python code to implement callback handlers in such a system; in fact, the
event-processing layer can simply use the embedded-call API tools we saw
earlier in this chapter to run Python handlers.

The only new trick in this model is how to make the C layer know
what code should be run for each event. Handlers must somehow be
registered to C to associate them with future events. In general, there is
a wide variety of ways to achieve this code/event association. For
instance, C programs can:

  • Fetch and call
    by event name from
    one or more

  • Fetch and run code
    associated with
    event names in a

  • Extract and run code associated with event
    in HTML or XML

  • Run Python code that calls back to C to tell it what should be

And so on. Really, any place you can associate objects or strings
with identifiers is a potential callback registration mechanism. Some of
these techniques have advantages all their own. For instance, callbacks
fetched from module files support dynamic reloading (
works on modules but does not update
objects held directly). And none of the first three schemes require users
to code special Python programs that do nothing but register handlers to
be run later.

It is perhaps more common, though, to register callback handlers
with the last
Python code register handlers with C by calling back to C through
extension interfaces. Although this scheme is not without trade-offs, it
can provide a natural and direct model in scenarios where callbacks are
associated with a large number of objects.

For instance, consider a GUI constructed by building a tree of
widget objects in Python scripts. If each widget object in the tree can
have an associated event handler, it may be easier to register handlers by
simply calling methods of widgets in the tree. Associating handlers with
widget objects in a separate structure such as a module file or an XML
file requires extra cross-reference work to keep the handlers in sync with
the tree.

In fact, if you’re looking for a more realistic example of Python
callback handlers, consider the tkinter GUI system we’ve used extensively
in this book. tkinter uses both extending and embedding. Its
interface (widget objects) is used to
register Python callback handlers, which are later run with
interfaces in response to GUI events. You
can study tkinter’s implementation in the Python source distribution for
more details; its Tk library interface logic makes it a somewhat
challenging read, but the basic model it employs is

Registration Implementation

This section’s C and Python files demonstrate the coding
techniques used to implement explicitly registered callback handlers.
First, the C file in
Example 20-30
implements interfaces
for registering Python handlers, as well as code to run those handlers
in response to later events:

Event router

responds to an event by calling a Python function
object previously passed from Python to C.

Callback registration

saves a passed-in Python function object pointer in
a C global variable. Python scripts call
through a
C extension module created by this file.

Event trigger

simulate real-world events, the
function can be called from
through the generated C
module to trigger an event.

In other words, this example uses both the embedding and the
extending interfaces we’ve already met to register and invoke Python
event handler code. Study
Example 20-30
for more on its

Example 20-30. PP4E\Integrate\Embed\Regist\cregister.c

/* 1) code to route events to Python object */
/* note that we could run strings here instead */
static PyObject *Handler = NULL; /* keep Python object in C */
void Route_Event(char *label, int count)
char *cres;
PyObject *args, *pres;
/* call Python handler */
args = Py_BuildValue("(si)", label, count); /* make arg-list */
pres = PyEval_CallObject(Handler, args); /* apply: run a call */
Py_DECREF(args); /* add error checks */
if (pres != NULL) {
/* use and decref handler result */
PyArg_Parse(pres, "s", &cres);
printf("%s\n", cres);
/* 2) python extension module to register handlers */
/* python imports this module to set handler objects */
static PyObject *
Register_Handler(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
/* save Python callable object */
Py_XDECREF(Handler); /* called before? */
PyArg_Parse(args, "(O)", &Handler); /* one argument */
Py_XINCREF(Handler); /* add a reference */
Py_INCREF(Py_None); /* return 'None': success */
return Py_None;
static PyObject *
Trigger_Event(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
/* let Python simulate event caught by C */
static count = 0;
Route_Event("spam", count++);
return Py_None;
static PyMethodDef cregister_methods[] = {
{"setHandler", Register_Handler, METH_VARARGS, ""}, /* name, &func,... */
{"triggerEvent", Trigger_Event, METH_VARARGS, ""},
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* end of table */
static struct PyModuleDef cregistermodule = {
"cregister", /* name of module */
"cregister mod", /* module documentation, may be NULL */
−1, /* size of per-interpreter module state, −1=in global vars */
cregister_methods /* link to methods table */
PyInit_cregister() /* called on first import */
return PyModule_Create(&cregistermodule);

Ultimately, this C file is an extension module for Python, not a
standalone C program that embeds Python (though C could just as well be
on top). To compile it into a dynamically loaded module file, run the
makefile in
Example 20-31
Cygwin (and use something similar on other platforms). As we learned
earlier in this chapter, the resulting
file will be loaded when first
imported by a Python script if it is placed in a directory on Python’s
module search path (e.g., in

Example 20-31. PP4E\Integrate\Embed\Regist\makefile.regist

# Cygwin makefile that builds cregister.dll. a dynamically loaded
# C extension module (shareable), which is imported by
PYLIB = /usr/local/bin
PYINC = /usr/local/include/python3.1
CMODS = cregister.dll
all: $(CMODS)
cregister.dll: cregister.c
gcc cregister.c -g -I$(PYINC) -shared -L$(PYLIB) -lpython3.1 -o [email protected]
rm -f *.pyc $(CMODS)

Now that we have a C extension module set to register and dispatch
Python handlers, all we need are some Python handlers. The Python module
shown in
Example 20-32
two callback handler functions and imports the C extension module to
register handlers and trigger events.

Example 20-32. PP4E\Integrate\Embed\Regist\

in Python, register for and handle event callbacks from the C language;
compile and link the C code, and launch this with 'python'
# C calls these Python functions;
# handle an event, return a result
def callback1(label, count):
return 'callback1 => %s number %i' % (label, count)
def callback2(label, count):
return 'callback2 => ' + label * count
# Python calls a C extension module
# to register handlers, trigger events
import cregister
cregister.setHandler(callback1) # register callback function
for i in range(3):
cregister.triggerEvent() # simulate events caught by C layer
for i in range(3):
cregister.triggerEvent() # routes these events to callback2

That’s it—the Python/C callback integration is set to go. To kick
off the system, run the Python script; it registers one handler
function, forces three events to be triggered, and then changes the
event handler and does it again:

make -f makefile.regist
gcc cregister.c -g -I/usr/local/include/python3.1 -shared -L/usr/local/bin
-lpython3.1 -o cregister.dll
callback1 => spam number 0
callback1 => spam number 1
callback1 => spam number 2
callback2 => spamspamspam
callback2 => spamspamspamspam
callback2 => spamspamspamspamspam

This output is printed by the C event router function, but its
content is the return values of the handler functions in the Python
module. Actually, something pretty wild is going on under the hood. When
Python forces an event to trigger, control flows between languages like

  1. From Python to the C event router function

  2. From the C event router function to the Python handler

  3. Back to the C event router function (where the output is

  4. And finally back to the Python script

That is, we jump from Python to C to Python and back again. Along
the way, control passes through both extending and embedding interfaces.
When the Python callback handler is running, two Python levels are
active, and one C level in the middle. Luckily, this just works;
Python’s API is reentrant, so you don’t need to be concerned about
having multiple Python interpreter levels active at the same time. Each
level runs different code and operates independently.

Trace through this example’s output and code for more
illumination. Here, we’re moving on to the last quick example we have
time and space to explore—in the name of symmetry, using Python classes
from C.

BOOK: Programming Python
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