Passion and Propriety (Hearts of Honour Book 1) (37 page)

“The servants, William. Someone could enter and see us.”

His response was to reach for the blanket and draw it over their heads.

“I don’t think that will fool them for long,” she murmured.

“I agree.” He raised his head, so the blanket fell backwards and she could see his smirk. “But it will teach them to come in without knocking first, and they won’t get an eyeful of anything they shouldn’t.”

Hannah giggled, and William feigned indignation at her mirth.

“Are you laughing at me, wife?” He captured her wrists and stretched her arms above her head, pinning her in place. He wasn’t protecting her from his weight like he usually did, and her lungs had very little room to move.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she said breathlessly before adding, “my lord and master.”

“Lord and master?” He raised a brow. “I like the sound of that.”

He rolled over and took her with him until she lay stretched full-length atop his body.

“Oh!” She looked down at him, intrigued by the position. “Like this?”

“Like this.” His expression turned rueful. “My blasted arm can’t take the weight after last night, and I’m worried my leg will cramp up. I might need you to do the work this morning . . . if you wouldn’t mind?”

The insecurity in his expression was touching, and Hannah stroked his cheek. “I would be honoured, though you’ll need to tutor me, as I can’t quite picture how it will work.”

“Oh, it will work.” William drew her down so he could nuzzle her neck while his hands roamed her body. “I guarantee it.”

A sound caught Hannah’s attention, and her whimper became a squeal when she glanced up to see her lady’s maid staring at them in shock.

“I’m so sorry.” Marianne dipped a curtsy then spun so her back was to the bed. “I heard a noise and assumed you were awake, my lady . . . which you are . . . but you’re not alone . . . which is perfectly acceptable, as you’re with your husband . . . and I’ll be going now.”

“Wait,” William called while Hannah hid her face against his chest. “Can you alert the cook that we’d like breakfast in bed in an hour?”

“Of course, my lord.”

“And Marianne,” William added, prompting Hannah to consider pinching him for carrying on a conversation with her lady’s maid at such a time. The blanket had fallen partway off so only their lower halves were covered. “Could you inform the staff that, in future, my wife and I will ring the bell when we need assistance?”

“Certainly, my lord.” The maid’s subdued reply was followed by the sound of the door closing.

“Can one die of embarrassment?” Hannah lifted her head to meet her husband’s bemused gaze. “Why aren’t you bothered? The entire household . . . no, the entire
will be discussing our antics by noon.”

“What can they say? That the sixth Viscount Blackthorn is an exceedingly fortunate fellow? I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of that before.”

may be considered fortunate.” Hannah rolled her eyes at his smug expression. “But I’ll be considered thoroughly wanton.”

“Wanton?” William waggled his brows. “I like the sound of that.”

“Incorrigible man,” she muttered, secretly pleased. He seemed younger, lighter, and Hannah was proud to have induced such a transformation. It made her wonder if there were any noticeable changes in her own mien. Sadly, she wasn’t as confident as William that others would view any differences in a positive light.

When his hands began a thorough examination of her body, she forced her concerns aside. The damage was done. She might as well enjoy the activity in which everyone would assume they were engaged, though she couldn’t help but cringe at the thought.

“What is it?” William reached to smooth the crease from between her brows. “I don’t really think you’re wanton if that’s what you’re worried about. I think you’re exceptional.”

Hannah’s heart warmed, and she kissed him soundly before admitting, “I just feel uncomfortable with everyone knowing what we’re doing. You told her we wouldn’t want breakfast for an hour, William. An
. It’s scandalous.”

“Why?” He brushed a lock of hair from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear. “We could be talking.” He ran his hands all the way down her back, over her bottom—stopping to give it a gentle squeeze—and then along her thighs. “Planning our day.” He caught hold of her knees and drew her legs to rest alongside his hips. “Discussing the weather.” He ran his hands up her sides while lifting his head to capture her mouth.

“But we’re not. We’re making love,” she whispered against his lips.

“We certainly are.”

Hannah was still a little astounded their bodies fit together so well. As the feel of him rubbing against her caused desire to coil and tighten within her, she was unable to resist the inclination to rock against him. William didn’t seem to mind, and she decided being wanton wasn’t such a bad thing . . . if one could call her that. She was a married woman, and it was her duty to try to please her husband. That she found pleasure in the process could only be seen as an added bonus, or so she justified. Somehow she doubted the matrons and dowagers of Blackthorn would agree.

Not wanting to think about her repressive mentors at such a time, Hannah focused her attention on being the best wife she could possibly be from
perspective. Rising to a sitting position, she was pleased to find herself effectively astride
her husband, the position holding great promise. She smiled down at him, and William reached up to cup her breasts with his hands. He weighed their fullness, giving them a gentle squeeze, and she arched against him.

A little shocked by her behaviour, the scolding voice of her conscience—remarkably similar to Lady Cromley’s in tone—ordered her to cover her nakedness. But Hannah refused to give in to the bullying thoughts and brushed her hair over her shoulders. The action left her even more exposed, but she was determined not to succumb to shyness or allow the inhibiting dictates of others to affect how she acted in her marriage bed.

William smiled his appreciation and reached to caress her face.

“You’re so lovely,” he murmured, and the knowledge he admired her physical form was flattering indeed. What was even more astonishing was the bliss his touch was capable of creating in her body and the freedom they were discovering with each other after such a brief experience with intimacy.

If William hadn’t rescued her from spinsterhood, Hannah could have passed her entire life unaware such mysteries existed. The same could have been said if she’d possessed a more timid disposition. Slavishly obeying the strictures imposed on young brides by their female superiors would have just as effectively denied her the joys of marriage, ruining them for her husband also. Both anger and sadness sparked within her, but she put the feelings aside, not wanting to spoil the present by thoughts of what
have been.

When William’s right hand left her breast to trail down her belly, she focused on his intentions. His fingers found that surprising place hidden in her curls—a place she’d been virtually ignorant of until the night before—and she shivered in expectation. Tilting her body a little to give him better access, she moaned with pleasure as tingles raced across her skin.

For long moments, she savoured her husband’s ministrations. Wanting to bring him pleasure, she rubbed her hands over his chest and shoulders, watching for his response. His dark eyes studied her from beneath hooded lids, and his chest rose and fell with his quickened breaths, letting her know her efforts were appreciated.

Capturing her lower lip between her teeth, Hannah contemplated her next move—as best she was able considering the sensual onslaught to which she was being subjected.

Dare she be so bold?

“May I?” she asked, trailing her hands lower . . . and then lower . . . as she waited for his permission. He withdrew his hand from between her thighs, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as she sat back to release his member from between their bodies. It twitched, rising up to meet her fingers, but she didn’t flinch away. While exotic in appearance, it was an integral part of him, and she was both intrigued and aroused by the sight. She reached hesitantly and gave it a gentle stroke, then pulled back when she discovered the skin covering his member was velvet soft.

“Like this.” He wrapped his hand around hers and stroked from base to sculpted tip several times. When he released her hand, she repeated the action, squeezing firmly as he’d demonstrated until he groaned and arched beneath her on the bed.

“Enough,” he said before long, stilling her hand. “Lift up a little, sweetheart.” She rose up on her knees, and he positioned himself beneath her then urged her to lower herself onto him with his hands at her hips. Sliding down in incremental movements as her flesh gave way to his penetration was an experience in sensual pleasure Hannah would never forget. Once she was seated with him deep inside her, she took a moment to savour the sensation of fullness.

“My God, that feels amazing.” William’s reverentially uttered words echoed her thoughts.

“Now what?” She had a fair idea what was required but needed reassurance.

get to ride
” he whispered, and she gasped at his shocking words. Refusing to allow her courage to desert her, she tentatively obliged. Pushing off with her knees, Hannah rose up and then lowered herself with her husband
her. After a few more repetitions she agreed that making love this way could, indeed, be likened to riding a horse. She’d never view posting to the trot the same way again. As she found her rhythm, the benefits of the position became apparent. Just leaning her body this way or that meant she could change the angle to put pressure exactly where she wanted . . . and needed. Not
that she forgot William’s involvement for a moment. Fortunately, it didn’t appear pleasing her husband while being thoroughly pleased herself would be overly difficult. In fact, the look in his eyes supported her belief that success was guaranteed.

“Come here,” he whispered after she’d ridden him for a long and lovely while, raising and lowering herself upon his length with increasing confidence. Obediently, Hannah lay upon his chest, lowering her head until their mouths met. With his hands at her hips, they found a new rhythm together.

“Do you need me to help you?” he whispered when a few more moments had passed, and Hannah sought his gaze. “Like this,” he added, sliding his hand between them. She raised her brows in understanding and lifted up a little so he could more easily caress her sensitive flesh.

“Maybe just a little.” The soft slide of his fingers combined with the feel of him moving inside her, and the wondrous sensations circulating her body increased in intensity. Before long, she neared the precipice he’d brought her to the night before, her soft cries filling the air. After giving him one last searing kiss, she sat up again. Guiding his hand, she raised it to her breast and arched into his caresses.

Such brazenness would have been beyond Hannah’s comprehension just twenty-four hours prior, but after what they’d shared, it seemed only natural to show William what she needed. Like a spring tightly coiled and held, the tension built inside her, rising higher and higher until it burst free, releasing a torrent of pure pleasure. As her body trembled, Hannah continued to move above him, hoping to repay her husband with even a fraction of the joy he was giving her. With his jaw clenched and the skin pulled tight across his cheekbones, she might have thought he was in pain. But his groans let her know otherwise, amplifying her pleasure.

Although Hannah knew it was coming, it was still something of a shock when William lifted her off and pulled her down to lay on top of him, a small towel wedged between them to protect her from his seed. Sprawled across her husband’s shuddering body with tremors of pleasure continuing to flutter deep within her own, Hannah couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like to have him find his release inside her. One thought led to another, but she shied away from images of her belly rounded with William’s child, refusing to allow this magical time to be spoiled by regret.

Chapter 30


There was something rather daunting about waiting in bed for their breakfast to be served, knowing
the staff was aware of what their master and mistress had been up to. Even gowned, robed, and buttoned to her neck, Hannah felt exposed.

“Try not to let it bother you.” William placed his arm around her shoulder. “From what I recall of living with a large staff, the mood of the master . . . and
”—he emphasised his words with a kiss to her forehead—“filters down through the ranks.”

“You’re predicting a happy household, then?”

happy household.” His voice dropped to a sultry growl that sent shivers down her spine. “I can’t imagine a more enjoyable way to start the day. Do you think you might be willing to repeat the exercise?”

“There’s no time, is there?” Hannah glanced at the door, half expecting the footmen to burst through at any moment with their breakfast.

“I didn’t mean
” William chuckled before releasing her when they were, indeed, interrupted by a knock. Hannah endured the intrusion with stoicism, but there was little she could do to cool her blazing cheeks.

“Breakfast in bed is overrated,” she muttered when they were finally left in peace. “In future, I suggest we arrange for breakfast to be served in the dining room an hour
than has been our habit. Everyone will still know what we’re up to, but I imagine I’ll cope better facing the staff dressed in something other than my nightgown.”

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