Passion and Propriety (Hearts of Honour Book 1) (33 page)

Desire . . . for her.

He began to move his hands over her body, seemingly everywhere at once. Well,
everywhere. There were places they had yet to visit that made her ache with longing. For now, his hands roamed her back, caressed her shoulders, and travelled down her spine. When he reached her hips, he shaped them with his hands before cupping her bottom and pulling her more firmly against him.

William’s moans mingled with her soft cries. She hoped their enjoyment would continue to be mutual, and her dour mentors’ words of warning that only the
received pleasure from intercourse were unfounded.

He grew bolder, his hands drifting upwards to brush against the sides of her cloth-covered breasts, and Hannah recalled her earlier temptation. With no need to resist, she began to open the buttons of William’s nightshirt. When her fingers reached his bare skin, he broke the kiss and watched her smooth the shirt from his shoulders and down his arms. With a shrug he let it fall to the ground, leaving him bare to the waist and dressed only in his undergarments. She sighed with admiration at the sight.

He had gained weight during his recovery, and his muscles had become more defined. She trailed her hands over the dark hair that formed a triangle in the centre of his chest, but she wasn’t brave enough to follow the path that led downwards.

“Do you like what you see?” William’s question surprised her until she saw the uncertainty in his eyes.

“Very much,” she whispered, leaning forward to plant soft kisses on his chest and shoulders, paying special attention to his battle scars.

Shuddering, he lowered his head to nuzzle the curve of her neck. Kissing in a line from her shoulder to a place just below her ear, he captured her attention in such a singular fashion she marvelled at the sensation his touch aroused.

“Oh, William.” She tilted her head to give him greater access, as tingles of pleasure raced across her skin. She arched her back and pressed her breasts against his chest. When he lifted his mouth from her neck, Hannah whimpered at the loss of his lips. But then she saw his gaze had focused on where they were pressed tightly together, her breasts spilling over the bodice of her gown. Placing his hands on her shoulders to steady her, he took a small step back, allowing just enough room between them to gain access to the buttons that ran down the front of her nightdress.

One by one, he released them, taking his time. His left hand was a hindrance but seemed intent on helping. As each small, satin-covered button popped free, her nightgown gaped open a little more, slowly revealing the inner curves of her breasts. A little alarmed by the hungry look in his eyes, she fought the urge to tell him to stop, that it was too much, too soon. When he’d undone the buttons all the way to her waist, he moved to brush the material apart, but she stayed him with her hand.

“Wait . . . please?”

He raised his head to meet her gaze.

“Would you mind if we went over to the bed?” she asked.

“Of course.” He led her with one hand while she clutched her gown closed with the other.

The room wasn’t brightly lit, but he doused the extra candles, leaving only the soft glow of a lantern beside the bed.


She nodded, relieved he seemed to understand her reticence. Still, she wanted to explain. “It’s just this is the first time I’ve been naked before a man—”

“I should hope so,” he said, and Hannah groaned.

“Before my
,” she corrected. “I’m a little shy.”

“Don’t worry. I know exactly how you feel. I was mortified when I discovered you were an unwed lady, considering how much of
you’d seen.”

“Oh, don’t remind me.” Hannah cringed. “I didn’t mean to take advantage, and I promise I treated you with the utmost respect.”

“I know.” William’s expression grew serious as he sat on the edge of the bed and drew her to stand between his parted knees. “I was mostly angry with myself, for I’d allowed myself to fantasize about you, assuming you were safely out of my reach.”

Hannah’s jaw dropped. “You did? You
me even then?”

“I wanted you when you were playing hymns in church, and I was half dead.”

They both laughed, the sound fading when he drew her closer still.

“May I?” he whispered, raising his hands to the edges of her gown.

She nodded and then held her breath as he parted the fabric to reveal her breasts. For a long moment he stared, unmoving.

“Hannah,” he eventually whispered. “You are so very beautiful.” His gaze rose to her face. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“You rescued me when I behaved foolishly and put my family at risk.” She gave a little shrug.

“Not foolishly, bravely. Selflessly. You saved my life, Hannah, in more ways than one.
You . . .
rescued . . .
” William punctuated his words with kisses to her lips, his hands circling her waist and drawing her closer until her breasts came in contact with his chest. Her head fell forward and rested against his shoulder as the sweetest sensations she’d ever experienced swamped her senses. She’d had no idea being held by the man she loved, skin to skin, could feel so wonderful.

“William,” she whispered, hugging his shoulders.


After a long, delicious moment, he withdrew from nuzzling her neck. His eyes were dark, intent upon her face as he climbed onto the bed. Capturing her hand, he brought her with him. The coverlet had already been removed, the blankets and sheets folded back, so there was nothing to hinder them. Once she was settled, William took a moment to retrieve the towel he’d placed on the end of the bed and tuck it under a pillow. Hannah’s eyes widened as she realised its purpose.

What a strange business this is
, she mused, momentarily distracted. But then William lay on his side and drew her into his embrace. Her gown gaped open, but she resisted the urge to cover herself, as he pillowed her head on his arm.

“Are you cold? I could pull the blankets over us.”

She was tempted to accept his offer, but not for that reason.

“I’m not cold.” She tentatively stroked his chest, suppressing a surge of guilt. The freedom to caress him would take time to come to terms with.

“You’re not going to change your mind, are you?” she asked, meeting his gaze.

“Definitely not.
I’m sorry for treating you so badly. Believe me, I was equally tormented.”

He stroked her back, and she relaxed in his arms, enjoying the closeness . . . the intimacy. In time, the desire for more overrode her insecurity. As if sensing her need, William kissed her softly and brought his hand between them. She held very still while he parted her gown and then carefully, gently, cupped her breast.

Hannah’s eyelids fluttered closed as William’s lips claimed her mouth. He stroked her breasts with his fingers, squeezing and caressing until she was lost in a world of pleasure. Minutes passed before he broke the kiss and trailed his lips along her jaw and down the side of her neck. He paused to nibble along her collarbone, and she murmured her encouragement,

The many times she’d bathed herself or brushed her fingers against the places he was touching with his mouth and hands had never felt like this. She’d not even realised such feelings were possible. As if he sensed her wonderment, William lifted his head and looked into her eyes. The hand that had been mapping the curve of her breasts trailed along her sensitised skin. As Hannah shivered in response to the strokes of his finger, he studied her intently.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“That this . . . that
you . . .
are wonderful.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” He pulled his arm from beneath her neck. “Would you like to lie back?”

She smiled at the eagerness of his expression before considering what would come next, and her nervousness returned in a flurry of rapid heartbeats. Once she was settled upon the pillow, she watched William warily. Her gaze followed his hand as he reached all the way down to her ankles and slid his fingers beneath the hem of her gown. Slowly and deliberately, he pushed the material up her legs and over her knees until it bunched around the tops of her thighs. She watched his eyes widen as he saw her legs for the first time.

Even if she’d not seen him naked before, Hannah had at least had the opportunity to admire the shape of his limbs in his tight-fitting breeches. But her legs could have been tree stumps for all he knew, so well were they covered by her petticoats and skirts.

More exposed than she’d ever been in her life, she plucked at the sheet as she wondered what he thought of her. She rued her decision not to have him pull the covers over them . . . until he whispered in a voice filled with awe. “You are astonishingly lovely.”

Her sob of relief caught his attention—that and her exposed breasts—and his gaze travelled slowly over her body. When he reached her face, he encountered her worried expression.

“Don’t be afraid.” He leaned down to kiss her lips.

“I just don’t want to disappoint you,” she said. “I’ve never done this before, and I’m worried I won’t know what to do.”

“Neither have I,” he reminded her as he moved over her. Holding his weight up on his good arm, he positioned himself between her legs. “I don’t think it’s all that complicated, and we seem to be doing fine.”

Hannah wriggled a little, widening her legs so William’s body fit more comfortably in the cradle of her hips. “You’re right,” she said, riding a seesaw of fear and desire. “Men and women have been doing this since the beginning of time. It can’t be

“And we both agree it feels wonderful.” He let his weight rest on her a little, so his chest brushed against her breasts.

“Yes, wonderful.” Hannah sighed, as their mouths met.

William rocked his hips forward as they kissed, and she focused on the feel of his length and hardness pressing against her. He was right where he needed to be, with just a few layers of cloth separating them. Liquid warmth coiled inside her, and she wondered if she should worry about the dampness she felt between her thighs. Hoping it was all part of the mystery, she kept silent. When William reached between them to lower his undergarments, she helped by tugging her gown out of the way. Their eyes met as he positioned himself at the entrance to her body, his fingers lightly brushing against her sensitive flesh.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice a hoarse rasp.

so.” She nodded. “Is there anything I should do to help?”

His smile was laced with passion as he whispered, “You’re adorable. Do you know that?”

No one had ever described Hannah as
before, but before she had a chance to respond, she felt him slowly pushing forward.

There was pressure . . . and tightness . . . and she didn’t think it was going to work.

“Trust me?” he asked, his touch gentle where he stroked his fingers against her thigh.

She nodded, and he urged her to widen her legs. Then he moved forward . . .
inside her
. A sharp, pinching sensation caused her breath to hitch, and William froze.

“I’m fine.” Bringing her hands up to his shoulders, she urged him onward. They had come too far to stop now.

It hurt as he pushed further . . . stretching . . . burning. Her breath came in quick pants as her body attempted to accommodate this most intimate of invasions. Twice more he hesitated in response to her winces, until he could go no deeper. Then he held very still.

“I’m hurting you.”

Hannah shook her head in denial, then acknowledged the pain with the shrug of one shoulder. “A little. Can you give me a moment to adjust?”

“Take as long as you need.” He lowered his forehead to rest against hers. “I don’t want to hurt you. It doesn’t seem fair. The feeling of being inside you is so astonishing, I can’t even begin to describe it.”

His words were a balm, and she felt her muscles slowly relax. As the tension left her body, the pain dissipated and an altogether different sensation began to take its place. She reached around to his back and soothed his tautly held muscles with gentle strokes. In response, William let a little more of his weight rest against her, the action rocking their bodies together where they were joined.

Hannah gasped in surprise at the pleasure that radiated out from where they were connected, and she moved restlessly beneath him. Taking his cue from her body’s response, William slowly withdrew before pushing forward again. The second penetration was less painful than the first. With the third stroke of his body, it grew easier still. By the fourth and fifth times he entered her, the pain was replaced by a growing pleasure that captured her attention.

Driven by instinct, Hannah raised her knees and hugged William’s hips with her thighs. The action opened her body further, allowing him deeper and making it easier still. They both moaned at the increased sensation the position afforded them. While his lips nuzzled her neck, he established a pattern of slow, steady strokes. Her hands roamed boldly, lower and lower down William’s back until she reached his hips. She gripped them tightly and gave in to the urge to rock her own hips in counterpoint to his. Losing his timing, he lifted his head to gaze at her with slumberous eyes.

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