Read Maximum Risk Online

Authors: Jennifer Lowery

Maximum Risk (26 page)

“No time. I want Avery out. Let’s move.”

With Quinn in the lead, they moved toward the front door. When they were in position he turned the handle and eased the door open. He crouched, sweeping the room, while his brothers came in behind him clearing high.

Two militants patrolled the house. One strolled out of the kitchen and another swung around from his perch near the back of the room.

Quinn squeezed the trigger, taking out the one across the room. Blood bloomed across his chest as he slumped against the wall and slid to the floor. A staccato of shots rang out from an assault rifle, followed by the report of Kell’s M4.

They moved into the house as more tangos came through the doorway.

“Go find Avery,” Chris barked.

Quinn broke off, trusting his brothers to hold them off while he got Avery safely out of the house. Only two cars meant a handful of militants. Good odds.

He moved through the house in search of her, checking the rooms, finding them empty. His frustration built as he crept down the stairs down to the basement. Weapon first, he rounded the corner.

A man holding Avery ran with her out the basement door. Quinn squeezed off a round, splintering the cement near the bastard’s head. Avery gasped and ducked. The man grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door.

Quinn ran after them, dodging a bullet once he cleared the doorway. In pursuit, he popped off a warning shot. Realizing he stood little chance of getting away with Avery, the man shoved her aside and darted into the woods.

Cursing, Quinn dropped to her side. “Are you all right?”

She shoved him away. “I’m fine. Go after him!”

Right now his only concern was her. Her face was pale, drawn, her eyes panicked. They’d taken care of the majority of the tangos. One escaping didn’t concern him. Not as much as her safety did.

He pulled her against him. More because he needed to hold her. “Did they hurt you?”

She pushed at his chest. “Damn it, Quinn. You don’t understand. If you let him get away everything is ruined.”

“What are you talking about?”

“That’s Ramil Diakameli. Why didn’t you let him take me?”

Baffled, Quinn stared down at her. “You’re in shock. I’m taking you home.” He lifted her into his arms and rose to his feet just as his brothers came out of the house.

“All clear?” he asked.

“Roger that,” Chris answered. “Lang is on his way for cleanup.”

“He found Dani?”

Chris’s eyes went grim. “She was at the cemetery.”

Quinn’s gut clenched. “Let’s go.”

“Put me down. I can walk,” Avery demanded.

Confused by her tone, he set her on her feet. They hadn’t tortured her this time. In fact, she seemed angry at him, which made no sense.

She was silent all the way home, staring out the window. His concern notched up, making him wonder what the hell had happened in that basement.

When they reached his house she immediately went inside.

“What’s going on with Avery?” Kell asked once Chris and Evan disappeared into the woods on their way to HQ to strip their weapons.

“Hell if I know.”

“She’s pissed.”

Quinn shrugged out of his Kevlar. “Yeah.”

“Knowing Avery, there’s a good reason. At least in her mind.”

“God help us.”

Kell chuckled. “She is a handful, isn’t she?”

“Oh, yeah.” He reached inside the truck for his weapon and handed it to his brother, pausing when he noticed his expression. “What?”

“You ever gonna admit it?”

“Admit what?”

“Your feelings for her.”

Quinn glared at him. “She’s my charge. End of story.”

Kell took the vest and weapon from him and strode away. “She won’t be forever.”

He stared after his brother, Kell’s words echoing inside his head. Sometimes Kell annoyed the hell out him. Didn’t matter he was right. Quinn didn’t want to hear it.

Stay focused.

That’s all he had to do.

Avery’s safety was the most important thing right now. The rest could wait.

He shut the door to his truck and followed Avery inside the house. She stood in front of the windows, waiting. The instant he walked in the door she attacked.

“You shouldn’t have brought me back here.”

“You’re in shock. Why don’t you go shower and change and I’ll make a pot of coffee.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not in shock. You don’t get it.” She made a sound of annoyance. “If you’d let me go with him everyone would be safe. I had it all set up.”

“What set up?”

“Ramil Diakameli. He was going to leave Cedar Falls. Leave your family alone and take me to Azbakastan.” She glared at him. “Until you decided to rescue me. How did you find me, anyway?”

Angry, Quinn returned her glare. “Chris put a tracking device in your boot. You were going to go back to Azbakastan with a terrorist? Alone. Tell me, Avery, just what the hell were you planning to do when you got there?”


Avery didn’t have an answer for that. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. All she’d wanted to do was protect Quinn and his family and find Macy. Now that he forced her to think about the consequences of her actions, it made her even angrier.

“It doesn’t matter now, does it? You’ve ruined everything. You let him go and now he’s going to come back for me. Putting everyone in your family at risk.”

“Not if we set a trap for him.”

Horrified, she stared at him. “You can’t be serious? Quinn, you can’t bring the fight to your back yard. It’s too dangerous.”

“I don’t see we have much choice.”

If he had arrived a few minutes later in rescuing her, they wouldn’t be having this conversation and his family would no longer be in danger. He wouldn’t be. And she wouldn’t be at risk of more Wolff blood on her hands. Or Macy’s. God help her, she wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Macy is alive.”


“My assistant, Macy. She wasn’t among the deceased. Ramil told me he sold her.” She met Quinn’s hard gaze. “I have to save her, Quinn. That’s why I was going to Azbakastan with him.”

To her dismay, tears flooded her eyes. What was it that made her tearful in Quinn’s presence? Damn it, this never happened.

“Ah, hell,” he muttered and pulled her into his arms. She went willingly, the events of the day catching up to her as she collapsed against his chest. Didn’t matter that she leaned, that she needed him. She was too shaken up to care.

“I’ll send one of my brothers and Savat to find Macy,” he said against her hair and she fell the rest of the way over the edge for him. “You’re staying here where I can keep you safe.”

If Quinn could find her, he could find Macy. “Thank you. How do you propose we trap this guy without harming anyone?”

“Leave that to me.”

“Kinda hard to do when I’m the bait.” She lifted her head and met his gaze. “I am the bait, remember?”

“Not this time.”

“What do you mean? He’s coming back for me.”

Quinn’s jaw hardened, and she knew she’d lost this battle.

“He’s coming for you. Doesn’t mean he’s going to find you.” His gaze hardened. “He’s going to find me.”

A chill slid down her spine. Quinn in battle mode was intimidating. “Where will I be?”

“At my parents’ house. Safe.”

A disturbing thought occurred to her. “We don’t know when this is going to happen.”

Quinn’s look was unrepentant.

She shook her head. “Oh, no. I am not staying at your parents’ house until this is over.” Her hand cut through the air. “Forget it. Come up with another plan, because I am not going.”

Just the thought of spending night and day cooped up with Quinn’s family sounded like a nightmare. Much worse than being bait.



He scrubbed a hand down his face like he did when he was frustrated. Too bad. She wasn’t budging on this. The Wolffs had been through enough.

“This isn’t a negotiation.”

“No, it isn’t.”

A scowl darkened his face but she stood her ground. Didn’t he realize she’d been on her own for a very long time, traveling the world, facing danger? She could do this. Quinn and his brothers would be there protecting her. It was more than she’d ever had.

That truth hit her hard. For the first time in her adult life she had someone behind her. Someone she could trust. Count on.

She looked at Quinn. Tall. Strong. Steadfast.

Dark stubble shadowed his jaw. His black t-shirt hugged his muscular chest and broad shoulders. The camo pants only enhanced the image.

He was gorgeous. Sexy.

A warrior.

She crossed the room, pulled his head down and kissed him.

His hands went to her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh as he kissed her back. His tongue parted her lips, slid inside her mouth. She moaned and leaned into him.

When he lifted his head she tugged it down again but he resisted.

With a smug grin he said, “As much as I’d like to finish this, my brothers will be here any minute.”

She kissed his jawline. “Then we better hurry.”

“I have work to do.”

This time she bit down on the cord in his neck, then laved it with her tongue.


The low growl only turned her on more. Running her hands over the muscles in his chest, she rubbed against him. At this rate she only needed a few minutes with him. No man had ever made her want like this or turned her on to the point she was ready to explode with a simple touch. If he kissed her right now she’d be done. But the way he held back, damn the man and his self-control, she knew he was going to meet with his brothers and save her for later. Anticipation would certainly make tonight mind-blowing, but she wanted him now.

Damn her emotions. They had done nothing but run rampant since her return from Azbakastan. Or maybe it was because she was in love with Quinn and this was all part of it. If it was, then the end result would be much harder than she expected. Her heart had never been involved before.

Sadness she didn’t want to feel filled her, so she slipped her hands under his shirt, needing to feel his bare skin.

With a low curse, Quinn swung her into his arms and carried her up the stairs while devouring her mouth. Avery clung to him, battled with his tongue, fought to get his shirt off as they reached the landing.

He released her mouth and set her on the floor in his bedroom so he could shuck off his clothes. She did the same, feasting her eyes on his incredible body. When they were naked, Quinn picked her up and tossed her lightly on the bed, then dropped down on top of her, his mouth finding her breast.

Her back arched when he took a nipple between his teeth and laved it with his tongue. His hands explored her body, his touch like molten lava, setting fire wherever it landed. Until she could take no more.

She rolled him onto his back and straddled him. The feral gleam in his eyes only made her bolder. Sliding down his body she let her hands drift over his abs until she was positioned between his thighs. His chest rose and fell heavily, his pupils dilated as he watched her wrap her hand around the long, hard length of him.

With a lustful smile she took him in her mouth and let out a groan of pure bliss when she tasted a salty drop of him. His groan matched hers when she took him deep. His hips bucked, his fists bunched in the sheets and she loved to watch his reactions.

“Oh, God. Avery.”

Suddenly she was on her back and Quinn was gone. Stunned, she looked around to see him rolling on a condom. Then he returned to cover her with his body, claiming her lips and plunging deep inside her. Her gasp was swallowed by his kiss as he drove her to ecstasy.

Avery clung to his shoulders, thrust against him. It didn’t take long and they were racing over the edge together. She bit down on his shoulder as he drove deep, drawing a shuttering climax from her. His grunt immediately followed, his breath hot on her ear as he milked every wave from her.

Quinn collapsed on her, holding his weight on his forearms. Avery let her arms flop to her sides, weak and sated. “I need a nap.”

“Isn’t that the man’s line?” Quinn teased, planting a quick kiss on the tip of her nose before rolling out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

Watching him, she said, “When sex is that good, no way.”

After disposing of the condom, he grabbed his clothes and paused by the bed to lean down and kiss her, long and slow. By the time he let her up for air, she was breathing heavy and ready for another round.

The man was going to kill her with sex.

“Gotta go to work,” he said.

Avery pulled the sheet over her with a contented sigh. “I think I’m going to take a little nap.”

“My brothers and I will be downstairs this time. We won’t wake you.”

Eyes closed, she nodded. She didn’t hear him leave.



Chapter Nineteen


Quinn shrugged on his t-shirt and paused to stare at Avery’s sleeping form. Her lips were parted slightly, her hair spread like copper fire across his pillow. One arm rested across her waist, the other over her head, palm up.

The lines of stress that had bracketed her mouth since their return from Azbakastan had been replaced by a small, satisfied smile. Arrogant male pride filled his chest and he took a step toward the bed before he stopped himself.

She needed her rest. The IPA hadn’t had her long, but the trauma of being kidnapped a second time would take its toll. It sure as hell took its toll on him. More than he dared admit. He’d wanted to take her upstairs long before she made the first move. God help him, he tried to resist his feelings, but he’d needed to know she was safe.

His gaze traveled over the delicate lines of her cheekbones, a little gaunt. She still wasn’t eating enough despite the Tupperware his mother stocked the fridge with daily.

He’d almost lost her.

If he’d been five minutes later getting to Sander’s house Avery would have been gone. On her way to Azbakastan with some half-assed plan to protect his family and save her friend. In the meantime endangering her own life.

It pissed him off at the same time he admired her devotion. She put the welfare of his family in front of her own. Damn if it didn’t make his chest swell.

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