Married To The Cowboy (BWWM Romance) (2 page)


But this time Tamara didn’t wake up immediately. Instead, she dreamt a little bit longer till after the part where the prince charming swept her off her feet and started planting kisses all over her body as Tamara lay there, melting like a cube of ice on the tarmac.


Prince Charming kissed her on her neck, her breasts and her cheek and then went ahead and started nibbling on her ear. When Tamara was still seeing Andrew, she was addicted to that and that was how she got pregnant in the first place. Each time someone kissed her on the neck, Tamara would feel as though her pussy was going to explode with pleasure and it would send her to overdrive.


There was a little breeze blowing through the open window and Tamara woke up from the dreamy slumber with the usual wetness in between her legs. She gave out a sigh since she knew that she had to hit the shower and wash off, though she felt tired as ever. But she was left with no other choice but to do it.


As she was thinking about whether to wake up or not, Tamara heard her phone buzzing and she had an inkling of who was calling because of the ringtone. It was her big brother Adrian. She was about to ignore him but remembered that her mom had told her Adrian had some very important news that he needed to share with her.


So Tamara picked up the phone reluctantly and answered it.


“I’m surprised that you picked your phone up. This should be a cause for celebration.”


“Can you just get to the point already? I’m tired as hell and I want to go take a shower.”


“Okay princess… I have an incredible job opportunity for you.”


Tamara’s eyes opened wide. 


That was the best news she had heard in three years.




Chapter 2

-All about the Money-


Mr. Kevin Powell sat down in his mansion wondering just what the heck he was going to do without a good chef to make all of his fascinating dishes. This was starting to sound a little bit awkward since he had the money to afford a Cordon Bleu chef to come over and do the food for him. But for some strange reason, all he wanted was Nancy.


And he would even throw a tantrum when the food was made in a way that Nancy wouldn’t approve. Nancy had been around ever since Kevin was a little boy and he was in love with her cooking from the first time she made him soup when he caught a cold. Kevin was five at the time and he never forgot the taste of that soup.


And now that Nancy had finally retired, Kevin didn’t really know how he was going to live his life without her.


“Go get a wife, man… don’t you think it’s about time?”


“Adrian… I don’t think I want to get married ever again, especially after the Titanic.”


Kevin always referred to his first marriage as the Titanic since it sunk without warning and all the feelings that involved died there and then. His ex-wife tried to get half of Kevin’s billions but she was foolish enough to sign the prenuptial agreement.


That meant that she only got to leave with the broken umbrella that she showed up at the ranch with. After a couple of investigations, they realized that her sole purpose was just to go out there and marry a billionaire and divorce. But Kevin didn’t really care about her. That relationship was only based on urges and obligations and once it was over, he didn’t want to look back.


His ex-wife started taking jabs at him but Kevin was already good at ignoring her. The thought of the Titanic made him cringe and Kevin blamed Adrian Johnson, his real estate lawyer for all of that. He reached for the glass of wine and refilled it. He wanted to refill Adrian’s glass but he covered the top right before declining politely.


“You are the first person I ever met who said no to vintage wine… that is epic. You should be added to the Guinness Book of Records.”


“I think I should, sir. But make sure you go over the papers that I gave you and you will see that the properties that they possess are being exaggerated. You will also find out that their market value is way below what is being stipulated.”


Kevin Powell hated when his lawyer started speaking jargon. All he wanted to hear is how much and when he could purchase. But in as much as he hated all the law talk, he knew that Adrian was just doing his job. So Kevin sat back and watched as his friend keep on talking for the longest time and once he was done, he shook his hand and escorted him to the door.


Adrian turned around and cleared his throat.


“Man, how many times do I have to tell you that when you want to address me, just go ahead. You don’t really need to clear your throat so as to sound formal with me. We have been friends for years, man. Relax.”


“I am relaxed. I just have a cold. Hey, I know you're looking for a new cook. I have someone who is really talented and I think if they are given this chance they will impress you with their cooking. That's a promise.”


“I think I do have enough of them in the kitchen… but when I fail to find another Nancy by the end of the week then I will give you a call so that you can get me sorted out?”


“Cool. And thanks.”


“I will try. I have to be in another meeting so… catch you later?” 






Ever since Kevin's dad passed on a couple of years back, Kevin was forced to stop touring the world so that he could come home and take care of his dad’s money. Since he was the only heir, he felt as though he had an obligation that needed to be fulfilled and he had no other choice but to oblige.


And in the spirit of settling down, Kevin thought it would be an incredible idea for him to find a good model for him to marry. But she turned out to be a gold digger of the highest order and the marriage didn’t last. So Kevin decided to put an end to the settling down ambitions that he had.


But even so, he couldn’t stop admiring the kind of lives that most of his friends were living, going to parents’ meetings, and attending recitals and plays that their children were casted in and though he didn’t show it, Kevin always wanted to have a normal life.


When his father was still alive, Kevin had a chance at being normal when he visited other countries where his face wasn’t on the news. And needless to say, he loved every single bit of it. And just before he could get to decide for his future, Kevin was left with no other choice but to get back to his father’s ranch in Texas and take over from where he left off.


And now that he was back in the United States and the man filling his father’s shoes, Kevin never had the opportunity to enjoy life the way he should have. And not a single day passed without him reminiscing about just how life was incredible. But after a while, Kevin decided to accept his fate and step up.


The monotony of staying in the ranch made Kevin tired. And so he thought it would be a good idea if he took a nap before flying to New York in his chopper for a meeting about one of his father’s – now his– companies. At first, Kevin thought that life was very hectic and that he wasn’t going to survive. But as time went on, he learnt to accept the life the way it was and it wasn’t as bad as he thought.


As soon as he found a comfortable spot, Kevin closed his eyes. There was some soul music playing from the background and that made him fall asleep as soon as his eyes closed. 


Since he had been missing having a genuine relationship, Kevin couldn’t help drifting back to the beautiful islands of Hawaii and dreaming about that beautiful model he dated for a short period of time. Vienna was her name. Kevin had a thing for her caramel skin and that made him a little bit in love with that girl.


Vienna was a retired model and had opened a small shop at the beach selling wine and spirits and that was how Kevin met and fell in love with her. But in his dream, Kevin always remembered the day that he first hooked up with her. She was the most perfect woman he had ever been with and he didn’t want to stop making love to her.


Lately, Kevin had been having the recurring dreams but the problem was that he was seeing another woman in place of Vienna and to make matters even more interesting, Kevin loved each and every single bit of even though he never had met this woman.


Sometimes Kevin would wake up and try to remember the face that he had dreamt about and tried to remember it. But she was definitely someone he had never met before. And today, just like in many of his previous dreams, Kevin found himself on the beach lying with his face looking up as though he was trying to reminisce over something.


The caramel-skinned girl came over to where Kevin was sleeping and gave him a couple of grapes. Kevin loved grapes and couldn’t stop moaning as he crushed the fruits in between his teeth, releasing the mouth-watering juice from them. Kevin then looked up to see her face and smiled at how beautiful she was.


As Kevin wanted to keep on talking, the mysterious woman placed her finger over his lips and he stopped. She then ran her fingers all over Kevin’s well-sculpted abs and he held his breath, getting to enjoy the incredible sensation that spread all over his body.


The sweet lady then asked him to close his eyes right before she started massaging his shoulders as lovingly as she could and this made him very relaxed.

“Please don’t stop. Just keep doing what you're doing with your magic fingers. I really do appreciate it… oh yeah.”


The beautiful girl didn’t say anything in response. She just smiled and kept on rubbing his abs before sliding her hands down and started massaging his incredibly built chest. The hair on his chest really turned her on and she didn’t really want to stop. She could feel him starting to breathe as deep and slow as possible and that could only indicate that Kevin had been turned on.


She then started rubbing him on the abs once again and as soon as she did that, Kevin asked her to keep up since he was feeling as though he was on top of the world. She smiled once again and continued rubbing his tummy, going a little bit south this time round.


She reached at his waist and started toying with his boxer line and this tickled Kevin a little. But all Kevin did was smile and didn’t resist her. He just lay there and allowed for her to proceed and do something about it. And as she delved her finger into his boxers, she could see that Kevin’s cock was hardening a little bit. She couldn’t really help a smile splashed across her face. 


Finally, the mystery woman slipped her hand into his boxers and got a hold of the hard cock that was pointing towards the sky. She skillfully went ahead and started massaging the shaft and rubbing the cock in an up and down motion, making it even harder.


“Remove my boxers so that you can suck me,” Kevin demanded with his eyes still closed.


Kevin then lifted his ass from the ground and allowed for the woman to remove his boxers. She then went ahead and settled on the cock once again and continued rubbing it. She spat on it and then put her hands around it, spreading the stickiness all over the shaft that wouldn’t just go down.


Then the moment that Kevin had been waiting for came. The beautiful woman skillfully unclipped the bra that she was wearing, freeing her round, youthful boobs onto Kevin’s face. He quickly smelled the pair of fresh boobs hanging over his face and instinctively pulled out his tongue and opted to have them sucked into his mouth, but he just couldn’t. 


Finally, Kevin was able to trap a hanging nipple in between his lips and started sucking on it, giving his mystery lady something pleasurable in return.


“You are very beautiful you know…have we met anywhere? I’m asking because in as much as I try to remember, I just can't. But I know I have met you somewhere because you look so familiar.” 


“Thank you and yes, we have met. Not in the past, but in the future…”


“Wait…please…” Kevin tried to call her but the dream was fading.


This only occurred when he was done dreaming and it was time to wake up. He hated these moments. Kevin wanted to say something but the girl was already gone. He woke up feeling a little bit disappointed. His stomach rumbled as loud as possible and the first thing Kevin thought about was going to the kitchen and having something to eat.


Kevin went into the kitchen and tasted the food. It wasn’t the way Nancy used to cook it and that drove him very crazy. Thankfully, Kevin wasn’t the kind of person who would yell at anyone just because he was worth billions. So he took a deep breath and stepped outside the balcony and took out his gold plated iPhone and dialed a number.


Adrian Johnson was already a couple of miles from the Powell Ranch – which actually took an hour to cross – and was surprised that Kevin called him. It was always customary for him to make the calls. This must be a very big emergency, Adrian thought as he picked up and pressed the receive button. 


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