Married To The Cowboy (BWWM Romance) (6 page)


If Kevin was happy with his little ex-girlfriend, it was a good thing and Tamara wished him well. But as far as she was concerned, Tamara was done with him. The only kind of relationship that was going to continue with them was going to be that of a cook and a boss. Tamara wasn’t going to condone anything other than that. 


In a couple of minutes, they were laughing at Rita’s jokes while Tamara helped with the dishes. That alone helped her to get over the kind of feelings that she was having and eased her heartache a little.


Within a couple of minutes, Tamara had already forgotten about the entire ordeal and now the aftermath of the dinner with her boss wasn’t really affecting her any longer. The only thing that Tamara wished was that she would feel the same when Kevin was around. 




Chapter 6


“So what the heck did you expect me to do?”


“I expected you to do what any other normal human being would do after a breakup… to freaking move on with your life! You know you can’t be doing this to me all the time and expect me to just walk away from everything.”


“I didn’t really know you had company.”


“Oh really? Why do I find it hard to believe you? I still don’t understand why you keep on doing this to me and to yourself. What's really wrong with you?”


Jane stared at her diamond studded watch and smiled. It was as though she was trying to bore Kevin so that he could go away and leave her alone. But that wasn’t going to happen that easy. Kevin didn’t drive all the way with a hangover just to see her walk away. Jane tried to stand up but Kevin held her hand and pulled her down to the chair. Jane was surprised.


It was as though she wasn’t expecting this kind of treatment from him.


“Jane, I need you to leave me the fuck alone! Do you fucking understand?”


“Do you really have to yell? You are really scaring me,” Jane said, with a sarcastic smile on her face.


Kevin felt the rage going through his face and the first thing that came through his head was to slap the taste out of her mouth. But before he could stoop that low, he remembered that if he did such a thing, it would hurt his reputation more than it would hurt her. But this needed to stop one way or the other. Kevin managed to calm himself down and resumed his questioning.

“Jane, I asked you a damn question… why the fuck can’t you just leave me alone?”


“I can’t leave you alone because you broke my heart. You weren’t supposed to leave me but you did anyway.”


“It didn’t work out. Trust me, leaving was the best thing I could have ever done for the both of us. And I had the decency of telling you that right before we had to break up. I don’t really understand why you have to behave like this. I didn’t do anything to deserve this from you.”


“Can’t you see I’m doing this because I still love you?”


“Well I don’t love you… at least not any more. So do me a favor and stop interfering with my personal life. I left the ranch because of you. And I’m not doing that again. And I will find that person you are paying to spy on me and when I do, I will fire them. Call me or try to pull all these stunts on me again and I will have you arrested. I don’t care what your father says.”


“You don’t care about what her father says about what?”


Both Kevin and Jane looked over in the direction the baritone voice came from. It was Mr. Howard, Rita’s dad and an old friend of the Powell family. Kevin felt a little embarrassed but wasn’t more embarrassed than Jane was. She didn’t want her dad to know just how desperate she had become but now the cat was already out of the bag.


“Mr. Howard… I was just…”


“I already overheard everything you were conversing about. And I assure you that you won’t be hearing from my daughter anymore. And if you do then it would be a sincere apology from her.”


Kevin didn’t want things to go out of hand. So he asked if he could leave.


“No chance am I letting you out of that gate without catching up. Do you have a meeting?”


“Not at the moment. But I would…” 


“Nonsense! Sit with me. When I saw you driving into my property I told the servant to get me a fine bottle of vintage wine. We are going to enjoy ourselves.”


Kevin didn’t really have any other choice but to give the old man a couple of hours of his time. Besides, he promised to end the Jane nightmare for him and Kevin felt that was the least he could do to show his appreciation to the old man. 


Back at the Powell ranch, Tamara was done for the day and was back in her cottage trying to read a book. It had been a while since she had a good read. And now that she finally had some of the workload lifted from her shoulders, Tamara felt as though she was going to read all the books she could.


The conversation that she had earlier with her friend had made things much easier and Tamara was already past the hurt she had experienced just the day before. But the good thing was that she had absolutely nothing to worry about since it was just one night, at least that was what she kept on telling herself. Deep down, she knew that it would only take seeing Kevin to evoke all those emotions inside her again.


Tamara didn’t really want to get out of the house at the time and she opted to always come back to her cottage after her duties had been done at the mansion. Then as she just turned to the tenth page of her novel, Tamara heard her phone ring. She smiled since that ringtone was always saved for her mother.


Tamara would always count on her mother to cheer her up at any time and this seemed as though it was a godsend. She stretched her hand and picked the phone from under the pillow and then pressed the receive button.


“Hello, my baby girl… how are doing up there? Have you got a husband yet?”


“Come on, Mom… and to think I was counting on you for some good advice and encouragement. How is everything? I really miss you… a lot,” Tamara laughed.


“You know… things are still the same. Kennedy is growing up really fast and your brother is always in those suits running up and down as though he was working for the secret service. Nothing has changed much. And you? How are you holding up?” 


Tamara wanted to tell her mom what happened but decided not to at the last minute. She didn’t want to scare her mom since Tamara knew just how worried she got when any of her children weren’t comfortable. So she laughed and told a lie.


“I can't complain, Mom. Everything up here is fine. I have been thinking of coming home for a while just to see you guys. But the work is a little bit hectic since you don’t know just when the boss would want you to jump in the kitchen.”


“And speaking of your boss… is he hot? Why can’t you seduce him?”


Tamara laughed once again. At that point she knew that her mother would never get to stop with her jokes. So she decided to tell another lie just to get her off from that topic of finding a man.


“I'm trying but he is a busy man. But once I make any progress, I will let you know for sure.”


Tamara couldn’t help but laugh when she heard her mother bursting out laughing from the other end of the line. She wiped a tear that was rolling down her cheek. Her mother’s humor was just about the only thing that Tamara needed at that moment.


“How about Kennedy… how is my little man doing? Ok with Grandma? God knows I have missed him. Can I talk to him?”


“He is out there playing with his new friends. A neighbor just moved in next door and she has kids his age. Dragging him out of that place has become a nightmare. But don’t worry; once I get a chance I will give you a call so that you can talk to him.”


“Okay, Mom… but I think at this rate my son is going to forget all about me. Keep telling him stories so that he can’t forget all about his good old mother.”


“I sure will. My food is almost burning. I will call you later. May God bless you, baby. Keep working as hard as you possibly can.”


“I will… thank you mom. It was so good of you to call.”


And with that, Tamara hung up the phone and sat back on her bed and let out a sigh. And just before she could embark on reading her book, she heard a light tap on the door. She wasn’t really expecting anyone at the moment, so it felt a bit weird.


Tamara then walked to the living room and peeped out the door. What she saw almost made her jaw hit the floorboards. The man that she had been trying to avoid the entire day was standing at her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers as though he was looking forward to surprising her.


Tamara couldn’t get herself to speak. She wanted to say something, but her mouth just couldn’t move. So she stood there like a vegetable and watched, hoping that Kevin was going to walk away. But instead of giving up, he rang the doorbell again and again. Tamara bit her lower lip and tried to brainstorm for an incredible answer but she just couldn’t come up with something smart to say. So she finally took a deep breath and opened the door.  


Kevin didn’t waste any more time. He started dialing on his phone and then gave it to her saying, “The crazy woman who called us yesterday wants to apologize for her stupidity.”


Tamara wanted to refuse but then she accidentally stared into those incredibly beautiful blue eyes and she melted. She found herself taking the phone and pressing it against her ear.


An hour later, the two were seated in the living room laughing about how awkward it was about the other day. And just before long, Tamara could feel Kevin’s hand on her soft thigh and she stopped breathing for a couple of moments. It was as though Kevin wanted a sequel right then and there.


Though Tamara had spent the entire day convincing her that she won’t ever give in to any of Kevin’s advances, she was finding it rather too difficult to stand by her word. Tamara opted to move away from Kevin, but her body just couldn’t get to move. As a matter of fact, it felt as though she was being attracted towards him and she just couldn’t fight it.


Now Kevin had his hand in between her legs and his fingers penetrating in between the wet folds of her pussy. Tamara closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she held her breath. Kevin was really good with his finger and it took him only couple of minutes before he made her cum, soaking the leather seat with her stickiness.


Tamara just lay there, her head swirling as Kevin continued pleasuring her with the finger once again. This gave her another thunderous orgasm and she let out a scream.


Kevin didn’t want to take much more time in case something happened like the other day. So he helped Tamara get out of her clothes and he took off his as fast as he could. After they were both naked and craving for some pleasure, Kevin slid on top of Tamara and she instinctively spread her legs. 


Kevin couldn’t put his cock inside the throbbing wet pussy since he was holding on the other side of the couch. Tamara decided she wasn’t waiting for him to find the right position and she took matters into her own hands and put the cock inside. 


Tamara couldn’t really contain herself. As soon as the cock slid inside of her, she started moaning with pleasure and asking for some more action. Her legs were quickly tacked right behind Kevin’s buttocks and she pulled herself against that huge cock. Kevin started by moving into her as slowly as possible just to make sure that the pussy was well lubricated.


This was right before he started going a little bit faster, rubbing as effectively as possible. Tamara snuck her hand in between his legs and started rubbing Kevin’s balls. This sent electric shockwaves of erotic sensation up to his cock and Kevin could feel the tip of his cock getting so hot and he almost came at that moment.


So he slowed down for a bit and embarked on kissing Tamara on the lips.


Kevin noticed that Tamara’s nipples were already erect and decided to play a little game with them. Tamara had a pair of very sensitive nipples and did love for someone to touch them tenderly during sex since it got her off.


Tamara could feel the tickly sensation on her nipples when Kevin licked on them with his tongue and she felt as though she was on top of the world. Her head couldn’t stop swirling round and her eyes rolling back in her head. Kevin unexpectedly planted his meaty cock right back into her pussy and this got Tamara to gasp for some air. It really felt good and she didn’t want for him to stop surprising her.


Tamara closed her thighs this time around and this resulted in more pleasure since Kevin was in a position to enter her vagina at a sharper angle, giving her lots of pleasure. A minute into the sex and Tamara was burying her fingernails into his back and speaking gibberish.


By this time, both of them were sweating and Kevin had already found a rhythm that he was using to thrust in and out of her tight pussy. It felt really incredible and Tamara urged him to not stop.

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