Read Love Begins with Fate Online

Authors: Lindsey Owens

Love Begins with Fate (9 page)





Chapter 14



“So spill,” Ryder said as he hovered in front of the bathroom door.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kelsey said quickly.

“Oh you know…” Ryder drawled out. “I could tell you knew yesterday and today you just confirmed it.”

“Who is she?” Ryder questioned.

“Ryder, come on get out.” Kelsey rolled her eyes and pushing at his chest.

“Nope… not until you tell me who your hiding.” Ryder demanded as he inched further into the bathroom.

“Nope…” Kelsey dragged out.

“Kelsey.” He said lowly. “I’m your twin and your brother. How come you’re hiding something from me?”


“I have hid many things from you Ryder.” Kelsey snapped.

Ryder’s eyes widened and his eyebrows pinched together. “What do you mean by that?”

Kelsey sighed. “Well for one… there was that time at our birthday party before our parents split up… when I kissed one of your best friend playing spin the bottle.” She shrugged.

“WHAT!” Ryder snapped. “I thought he was lying. You were the girl who stole PJ’s first kiss?” He let out a snort “He was so worked up about that and I gave him a black eye!”

“It was my first kiss too.” Kelsey mumbled.

“And there was a date I went on back home…” She dragged out then paused “Ah forget that… I’m not mentioning that one.”

“You know…” Ryder said remembering something “it’s not possible…”

Kelsey looked away. “I can’t tell you.” She replied.

“Did someone threaten you?” Ryder said defensively, his voice lower with a tinge of anger within it.

“NO!” Kelsey barked out “Why can’t you just drop it?” Kelsey groaned.

” Ryder smirked. “I’ll drop it, for now. Take your shower and get packing.”

Kelsey’s face lit with horror.
“What?!” Kelsey groaned out accidently.

Hannah had to go home and get her things packed before she stayed the night. She had also said she was going to take a shower before they left as well.

Ryder smirked “We’re going out to the lake, you’re going with. I already told dad and the guys are expecting us both.” Ryder replied as if he wasn’t going to allow Kelsey to say no.

“What? No…” Kelsey shook her head.

“Come on Kels” Ryder grumbled. “I could just take you along without letting you pick out anything to pack…” Ryder smirked again.

” She groaned. “What do I have to bring?” She sighed.

“Well, a swimsuit, something warm, shorts, jeans, tops, sweatshirt, you know the usual camping stuff, we have a cabin we’re staying in so you don’t need the tent and sleeping stuff. We’re going to be staying there tonight and tomorrow night. We’ll come back Sunday afternoon. I invited Hannah when you were busy talking
on the phone. She’ll be here in half an hour so you better get a move on. She was more than eager… We’re leaving in forty-five.” He told her with a chuckle.

Kelsey groaned but did as her brother had requested, hopping into the shower and then packing her bag. She had packed the usually things, pulled on a bikini beneath a pair of short and tank. When she made it down to the door Ryder was standing there evaluating the bags he had placed at the door. He looked up at Kelsey with a strange expression “We can take your truck right? I don’t think this stuff will fit in my car.” His brows furrowed more in confusion.

“I don’t care. I don’t know where we’re going though…” She drawled.

“No worries.” Ryder told her hiking bags onto his shoulders and walking out the front door.

“Hey Kels.” Hannah called coming in the open door. “This is so amazing!” She beamed.

“What is?” Kelsey moped.

“I can’t believe your brother invited me and you didn’t! The annual trip to the lake is awesome, all kinds of people beg the guys to let them come every year but its super exclusive!” Hannah cooed.

“I can’t believe you sold out on our over
nighter to go to a lake with my brother.”  Kelsey shrugged, it wasn’t like she cared. She had planned on hanging out with her friend and forgetting about her old life back home and the problems with her mom. She had gone camping a lot with her friends and horse.

“Come on girls, trucks loaded up.” Ryder called from the truck.
Hannah giggled and raced out the door.

When Kelsey and Hannah walked up Ryder’s face grew hard “give me the keys

“What, no!” Kelsey tried not to laugh and punch her brother at the same time.

“You don’t know the way, I can’t be seen driven around by a girl, and you know I won’t ruin your truck now pass ‘em” Ryder snapped.

Kelsey eventually gave in before settling in on the
passenger side of her own truck while her brother was driving. She watched out the window as the trees and homes passed by. They took a right and Kelsey’s brows furrowed.

Where were they going? This direction lead to the richest section
of town; their home was big but it was nothing special just a home. The ones on this side of town were massive mansion type homes. When Ryder pulled up to a gate and pressed the intercom button she just had to ask. “Where are we going? I thought we were going to a lake?” She asked.

Ryder grinned. “Yeah but we are meeting up with the guys first.”

Many of the Ryder’s friends were gathered around cars in the driveway of a massive beautiful home. Ryder parked the truck and hopped out before Kelsey could even consider asking whose home it was. Hannah had no idea nor was she talking much, just smiling.

Kelsey slid from the truck to hear her brother yelling “I got the truck!” He called.

“Excuse me?” she questioned from behind him.

“No biggie, mind if we load your truck up with some toys?” Ryder asked with a smirk.

“Don’t scratch the paint and we’re good.” Kelsey shrugged.

“Let’s load ‘
em up boys!” Ryder called out cheerfully, and magically like that a couple of guys walked out from beside a Jeep pushing five dirt bikes.

Kelsey watched as the guys easily lifted the bikes up. “Ar
e we all loaded up?” Ryder called.

“Yeah we just need to settle on riding arrangements.”
PJ said walking up beside Ryder. “Your truck is a four by four?” He said turning toward Kelsey.

“Yeah of course
” She mumbled back trying to avoid his eyes.

“Well then we have
four vehicles we can take. The jeep, the explore, Kelsey’s truck, and Will’s truck.”

“I’m driving Kelsey’s
truck; Kelsey’s riding with me, Hannah, where you want to ride?” Ryder asked.

Can I ride with you?” Hannah muttered shyly, her cheeks blushing as she looked up at all the guys’ eyes on her.

“Great. Well we can put Davis, Eli,
Quin, Jeremy and Maggie in the black jeep since its Davis’s.” PJ said.

“Sounds good.
Brandon, Will, Sam, Colt, Gretchen and Paige in the other truck.” Ryder said but Will interrupted.

“Colt and Sam can’t be in the same car!” Will nearly
screeched. Hannah knew the answer to this but Kelsey looked at them all with a face of confusion.

So Hannah felt the need to elaborate. “Colt and Sam have been snapping at each other ever since Colton slept with a girl that
Sam was going after earlier in the year.” She shrugged.

“Oh right!” Ryd
er chuckled. “Sorry about that. Colt, Brandon, Will, Gretchen, Paige and Marcus.”

“NO WAY!” Marcus yelled. “I am not riding with those whine girls. I thought we agreed on no whiny bitches and Colt and you both had to invite some!”

“I am not a whiny bitch!” Hannah snapped, “And my friend, Kelsey here well she already has her eye…” Kelsey smacked Hannah making her change her words. “I am sure you won’t see her whining.”

“Either way!”
Marcus grumbled “I am not riding with them!” He pointed over to Gretchen and Paige as they were propped up on the steps of the mansion painting their nails.

“Fine…” Ryder rolled his eyes.

“Colt, Brandon, Will, Gretchen, and Paige will all go in the truck.” PJ yawned. Ivan, Jason, and Tyler weren’t on the football team but Hannah had explained they were a very elite part of the friends group here.

” Ryder nodded.

“So who do we have left…
,” PJ said scratching that light stubble line on his jaw. Kelsey couldn’t help but smile softly at that. “Sam, Marcus, Tyler, Jason, and Ivan will go in the other jeep and I’ll ride with you guys in Kelsey’s truck.”

“Okay everyone
, did we forget anything? Do we have the grill and coolers packed up this time!?” Ryder yelled.

“Yeah they’re in the back of the explorer fully stocked with the essentials.”
PJ chuckled.

“Let’s head out!” Ryder called hopping into Kelsey’s truck. Hannah had slipped in to the front see and before Kelsey could protest
, PJ slid in the back beside her with a smile.

She tried to keep her head on straight, breathing in and out slowly trying to calm her nerves as they drove. “How far is it?” Kelsey leaned forward and asked her brother.

“It’s about an hour.” Ryder rolled his eyes but looked over at Hannah with a smile. He had brought his sister so she wouldn’t be alone in the house while their father was out all weekend but he had asked her friend to go along for some potential company for himself.

Gretchen and Paige were here for those obvious reasons as well. Though Marcus didn’t want the girls around; the other guys would
definitely. Paige and Gretchen were in a way a pass around slut type, Ryder thought but he continued to drive.

Kelsey slammed her back into the back rest and groaned. “Can we put the radio on or something?” She groaned.
For some reason she had forgot to pack her mp3 player and now she was annoyed.

Ryder hissed. “You have crappy taste of music and I want to talk with your friend.”

” PJ grinned at her and handed her his phone “pick whatever you might like…” He said offering her a set of ear plugs. “Really it’s not that long of a drive.”

“Thanks,” Kelsey mumbled. With
PJ’s ear phones in her ears, Kelsey surfed his music selection pleased she could find something she liked. The ride didn’t take as long with the music in her ears and Kelsey couldn’t help but sigh once they finally arrived.

She offered her thanks once again to
PJ and slid out of the truck. Looking around Kelsey smiled. This place was perfect. A large log cabin stood before her, a large porch with a porch swing on it. A large clearing where they could play sports, a fire pit, two hammocks on either side of the clearing, the lake with a dock a little ways out, and the dirt bikes which the guys brought.

“I get first dibs on rooms!” Davis and
Quin called racing toward the cabin.

called out, “I’ll divide them up.” He chuckled evilly.

The boys groaned.

and Ryder chuckled as they made their way into the cabin. Hannah and Kelsey followed closely behind in amazement.

“I get the master suite, Ryder which do you want?”
PJ asked.

“I’ll take the east room. It’s got an awesome porch.” Ryder chuckled. “Kelsey you can stay in
my room if you want but I am hoping that your friend here would like to join me…” Ryder smirked.

Ewee gross! Come on Ryder really!” Kelsey groaned “I am not staying in the same room with you guys and your sexual tension…” Kelsey hissed.

“What sexual tension…” Ryder
raised an eyebrow… “I was hoping that Hannah and I could relieve some of that tension once again.” Hannah squeaked but smiled some.

Uhg!” Kelsey groaned. “Wait… what?”

“You can sleep in my bed!” Tyler, Will, and a few other guys smirked as th
ey all voiced the same opinions, it made Kelsey forget what she was saying.

Uhg” Kelsey muttered. “I think I’ll take the couch.” She rolled her eyes.

“How about you share the master suite with me…”
PJ offered.

Ryder rolled his eyes and punched
PJ in the arm.

“What the hell!?”
PJ snapped.

“That’s for hitting on my sister.” Ryder told him. “You’re lucky that’s all you got. I told the
other guys and I’ll tell you to… back off.”

“What!” Kelsey squeaked. “I uh…” she muttered anxiously. She was stuck between Ryder’s words and
PJ offering her a room. She was so flustered and confused right now.

“Easy kitten, there’s a bed and couch, the couch pulls
out and there is also a very cool thing on the porch…” PJ trailed turning his head to glare at Ryder. “Anyway I’m more interested in finding the girl I was dancing with at the club the other night.” PJ said drifting off mumbling “star tattoo, blond hair, great kisser.”

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