Read Love Begins with Fate Online

Authors: Lindsey Owens

Love Begins with Fate (10 page)

Kelsey nodded nervously while she looked over at Hannah
, whom was about to burst at the seams with smiles and giggles. Her brother was up to something and she knew it, Kelsey just glared at him.

“Jeremy and Maggie
, you two can have the west bedroom.” PJ told them.

“Thanks man.” Jeremy smirked
, hugging Maggie beside him.

“Yeah well
, I’m just doing everyone a favor.” PJ chuckled. “Nobody wants to share a room with them.” He said turning to Kelsey and Hannah.

“The rest of you guys can split the rooms between yourselves.”
PJ said again.

With that people were screaming and racing toward different rooms. Not Gretchen and Paige though; it was more than obvious they would be sharing a bed with someone. “I call…” guys screamed.

Eventually everyone settled down. Two guys had shared a room on the first floor, while another two shared the other room on the first floor and the rest split the two rooms with the bunk beds in the center of the loft.

“Anyone for a dib before dinner?”
PJ called.

ya!” Ryder called; along with the pounding footsteps of many other guys, Kelsey, Maggie, and Hannah as well. The two sluts stayed behind wandering slowly toward the water.

Kelsey, Hannah, and Maggie stopped once they reached the dock. The guys were jumping in, laughing, and splashing. “Come on in girls!” They teased.

“I think I’ll not…” Kelsey frowned as one of the guy’s came up from the water screaming ‘it’s cold’.

Hannah didn’t waste any time. She quickly lifted up her sundress, tossing it on the ground, and raced toward the dock, doing
a flip off it. “Come on Mags.” Jeremy teased as he pulled himself up onto the dock. “Do you want me to throw you in?” He said slowly as he stalked toward her.

“Let me take off my…” She began but Jeremy caught her in his arms and pulled her clothes off for her
, then lifted her up and raced toward the water. He jumped in with her in his arms.

Kelsey rolled her eyes at the happy couple. She would never have that. Duff had told her so and she believed it. She was beyond broken.

“Don’t think we’re going to let you get away with sitting up here.” A voice said from beside her. Kelsey yelped and turned her head to see Ryder and one of the other guys standing beside her.

“No…” Kelsey warned slowly. “I don’t want to get my clothes all wet.”

“Got a swim suit?” Ryder asked with a smirk.

“Well yeah, I have it on actually.” Kelsey shrugged.

“Take off your clothes!” one of the guys yelled and Kelsey yelped as Ryder and Will picked her off the ground.

Squirming she tried to wiggle from their grasp as they neared the water. “No!” She screamed. “Let me take off my clothes first…” She begged.

“Nope you had your chance!” Ryder chuckled and threw her into the water.






Chapter 15



Kelsey played along with the guys in the water until she couldn’t stand it any longer.
“Cold.” She chattered. “I’m going inside.” She shivered as she spoke to her brother.

“Hey, come back out when you change, I’ll start the fire!” Ryder called to his sister as she walked away.

Kelsey could hear a hint of something in his voice, something mischievous but she couldn’t figure out quite what it was. Shaking her head she made her way through the cabin to the room which held her clothes.

Kelsey grabbed her sweat pants, new underwear, a p
ajama top, and a hoodie sweatshirt then placed them on the bed. She dropped her dress onto the floor in a heap along with her bikini top and bottom. She had pulled on a pair of underwear when the door to the bedroom opened.

Yelping Kelsey grabbed her
clothes and held them in front of her. “Oh!” PJ exclaimed as he smirked. Shutting the door behind him “I’m sorry. I have to get used to sharing this room.” He mumbled. “Please proceed.”

“Is this how it’s going to be all weekend?” Kelsey questioned
gazing up at him.

“It really wouldn’t bother me…”
PJ smirked. “But I’ll try to knock next time.”

Kelsey huffed. “Maybe I should get another room.” She drawled out.

“Awe… don’t say that, you wouldn’t want to sleep on the couch downstairs…” PJ pouted as he stepped closer to her. His eyes trailed across her nearly naked body when he noticed something.

Taking a step forward he sucked in a breath. “Now…” he breathed “what do we have here?” Stretching his hand out
PJ slowly traced the soft skin on the side of Kelsey’s ribcage. It was a piece that Kelsey had missed hiding.

“Nothing…” Kelsey mumbled backing away from his touch.

“Oh I think we do… does your brother know you are the girl I have been looking for?” PJ mused, stepping up to her again. His hand rose to her side and pulled the small bit of clothing away from her and smirked. “You’re my club girl…”

“I don’t know what
you’re talking about.” Kelsey gasped as she tried to shy away from him.

, but you do. Let me just put it this way…” PJ told her. “For one… I thought you looked familiar, two, those eyes… and three your brother even thinks you know something… oh and four how many girls went to the club the other night with that tattoo…” He grinned and poked her in the ribs.

“You know… when Ryder flipped out years ago about that kiss you stole from me... I couldn’t imagine him being more pissed.”
PJ chuckled as he remember, “I liked you back then…”

Kelsey shuttered at his touch. “What do you want from me
, PJ?” She mumbled tipping her head down avoiding his eyes.

gripped her chin and tipped her head back up so he could see her eyes. “Call me Parker.” He said “If nothing else… a kiss would be amazing… I still like you now...” he drawled. “Maybe even more…”

Kelsey thought for a moment and
then Parker slowly pulled her close he brushed his lips across hers. It was just a quick kiss, just a feather light brush of their lips but Kelsey’s lips tingled from the sensation and she moaned.

Parker pulled her close and kissed her harder this time. His hands roamed her soft skin and she gasped.
He took this chance to thrust his tongue into her mouth. Kelsey quickly responded enjoying every bit of him, her hands began to roam his bare chest and up into his hair.

Parker grunting pushed Kelsey against the wall and grinned as she wrapped her legs around his torso. “Parker?” someone called from the hallway.
Parker pulled away reluctantly letting her drop to her feet on the floor.

“Why don’t you get dressed and we’ll go down and enjoy the fire.”
Parker slowly released Kelsey and turned around.

Kelsey hesitated a moment catching her breath and regaining her bearings. She pulled on the clothing with shaky hands, each and every piece felt as if it took forever to cover her body.

“Okay. I’m done.” Kelsey said bending down and grabbing her wet things. Parker turned around and Kelsey couldn’t help but drool over his perfectly sculpted chest.

Since the kiss moments ago, she had been so much more aware of
Parker’s presence in the room. “Enjoying the view?” he smirked.

“What?” Kelsey
squeaked. “No…”

“Don’t worry kitten. You can stare all you want. My heart has been stolen already.”

Kelsey smiled softly scooting her way into the bathroom to hang her things. “Hey, just toss them in the basket; I’ll throw them in the dryer with the rest of the guys’ things.” Parker called from the other room.

“Okay.” Kelsey said walking out. She didn’t realize that
Parker had taken it upon himself to drop his swim trunks and pull on a pair of boxers. He stood there with his muscular back to her.

Kelsey gulped nervously making
her way to the door. “I’ve got to go.” She mumbled.

“Oh sorry,
” Parker chuckled before adding “I’ll see you down at the fire, princess.”

When Kelsey had gone outside many of the others were gathered around a fire which
Ryder was tending too. “Hey sis,” Ryder called as she approached.

“Hey.” Kelsey mumbled stifling a yawn. It was getting dark and she had to fight sleep.

“Here, I had one of the guys pick up your favorite.” Ryder smirked, holding up a bottle of coke in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other.

“Oh no… I don’t …” Kelsey began.
Drinking had only ever gotten her into trouble, first with Duff and second with Parker.

“Oh yeah
, you do. Here I already poured you a cup.” Ryder chuckled handing her a cup which he had obviously poured too quickly.

“Well I guess one wouldn’t hurt.” Kelsey groaned.

“Great!” Ryder grinned. “Hannah here’s your drink babe.” Ryder added turning toward Hannah sitting in the far side of the fire.

Ryder had told everyone he was going to go change into something warm but not before whispering something to
Parker, Will, and some other guys. Kelsey couldn’t help but be suspicious of her brother at that moment.

“Earth to
Kels,” Hannah waved a hand around in her friend’s face.

“Huh, what?”
Kelsey mumbled as she turned her head to look at her friend.

“Why are you glaring at your brother?” Hannah asked.

“I just think he’s up to something.” Kelsey slurred, she had down her drink and had reluctantly accepted another before her brother even left the group. Much to her distaste the drink was more rum than coke. “Do you know what it is?” She knew she shouldn’t drink without eating dinner first since she hadn’t eaten in so long.

“No idea.” Hannah shrugged.

“So you and my brother... before?” Kelsey frowned.

“Uh…” Hannah sighed. “Yeah, look Kelsey… I know what you are going to think…”

“It’s alright.” Kelsey admitted, knowing she should be alright with it since she was interested in her brother’s friend. “I was just kind of shocked.”

When Ryder returned he poured Kelsey and Hannah another drink then settled
himself beside Hannah. “So Kels…” He drawled.

“Don’t go there brother. I know
you’re up to something.” Kelsey muttered slurring her words. “Ghah!” She groaned.

“A little drunk?” Ryder asked softly.

“Tsk! No.” Kelsey groaned. Yes. She was so drunk but why would she admit it to him. “Anyone hungry?” she said.

“What was it you were telling me about that mystery girl again PJ?” Ryder lifted his head toward his friend across from him and asked.

“Oh… she was beautiful.” Parker admitted. He smiled knowingly as he glanced over at Kelsey.

She had a reason for not telling her brother and that was her business. Maybe he could ask her about it later…

“Hmm…” Ryder frowned looking from PJ toward where ever he had been gazing off to.

“Oh I know what you’re doing?” Hannah giggled. She wasn’t drunk yet. Nope, she wasn’t even buzzing really, and she definitely knew what was going on.

“I don’t know what you’re referring too; I’m just trying to help out a friend.” Ryder shrugged.

“Nah…” Kelsey added softly. “She’s not beautiful.”

Ryder smirked. His sister did know, now he just had to get out of her who the girl was. “So do you know, why she won’t come and talk to my buddy here?” Ryder asked.

“She isn’t going to tell you
anything.” Hannah giggled. “She’s sealed like a vault.”

“Here babe
,” Ryder groaned, holding out his hand “Let me fill your drink.”

“It’s not going to work Ryder.” Someone chuckled.

Ryder snapped his head over to the guy and glared. “Shh…”

An hour later and Kelsey was beyond wasted, yet she still wouldn’t admit anything.
She had long since forgotten about eating and continued to get drunker. She was just frustrating everyone who asked her questions. Hannah was drunk now as well, Ryder had used his charm to get her to drink anything he offered her.

“I’m going to bed. I’m cold.” Kelsey yawned and slurred
as her teeth chattered. She stumbled to her feet.

“I’ll walk you.”
Parker said standing up. Ryder glared that ‘don’t you dare take advantage glare.’ “I’m just going to make sure she gets to the right room.” Parker muttered for Ryder’s benefit as he gripped hold of Kelsey’s arm as she began to stumble to the ground.

“Here kitten,”
Parker shook his head “Let me help you.”

, why don’t we head in too?” Ryder leaned toward Hannah whispering into her ear.

Hannah giggled nodding her head. Ryder stood taking her arm and leading her toward the cabin “Night guys.” He waved as they walked away.

The guys were all laughing, whooping, and cheering for the two guys, which caused Ryder to roll his eyes and chuckle.

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