Read Logan's Acadian Wolves Online

Authors: Kym Grosso

Tags: #Vampires

Logan's Acadian Wolves (14 page)

“So you are living with her?”
Just perfect.
I really am an idiot.

“No, I said she
living with me…as in past tense. And it was only because she already lived in the mansion, and I didn’t want to kick her to the curb.”

“A humanitarian? Bet it was difficult,” she drawled.

“Well with Kat there, I…”

“Who is Kat?” This just kept getting better.

“She’s Tristan’s sister. But it wasn’t like…” He wanted to say that it wasn’t anything close to what he’d felt for her, but bit his tongue. “It wasn’t like you think, Wynter.” Logan’s eyes saddened and his voice wavered slightly as the emotions of Marcel’s death unexpectedly rushed over him. It had only been a couple of months and it was still hard to comprehend that he was dead.

“Marcel. He was my friend, my mentor. And my Alpha at one time. A few months ago, he was killed. It was difficult for everyone, but Katrina and I…we were just trying to get by. I promised him.”

“Promised him what?”

“I’d take over for him.” Logan emptied what was left in his glass and set it down. This was not at all what he planned on discussing with Wynter tonight. This conversation was finished.

Wynter saw the sadness in Logan’s eyes and recognized his pain all too well. The loss of someone you loved could never be erased or undone. True, the pain would lessen as time went on, but when you lost someone so close to you, a part of your heart and mind would never be the same. She gleaned that he hadn’t been Alpha for very long and wondered how he was coping. As a human spending much of her time observing Jax, she would never have known that Logan had just taken over his pack. He seemed such a natural leader. Yet, whatever he’d been doing over the past couple of months must’ve taken a great emotional and physical toll on him.

Even though there was a part of her that hated that he’d slept with other women, the rational part of her brain finally won out the battle. She swore it was that damn wolf making her so jealous. Of course, he had other women and in the moment, she didn’t care. She only wanted to take away his hurt, ease his suffering. Wynter reached to him, lovingly placing her hand on his cheek and looked deep into his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry for your loss. I know…I know how it feels. I promise it’ll get better someday.”

With her words, she wanted to break down and cry, opening up to him about her own parents, everything that had happened with Jax. She’d been so scared and lonely, lost to the world. But she couldn’t tell him. It would lead to other questions; ones she wasn’t ready to answer.

Logan wrapped his hands around her wrist, holding her hand to his face. His eyes locked on hers in a heated stare. Whatever anger she’d held about Luci and Kat had melted away. This woman, a virtual stranger, genuinely cared that he was hurting over Marcel’s death. Kindred souls, they both had experienced great loss at death’s hand. His heart constricted. He wished they could forget this Kade business and just go home and be alone. Logan’s eyes fell; he glanced at her soft, inviting lips.
Why did he want this woman so badly?

Their connection was broken as a spotlight flooded the stage and a lilt of music filled the room. Wynter glanced up to the stage, and tried to pull her hand away, but he guided her palm onto his thigh. Logan didn’t want what they’d just shared to end. As if she grounded him, the physical touch of her palm, however slight, stoked the fire within his heart.

Wynter considered how precariously close to danger she was. While she’d initially been worried about the vampires, Logan changed the subject and now all she could think about was him and her own feelings that were spiraling out of control. She prayed that it really was just chemistry. Deep down, though, she suspected her feelings were real, and it scared the living daylights out of her.

Wynter’s thoughts were interrupted as the big band music boomed from surround sound speakers. A high-heeled burlesque dancer seductively pranced onto the stage. Quite beautiful, with voluptuous curves, the brunette slowly slipped one leg to the side then rolled her wrists; her graceful hands flowed like ribbons into the limelight. Flicking open her red ostrich feather fan, she concealed her body, with a wink. Sweeping it up and around, she continued to tease the audience by caressing the plumage up and over her body.

Playing and tantalizing, she flirted while skillfully removing her gloves, one by one. A man whistled as she threw them to patrons in the front row. Turning her back to the audience, she deftly removed her bra, never revealing her breasts. She swung the garment round and round, then flung it across the room. Though the feathers artfully brushed over her creamy pale skin, revealing little, her erotic display captivated the crowd. The dancer bent over, shaking her behind, and encouraged the audience’s catcalls.

Her mesmerizing hips rocked side to side, sexy and slow. As anticipation grew in expectation of the big reveal, Wynter glanced up to both Logan and Dimitri, who, astonishingly, weren’t watching the show. Rather, both men were intently watching her, and she blushed. Giving them both a small smile, she drew her attention back to the stage just in time to see the woman raise the fan clear over her head. Striking a pose, she proudly displayed her red sparkling pasties and perfectly matching panties for everyone to admire. The audience clapped wildly in appreciation, while she curtsied.

Wynter had never seen a woman strip before but found the experience both arousing and erotic. The artistic dancing seemed to have the same effect on the crowd as she noticed several couples begin to intimately touch and kiss in response. As the dancer pranced off stage, Wynter felt a tug on her wrist.

“Did you enjoy the show?” Logan inquired with a grin. Judging by her heartbeat, he knew she did.

“Yes. I’ve never been to a burlesque show before. She was amazing.” Wynter caught both Dimitri and Logan raising their eyebrows at each other. “What? Can’t I admire art?”

“I just find it interesting that you spent all that time around a pack and weren’t exposed to any nudity,” Logan commented. He couldn’t understand why Jax would keep her so secluded from his wolves.

“She didn’t seem to have a problem with it this afternoon,” Dimitri joked.

Wynter’s cheeks heated and Logan laughed.

“No, my friend, she didn’t. And I must say that I very much like her that way.”

Wynter was about to protest and tell them both that it hadn’t been her idea to strip in the pool, when the maître d’ from earlier rushed over to Logan. He efficiently ushered their party out of the theater and into a different area of the club. Within minutes, they were seated. Their small circular table barely held enough room for their glasses but provided them with an excellent view of the room, including the bar and adjoining dance floor.

Scattered tables filled the lounge, leaving only a small area around the bar stools for standing room. Checkered stone floors and blackened walls adorned with gas lit lanterns reminded her yet again of the club’s dark nature. A long copper bar ran the length of a wall where men and woman waited for drinks. Several glass tubes filled with a dark red substance ran from the ceiling down into taps.
Wine? Blood?
She couldn’t tell without getting closer and there was no way in hell that was happening.

Sitting between Logan and Dimitri, she felt secure, but curious. “What’s with the tubes?” she whispered. “Please tell me it’s wine.”

Logan lowered his voice. “Blood. They serve it many ways. Live donors are usually preferred by the vamps, but this room is more of a waiting room so to speak. When donors are ready, they can go to private rooms. The disco also has semi-private areas. Feeding occurs everywhere here…even in public.”

Wynter’s eyes widened and her mouth tightened in surprise, and Dimitri jumped in to explain further.

“The people who come to these clubs…they enjoy it,” he told her.

“Enjoy being bitten? Here?” She’d heard it was true but had never really discussed it with anyone who could verify the rumors.

“It’s not like I’m into it, but hey, I don’t judge. Everybody’s looking for something. Humans, wolves, witches, vampires, they’re all here for a little kink. Public feeding. Public sex even. You’ve got voyeurs and exhibitionists and everyone in between,” Logan added. “I’m surprised you didn’t ever go to a club like this in New York. I mean, there’s no doubt this place is a little heavier than most clubs, but that’s only because the vampires run it.”

“Yeah, they don’t mind pushing the envelope of what’s unacceptable, which isn’t much. It’s kind of a free-for-all,” Dimitri pointed out. “I’m actually surprised Kade would come here. I didn’t think he was into all this, but what do I know?”

“I guess I was sheltered. But Jax, he’d never go somewhere like this.” Sure, she’d been sequestered from the nudity but never did she imagine that these clubs could be commonplace in Jax’s life or anyone else in his pack for that matter.

“Trust me, Wyn. Even the almighty Jax Chandler has been in a club like this. He’s the New York Alpha. He may not like to be bitten, but then again, you never know,” Logan sniffed. “But the sex? To see and be seen. Oh, he goes. And if you think he doesn’t…well then maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do.”

Logan considered her reactions and comments about the club, and it occurred to him that even though she was an adult, she hadn’t been exposed to the supernatural culture at all. A whisper of innocence laced her words, and he couldn’t help but want to be the one to help her learn.

“Just because I live with Jax, that doesn’t mean he tells me everything.” Wynter played with her hands, reflecting on her ignorance. She knew she’d been kept in the dark. Her parents had insisted on it, and when they died, Jax continued the ruse. She felt like an idiot, living with an Alpha, yet inexperienced with the way of wolves. “He’s a wolf. I’m just a human. We’re both busy.”

“What do you mean, just a human?” Logan asked. It was going to be interesting when his little wolf shifted. It would finally be real to her.

Wynter was about to attempt to come up with a witty comeback to his question, but noticed both Logan and Dimitri go on alert, both putting their hands possessively on her thighs. As much as she wanted to reflect on how she felt about having two men touch her at once, and oddly, she really did, she was more curious about the spectacle across the room that had captivated the men’s interest. She squinted, attempting to see in the dimly lit room and wished whatever supernatural wolf powers she might be getting would apply to her eyes. It wasn’t too long before she saw a sight that very much held her attention.

A woman with long flowing black hair writhed on top of a man’s lap. His face was altogether buried in the woman’s neck and as she moved up and down, it became apparent that they were having sex. Her long flowing skirt covered any evidence of their coupling, but the telltale movement of her hips on his provided little question as to what they were doing. Surprisingly aroused by the sight, Wynter watched intently as the man and woman grunted in ecstasy. Blood ran down the woman’s neck, and the man slowly lifted his head. Wynter gasped as the vampire’s eyes snapped open and locked on hers.

Chapter Nine

The vampire had licked his bloodied lips and then smiled at her. And that was the exact moment she’d recognized him. Monsieur Devereoux, from New York City
. One of the university’s most influential benefactors was a vampire? What was he doing here in this club? Oh my God.

Her mind raced, as she struggled to compose herself. How was she supposed to talk to Monsieur Devereoux right after she’d watched him have sex? Wynter had found it difficult to tear her eyes away. And oh dear Lord, he knew she’d been watching. Not only did he know, he liked it and smiled at her. Wynter’s heart beat frantically as Léopold confidently strode across the room. She tried to look away and could hardly believe this was happening. Logan would know and she’d be forced to tell him everything.

Dressed in a stylish all black suit and tie, Léopold Devereoux looked as debonair as she’d remembered. His perfectly coiffed hair accentuated his model good looks and lithe muscular body. As if he’d stepped out of an issue of GQ, the man was exceptionally handsome. Yet tonight, there was something different about him, an otherworldly, dangerous edge to his presence. All heads turned to watch him as he made his way toward their table, and she’d almost forgotten where she was until he stood before them offering his hand to her. Wynter heard him address her and swallowed the lump that had lodged in her throat. As she did so, she gave a brief nod to both Logan and Dimitri who stood protectively at her sides. Clearly angry at this development, their faces were set into hardened frowns, staring at him.

“How lovely to see you again, Dr. Ryan.” Léopold bowed his head slightly, never taking his eyes off hers. Wynter struggled to respond as the shock of hearing his familiar French accent brought forth the reality that he was who she’d thought he was. Time stopped as she gaped in disbelief. She’d just voyeuristically watched as he covertly yet openly, made love to that woman in his lap.

“Monsieur Devereoux. Why, hello. Very good to see you again,” she managed with a cough.
What was she supposed to say?
Thanks for letting me
watch you have sex. And oh by the way, you’re a vampire?
She dug deep to find appropriate diplomatic words that seemed to elude her. “I’m surprised to see you here. Are you wintering in New Orleans?”

Léopold took her hand gently into his before pressing his cool lips to her skin. Logan growled in response, and he quickly released her hand. He gave Wynter a puzzled look, sensing she’d changed.
Wolf? Now how did that happen when she’d clearly been human? And where was the ever possessive Jax, letting his little human out to play with strange wolves? Very interesting indeed.
Amused, he smiled at the trio and addressed Wynter.

“I could say the same of you. New York winters can be cold, no? And I see you’ve taken up with a new Alpha. Hmm,” Léopold observed and nodded to Logan. “Monsieur Reynaud. We meet again.”

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