Read Logan's Acadian Wolves Online

Authors: Kym Grosso

Tags: #Vampires

Logan's Acadian Wolves (13 page)

Logan watched intently as Wynter carefully but gracefully navigated the steps. Altogether stunning, Wynter wore a little black dress that tightly hugged her curves. Off-shoulder sleeves accentuated her newly tanned arms, and formed a perfect v into the valley between her breasts, revealing the swell of her cleavage. Resplendent and sexy, she blushed upon his gaze. Her pack experience became apparent as his submissive little wolf looked away. Logan smiled; she simply had no idea how beautiful she really was.

Logan had thought about Wynter’s kiss all evening. Even though he intended to play it off, refusing to bring it up at dinner, he had so not forgotten. In a display of dominance, Wynter had shown her alpha tendencies. The way she’d pushed Luci out of the way, then given him that branding kiss; it had amazed him and frightened him all at once. On the one hand, he’d enjoyed the hell out of her choosing him, and he desired her intensely. On the other, he wasn’t looking for a mate and didn’t want to hurt her. But hell, the way she’d responded to his touch in the pool was positively remarkable.

During dinner, Logan soon found himself enchanted by Wynter’s witty humor and intelligence. It was clear to him that she’d been well schooled even though she avoided talking about her career. He knew it was all directly connected to her secrets, the reason why she’d been in New Orleans. But the light conversation allowed him to get to know Wynter better, without her worrying about his expectations.

A look here and there, flirting and blushing, stirred his attraction to her. Although the sexual tension between them hung like a tight electrical wire in a storm just waiting to explode, he’d decided not to snap it during their meal. A glance every now and then to Dimitri told him that his beta was fully aware of their growing connection. The easy banter between him, her and Dimitri flowed naturally, feeling comfortable and easy. He wondered if he’d ever be able to share her like they’d done with other women, seriously doubting it.

Surprised by the easiness of their discussion and the non-mention of the incident by the pool, Wynter relaxed, getting to better know both Logan and Dimitri. Like Logan, his beta radiated a lethal sexiness that appeared to attract women like bees to honey. From the hostess to the waitress, women shamelessly flirted with both men. Controlling her jealousy wasn’t as easy as she hoped but Wynter managed to keep it together. While “Kitty”, the server, fawned over Logan, Wynter silently recited the periodic table.
Gotta love science.
It did help a little to take her mind off the very uncharacteristic need to throttle the waitress.

After the spectacular dinner with Logan and Dimitri, Wynter relaxed, forgetting where they were headed. However, upon their arrival at the vampire club, her heart raced as she exited the car. Even though both Logan and Dimitri reassured her that she’d be safe with them, seeds of doubt floated. What if one of her former guards frequented this place? What if Kade didn’t believe her? What if it was a trap?
Trust me,
he’d told her
She wanted so badly to listen to the cocksure Alpha’s words of assurance. Aware that she had no choice in the matter, Wynter wrapped her hand tightly around Logan’s arm, holding her breath as the doors opened.

By the time they got to Mordez, Logan’s cock was once again painfully hard. He silently cursed as he thought of a half dozen ways he’d like to pleasure the devilishly sweet woman whose bare legs brushed against his own the whole damn way from the restaurant to the club. As she reached for his arm and gave a nervous laugh, he reasoned she had no idea what she was even doing to him.

Collecting his thoughts, he focused on the task at hand. By the end of the evening, he hoped to have the situation with the vampires sewn up neatly, although he knew from experience, things rarely went that easy. Putting on his game face, he swung a protective arm around Wynter and nodded to Dimitri. Time to roll.

The door to Mordez swung open, and Logan guided Wynter into the dark haven. An older gentleman dressed in a tuxedo immediately rushed over to them.

“Mister Reynaud, please come in. We’re so honored to have you visit us tonight,” he gushed.

Logan acknowledged him with a curt nod, keeping Wynter safely tucked against his side. Dimitri rounded up to her other side so she was effectively surrounded by the two large wolves.

“Will you be taking a seat in the theater, this evening? Charlotte is just about to take the stage. Or if you’d rather, the Cleretti room has recently imported the most wonderful, very rare Italian Barolo. You must try it. As for the other rooms,” he coughed and glanced to Wynter, sniffing the air. He gave Logan a knowing look before continuing, “Our private room. Their shows start much later. While I’d be happy to reserve your seating, considering your company, may I suggest that it may not be appropriate….for your guest.”

Wynter shivered; a chill settled over her skin as the man spoke to Logan as if she weren’t there. The way he looked at her, albeit for only a second, made her queasy. Vampires. Wynter remembered all too well the hungry look in their eyes and the flare of their nostrils right before the pain came. She cringed. He looked as though he was sizing her up like a glass of the wine he’d just mentioned.

“The theater is fine for now. We are meeting Kade Issacson later this evening. We’re a bit early, though,” Logan explained with not so much as a blink of an eye. “Please ensure our privacy.”

“Yes sir. Your needs are our utmost priority,” he assured the Alpha. Stealing a glance at Wynter, he licked his lips but quickly turned away. “Please, this way.”

Wynter noted the darkened lobby and thought that if they were looking to scare people from entering, keeping it exclusive, they certainly did a good job with that. The flare of candles provided little illumination onto the stone encased foyer. A soft lull of Dixieland jazz poured into the small space and she detected the faint smell of mold. She supposed the club owners were going for a quaint antique décor, congruent with the city’s history. However, in her opinion, the vibe was nothing short of creepy. She looked to the older maître d’ who’d been speaking to Logan, and caught a glimpse of his pointed canines. He winked at her right before he pushed a black curtain aside. Clutching at Logan a bit tighter, she bravely stood her ground.

Both Logan and Dimitri appeared taller to her, their attitude cold and deadly. Their lips were drawn tight in serious expressions that projected dominance. Far removed from her easygoing dinner date, a dangerous creature had replaced Logan. As a wolf, this was his true nature. Wynter took note of Logan’s demeanor, promising never to forget exactly what and who he was.

Emerging from the claustrophobic passageway, Wynter was amazed at the luxurious room in which they’d arrived. Reminiscent of a nineteen-forties tiered dinner theater, the area looked capable of holding at least fifty patrons, all comfortably seated in rows of clam-shelled, semicircular booths classically upholstered in red crushed velvet. The light from the small votive candles on the tables reflected off the blackened plaster walls. The darkened stage eerily sat empty awaiting its starlet.

As Wynter slid onto the seat, she breathed in relief as Logan and Dimitri flanked her. They towered over her small frame, and she felt safe nestled between them. Utterly fascinated that a place like this existed, her eyes roamed overhead to the massive crystal chandelier that precariously hung from the oval ceiling. The booths were arranged on a curve so that every person had a good view of the stage. Wynter glanced over to the patrons seated nearest to them who were laughing and drinking. In their element, they looked almost human until she caught a glint of a fang.

Logan must have discerned her discomfort, because he placed his hand on her thigh and gently squeezed. She looked up to him, noticing that his face had softened. God, this man was killing her inside. Protective and deadly to loving in sixty seconds, every facet of him intrigued her, making her want him even more.

“You okay, Wynter?” Logan asked softly.

“Um, yeah, thanks,” she uttered not realizing she’d been holding her breath. As she spoke, her gaze traveled to a pair of lovers. While she couldn’t see faces, she could clearly see the tracks of blood running down the woman’s backless dress.

“You’re shaking. Look at me,” Logan instructed, watching how she naturally complied. “You’re safe. You are not in a lab. I promise you, nothing will happen to you here that you don’t want to happen.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she replied indignantly. Was he implying she wanted to be bitten?

“Look around you, sweetheart. This place is a dark playground where people live out their fantasies. This one just happens to be run by the vamps. But wolves have them too. We come to watch and be seen, to play and be played with. The vamps, they come for the blood. And the shifters, witches and humans all come for different reasons. Some want a walk on the wild side, some want to be bitten, some want sex. Places like this serve a need,” Logan told her matter-of-factly. “In Philadelphia, Tristan runs an upscale club. Similar to this one. I’d say his is more urban in nature, but its function is nearly the same.”

“You come to these places often?”
Please say no. Please say no.
She couldn’t believe what he was telling her. Why would he purposely hang out with vampires?

“I used to help run one in Philadelphia, but here, this is too dark for my tastes.” Logan briefly stopped talking when a waitress came to their table. Without saying a word, she efficiently poured glasses of champagne. Setting the bottle in an ice bucket, she quickly scampered away. Logan handed Wynter her glass and continued. “As I was saying, this club can be quite dangerous if you don’t know what you are getting into. Of course like Tristan’s club, I expect there’s tight security. That being said, it doesn’t mean that people don’t get hurt.”

Logan didn’t want to scare his little wolf. He simply wished to provide her with knowledge of what existed in his world. Neither evil nor good, the city could be utilized for both, depending on one’s intentions. The veil separating the planes of supernaturals and humans was extraordinarily thin in the Big Easy. It was easy to get in trouble if one didn’t know what they were doing. Deciding to shift the focus, he changed topics. He knew of one subject that would definitely take her mind off vampires.

“So, Wynter, care to explain what happened at the pool today?” He glanced over to Dimitri who gave a small grin, and then back at her.

Wynter nearly choked on her champagne. What the hell? Where did that come from? Had he been waiting all night to take her off guard? Logan was entirely too confident. Two could play at that game, she thought. Forgetting the ‘no game’ rule he’d insisted on, she dived right into her answer, which answered his question with a question.

“Whatever do you mean, Alpha?” She batted her eyelashes at him then smiled at Dimitri.

“Come now, you seemed quite bothered with me, running hot and well, hotter. And that kiss…by the side of the pool…in front of everyone. Hmm?”

“Oh, do you mean the kiss you gave me in the pool? That one? I do believe everyone saw that one. Or was it the kiss you gave the other woman who came to the pool? You know, the one you gave her while still exhibiting the,” she paused, pretending to give it great thought and then pinned him with a stare. “How should I say it? The one you gave her, wearing the tented towel that I gave you?”

More champagne please…now.
Wynter swore her blood pressure rose twenty points just thinking of the incident. A few hours ago she’d told herself to play it cool, but her plan didn’t seem to be working out the way she’d imagined it.

Dimitri laughed out loud at her response. His Alpha was going to have his hands full, all right.

Logan smiled. He supposed he should have thought better of kissing Luci with an erection the size of Mount Everest. But in truth, it’d just been a peck hello on the cheek.

“Is my little wolf jealous? You seemed quite, how should I say it? Angry with me,” he mused, taking a sip of his drink.

“Nothing to be jealous of. This…this thing between us,” she flushed with embarrassment, “it’s just…it’s just a chemical reaction brought on by whatever they gave me….what they’ve turned me into.”

“A wolf. You can say it.”

“Fine. Yes, it’s that wolf thing. I’m sure it’ll pass. Besides, I have no claims to you.” She looked away and stared into her bubbling glass.

“Agreed. You don’t have a claim on me. We’ve just met, after all. Besides, you haven’t even shifted yet,” he goaded in an effort to test her reaction to his agreement that he wasn’t hers. A surge of delight touched his heart as her eyes flashed in anger. Perhaps she didn’t believe her own words? She really didn’t like it when he repeated them.

“And you have no claims to me either,” she quipped, quickly recovering. “I don’t belong to you.”

Why that hurt, he couldn’t say. It was the irrefutable truth. And that was the crux of his problem. Part of him wanted her, not just in bed, but wanted her to belong to him and with his pack.

“So you honestly believe everything that happened today at the pool was just a side effect of your transition to wolf? Hormones? Is that what you’re saying?” he pressed.

“Who was she anyway?” Wynter completely ignored his question. She had to know if there was someone else in his life. “The girl at the pool? Is she your girlfriend?”


“Yes. You know, the woman rubbing all over you, drooling like a St. Bernard in heat.” Oh great, she’d just reduced herself to name calling. Whatever. She had one foot in; she might as well jump in all the way.

Logan laughed. Boy, she really was jealous. And why did he seem to enjoy that so much?

“Luci. She was Marcel’s girlfriend,” he explained, trying to choose his words carefully. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t like the rest of the explanation. “I allowed her to live with me in Marcel’s bayou mansion. You know, while I was busy establishing my role.”

Wynter deliberately closed and opened her eyes, taking time to process what he’d just said.
He did not just say what I think he said.

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