Read Lined With Silver Online

Authors: Roseanne Evans Wilkins

Tags: #romantic suspense, #lds fiction, #clean romance, #contemporary romance, #arranged marriage, #lds romance, #surrogate mother

Lined With Silver (16 page)

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Sondra could hardly see. This kiss was
everything she’d ever imagined it would be. When she focused on his
face, her brows furrowed. He didn’t seem to be sharing the same
ecstasy she was. As she watched the different emotions race across
his face, a final one of remorse remained. Remorse?

He gently settled her on her feet. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“What’s wrong?”

“This is supposed to be temporary, remember?
I don’t want to complicate things.”

He turned on his heel and retreated to his
own space.

Sondra stared at his door and then at the
bracelet. Real jewels or not, they were beautiful. How was this
gift meant to symbolize temporary? Maybe she was reading far too
much into his behavior. Maybe a tennis bracelet didn’t mean much
when you had money to spare. She retreated to her own room and
cried herself to sleep. It wasn’t a long cry. She was asleep
shortly after her head hit the pillow.

Chapter Twelve, Funeral

They attended the ward together and ate meals
just as they previously had, but the tension in the air was thick.
Based on the kiss they had shared the night before, Zack’s
attraction was as real as hers.

But the vital need to keep the twins safe
held Sondra back. How would she spend any time convincing Zack that
she wanted this to be much more than temporary without putting the
babies at risk? She couldn’t do it.

The following week was much the same. They
ate their meals together, Zack drove her to work, and they both
retired early. Sondra fell asleep. She had no idea what Zack did
with his time, and she was too exhausted to investigate.

There were a couple of times during the week
when Zack’s dark eyes were lit with a quiet flame, but both of
those times ended with him withdrawing, turning away, and

If Sondra had been in a different frame of
mind, things would have ended differently. She knew it. As it was,
she was chafing at the need to put the babies’ safety first.
Sacrifice meant something different when she was thinking about it.
To have the man of her dreams living in the same house and sharing
the same marriage certificate and to have it all temporary because
of her sister’s needs was a nightmare.

* * *

“Please switch my calendar for next

Cari pulled up Sondra’s calendar on her PC.
“I don’t show many meetings planned.”

“I thought it was light. I’m going to be
taking tomorrow and the next week off.”

“Finally going on that honeymoon?”

“We spent a weekend together after the
wedding.” Sondra said.

Cari produced an unladylike snort. “That
wasn’t a honeymoon. That was a business trip.”

Sondra caught her breath. Cari was too close
to the truth. She kept her voice under control as she said, “Zack’s
father passed away. We’re attending his funeral in Maryland and
then driving down to Philadelphia.”

“This is a bad time of year for car

“You’re right, but it’s not particularly good
for plane travel either.” She stared at the screen while Cari made
the necessary adjustments. “And you’re right. We need some more
time alone.” Sondra’s smile was wry. “Although it’s not like we’re
living in a packed house.”

“Speaking of packed houses….” Cari’s eyes
narrowed. “Has that Scott guy been giving you any trouble?”

Sondra shook her head and furrowed her brows.
“Why? Should he?”

“I just didn’t get the feeling he’s a good

“There was nothing to lose.” Sondra

“Yeah. Right.” Cari rolled her eyes. She
switched topics. “I need to get these briefs typed before I leave
tonight. Did you have anything else?”

Sondra wearily rubbed her brow. “No. I don’t
have any pending cases until mid-January, so this is a good time to

Cari nodded. “And I’m taking next week off as

“An even better reason to be gone, then.”
Sondra put her phone to her ear as she walked into her office.
“Nikki. I have a favor to ask.”


“Can you take Dewk for the week?”

The silence on the phone was palpable.
Finally, in a strained voice Nikki said, “Of course we’ll take

Sondra amended, “Well, you don’t have to take
him as in have him in your house. I was wondering if you’d feed him
and make sure he’s doing alright. I’m going to Maryland with Zack
and I need someone to keep an eye on him.”

“This is a first. Who did you have watch him
before?” Nikki asked.

“Scott was a willing volunteer, but we aren’t
really on speaking terms these days.”

“I can’t imagine why not.” Nikki

“Yeah. Well. I’m out a sitter. Can you handle

“I had visions of Dewk chewing through my
furniture, but I can handle feeding and checking in on him. No
problem. When will you be back?” Nikki asked.

“Sunday after next.”

“Wow. A honeymoon after all.” Approval
sounded in Nikki’s voice.

“If you weren’t a phone call away, I’d smack
you for that.”

“Not?” Nikki sounded genuinely surprised.

“Not. And don’t ask any questions. I really
don’t want to talk about it.” Sondra grated.

“That bad?”

“As I said….”

“Okay. Okay. I won’t pry, but don’t think I’m
not absolutely dying for some answers.” Nikki admitted.

“Me too.
Me too
.” Sondra shut the
phone and stared at the wall. Here they were planning another trip
that had honeymoon written all over it, and she knew it would be
nothing of the kind.

* * *

As usual, Sondra could barely get through her
dry toast while Zack ate a hearty breakfast. The herbal tea he made
just managed to keep everything down.

“There’s a storm coming while we’re gone.
Would you like me to take the Hummer?”

Sondra shook her head. “My car is front wheel
drive. I really don’t want to switch back to having you boost me in
and out. I’d much rather you drive my car, if it’s okay with

“If you’re sure.”


Zack paused a moment and then grinned. “You
know, I’m surprised you don’t own a Hummer of your own.”

“Me?” Sondra’s eyes reflected her surprise.
“Why do you say that?”

“Well, I think of you as indestructible.
Don’t you have a sense of adventure to match?”

Sondra shook her head. “The only kind of
adventure I crave outside of a good courtroom battle is finding the
next big sale. I’m not one to adventure out in the wild blue. Do I
have to be outdoorsy to be indestructible?”

He pursed his lips. “I don’t suppose you do,
but I’ll bet you’d enjoy four wheeling if you ever tried. Have you
ever driven a Hummer?”

“No. And I doubt I’ll start.” She wrinkled
her nose at him.

“I wouldn’t make you. Not everyone can do

“Is that a challenge?” A dangerous glint
entered her eye.

“I wouldn’t dare.” His answering look was

“When the twins are born, I just might take
you up on it.”

“Only if I get to choose the road.”

For a moment, she wondered if it was safe to
accept his dare. “You’re on.”

They shook hands. Zack didn’t let go and
Sondra didn’t pull away. Their eyes locked. For a whisper of a
moment, Sondra was positive Zack was bending down for a kiss.

Zack’s eyes steeled and he released her hand.
“Where is your luggage?”

“I left it on my bed.” Sondra pressed her
lips together to hide their quiver. His resolve to keep things
temporary was crushing.

He loaded the car and then helped Sondra over
the slippery walk. Their breath created small white clouds.

Zack had left the car running. As she settled
into the warm car, she smiled up at him. “This is delicious.


“The temperature.”

“Ah. That. I didn’t want to have to scrape
ice off the windows.”

“Whatever the reason,” she continued as he
got behind the wheel. “I’m enjoying the warmth.”

“I’m glad you’re comfortable.” He checked
traffic and pulled into the street. Sondra stared at his profile a
moment. He didn’t look like he wanted to talk, so she turned her
attention to the passing scenery―not that there was anything to

When Zack arrived at the curb, he pulled out
the luggage and had it checked. “I’ll meet you at the gate, if it’s
alright with you. I thought you’d be more comfortable waiting
inside than riding the shuttle from parking.”

“That’s fine.” As she watched Zack pull away,
she was absolutely positive that Scott would have never even
thought to drop her off at the door. Temporary or not, living with
Zack was a great way to learn what she found valuable in a man and
what she didn’t.

As Sondra walked to the gate, she passed the
same store she’d stopped at before her last trip. Her stomach
churned, and she wished she could take some Dramamine. She wasn’t
sure of its effect on the twins, so she walked on without stopping.
Constantly keeping the needs of two other humans at the front of
her mind wasn’t easy.

Zack settled in next to her in the waiting
area. He leaned close and asked, “How are you feeling?”

“A little queasy. I think I’ll be okay.”

“Here. I bought some ginger ale.” He handed
her a green bottle.

“How’d you get that through security?”

“It’s at one of the specialty shops. It has
real ginger in it, so it should be better than the stuff they offer
on the beverage cart. We’re seated close to the bathroom.”

Sondra groaned. “That could be a good thing
or a bad thing.”

“I’m hoping you won’t need it, but I thought
you’d better be close just in case.”

“Probably not a bad idea.” Sondra’s heart
swelled. “Thanks.”

Zack was quiet during the part of the flight
Sondra didn’t sleep through. He seemed distant, and Sondra thought,
He’s missing his dad

Sondra was pleasantly surprised when Zack
pulled up under the awning of a familiar hotel. When they walked up
to the same rooms they’d shared during the previous trip, Sondra
stopped and stared. “How did you manage this?”

Zack chuckled. “It wasn’t as hard as you’re
making it seem. Winter in DC isn’t tourist season.”

“I have to admit that with all the stressors
going on in our lives, it’s nice to have something familiar.”

Zack nodded. “I feel the same.” He walked
through the room and then handed her the card. This time, Sondra
understood. His time in Afghanistan had left its mark.

The next morning was cold and gray. It
matched her mood. Attending a funeral of someone she didn’t know
with people she didn’t know was going to be difficult.

Zack knocked on the connecting door. When she
opened it, he was dressed in slacks and a sports jacket.

“No suit?”

“My dad wasn’t the suit type.”

“What type was he?”

“He was an outdoorsman. He loved sports.”
Zack inspected Sondra while he was talking. “He owned several
sports shops, and he wouldn’t be caught dead in a suit.”

“Is that why the casket is closed?”

Zack shrugged. “I have no idea what Jade
decided to dress Dad in. I would hope a suit isn’t what she picked,
but that’s Jade’s call. In the meantime, I’m going to honor him by
dressing how he would.”

“Makes sense.” She raised her brows. “Do I

“Was I that obvious?”

She pursed her lips. “Yeah. You were.”

“You look great.” The approval in his eyes
spoke volumes. Then his look changed to concern. “How do you

“Feeling the same as usual, thanks for

For the first time in days, Zack reached for
her hand. Startled, she looked up at him, but his expression hadn’t
altered. She had to assume the connection was for appearances, but
it was hard not to hope that the connection was for comfort. If he
could find comfort in her touch at this time, maybe he could find
comfort in more than a temporary arrangement. She bit her lip.
Grasping at straws wasn’t going to fix things.

* * *

It was about half an hour to the chapel. When
they stepped to the sidewalk, Zack reached for Sondra’s hand again.
They were connected while they searched through the building.

“Ah. There you are.” Zack released Sondra’s
hand and approached a blond woman who was nearly six feet. He
hugged her and then turned to Sondra. “Jade, this is Sondra.”

Sondra reached out to shake her hand. Jade
ignored the hand and enveloped her in a hug. Sondra was surrounded
by the scent of lime and coconut. “Welcome to the family.” Jade
said, “I’m sorry I haven’t been myself. Dad’s death has been

Sondra hugged her back and then moved a step
away. “I’m sure. And I’m glad to be part of your family.” Her eyes
met Zack’s, and he seemed to approve of her unplanned speech.

A young teen, who looked much like Jade,
stepped forward. Her eyes were lighter than Jade’s. They were
almost a golden brown, and they met Sondra’s boldly. “My name is
Joselyn.” Her gaze turned to Zack. “I hope you’re good to my

Sondra caught his amused look and then she
hugged Joselyn. “You’ll have to ask him, but I plan on it.” She
stepped back. “How old are you?”

“I’m thirteen.”

“That’s how old I was when I met your Uncle

Joselyn’s brows furrowed, and shock ran
across Jade’s face. “I didn’t know Uncle Zack knew you when you
were young.”

“We haven’t had much of a chance to get to
know each other, have we? We’ll have to fix that.”

A younger version of Joselyn stepped forward.
She shyly held out her hand. Sondra shook it politely. “My name is
Julie. I’m ten.”

“I’m so glad we met.” Sondra smiled down at

“Me, too.”

While Sondra was interacting with Julie, she
was trying to overhear the conversation between Jade and Zack.
Jade’s whisper carried. “I haven’t heard you even mention her name.
How could you have met when she was just thirteen?”

BOOK: Lined With Silver
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