Light (The Shadows Series) (9 page)

“Okay. So, what’s the plan?”

“Plan? My plan right now is to stop throwing up every five minutes. I also want to stop crying all the time. I want to feel like myself again.” My eyes water and I refuse to blink. I’m not going to cry, damn it.

“Evelyn, you won’t ever feel like you did before and that’s okay. You are going to grow and change with this baby. You are going to experience and learn things you never knew were possible. Now, for the sickness you can either take some ginger pills or drink some rosemary tea. The tea always helped when I was pregnant. The crying, I can’t fix. Your hormones are all over the place right now, and you are under a lot of stress. My suggestion would be telling Theron as soon as possible.”

“I know. I will. I just…I’m afraid I’ll lose him. What if he leaves me?”

“I don’t know what has happened between you two, but I know he loves you. I can tell by the way that he looks at you when you are not paying attention. He’s completely aware of you at all times. Someone doesn’t search for someone they met over fourteen years ago because they just want to be friends, Evelyn. That’s what you call love.”

I sit up and take the cup of tea that Kayla has made me. This girl is a fucking saint. My drama keeps spilling over into her life and she doesn’t even bat an eye. She’s right there with me, taking on everything as it comes. I love her so much. She’s such an incredible friend. Kayla sits down across from me, and eyes me over her cup of tea. I know she has questions too, so I don’t hesitate to go first. “Mom, how did you know Theron and I met before.”

“I had a hunch because I recognized his face from somewhere, but I couldn’t place it. That night his grandma came over with her gentleman friend, asking for your number so she could call you, put all the scattered puzzle pieces together. I recognized her instantly. I remember sitting off to the side, reading my books in my lounge chair, and watching you guys play on the beach. When Theron came around, you were so enamored with him. You looked at him as if he walked on water. I knew then, he would be someone special to you, but then his dad sent him away.” She wrings her hands in her apron, and tucks a few stray strands of my hair behind my ears. “You were so heartbroken; you couldn’t understand why he wasn’t coming back. After he left, you sulked in your room for a couple of weeks before Matt came and forced you to go back to the beach. You were so young, and your life was in front of you. I told you to forget about him. I just didn’t think you would actually forget. Do you still dream of him?”

“How did you know about the dreams?”

“At first, you would cry in your sleep, but then you started waking up talking about a boy in sunglasses. I convinced you it was just a dream, and you would fall back to sleep. I never thought you would see him again. I think after a while, you blocked it out of your memory, so you wouldn’t feel the pain anymore.” She sweeps her hand across the table, wiping away imaginary crumbs and completely avoiding eye contact.

“Wait, I remember him now. He always wore those black sunglasses and board shorts. He used to show us tricks on his skateboard. I had no idea that was him. Did you know, Eve?” Kayla watches me intently, making circles with her fingers along the edge of her cup, waiting for my answer.

“No, well not at first. I started figuring things out, but then I found out about him and Bridgette. I kind of flipped shit and ran.”

My mom stands and sets her cup in the sink. She looks over at me, as if this is all my fault. “Like you’re doing now?”

Not being able to ignore her accusing look, I fire back at her. “I’m not running. It’s not running if no one knows you’ve left or notices you’re gone.”

“Eve, that’s all in your head. Don’t let your emotions create a problem that isn’t there.” Kayla pipes up, but I shoot her down with a glare.

“You know what? Right now, I feel like shit. Right now, all I want to do is lay down on something cold and not cry. Right now, I just want to be alone.” Knocking my chair back, as I stand up, I grab my purse and head outside. I need some fresh air to cool down. I can’t handle anymore of Kayla or my mom’s accusations. I send a quick text to Evan letting him know that I need him to come and get me. It’s not long before he pulls up into the drive. I don’t bother going inside to say goodbye because I know they are watching me from the window.

van walks around the car to open my door for me. “Miss Evelyn.”

“Really, Evan? I think we are past the stage of you calling me, ‘Miss Evelyn’. Just take me home.”

“Is everything alright, Eve?”

“Yes, no, I don’t know. I just want to go home.” Tears slips from my eyes and I take a steadying breath. I slip into my seat. Laying my head against the car window, I close my eyes, trying not to focus on the motion of the car.

“I know.”

My heart slams in my chest. Fuck my life. “You know?”

“About the notes, Eve. Kayla told me.”

“Oh.” Thank God, he only knows about the notes. My heart calms down, just not entirely. I want to be the one to tell Theron about everything that’s going on. I just want to make sure I do it right.

“I know things aren’t going as planned right now. I know more than most, but you can’t keep it from him, Eve. If you don’t tell him soon, I will. His dad is a crazy motherfucker. If he’s behind this, you could be risking your life. It’s not something I can just sit by and watch.”

“I know. I will.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“No. Thank you for helping me the other night. I was in an awful place—”

“Evan, stop. I don’t need an explanation. You lost your other half. You’re allowed to fall to pieces after something like that.”

“You knew?”

“Theron told me. I’m sorry, Evan it must be hard. You seem better today, though.”

“I am. Theron slapped me around yesterday. He made me wake up and see the bigger picture. Isa wouldn’t want me laying around drunk, she’d want me to keep going. She left Theron the business because she wanted to protect me from Thomas…he offered me a partnership.”

“Who, Thomas?”

“No, Theron. I don’t think he felt right taking over, since Isa and I worked so hard for everything. I told him I can’t do it.”

“Why? He said you started it from scratch?”

“I did with help from her, but without Isa being here, it just feels wrong.”

“Oh, Evan. I don’t know what to say. Sorry doesn’t seem to be good enough for all of this.”

“Don’t worry. I took another offer from, Theron. I’m going to be his head of security, which is where I feel more comfortable. So, as of now, I am taking your safety very seriously. I don’t know who’s leaving the notes, but I’m going to find out. In the meantime, it will be your job to tell, Theron.”

“Fine, Evan. I already said I would.”

“I know, but I’m just making sure, Miss Evelyn.”

Great. Now we are back to Miss Evelyn again. We are almost to the house, when I get a text from Theron.

Hey, babe. How was Kayla’s? You coming home soon?
Yeah. On my way now.
Is she bringing you back?
 No. Evan is.
 Because I asked him to.

I realize that I am being a complete bitch. I just can’t stop myself from feeling pissed off at him. Putting my phone on vibrate, I drop it back into my purse. He will see me soon enough. I have no idea what I’m going to tell him. We pull up and I don’t wait for Evan to open my door. Stepping out of the car, I head straight inside. I plop my purse down onto the dining room table. Badass is parked outside, so I know Theron is around here somewhere. I start heading for the bedroom when Evan stops me, grabbing my shoulder.

“You will tell him.”

“I said I would. Let me go. Do not ever touch me again!” I pull myself from his grasp and slam our bedroom door.

“What was that about?”

Looking over at the bed, every emotion, every thought I had scatters. Theron is leaning back against the headboard, with a book in his hand. I have never seen anything so sexy in my life. Dragging my bottom lip through my teeth, I run my eyes over his body. He’s only wearing a pair of flannel pants, even his feet are bare. Why do I suddenly find his feet attractive? One arm is bent behind his head, his muscles flexed. My eyes meet his, and I am drawn to him. I start taking off my clothes before I even make it to the bed.

“Beautiful, what are you doing?”

I crawl up onto the bed in only my blue lace bra with matching panties. I need his touch right now. Making myself comfortable, I straddle his lap, my fingers tracing his tattoo. “This.”

“I see and what is ‘this’ exactly?”

“It’s me needing you.”

He tosses his book onto the nightstand and runs his fingers up my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I shiver, and swirl my hips, grinding into him. I need him so bad. I want him to take away all of this confusion.

“You need me?”


“Well, then. I’m not one to turn down the love of my life. What shall I do first?” His hands cup my breasts, rubbing his thumbs over my nipples through my bra. My breath stutters as I arch my back, pushing my breasts into his hands. With a quick movement of his fingers, he has my bra unclasped, sliding the straps down my shoulders. My breasts are free and feel heavy in his hands. His touch is just added heat to my flame.

“Ahh.” I moan, as he rolls my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

“Maybe I’ll move onto this.” His fingers skim the lace edging of my blue panties. The heat from his skin is burning me. I’m going to explode and we haven’t even done anything yet. “Take them off.”

I stand using Theron’s hands to steady myself. Hooking my thumbs in the blue lace, I slowly slide my panties off, making sure to wiggle my hips for added affect.

“You are so incredibly sexy.”

My face flushes at his compliment. I know I don’t have a perfect body, but he doesn’t notice the few extra pounds on my waist or thighs. I walk to the edge of the bed, and run my hands up his pant legs. Fisting the material in my hands, I yank them down his legs as he lifts his hips.

“Fuck, baby. You’re not messing around.” I’m rewarded with a very naked, Theron.

“No boxers?”

“Nope. Now there’s nothing between us. Climb back up here.”

I do as am I told. Being with Theron like this is probably the only time I don’t question anything. It always feels right, like it’s where I’m supposed to be. I straddle his waist; his erection is hard against my back. “Theron, I need you so bad.”

“I know, beautiful. Come here.” He motions me towards him with his finger. My lips softly meet his. Our kiss is slow and passionate at first, building into something greedy and hungry. We are starving for each other. His tongue crashes with mine. I moan into his mouth, as I slide my hips back and forth, trying to release the building pressure between my legs. His teeth clamp onto my bottom lip, as his hands grip my ass. Taking me by the waist, he leans me back, as his fingers find my clit, pinching it and rolling it. I’m on the brink of climax. He lifts me by my hips, and I slide down his hard cock. I am completely filled by him, there’s no room between us. Our breaths are ragged; his eyes are so alive. He lifts me again, holding my hips firm above him and he slams back up into me.

“Yes! Again.” A delicious grin spreads across his face. He lifts me again, but this time he pulls me down crashing onto him. A throaty moan escapes my chest. Damn. I think I might have even growled a little. This is so intense. His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me to him. I lay my head on his chest, as one of his hands hold me to him and the other steadies my hips. He thrusts into me, over and over. It’s hard, fast, and rough.

“Shit. Eve.” The moan that follows his words is my undoing. It is such an incredible feeling to know that I’m causing him to lose control. My pussy clenches around his cock, as he pounds into me. My body spasms and I fall apart in his arms. My upper body goes limp in his hold. His breaths are ragged and I can hear his heart pounding in my ear. “Fuck!” His cock throbs inside of me; filling me, making me shutter against him. I lay on his chest, while his hand strokes my damp hair. I feel light and calm, like I am floating, without any care for anything else around me.

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