Light (The Shadows Series) (13 page)

Placing a kiss on my cheek, he whispers into my ear, “I bet if I checked you would be wet right now. Wouldn’t you?”

“Yes.” My voice is husky and full of need.

“Good. You are mine. I’m keeping you and right now I rather like the idea of keeping you like this. I want you waiting for me like this. I want to come home later, and know this is the reason you can’t keep your hands off of me.” With those last words, he turns and walks away from me. He is so incredibly sexy.

I stare at the door, as it closes behind him. Damn that was hot. My cheeks flush, when I notice Evan is still in the room. Standing, I grab my tea, taking it with me, as I head to the bedroom. “Goodnight, Evan.”

“Goodnight, Eve. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that you need to speak to him about the notes.”

I stop and look over my shoulder. “No, you don’t, but it seems you did anyway.”

“Just covering my bases. Eve?”

“Yes.” My tone is curt and flat. I am not in the mood for his guilt trips right now.

“Congratulations on the baby.”

I don’t say anything. I just continue walking into my bedroom. I am sure he probably thinks I did this on purpose. I slip off my jeans and long sleeve shirt. Digging through Theron’s drawers, I find an old college t-shirt. University of Chicago is printed proudly across the chest of the shirt. What are the odds of us going to the same college? Of course, with it being Theron, I am sure he knew that I was going there. How long has he looked for me? He couldn’t have been looking for the past fourteen years. At some point, he must have given up on me. After all, he was engaged to Bridgette for some time. Bridgette. Her name alone makes me want to spit nails. I should have laid her out on her ass when I saw her earlier. Who knows when I am going to have an opportunity like that again? I am not sure if it was Thomas that sent the text, but I know Bridgette is most likely the reason he found out. How the hell did she find out my test results? Someone who works for Helen is a snitch.

 You know you are tired, when you dream of sleeping in your dream. I dreamt that I was sleeping and woke up to the bed being wet. It was so odd. I roll over to try to shake off the feeling and the dampness on my pillow brings me out of my dream. I’m hot and sweaty. I try to fix my pillows, but I notice it really is damp from my sweat. Why am I so hot? I try to sit up, and that is when I notice the leg wrapped around me. That man is like a furnace. I push his leg off me, and glance at my phone. It is four fifteen in the morning. I didn’t even notice him come to bed. As I head to the bathroom to splash some cold water over my face, my stomach lurches.

 I wake up lying on the cool tile. My back is screaming at me for my obviously idiotic choice for a bed, but my face and nausea are thanking me. I try to move, but my body is so stiff. Closing my eyes, I take a couple of deep breaths. When I open them, I am greeted by a very handsome man staring at me, while I lay on the floor.

 “That looks painful. Let me help you up.” He holds out his hands and I gratefully take them. “I woke up and you weren’t in the bed with me. I came in here to see if you were okay, and I find you laying on the bathroom floor.”

 “I’m okay. My back doesn’t like me right now, but it will get over it. I woke up around four and I was so hot, I was sweating. I came in here to wash my face, and my soup decided it didn’t want to stay down anymore.” He pulls me to him, wrapping me in his arms. I sigh, as my body melts to him. I never feel as good as I do when I am in his hold. He kisses the top of my head. I look up and take in his handsome features. My heart quickens at the thought of the things he could do to me before he leaves. He gives me a dazzling smile, as if he knows where my thoughts are starting to stray.

 “Will you be okay if I leave you today?”

 “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll call Kayla. Maybe we can go shopping or get some lunch. I could use some fresh air.”

 “Okay. I’m going to hop in the shower. Go lay down, babe. I’ll bring you some toast in a little bit.”

 I am sitting on our bed while a thousand thoughts are running through my mind. I can hear the shower turn on and my mind drifts to thoughts of Theron naked, water running over him, as he takes me up against the wall. It only takes me a second to decide that I need to make this a reality, not a day dream.

 Opening the door, steam escapes, as I step into the room. Theron is standing under the shower with his head tilted back. The water runs down his chest and over his stomach. I am practically panting in heat, as I watch him wash his body.

 “Are you coming in, or are you just going to keep watching me?”

 “Coming in.” I pull my t-shirt over my head and drop it to the floor. I wiggle out of my panties, as I walk towards the shower. I barely open the door before Theron grabs me by my waist, pulling me into the shower with him.

“I need to feel you.” He looks at me, waiting for permission.

 “Do it.” His hands slide up my waist, as his mouth finds my nipple, swirling it with his tongue. I moan, thrusting my breasts up towards him. His hands roam my body; every touch is like lightening to my core.

 “I need to be in you. I can’t wait.” His hands grip my hips, lifting me by my waist. I wrap my legs around him, as I slide down onto his hard cock. He pushes my back against the wall and rocks into me.

 “Ahh. Theron!” My pussy is so tight around him. He feels so incredible.

 “This is going to be fast, baby. You ready?”

 “Yes!” His mouth finds my neck, nipping at my skin, as he slams into me. I have nowhere to move or go. He has me pinned. His teeth graze my ear and move down along my jaw, seeking my mouth. Our tongues crash together, wrestling and fighting for control. I suck on his bottom lip. He moans and it sounds so incredibly sexy. I love making him lose control. His mouth moves lower to find my nipple, dragging it between his teeth before flicking it with his tongue. I let loose a moan, but it is more of a demand for more. “Yes!”


Beg? For what? He picks up his pace, thrusting in and out of me. My hands claw his shoulders, as my head falls back hitting the shower wall. I can’t hold onto him. I am so close, but he pulls back.


 I need to come so bad. “Please, Theron. Please.”

 “You want to come, baby?”

 “Oh, God, please!” His body braces me against the wall, as he continues his relentless movement. He holds onto me with one hand, while the other slides between us finding my clit, pinching and rolling it between his fingers. “Oh, God. Right there. I’m, I’m…Ahh, Theron!” My orgasm rips through me, shredding me with waves of pure bliss.

“Fuck. Eve!” My name leaves Theron’s lips, as he loses himself in me. I can feel his cock throb inside of me, filling me. My head lolls forward, resting against his shoulder. I can’t stand, I can’t move, and I can’t speak. Theron turns off the water and carefully holds me, as he steps out of the shower. He wraps a towel around us, and carries me to bed. Lowering me to the mattress, he starts to dry me with a towel. I feel a sheet cover me and I drift to sleep.

 “Beautiful, open your eyes for a second.”


 Laughing, he places a kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry for breaking you again, but I have to go to work. Text me if you go anywhere with Kayla. Okay?”

 “Okay. I love you.”

 “I love you, too.” He places another kiss on my forehead and I close my eyes once again.

When I wake, I find a cup of tea and some toast waiting for me with a little note tucked between them.

I made you some more rosemary tea. I hope it helps. Text me before you leave.
Love you,

Most people send text messages or leave voicemails, but not him. I like my little notes, well most of them anyway. After finishing my little breakfast, I send Kayla a text to see if she wants to go shopping or get some lunch. Opening Pandora on my phone, I hook it to my Bluetooth speakers, and jump into the shower. I am rinsing conditioner out of my hair, when my phone rings over the speakers. I figure its Kayla, so I take my time and finish up with my shower. That’s odd. I check my missed calls and the last number who called me came up Unknown. Thinking it must have been some kind of sales call, I push it out of my mind.

I slip on a pair of jeans, a lavender blouse, and my black chucks. As I am combing out the knots in my hair, there’s a knock on the bedroom door. I open it to find two men with tape and boxes in their hands.

“Can I help you?”

“We are here to box everything up, per our instructions, Miss.”

Just great. I haven’t even finished getting ready. “Start in here. I’ll finish up in the bathroom.” I quickly pull my hair into a braid and grab my phone. I don’t like being here with these people packing up and moving things around, so I send Kayla another text letting her know that I’m coming over. I am almost out the door when Evan catches me.

“Where are you off to?”

“Just Kayla’s. Don’t worry. Theron knows.”

“Have you told him?”

“You know what, Evan? I haven’t. I’ll make sure to let you know when I do.”

Fuck him. I am not in the mood for the reprimand. My phone beeps, as I slide into my seat.

Evan says you’re leaving?
Yeah. I just got in the car. I was going to text you, but I don’t think I need to now. Going to Kayla’s. We might get lunch.
Ok. Love you.
Love you, too.

Tossing my phone into my purse, I make a mental note to have a talk with Evan. He is not my babysitter.

pick up Kayla and we head out to lunch. We are sitting at the Fifth Street Bistro. I am moving the lettuce around on my plate, doing my best to look interested in whatever Kayla is saying. The truth is; I feel like absolute crap. I just want to lay down, but I can’t. There are people moving stuff around at the house, and I feel weird there by myself. I haven’t addressed that yet with Theron, but I’m going to have to soon.

“And then I stabbed him. I’ll tell you where I hid the body if you promise to keep it a secret.”

“What?” Did she really just say that?

“I knew you weren’t listening. I was telling you about the new furniture Paul and I ordered, but you weren’t listening. So, I started telling you a story about how he lied to me, and I stabbed him. Apparently, murder gets your attention.”

“Sorry. I’m being such a horrible friend. I was trying, but I feel like crap. I just want to go to bed, and I can’t because we are switching houses.”

“Switching? Does he have more than one house?”

“Not really. Isa left everything to Theron and he didn’t want Evan to be alone. So, Theron gave Evan the guesthouse because the main house reminded him too much of Isa. Now we are switching houses. Theron has people moving everything for him, and I just felt like I was in the way. You know?”

“Kind of. I’ve never had people move things for me. Also, doesn’t the main house have a library?”

A huge grin spreads across my face. “Yes, and it’s all mine.”

“He’s never going to get you out of there.”

“I already warned him.”

My phone starts buzzing in my purse. It’s another call from Unknown, so I ignore it. “New furniture, huh?” Kayla opens her mouth to answer me, but my phone buzzes again.

“Maybe you should get that. It might be the movers.” She has a point, I never thought of that.


“Eve? Thank God, I got a hold of you. Do you know how hard you are to track down?” Red. All I see is fucking red.

“Bridgette?” Kayla spits her drink across the table; at least I’m not the only one in shock.

“Eve. I know after what happened between us I shouldn’t be calling you, but I don’t know who else to call.”

“You intentionally lied to me, befriended me, and then used your past relationship with Theron to tear me and him apart. Why should I care even the slightest about you?”

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