Light (The Shadows Series) (18 page)

“Let’s not talk, shall we? I looked for you. How was I supposed to know you were watching me from across the street? If you were watching me, obviously I was still safe. I didn’t need you coming into my work, making me look helpless.”

“Is that what you think I did?”

“Yes, it’s exactly what you did.”

“That’s not how I see it at all.”

“Of course you don’t. Can we just go, please?”

“No, we aren’t going anywhere until you hear me out.” I let out a loud sigh, and cross my arms over my chest, staring pointedly at him in the rearview mirror. “This is how I see it. Theron loves you, completely, and with everything he’s got. You make his world move. I know what it’s like to lose someone like that. I loved Isa with everything I had to offer. She accepted my love graciously and returned it only in a way that she could. No one else will ever love me the way she did. I would do anything in my power to bring her back, if only for a moment, just so I could tell her how much I love her.” My heart sinks, as he continues with his sharp words. “If Theron loses you, he’s going to snap. That man is going to break, and no one, and I mean no one, will be able to bring him back. So, I see this as me protecting my friend’s world. I see this, as me protecting the one thing that he can’t live without. I see this, as me protecting someone who isn’t just dear to my friend, but dear to me. Someone who opened a door for me and took me in when I was broken and falling apart. Now let me ask you this, how do you see it?”

Shit. That was one hell of a guilt trip he just laid out for me. I drop my stare and turn to the window. A tear rolls down my cheek, as I whisper, “Take me home, please.”

e pull up to the house and Evan comes around to open my door. Taking his hand, I step out of the car. My heart breaks for him, as I replay his words in my head. Leaning up on my toes, I place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Evan.”

“No problem, just doing my job.”

I head into the house yelling out for Theron, as I slip off my shoes, but I don’t get an answer. I make my way upstairs, so I can change out of my clothes. I softly bite my lip, as I reach the top of the stairs. Rose petals are sprinkled along the hallway leading me to our door. As I push it open, I notice even more rose petals covering our floor and our bed with some trailing to the bathroom. The balcony door is open, and I can see Theron sitting in a little chair by a small table. Those are new.

“Theron, what is all of this?”

“Do you like it? I wanted to surprise you. Come out here. I want to show you something.”

I step onto the balcony, and I am speechless. Lanterns have been hung around the garden, lighting up the pathways with a beautiful amber glow. Theron is sitting in a black wrought iron chair next to a small table with a beautiful stone mosaic design in the center. He gestures to the chair across from him. I take my seat and stare into the garden with awe.

“I wanted the garden to be ours now. Do you like it?”

“I love it. Is this what you did today?”

“No, this is what I had the gardener do today, but the table was my idea. My mom used to have a set like this in her garden. I searched all over and I finally found one that I liked. So, I went and picked it up. You would have liked the lady I bought it from. She was very sweet. She smelled like cookies.”

Isa smelled like cookies. I am not sure Theron put the two thoughts together, but I can tell he is happy either way. The garden is incredible. “This is beautiful, thank you.”

“I know you liked the balcony, so I thought you could use somewhere to sit.”

He stands and pulls me to my feet, leading me back into our bedroom. “I did this, too.” I follow the petals into the bathroom. He ran me a bath and there is pizza on a tray next to the tub with a pitcher of water and two glasses. “I thought we could eat in here tonight. I got ham and pineapple. Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect.” I turn around and smash my body against his. Our mouths crash and our tongues collide until we are left breathless. This is so much more than I imagined coming home to.

“God, I want you so incredibly bad, but our dinner is getting cold. Go slip out of your clothes and come join me.”

“Pizza in the bath?”

“I know you love both, so why not enjoy them together.”

“I love you.”

“I know. Now go.” He smacks my ass, as I walk back into the bedroom. Shedding my clothes, I grab my robe and walk into the bathroom. Theron is already in the tub with the jets on, waiting for me. I slip into the water, sitting between his legs. He hands me a glass and I take a huge sip. Bubbles tickle the back of my throat.

“Ginger ale?”

“I didn’t know how well your stomach would handle the pizza.”

“Thankfully, I haven’t felt sick at all today.”

I only eat two pieces before I feel way, too full. Theron is gently running his fingers up and down my arm. He seems so content. I am a little nervous about the ultrasound. “So, tomorrow at nine o’clock you and I will get to see how far along I am. Are you nervous?”

“A little, but it’s more along the lines of me being afraid I’ll turn into my dad.”

I spin, wrapping my legs around Theron’s waist. Taking his glass out of his hand, I set it next to mine on the tray. I gently grab his wrists and place his hands on my belly. His eyes meet mine, as his fingers brush circles on my skin. I take his face in my hands, and ever so gently place a soft kiss on his lips. “You are not your father. You are two completely, different people. Please, don’t ever compare yourself to him.”

“My father loved my mother with all of his heart. He changed after I was born and he became jealous of me. How do I know that won’t happen with me?”

“Because I won’t let it. Do you love me?”

“I always have.”

“Then don’t doubt yourself, especially when you have my heart and all my faith is in you. It’s like you are doubting me.”

“Never.” He kisses me, butterflies flitter around in my chest. I love this man. His lips leave mine, and begin to trace my jaw, down my neck and back up to that spot just below my ear. My body shivers from his touch, electricity coursing through my veins. I lean back and circle my hips against him. I can feel his hard erection between my thighs. Positioning myself just right I circle my hips again, but this time I make sure to focus on my clit.

My insides clench at the knowledge of what is going to come. His hands slide up my waist, cupping my breasts with his thumbs, teasing my nipples into hard peaks. I moan, as he pulls my breast into his mouth, his tongue circling my peak before lightly nipping it. His hands move up my body, grasping my face and he kisses me like this may be his last. Every ounce of love and passion he has for me is behind this kiss.

I feel his hand move under me. Positioning his hard cock, he slides into my pussy. My body wraps around him, clenching him. I grip onto his shoulders, as I slowly raise and lower myself onto him. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean back. I continue a slow torturing rhythm, as his cock slides in and out of my pussy, hitting every nerve.

Theron bites his lip and I watch his eyes glaze over. He is going to lose it soon, but I try to hold out. This time, I let out a long deep moan, as I grind myself back down on him. His fingers dig into my hips, as he tightens his grip. “Fuck, baby. I can’t hold out much longer.”

I shake my head, as I keep up my momentum. “Wait. Just wait.” My nerves are building, my skin is warming and the familiar feeling spreads over my body. I am so close. Raising my hips, I slam myself down on his thick, hard cock, hitting exactly where I need it. “Fuck!” My thighs tighten around his waist, as my orgasm spreads through my body. It’s not rushed. It is slow and blissfully sweet. Opening my eyes, I find his gaze. His eyes are dark and full of lust.

“I’m not waiting anymore.” He stands in the tub, lifting me with him and he spins us around. He sets me back down on the edge of the seat and pushes me back, so my head is resting against the bath pillow. He bends my legs, spreading my thighs far apart. “Hold onto your thighs. Keep them open. I’ll hold onto you.”

I do as he says, and I grasp the back of my thighs with my hands. He grips my waist and slams into me, rocking me to my core. “Ahh!”

“There’s my girl.” He does it again, but this time, he pulls me towards him, as he pounds into me. Water splashes onto the floor, as he continues to rock into my body. My fingers are digging into my thighs, as I try not to lose my hold.

“Ohmigod!” My moan comes out as one word. He is relentless. I am going to rip apart underneath him.

“You’re mine!” Theron’s words undo me. He owns me and he knows it. My orgasm rips through me, sending my body spiraling out of control. One of my hands slip, and my leg falls lose into the water. “Hold on, beautiful. Fuck. Hold on.” His jaw clenches, his eyes squeeze shut, and his head tilts back, as he calls my name, “Eve!” I can feel his cock jerking inside of me, filling me. I let go of my other leg and my body goes loose. He is the only thing holding me from sliding under the water.

Theron falls to his knees and slides his hands up my back, pulling me to him. He moves my body, so he is cradling me in his arms. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

“Beautiful, I love you, but you can’t fall asleep on me in the tub. I don’t trust myself carrying you with both of us being wet. I’m afraid I’ll slip.”


“Let me up and I’ll dry off. Then I’ll carry you to bed.”

“No. I just want you to hold me.”

“And I will. Just let me out of the tub first, okay?”

He laughs when I refuse to move, but he slides me off his lap anyways. He does as he has promised and soon I am dry and warm, sitting on our bed. He lets my hair down and runs his fingers through it. I am sure it looks crazy since it’s been in a bun all day, but he doesn’t care. Theron slips one of his t-shirts over my head, and kisses the tip of my nose.

I lay back against the pillows and watch him move about the room. He pulls on a pair of flannel pants, before walking over to the balcony door, latching it shut. I watch him, as he walks into the bathroom and cleans up our mess. He has such an amazing body. I love the way his pants hang just right on his hips. I smile, as he walks back into the room and I am blessed with one of his. His teeth are so perfectly straight. I haven’t found a flaw yet.

He pulls the covers back, as he looks down at me. “Rebecca, can fix it tomorrow. I’m too tired. It seems someone has worn me out.”

“You do realize it’s only a little after eight, right?”

“Yes. You do realize someone wanted me to hold her.”

“Oh.” My cheeks blush and Theron slides in behind me, wrapping me in his strong arms. Rolling over, I push him onto his back and lay my head on his chest. I drape my leg across his and my arm around his waist. My body is completely relaxed. I feel as if I am floating on clouds as I drift to sleep.

othing and I mean nothing is more annoying than waking up from a dead sleep to a horrible sounding alarm. I lay there for a minute, just letting it go. I know I need to turn it off, but I don’t have the energy to move, yet. I shut off the alarm and notice that it is only seven. Why the hell am I waking up this early? Then, I remember our appointment today. I immediately feel wide awake and alert. Jumping out of bed, I hastily fix the covers before grabbing my clothes. I turn the shower on and let it warm up. Just before I step in, my stomach knots. The warm, gross feeling creeps into my mouth, and I dash to the toilet. I was hoping I was past this, but no such luck.

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