Read Leather Clad Women (Fem-Dom BDSM erotica) Online

Authors: Jay Merson

Tags: #fiction, #ebooks, #erotic, #erotica, #adult, #sexual, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #spanking, #slave, #womens erotica, #femdom, #mens erotica, #sexsexy

Leather Clad Women (Fem-Dom BDSM erotica) (4 page)




The man was
pleased to have been asked and to help. The huge suitcase standing
by the open doors of the white van seemed a simple enough item to
load in for the woman. The way the bitch wore those jeans, so tight
that they threatened to cut her in two. Her tight little arse and
pussy mound were a delight and the way the teasing bitch had the
front of her blouse open made his cock jerk within his trousers. He
craned his neck at every opportunity to take advantage of her
offering, the soft rounded orbs only partly visible by
tantalisingly so none the less.

Blonde she was,
he liked blondes. Dippy and thick they usually were but that didn't
matter to him, it was her body he was interested in not her brain.
Her red lipstick and full sensual lips had a sexual teasing all of
their own, he could just imagine them closing around the head of
his cock and slipping down over his stiff cock.

"Kate," she
said beaming a smile at him, "and thanks very much for agreeing to

The man's chest
inflated proudly as he walked around to the back of the van and
bent to lift the suitcase. He froze, his gaze fixed on the woman
sitting on a box at the far end of the back of the van. Her knees
were drawn up and parted to show the tight white triangle of her
panties beneath the tiny skirt. He groaned inwardly and lifted the
case into the van. This, he thought, was his lucky day.

It hit him with
a mind-blurring suddenness. Several bodies slammed hard against
him, pressing his face down onto the cold, steel floor of the van.
His hands and arms grasped by what seemed like many hands and
twisted cruelly up his back. The air and fight was forced from him
as knees pressed down into the centre of his back and he felt his
wrists being bound. It was only as the gag was slipped around and
over his mouth that he found his voice but his cries of protest
were reduced to low muffles by it.

His legs were
pinned and his ankles tied tightly together. He was bundled,
roughly and carelessly further into the van and the doors slammed
shut. The man lay helplessly on the floor, looking up to the sight
of the parted slender thighs and the firm mound of a pussy covered
only by the thin veil of the white panties. Even that pleasing
sight though was denied him as a blindfold covered his eyes and was
tied painfully tightly at the back of his head. The van moved off,
all he could sense was the excited breathing of more than one
woman, the heady smell of their scent and a heavy sexual excitement
permeating the air in the confines of the van. Despite his
predicament he felt his cock hardening again to a wonderful
throbbing stiffness.

Chapter 4


Musty, almost
animal-like not damp was the odour that filled his nostrils. The
blindfold excluded all sight and gave a sense of helplessness to
him. The gag deprived him of the ability to question but despite it
all there was the sense of thrill that overcame even the fear that
he felt.

He was naked
and suspended; his wrists bound and pulled high above his head,
painfully high so as to stretch him up onto tiptoe, the ropes
around his wrists and ankles burning uncomfortably into his flesh.
His cock was semi-aroused; he could feel the weight of it pulling
down against its intended angle of erection, nice feeling but
tinged with uncertainty.

It was
definitely women that had grabbed and taken him. During the
struggle and throughout the rough bumpy journey he had heard only
women's voices and none of men. That though aroused him more so and
his fear lessened. Images of the blonde woman came to him, she was
naked and ready for him, her thighs parted wide and her pussy
offered. He groaned into the gag and his cock jerked in response.
His mind recalled too the slim thighs of the woman in the skirt,
the dirty little bitch had offered herself so blatantly, parting
her knees deliberately to show herself to him. He felt his cock
raising more in erection and standing out straight from his body at
almost full hardness.

whispered voices tuned his sense of sound; he cursed the velvety
darkness of the blindfold that prevented him sight and then, the
lightest of touches against his naked back, teasing little touches
of sweet and thrilling sensation. Fingers fumbled at the strings of
his gag and he licked his dry lips as the material gag was

"Where am I?
Who are you? What do you want with me?" the questioned poured from
his mouth in a rapid blurting of mixed fear and excitement. The man
screamed and his whole body jerked as the riding crop sliced hard
in to land a most savage blow across the outside of his left

"Silence, I
will do the talking," the stern female voice stated.

He remained
silent, wincing in fear of another savage lash as his body coped
with the searing hot pain that burned deeply down into his

nothing moved or stirred, he whimpered softly in fear, flinching in
expectation of another stripe of pain on his body, muffled voices
far back behind him, the occasional shuffle of shoes on a hard
floor but otherwise stillness.

"Are you still
there?" he uttered hesitantly and then screamed anew as the biting
pain tore through his buttocks causing his hips to jolt forward in

"Shit! Are you
mad?" he yelled in agonised fear and reaction to the stinging

The pain he
experienced was excruciating, it lingered in his burning backside
long after the stroke had impacted. He swore at that moment to get
even with the bitch that had lashed him.

Nothing, not a
sound was to be heard. He strained his ears in the stillness to try
to detect even the sound of breathing but nothing. Not a bloody
thing. He was alone now, certain of it and his body relaxed to
slump against his bonds, some of the fear leaving him and a warming
glow of scintillating sexual thoughts returning to him.

His whole body
tensed at the sound of movement to his front, he steeled himself
for the blow and clenched his teeth tightly together. The man gave
a great sigh of delighted relief as the tiny warm hand closed
around his throbbing cock, the slim, delicate fingers bringing such
wonderful sensations to his excited member. He groaned loudly in
appreciation of the act and tensed slightly as the woman's hand
rubbed lightly across the very tip. He moved his hips, trying to
urge the hand further down his cock, to increase the wonderful
sensations. The hand released him and then that terrible silence

"Bitch!" he
raved, "you rotten fucking bitch."

The response
was swift and brutal. The riding crop slammed hard down on the
upper part of his calf, just below the knee. The man screamed in
agony, his body jerking in involuntary convulsions of deep pain. He
gagged as the nauseating pain swept through him and then once
again, nothing but blackness and silence.

About five
minutes passed with nothing more occurring, the silence became
almost unbearable as he flinched and cringed, waiting the next
lash. The man feared speaking; words he was learning quickly
brought only more pain.

Movement again
and then an electrifying sensation in his balls as the soft hand
returned to cup his tender orbs in the palm; the long fingernails
far back under his thighs to tease close to the entrance of his

So intense were
the feelings that had he not already been on tiptoe than he would
have raised himself so. The hand weighted his balls, giggling them
gently and curling the fingers around them gently. His whole body
was tensed, his cock jerking in excited little twitches and the
sensations it produced for him!

Then it was
gone again, the tantalising wait for pain or pleasure returned. He
hung there, unsure whether to allow his mind and emotions to brace
or to welcome the next touch on his body. He gave a loud and long
groan as the mouth closed over the head of his cock to envelope it
in most wonderful wet, warmth. The tongue circled around the head
and then the very tip drilled down into the eyehole of his

"Oh God yes!"
he cried out, "Yes, yes."

At that, the
mouth slipped off him and then nothing again.

The sensations
of her touch remained, he could still feel the delightful moist
lips and the velvety mouth on him but those sensations were fading

The mouth
returned, no. It was different, a different touch, tighter and more
eager. It closed over his cock and then slide fully down his thick
shaft to take the length into the back of her throat. Slowly,
painfully slowly the mouth moved back up his cock, gripping his
shaft tightly and threatening to draw his sperm up and out of his
balls. At the tip the mouth paused to give one light lick of the
tongue and then moved away.

"No, please no,
"he moaned pitifully, "Finish me please."

It was across
the side of his ribs, just below the armpit that the crop struck.
With such force did it land that the breath was forced from his
lungs. The man gagged at the intensity of the pain but otherwise
bit his lip and remained silent.

Another mouth
now, equally as eager but inexperienced and fumbling in excitement,
that pleased him, to think that a novice was using his dick on
which to practice her technique. Five in all; five soft and warm
mouths contacted with his cock. Five women! His mind worked
overtime and his cock jerked in uncontrollable spasm as the
thoughts and sexual possibilities rushed through his mind.

At last!
Fingers began to undo the knot in the blindfold and he blinked
rapidly to clear his sight, to adjust his eyes to the light as the
blindfold was pulled away. His expression and stunned look said it
all; he eyed the five leather-clad women in total disbelief. His
mouth hung open and his cock jerked to rear up in high arousal, the
masked faces with the red painted lips, the very lips that had
closed so welcomingly over his cock. He groaned, longingly and
wistfully as he flicked his gaze rapidly from one to the next. He
took in the firm thrusting breasts and the tight mounds of their

The tall
brunette stepped forward, her full red lips breaking a great smile,
moving in a slow and sensual movement that simply invited a cock to
slip between them.

"Good fun?"

He broke a

"It will be I

She lashed hard
to lay a burning red stripe across his upper chest and to bring for
a pained yelp, "Still think it fun?"

He answered her
through clenched teeth, defiant to the last, "The sucking certainly

The five were
at him as one, lashing his body with the crops, laying stroke after
stroke on the screaming man until he broke down and screamed aloud
for mercy. They paused, breathing hard to stem the wild excitement
of thrashing him.

"Was it fun?"
Sheila asked again.

He simply shook
his head.

"Good. Now then
we can commence this evening’s activities. Ladies! Cut him

The man knelt
fearfully on the floor, looking up with wide pleading eyes as they
stood around him. Gone was the fight and gone was the defiance,
just a trembling man remained in dreadful fear of his

"Crawl you
shit," Kate spat in disgust and kicked at him with her foot, the
pointed toe eof her boot digging painfully into his outer

They laughed as
he crawled, his red-striped white buttocks wobbling as he scurried
around the floor. Around and around he when, directed by kicks and
lashes of the crop to guide him. The women soon tired of seeing him
crawl and Sheila recognised their impatience. She stepped forward
to stand in his way, grasping his hair in her bunched fist. She
hauled the man to his feet and held on to his hair whilst she spoke
to him.

"You have
experienced pain and a just hint of pleasure. Now I give you the
chance to gain more pleasure and perhaps even fuck one or more of

His head lifted
his gaze at her hopeful.

"Serve us well
you pathetic slime or suffer as you did just now."

"I'll serve,"
he blurted quickly and hung his head once more.

Sheila turned,
releasing her grip on his hair and shoving his head roughly away
from her.

"Pauline. He is
yours first. Do with him as you wish."

She was on her
knees in an instant; her hand gripping is semi-erect cock and
feeding it urgently into her mouth. One hand teased at his balls
whist her mouth pumped back and forth along his now fully erect

"Christ! Just
look at her will you?" Marinella observed. "She's going at him like
cock is going out fashion."

Pauline's head
bobbed and her cheeks pumped as she sucked the cock for all she was
worth. The feel of him, the hardness, the situation and the fact
that the others were watching her all fired her arousal. She was
shaking with excitement as she held and sucked on the thick

The man's head
rested back, his hands on his hips and his back arched. An
expression of deep pleasure was etched on his face and his hips
moved slightly to assist his cock deeper down into her throat.

The women
watched, spellbound and silent as their friend greedily and noisily
sucked the man. Pauline suddenly drew back, resting her buttocks on
her heels; her face flushed crimson with high excitement and

"Lay on the
floor - quickly!" she ordered him.

The instant
that he was on the floor she straddled him, pulling at the tab of
leather on the suit that covered her pussy. Her heated need showed
as she used her fingers to guide his head to her exposed pussy. She
located the big head at the entrance and then sunk down fully on
him sighing loudly as his cock filled her. There she rode him, her
head nodding and eyes shut tightly. Her hips bucked and jerked as
she first rose and then plunged down hard on his stiff shaft. Her
hand rested on her thighs, assisting and adding purchase to her
wild riding of him.

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