Read Leather Clad Women (Fem-Dom BDSM erotica) Online

Authors: Jay Merson

Tags: #fiction, #ebooks, #erotic, #erotica, #adult, #sexual, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #spanking, #slave, #womens erotica, #femdom, #mens erotica, #sexsexy

Leather Clad Women (Fem-Dom BDSM erotica) (2 page)

"My God,"
Marinella breathed in awe as she moved her gaze over the sleek and
menacing looking woman before them.

"Is that really
you in there?" Anna quipped to ease the electrically charged

Sheila strutted
and posed; turning and parading like a catwalk model.

"Great isn't
it?" she beamed her delight at the shocked reactions of her
friends, "what man wouldn't get hard seeing us dressed like this?
It even has a little removable flap to allow access to your pussy
for a cock."

The other women
sat spellbound, watching her lithe body move and nodding absently
their agreement to her statement.

"The new
uniform of the Clan," Sheila announced proudly, "each of us will
have one identical to this."

The delight and
approval showed on the women's faces as they sat silently
visualising themselves in just such a suit and trying to imagine
the feel of it against their naked bodies beneath.

"Yeah okay, but
at what price, they look prohibitively expensive," It was Marinella
that posed the question of cost.

Sheila retorted rather icily and then softened her tone once
attention was gained, "The suits, and in fact all of the running
costs of the Clan will cost you nothing."

"Nothing, Anna
asked suspiciously and slightly sarcastically, "So just who the
hell then, is going to give us five obviously expensive leather
suits and pay the running costs?"

Sheila walked
across the room from one side to the other; she turned
theatrically, her arms stretched wide out to her sides.

"Why, the men
of course."

three of the women protested as one in shocked reaction.

"I'm not one of
them and I'm not doing it for money," Kate added, offended at the
very suggestion.

"And why the
hell not may I ask?" Sheila responded swiftly. "I don't mean
fucking for a price. I envisage getting our goodies from them and
then asking, or taking, a contribution from the grateful men toward
the running costs."

"It would have
to be a sizeable contribution I think," Kate said wisely.

"Their dicks or
the money," Pauline quipped to bring a round of laughter that
helped eased the tension that had built.

perfectly good sense to me," Marinella stated.

"I agree,"
Pauline said in confirmation. "I certainly couldn't afford it

continued, smoothing her red painted fingernails down over her hips
and thighs to add emphasis to her shapely body, "My husband, none
of our husbands, need know anything of our activities in the

Kate raised her
hand to indicate that she had an opinion to offer, "I'll certainly
have trouble explaining away a leather suit hanging in my wardrobe.
When my husband finds it all hell will break loose."

A round of
vocal agreement came from the others and then fell to a tense
silence as they awaited Sheila's response.

Sheila paced
back and forth, her head down and expression one of deep thought.
Her hands were clasped behind her back and she remained silent for
a few moments. Her voice then took on a harsh and rebuking tone,
portraying her irritation at the constant negative thinking of her
friends. Her head lifted, nostril flaring and eyes blazing excited

"You all want
good hot sex - right? Sex on your terms and they way you want it to

All nodded and
muttered their agreement, none wishing to challenge her obvious

"So? Just what
is your problem? Do you think I had in mind taking these men back
to our own homes, of course not?" She paused and breathed deeply to
control her emotions. "We have a large barn on the west side of the
farm. My husband never goes there, it is watertight, closed in and
discrete. We can take the men there; store the suits and other
equipment there, the van also."

"Van, what
van?" Pauline asked.

"We can't use
our own cars now can we?"

All agreed on

"Look Sheila,
Sorry, it's just that...."

"Just that you
know what you want but are too bloody hesitant and fearful of going
out and making it happen. Are we together in this or not?"

A loud chorus
of agreement filled the room, glasses were recharged with drink and
they drank happily.

"Good!" Sheila
stated firmly. "Let's then go forward to bigger and better orgasms,
bigger and better than we have ever known - and more of them."

The cheering
continued for many minutes, glasses chinked and Sheila's praise was
sung over and over. The Clan was now formed; the girls were
together and thinking as one - as it had been planned.




house was their chosen location, as the only divorced member of the
Clan they felt safe there. Pauline was in another bedroom getting
into her suit and Marinella stood in her own bedroom admiring the
effect in the long mirror of the wardrobe. She was stunned but
pleased at how slim and attractive she looked. Slightly evil and
yet so wonderfully sensual, the soft leather felt delightful on her
body despite the struggle to get into it. She loved the way it
hugged every contour of her body, pulling down in between her
thighs and portraying her shape in all the right places. She felt a
sense of command, of control and a confidence about herself
previously unknown.

The high-heeled
boots not only added to her height but also shaped her thighs
admirably. The tall thin heels and the angle of her foot meant that
her back was required to arch and her chest push out to increase
the overall tightness of the suit. It also added to that bold and
confident look that she now had about her.

She turned and
posed, admiring her reflection, smoothing her hands down over her
taut buttocks and thrilling at the feelings it produced for her.
The girl cupped her breasts and caressed them, kneading the soft
orbs through the thin leather covering. It felt delightful and the
strong smell of leather wafting up into her nostrils added yet
another dimension to the thrill she felt.

One hand slid
down over her stomach, smoothing over the tight mound of her mons
and pressing the material into the folds of her pussy. Marinella
gasped at the sensations it produced. She shifted her feet apart
slightly so that the whole of the flat of her hand covered her
pussy, the feel of that action send surges of tugging sensation
fluttering through her insides. Her nipples had hardened and
pressed wonderfully against the inside of the material and then it
dawned on her - walking!

Marinella took
a deep breath and then a couple of steps. It hit her instantly,
powerful and tearing were the sensations as the suit rubbed her
nipples. Best of all for her though was the way the leather rubbed
over her pussy lips and scraped over her hard clitoris. The girl
gasped at the strength of the feelings, paused to compose herself
and then took another step. It felt wonderful, simply wonder.
Moving masturbation that was heaven sent. She took three more steps
and then more, steeling herself in the lead up to her fast
approaching orgasm. Marinella panted as she walked, turning to
stride back down the room, the pounding feelings coming to her in
increasing strength and frequency. Her head felt light and
detached, her body began to tremble in pre-orgasmic flutters, her
legs stiffened and she braced herself in readiness.

"What do
think?" Pauline's loud voice broke the spell as she entered the

Marinella left
out a huge sigh and rested against the wardrobe to steady herself,
"Christ I was on the point of coming when you came in."

Pauline sang, "carry on don't mind me."

Marinella was
bent over at the waist now, her hands on her knees and sucking in
air to control her trembling body.

Pauline posed
before the mirror.

"I didn't like
all of the talcum powder bit needed to get the suit on so I used
baby oil instead and the effects!"

groaned loudly.

"God," Pauline
continued, "the way it slides around over my entire body as I walk
and around my pussy? Mmmm, it squelches as I move, massaging my
pussy lips and...."

screamed, her head threw back and her body crashed hard back
against the wardrobe. She shook and jerked as she orgasm tore
through her and then whimpered softly in pleasure as she slid down
to sit on the floor.

Pauline looked
slightly shocked by the obvious power of her friend's orgasm. A
most erotic sight it had been indeed and she felt privileged to
have been able to watch it.

"Perhaps I
might try the baby oil myself next time, "she said and clutched at
her own pussy.

Chapter 3


The waiter in
the restaurant was returning her eye contact at every opportunity.
Holding her stare as he went about his work but returning often to
clear and to attend table that really didn't need any

Pauline had
simply ordered a coffee and was on her second now. She had ogled
him constantly since her arrival, letting him know of her interest
in him, her very real interest, her sexual interest. The way his
tight black trousers showed his tight little backside and the lump
in the front, his jet-black hair and fine facial features but those
deep smouldering eyes of his. She sighed wistfully and finished her
coffee. That ever-present nagging ache in her pussy had grown to a
dull and throbbing need that simply had to be scratched. The Clan
activities would begin soon and that couldn't be soon enough for

He at last made
the move, the smiling waiter came over to her table and stood
dutifully beaming down at her.

"Would you like
anything else now? I'm about to go off duty."

Pauline gave
him a knowing smile in return, "Are the toilets free do you

He swallowed
hard and nodded, "Let me show you through to them."

Her eyes roamed
his taut buttocks as he led the way through the small corridor and
to the toilets. He held the door open for her to pass and she did,
pausing to stare straight into his eyes.

He was at her
the instant that she entered the cubicle, circling his arms around
her waist from behind and fumbling excitedly to lift her skirt.

Pauline leaned
forward to place her hands on the cistern as her skirt was pulled
up and her panties down. She felt the head of his warm cock nudging
at her pussy lips and then locating in the entrance to her pussy.
She cried out as he pushed fully up into her, warm and throbbing,
his stiff cock filled her completely. Her body has bucked and
jarred as he rammed into her, his hands stroking greedily over her
naked thighs and under her body to squeeze at her breasts. Hungry
and hasty, crude but so nice, his movements were frantic and heated
in his great urgency.

He came,
grunting and tensing as he pumped his sperm deep up inside her. It
was at that point that Pauline came too, biting her bottom lip to
stifle her scream of deep sexual satisfaction and joy.




The barn was
everything that Sheila had said it would be; large, sturdily built
and well-maintained but more importantly, it was remote and
private. It laid nestled back in a small wooded copse, at the edge
of a field and served by a single muddy track. Its rustic
appearance and charming location belied its intended new use.

"Visited only
occasionally by a single farm manger," Sheila explained at the
women gathered outside it, "and he will not be a problem."

She winked and
smiled wickedly; the others understood instantly her meaning and
her plans for the man.

Inside, the
barn was spacious and even the white transit van parked just inside
the big double doors was dwarfed in proportion in the vast open
space. A mezzanine floor served as a hayloft, spanning half of the
barn at the back, beneath that, a row of wooden stalls that had
once housed horses.

The women of
the Clan filed in, looking around them in awe, assessing the barn's
suitability for their intended activities. Anna ran to the wooden
stalls, peeking into each one like an excited child exploring a

Once the
initial inspection was over, the women gathered around in the
centre of the open floor, sitting on bales of straw and chatting

"Our leather
suits?" Sheila asked, seeking confirmation of what she already

blushed red whilst the others all enthusiastically voiced their
delight with the leather outfits.

"Okay then. We
are all set...."

"When do we get
at the men then?" Pauline asked and rubbed her hands together
greedily, a most lecherous expression on her face.

first," Sheila announced and was greeted with a round of groans of

"Fine," she
stated in irritation, "Someone tell me then, describe to me, what
we do to our first catch."

"Bonk his
lights out," Kate quipped to loud giggling.

"Suck his dick
off," another offered.

"And then?"
Sheila asked sarcastically.

Many more
suggestions were offered in the heat of the moment then lessened to
leave the women looking at one another, lost for further thought.
Silence reigned, they then all realised that the plan required more
though than they had considered.

"What do you
suggest then Sheila?" Anna asked to break the stillness and

The tall
brunette stood, asserting her authority and taking command once
again, “As I said - training. It is pointless coming this far and
then not making the most of it."

"How, what sort
of training?" Marinella asked naively.

Sheila broke a
huge grin, "But with the real thing of course - how else?"

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