Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) (12 page)

BOOK: Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel)
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“Nessy found out?” her blue eyes were wide as she leaned across the table intrigued.


“More like caught us, caught us,” I hinted.


She gasped, “Oh, no,” she laughed.


“Oh yes,” I laughed with her. “And Vanessa made a humungous scene pretty much embarrassing all four of us. Maria went to a hotel, told me that Vanessa was right and that she didn't deserve me, and now Vanessa isn't talking to Ben because she is feeling guilty and ashamed of her actions, and I saw Maria out with some guy at a restaurant tonight which in turn pissed me off even more and I could barely stand to look at Vanessa knowing that she ruined everything with her mouth,” I growled. “I am just beyond frustrated at this point,”


“You love this girl,” she didn't ask me if I did... she simply stated it as if she already knew.


I nodded. “Yes, I do,” I smiled, staring down at my tea. “I realize that I had the moment I laid eyes on her,”


“That's how it was for me and your father,” she smiled, grabbing my hand. “You know, it wasn't easy for us either,”


“What do you mean?” I looked at her with furrowed brows.


“Something that your father and I have never discussed with you kids is that he was engaged when I met him,” she said calmly.


“Dad was with another woman when you two...” I pointed to her. “Um, you know,”


She laughed shaking her head back and forth. “No, no. We didn't date until they had broken up,”


“Why are you telling me this?” I asked her wondering what in the world this has to do with my situation with Maria.


“Son, no matter where you or Maria are at this point. Even if she is at dinner with another man, it means absolutely nothing,” she placed her hand on mine. “I can see it all over your face that you love her, but if she truly loves you as much as you love her, then nothing will stop the two of you from being together,” she smiled. “Am I making any sense?”


I nodded. “Yes,” I smiled at her. It made perfect sense. If Maria and I are meant to be together, then it makes no difference where we are now. In the end, we will end up where are meant to. Well, where I hope that we are meant to be. Together.


“Now, I'm hitting the sac,” she patted my hand before standing up. “Your father's snoring kept me awake for the last hour and a half,” she snorted. “I hope for Ben's sake and for Maria's that neither one of you got the snoring trait. And if you did, you surely didn't get it from me,” she winked.


“Are grandma and grandpa staying here, mom?” I said a little quieter completely forgetting that they could be here.


“Yes, they are staying in Nessy's old room,” she sighed, setting her coffee mug back onto the counter. “For the love of your grandmother,” she shook her head. “If I have to hear about her corns bothering her one more minute, I swear I'll...”


“You'll do what mom?” I laughed.


“I haven't figured it out yet,” she smiled, I could see that her eyes were heavy.


“Goodnight, son.” she said walking out of the kitchen and to the stairs.


“Night, Mom.” I smirked, then finished my cup of tea. I set my cup in the sink and grabbed my bag.


I quietly walked up the stairs and down the hallway, I shook my head as I heard my fathers snoring echoing down the hallway. I remember sneaking out of my parents house was usually an easy feat. All you had to do was listen for the snoring, and I do not care what my mother says... she snores too.


I walked into my room and flicked the light on seeing that my mother changed absolutely nothing of my bedroom since the last time I was here for their Anniversary dinner. I had brought Jackie with me the last time, and absolutely zero action happened in here as she drank so much, she passed out. I was slightly irritated that she let herself get so trashed, especially at my parents house. I made sure we left early the next morning before anyone could witness her demise. She threw up the entire way home, all over her, myself, and my car. Normally I am a real sympathetic guy when it comes to someone I care about being ill, but for some reason her actions annoyed me to no end. 


“Room, sweet room,” I mumbled to myself. I set my bag down by the door and looked around. I saw my old football and baseball trophies, along with many pictures of me and old friends from high school; some were at parties, some were from my Junior and Senior prom, and multiple camping trips. I also had a photo of me and Vanessa with both of my parents on my dresser. I smiled at it with a sudden feeling of guilt at how I treated my sister when I left her house tonight. A part of me is kicking myself because she deserved it after what she has caused between Maria and me, but the other part is that she is still my sister.


I changed into a pair of sweats and grabbed my cell phone. I was hoping to see a text from Maria, but there weren't any. Just one from my sister.


I am sorry about everything. You're my brother and I love you, I will fix this. Call me and let me know you made it okay.


I smiled at the apology. I was thankful that she finally had it in her to apologize.


“Ethan?” she answered sounding rather groggy from sleep. “I am so sorry,”


“It's okay, Nessy,” I said quietly trying not to wake anyone.


“No, it's not,” I heard her sigh. “I ruined my friendship with Maria, and I said things I shouldn't have. It was none of my business to even tell her you were off limits. It just wasn't,”


“No it wasn't,” I agreed with her. “But, I forgive you,”




“Have you apologized to Maria? She is the person you need to apologize to,” I reminded her. I wasn't the one she truly, truly hurt with her words.


“No, I need to,” I could hear it in her voice that she is nervous to talk to her. “I don't know what to say,”


“Just tell her the same thing you told me, Vanessa. That you're sorry,” I laughed. Apologizing to Maria should be no different than apologizing to me.


“Do you like her, Ethan?” she paused. “A lot, lot?”


I smiled. “Nessy, yes. I like her a lot, lot,”


“Did you tell her that?” she asked.


“Nope,” I sighed. “I never had the chance,”


“Oh, my gosh! Ethan!” she said loudly.


“Oh, my gosh... what!” I laughed.


“No this is serious!” she gasped. “I think the other night when she was crying and told me that something bit her, she was referring to her feelings for you!” she paused. “I messed it all up!”


“Now she gets it!” Ben yells in the background.


“It's okay, Vanessa-” she cut me off.


“No, no it's not! She was at dinner with Marc,” she snorted. “Well, I assume it's Marc, and it's all my fault. I scared her, Ethan!” she was shrilling into the phone. “I have to fix it, bye! Wait... love you, bye.” she said, her words jumbled together then hung up on me before I could get another word in.


“Wow,” I stared at my phone. Chics are crazy.


I laid in bed and scrolled through the pictures on my phone. I finally came to the picture I was looking for, a picture of Maria that day at Central Park when we were sitting in the shade under a Maple tree. She had fallen asleep with her head in my lap and she looked completely at ease so I snapped a picture of her.


I stared at her pink lips, the rosy tint to her cheeks from being in the sun for most of the day, her soft delicate hands draped over her slender waist, and her long brown hair that fell around her from running my fingers through it. It's been one day since I have touched her, and yet it feels as though it has been an eternity. Since I met Maria, not only did I discover what being in love truly feels like, I also learned that it freaking sucks.




Vanessa had called me early in the morning to ask me if I could meet her  which was unfortunate because I had less than five hours of sleep. I was nervous as I walked into Glow's building but was somewhat thankful when my nervousness was instantly replaced with irritation. A flower delivery guy with the biggest bouquet of red roses was walking in front of me and I could see nothing. I tried to maneuver around him hoping to get to the elevator first, only for him to sidestep out of on-comers ways and cutting me off. As anxious as I was knowing I had to walk past Maria's desk, it made me that much more intent on getting there faster so I could get it over with. I ended up following the flower delivery guy to the third floor, down the hallway, and wouldn't you know it... he set them on Maria's desk. I quickly hid behind the wall so I could listen.


“Are you Maria Anderson?” he asked her. I peered around the wall.


“Uh, yeah,” she slowly stood from her chair looking beautiful as ever in a black silk top and mini skirt. She carefully studied the roses.


“Those are for you,” he smiled then turned to walk away. “Have a nice day!” he hollered over his shoulder.


“Yeah, yeah,” she blew him off not taking her eyes off of the roses, she searched for a card or anything that would hint as to who they were from. Unfortunately, they weren't from me. But, I did have a pretty good idea who they were from.


I jumped back as Vanessa whipped her office door open. “Maria, have you seen-” when her words cut off, I peered back around the wall. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the roses. “Wow. Who are those for?”


“Me...” Maria shrugged. “I guess,” she delicately touched a pedal.


Vanessa walked to the roses and searched through them. “Oh! Here, let's see who they are from,” she smiled. Opening the mini envelope. Maria stood there, fidgeting with her hands nervously as she waited for Vanessa to read the card.


“Maria, these beautiful roses do you no justice. Wishing you a wonderful day... keep your chin up. Marc xoxo” Vanessa slightly frowned. I think she was hoping I had sent them. I wish I had.


I looked over at Maria who looked slightly let down, but only for a moment. She forced a smile. “How sweet!” she took the card from Vanessa and re-read it as she plopped down in her chair.


“So, um. Have you seen my brother yet?” she asked, looking around.


Maria's head snapped up, looking at Vanessa curiously. “No, why?”


“He is supposed to be coming in for a few minutes so we can have a first look at the July issue,” Vanessa wiggled her brows.


“Oh,” Maria laughed lightly. “When he gets here I will send him in,”


“Thank you,” Vanessa started to fidget, she was wanting to apologize for everything but was extremely nervous. It's not very often you see my sister squirm, she was now.


“Maria?” she took a step closer to her desk.


“What's up?” Maria looked up from her computer.


“Look, I am really sorry about the other night,” Vanessa sat on top of her desk. “It was wrong for me to say that things that I did. I didn't mean any of it. It was more out of shock, I guess.” she made a face of disgust. “I mean, it's not everyday you see your brother with his hands down someones pants,”


Maria smiled, waving her hand dismissively. “It's okay,”


“No, it isn't,” Vanessa let her head fall back as she sighed. “I ruined what could have been a really good thing for you and my brother. Just-” she pursed her lips trying to find the right words. “Just, don't single him out just yet, okay? He is a good guy and I know that he cares about you, a lot,” she smiled knowingly at Maria who was sitting there in shock at my sisters words.


“I forgive you, Vanessa,” she said, completely ignoring what Vanessa said about me which felt like I got punched in the face. “I am sorry that I kept what happened between your brother and me a secret. It was wrong, I should have told you,”


“You know what?” Vanessa stood to her feet. “Let's just forget about it and move on. Can we do that?” she held her arms out for a hug. I rolled my eyes, woman are unbelievable.

BOOK: Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel)
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