Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) (4 page)


I watched them pawing each other, kissing and making awful noises. I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed to my room. I needed to figure out what I was going to wear on my date with the delicious Marc Leland tonight. Oh, and of course it has to be delectable as I was going to come back home to what I was sure to be Ethan on Vanessa's couch. I smiled to myself.


“I love you, Benjamin,” I heard Vanessa say from behind me.


“I love you too, Nessy,”


I gagged, shaking my head as I closed my door behind me with the pad of my foot.


At seven I walked out of the bathroom dressed, sexy, and ready for Marc in a black strapless dress with a heart shaped bust line that came to my knees, and a pair of black heels. My long brown hair was in curls, dark make up smoked around my brown eyes, and kissable red lip stain on my lips. I was ready. I walked out of the hallway and into the living room while shoving my lipstick into my purse.


“Maybe this one will be bigger than the last,” Ben stifled a laugh.


I flipped Ben off then looked up to meet the sexy blue eyes of none other than Ethan sitting on the couch next to Ben. That bastard said that in front of Ethan on purpose. I took the sight of Ethan in; his faded blue jeans, and dark blue t-shirt that hugged his bulging pecks and biceps. His blonde hair was perfectly messy, and his smile was enough to soak my panties. Wait... was he smiling at me? He should hate me. I then realized that I was biting my lip and staring at him. Clearly he was trying not to laugh at me. I was mentally flipping myself off for being such an idiot. Who could blame me, though. Ethan Montello is damn delicious and far more sexy than I remember. Plus, we have a past... sort of.  


“You know what, Ben?” I was ready to go off, he officially embarrassed me. “Don't take your insecurities out on me,” I said flippantly.


“Ouch,” Ethan laughed aloud looking at Ben then me with a smirk on his face. 


“Would the both of you guys quit it, please?” Vanessa came from the kitchen holding two cups of coffee. She is going to make a perfect wife, and mother someday. She was beautiful in just a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, her shoulder length blonde hair was shiny and always in place, and she just had the sweet, caring, lovable attitude.


“Thanks, babe,” Vanessa bent over handing Ben his coffee, then placing a kiss on his lips.


“You're welcome, but you two need to get along, please. I love you both,” she looked between Ben and myself taking a seat on Ben's lap.


“We just mess with each other, you know that,” We do, just him embarrassing me in front of Ethan pissed me off.


“No worries, Nessy,” Ben smiled at Vanessa then smirked at me. He knew that he embarrassed me. What a turd.


“Well, you guys have a good night,” I walked toward the front door feeling every set of eyes on my back.


“We know you will, unless...” Ben paused, tooting a low whistle making me turn around. His pinky was up in the air.


I groaned. “Vanessa,” I wanted to stomp my foot like I was a child tattling on him.


“He's just being obnoxious... go have fun,” Vanessa smacked Ben's arm. “Leave her alone,”


“Have fun,” Ethan smiled at me again. Really? Another smile? “It was nice to see you again, Maria,”


I clenched my thighs together tightly, wanting to beg him to say my name just one more time. Still, two years later I have incredible fantasies about the way that he touched me. I want to skip the date with Marc and stay the hell home to hang around Ethan for goodness sakes.


I gave him the sexiest smile I could. “Definitely... see you later, Ethan,” I let my smile linger for a moment then broke my stare walking out the door closing it quickly behind me. Not before making sure I swayed my hips of course. I knew how to play, and I knew how to play it right. He definitely will see me later... hopefully sooner rather than later. God, now I don't want to go to dinner. Now that he was single again, and knows how I feel about relationships, I wonder if he would sleep with me again? We both know men have needs, well so do I. I will have Ethan Montello again, oh yes I will.


I was on my fifth glass of wine, all thoughts of one tall, sexy blonde with yummy muscles, and a knock out smile was running through my mind a million miles an hour. The sound of his deep voice saying my name over and over again making me wonder if I go on ahead and touch myself that these bothering thoughts would leave my brain and let me go on with my date.


“You okay?” Marc grabbed my hand and squeezed it to get my attention.


“Of course,” I smiled. “Why do you ask that?”


“You haven't said more than three sentences in the last hour and a half, and you have been nursing the wine like it's water in a desert,” he leaned forward trying to make eye contact with me.


I finished off what was in my glass and set it down onto the table, my lips were pursed. Yeah, he noticed. Damn it... “I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind is all.” I waved my hand dismissing my behavior. “Monday is going to be a big day at work, and I am worried that I am a little behind,” I shrugged. Such a bad liar...


“It's okay, we can go out another time if it makes it easier on you, gorgeous,” Marc leaned in, placing a chaste kiss on my temple. Damn, Ethan! Why is he ruining this perfect date with this perfect guy and his perfect dark hair, with perfect plump lips, and a perfect smile! I am sure there is more to this man that is perfect, damn... or not. Ethan is perfect.


“I am really sorry, forgive me?” I batted my lashes, squeezing his hand tighter.


“Of course,” he smiled, flashing those sexy dimples. “Come on. I'll take you home,”


“Actually, I want some more wine. I'll take a cab home, no biggy,” I winked.


“Okay,” he bent down, placing a soft kiss on my lips. He definitely would have been a guaranteed lay. “Be safe, sweetheart,”


“Bye,” I squeezed his hand then let go, focusing my stare on my wine glass. It was too empty for my liking at the moment. I reached over and drank the rest of the wine in Marc's glass, then filled my own to the brim.


“Cheers,” I said to myself, taking a drink watching Marc walk out the door in his black Marc Jacobs suit and tie with much swagger wondering how sexy Ethan would look in it. I growled, highly annoyed with myself at the thought of myself needing to compare Ethan to Marc. I mean, Marc is sexy, smart, sexy, sweet, and did I mention sexy? It was completely irrelevant.

An hour and an entire bottle of wine later, I was liquored feeling pretty damn good, and all thoughts of Ethan and feeling sorry for myself were gone. Unfortunately, until I got home and had to look at him again, that is.


“Miss, we need this table for the next reservation,” Mr. Uptight Asshole himself glanced down at my empty wine glass and the empty bottle then back at me.


“What? Haven't you ever seen a woman feel sorry for herself?” I glared at him. 


“Let us call you a cab,” he bowed as I stood up.


“I got this,” I grabbed my purse, it slipped from my fingers and hit the floor. The waiter tried to help me pick up the contents in which I became more frustrated. “I got it!” he backed away, showing me his palms. It was a gesture to tell me to take it easy. I threw everything into my purse and headed out the door, searching for my cell phone.


I strolled slowly down the street looking at my phone. I had a text message from... Ben?


Pencil Dick, LOL!


“You asshole!” I yelled at my phone. The couple walking by me jumped at my words.


“Sorry,” I turned around and said as they jogged across the street.


Me: I need a ride, will you ask Vanessa if she will pick me up?


I walked another block and got a text back. I was shocked at the simple text as I was expecting some smart ass comment from Ben.


Ben: Everything okay? Where are you?


I was sure that was Vanessa, I smiled at her concern.


Me: Been drinking and need a ride home. Marc left and I stayed to have a bottle, ha! I will be out front of Guardo's.


I turned around walking back to the restaurant to wait for Vanessa. Why, I walked away as I was asking for a ride, I had no clue.


Ben: On my way...


Fabulous. My phone dinged again, I looked at the screen.


Ben: Beautiful.


I gasped. “Ethan,” I whispered aloud, looking around me. Why was he coming to pick me up? Where was Ben and Vanessa? Why did he have Ben's phone? And why did he call me beautiful? God, I am so confused and there goes my once clear head filled with the thoughts of one delicious Ethan Montello.


I stood out by the door of the restaurant, leaning up against the brick. I crossed my arms, uncrossed them, placed my hands on my hips, I let them fall. I anxiously switched the weight on my footing. I was extremely nervous as the last time we were alone, I was awful to him. I didn't deserve to be talked to, or given a ride home from a restaurant. I deserved to be spit on.














Chapter two





“Okay, guys. I'm going to go to bed and read a little. Let you catch up,” Vanessa winked at me then leaned over to give Ben a kiss.


“I'll be in shortly, babe,” Ben kissed her one more time. “Love you,”


“Love you too,” my sister looked at me. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah,” I smiled at her. I was more than okay given the circumstance. “Night,”


“Goodnight,” she walked away and disappeared into the hallway.


“Are you really okay?” Ben nodded towards me from the other side of the couch.


“Seriously, I am okay,” I laughed, tossing the throw pillow at Ben. I wish they would stop asking me that. Granted yes, my girlfriend of over a year cheated on me with our realtor then kicked me out of my house. But, honestly, I am okay. I was more shocked than hurt. I'm not going to lie, it hurts, but I am good. 


Ben picked up his phone from his pocket and was grinning like a dip shit while his fingers went to town on the keys.


“Who are you texting all happy?” I asked him, leaning over to see what he was typing.


Pencil Dick, LOL!


“Pencil dick?” I laughed. “Who the hell are you sending that to?”


“Shh! Vanessa will hear you!” he whispered loudly. “It's Maria,” he laughed aloud.


“Ah, that must have something to do with the whole pinky thing,” I held my pinky up in the air. I felt my stomach tie up into knots at the thought of Maria being with someone else.


“Sure does,” Ben sighed, tossing his phone onto the cushions. “But, I'm sure you don't want to hear about it,” he eyed me. He's right, I don't.


“Seriously, Benjamin?” Whatever in the hell that comment was supposed to mean.


“Just sayin'” he shrugged. “So what the hell happened with Jackie? All Vanessa told me was that she was messing around with that real estate guy, and why the hell didn't you tell me?”


I rubbed the back of my neck with a sigh. “Oh, my God it was a nightmare, and honestly, Vanessa was the first person I called. I figured I would talk to you about it when I got here,”


“Fair enough,” he shrugged. “So what happened?”


I thought for a moment trying to think of where to even start. “She was acting all weird for the last few months, not talking all that much and totally quit being intimate with me for the last three weeks, easy. You know, holding onto her phone like it was her life line. It was ridiculous. I thought maybe I was jumping to conclusions so I tried to let it go for a few weeks but her actions were making my skin crawl. So, yesterday I was actually going home to talk to her because I had had enough of her bullshit and there was an Escalade parked in the driveway. I ran in the house and could hear her from the entry way. I ran up the stairs and she was riding him in my bed. In my fucking bed...” I shook my head at the memory. “So, I left and went back a few hours later so I could talk to her. All of my things were already packed for me and she was crying telling me how she didn't want me to find out the way that I did,”


“Wow. Ethan,” Ben's face was completely unreadable. “That's crazy,”


“Yeah,” I stared at the flat screen. “It was for the best as I haven't been happy for awhile. It just blows how it ended,”


Ben's phone dinged breaking the smothering air in the room. I watched him as he picked it up. I could see he was anticipating an argument with Maria over his last text.


“This one's for you,” he tossed the phone into my lap.


“For me? What?” I picked it up and read it.


I need a ride. Will you ask Vanessa to pick me up?


I smiled. “Why is it mine?” I looked at Ben who was smiling mischievously at me. “What?”


“You figure it out,” he stood and stretched with a groan. “I'm hittin' the sack. You decide what it means,”


I watched him walk across the living room, then just like my sister, he disappeared into the bedroom and closed the door. What the hell am I supposed to do about this? Do I text her back? What if I don't and she is in trouble?


Everything okay? Where are you? My fingers automatically typed without my even thinking about it.


Been drinking and need a ride home. Marc left and I stayed to have a bottle, ha! I will be out in front of Guardo's.


I laughed quietly at her text remembering back to my father's birthday party. She was sitting at the mini bar downing glass after glass of whiskey.


On my way...


My fingers lingering above the keyboard.




I hit send with a smile.




I wasn't sure what was going to happen between Maria and me when I got to my sisters house. For the past two years there wasn't a day that I didn't think about her at least once. The way she smiled, the way her fingertips moved the hair from her face, and the way her voice sounded when she was crying out my name. At my fathers birthday party when I saw her at the mini bar giving the bartender a hard time made me laugh as I watched her. She was beautiful,  sassy, and had a way about her that made me have to introduce myself. The more time I spent talking to her, the more intrigued I became. Having sex with her that night, confirmed to me that love at first sight did truly exist. I felt like a sappy bastard. The next morning when she told me that nothing would ever come from the best night of my life, I was seriously butt hurt. I thought about that girl for weeks on end, waking up in the middle of the night with wood because she was in my dreams. If there was one person I could ask for advice, it would be Ben. I'm just not ready yet to talk about what happened between Maria and I and how I have felt about her for the last two years. I have told no one.


I remember the day that Vanessa called me, telling me that she had a friend that she wanted to hook me up with. I was ecstatic until I met Mystery Girl for dinner with the hopes of it being Maria as Vanessa refused to tell me her name. She didn't want me to Facebook her or anything, she wanted it to be a surprise. My sister didn't have a whole lot of friends, so I was hoping. I took my seat at our reserved table and waited, watching the door intently. I placed my elbow on the sheer table cloth, the classical music giving off a romantic atmosphere. I noticed a pretty green eyed, female walk into the restaurant, her hair was the color of caramel, and her skin was porcelain. She was dressed in a lavender dress that hugged her slender frame. She looked at me, I smiled then never gave her another glance. Maria was far more beautiful than her with long brown hair that sweeps the curves of her back, soft tan skin, beautiful brown eyes, and a perfect body with a killer ass and thighs that you would die just for the chance to touch them... once. I keep my eyes on the door for another moment until a sweet voice interrupts my thoughts of a serious let down. She wasn't coming. I sighed, looking to my left where the voice came from. My eyes started from her tan heels, up her porcelain legs and lavender dress, to her bright green eyes as she smiled.


“You must be Ethan,” she held her hand out. “I'm Jackie, Vanessa's friend. Sorry I am so late,”


I shook her hand, it lacking the electricity that would shoot down my spine every time maria touched me. I swallowed hard, trying hard to hide my disappointment. I smiled, “Nice to meet you, Jackie,”  


I pulled up to Guardo's, the same restaurant I was hoping to see Maria at that night but met Jackie instead.  I saw her standing there, her back was up against the brick wall by the front doors. I shook my head as the sudden vision of me between her legs against her living room wall played in my thoughts making my dick stir. I quickly adjusted myself.


She looked up from her phone and saw me parked. She smiled, making my heart slam against my rib cage. After not seeing her for two years, I still felt the same about her. She was still as beautiful as I remember; her brown hair was longer, she was a tad on the thinner side but hot damn, that ass and thighs were still the same. 


“Where's Vanessa?” she got into my Audi and shut the door putting her seat belt on. “I'm shocked to see you,”


I nod. “They went to bed and Ben left his phone on the couch,”


“Well, thank you,” she smiled. 


“Of course,” I smiled in return. “How was your date?” I glanced down at her exposed thighs. She was extremely buzzed, and hadn't noticed that her dress was hiked a little too high showing a glimpse of her black lace panties. I felt my hand twitch with the urge to rub her through them.


“Ugh, awful,” she chuckled, the wine on her breath circled my front seat.


“That bad, huh?” my voice a little too excited. Sad to say that I was actually excited about it. I am such an asshole.


“No, I just had a lot on my mind so I told him to go home,” she shrugged staring out the window at the passing buildings. “I just wanted to be alone and have a few drinks,” she was talking quietly. Obviously, she had things on her mind still.


“What's up?” I asked her, looking back down at her thighs. She was relaxed a little bit more, they were open a few centimeters wider. She needed to pull her damn dress down before I pull this car over.


She snapped her head in my direction. “I'm not telling you shit, Ethan,” she smirked.


“I'm irresistible, just say it,” I tried to lighten the mood.


“Yeah.” she pursed her lips with a nod. “A carcass is irresistible to buzzards so... what's your point?”


“Carcass to buzzards are a delicacy,” I winked at her, making her smile ever so slightly.


Maria insulting me with sass was nothing but a complete turn on. My dick was hard and wouldn't go down as I kept glancing at her damn panties. I haven't had sex in over three weeks and the one woman who gave me the best night of sex in my life was sitting less than two feet away from me.


Sex with Jackie was nothing compared to Maria. Jackie was very conservative in bed, no foreplay, basic positions and would forever complain if I took too long... who would complain about that? Needless to say, every time Jackie and I were having sex I wished nothing more than to have Maria's perfect, tan body beneath me. The way Maria looked at me while our bodies were connected, Jackie never has. Maria went crazy when I touched her, I have never had a woman want and need me as badly. No matter the two years I tried to forget about her, she was always there in the back of my mind.


I was silent for the five minutes it took me to get us home. We pulled into the driveway and I followed her into the house. She set her purse thing on the counter with a sigh, taking her heels off. I took the few steps I needed to take to close the distance between my chest and her back. I took a deep breath in smelling her perfume. I wanted this woman more than I have ever wanted anything else in my entire life.


I bent my head down and whispered into her ear, “I can fix that,”


“Fix what?” she breathed, leaning her head back just a little.


“The last two years that has had your fucking sexy, black lace panties in a bunch all night,” my lips grazed the flush skin of her neck. I knew what was on her mind, and what exactly ruined her date. It was me and I was one happy bastard because of it.


I ran my hands down her luscious hips, gripping the hem of her tight black dress. I pulled it up high enough so I could cup her now moist core in my hand. When I touched her at the party, I hadn't even touched her yet and she was already wet for me. That is the reaction I have wanted, and dreamed about for the last two years. It's obvious just being next to me in the car had some effect on her. I rubbed her gently, back and forth over her panties, my other hand draped across her flat stomach holding her tightly against my erection.


“Am I right...” I let my lips trail up her neck to her ear. “beautiful?”


“Yes,” she moaned softly, spreading her legs for me. I traced the skin across her lower back, then below the waistline of her black lace, reaching my hands down her luscious ass and between her thighs.

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