Good Morning from Paradise (4 page)


was pretty chilled by the time Dan picked me up. Amber was a great help. We had
fun getting ready for the night ahead, we chewed Wil to bits, described what we
wanted to do to Nadia in great detail and then filled each other in on the
status of our relationships. Amber and Kyle were getting on well too, they had
already kissed before today and Amber couldn’t wait for it to go further. She
must have been hoping tonight was going to be her night because she looked
pretty hot for karaoke night. I had chosen my black palazzo pants, the
butterfly pattern on them was bright and colourful and always made me smile. I
matched them with a dark pink vest top and black heels and I was ready to go.
Kyle and Dan arrived together and we landed at the bar just in time to hear
Justin finishing up a version of ‘Teenage Dirtbag’ by Wheatus on the tiny, over
lit karaoke stage. Turns out Justin is quite the karaoke king. That’s why he
was so excited about tonight. I, on the other hand, had no plans of going
anywhere near that stage, karaoke was not my thing! Compared to other nights
the bar tonight was really busy, the crowd of Brits friends had grown and some
tourists from other resorts had come over for the karaoke night. People were
mingling, dancing, choosing their killer karaoke tune, it was buzzing. Dan and
Kyle took ages at the bar, Amber found a table in the corner and perched
herself on a stool, I made my way to the ladies’ room. I hadn’t had anything to
drink yet but in the excitement of getting ready to see Dan again I had totally
forgotten to go at home and now I really needed to pee. I could be there and
back before they got drinks though, the bar was heaving with customers. luckily
the line for the toilets was quite short. I used the bathroom, checked my hair
and make-up and made my way back to the bar.

the corridor there was a big guy standing looking at his phone, I had seen him
following me on my way to the loo and presumed he was going to the men’s room.
Now he had tucked his phone into his pocket and was just hanging around, I
thought he must be waiting for someone to come out from the ladies and I was
right, he was waiting for me. He put his arm across the narrow hall way and
easily blocked my exit.

sweetheart. You here alone tonight beautiful?” he drawled. He was a bulky guy,
I immediately felt intimidated. It wasn’t helped by the fact that he had
obviously been drinking and had set his sights on me and now he had me trapped
in the hallway. Great.

no, I’m here with some friends, they’ll be looking for me so I’d better run.” I
tried to slip past with another woman who emerged from the ladies at that
point. He wasn’t going to let me go that easily, his huge had gripped tightly
around my upper arm and he quickly had me up against the wall. “Don’t be rude
darlin’. No need to be rushin’ off like that. I’m just being friendly with ya
that’s all” he slurred into my ear. He must have been here a while because I
could smell the alcohol on his breath.

me go” I demanded. “I don’t want to be friendly with you thanks.” And I went to
pull away again. His grip on my arm tightened and it started to hurt. He was
about to speak again when I heard Dan’s voice behind him.

heard her, let her go, you wanna bully some one big guy? Turn around and bully
me!” I felt the wave of relief wash over me as the guy let his grip on my arm
go, he turned to face Dan and worry flooded me again.

along buddy.” Mr muscle brushed Dan off. “Go get your own girl.” But Dan wasn’t
about to leave me here.

my girl. Now step the fuck away before I get mad.” Dan stepped closer
and Mr muscle held up his hands, he could tell from the raged look building in
Dan’s eyes he had messed with the wrong mans’ girl.

dude. Bitch never told me she had a boyfriend.” he said as he tried to leave.
Dan grabbed his collar and in a matter of seconds had him pinned to the wall
beside me.

about her like that again and you’ll be struggling to talk for a while, do you
understand me?” Dan pushed harder, Mr muscle squirmed in the hold.

dude, I understand.” Dan released him.

apologise to my girl and get the fuck out of my sight.” He demanded pushing the
guy away. “Sorry” the guy blurted as he practically fell over himself to escape
Dan. Dan got hold of my face with both hands, searching my eyes and asking if I
was ok before kissing me and checking on my arm.

ok. You got to me just in time. I didn’t tell him I was here alone, by the way,
he was making that up to aggravate you. I just didn’t want to use the term
boyfriend after one date, that’s all.” I shrugged and looked down to my feet

he lifted my chin. “From now on if anyone asks I’m your boyfriend and please,
don’t go to the ladies alone again, ok. God I wanted to kill that guy for
touching you, are you sure you’re ok?” he asked again. I was ok, better than I
had ever been because of what he had said. I felt alive, wanted, safe.

ok,” I said. “A little turned on by your brute strength though I must admit.” I
said blushing.

Ella, you have no idea how much I want to see if that blush covers your entire
body.” he almost whispered as he ran one finger down my neck and chest to the
top of my vest. My heart thudded from my chest so loud I was sure he could hear
it. He kissed me again, it was hard and deep, a promise of things to come, then
he took a deep breath, took my hand and we joined the others.

What happened to you guys?” Brit asked, she’d joined Amber and Kyle at the
table while Wil went for drinks. I sat with them and told them what had
happened in the hallway, we looked around but Mr muscle had left the bar. Dan
stood protectively behind my stool, his body pressed against my back and I
leaned into him. Brit winked at me and smiled up at Dan and it just felt right.
When our drinks were done Wil and Dan went off to the bar. I suddenly
remembered what we had seen this afternoon on our date.  My stomach
lurched, I knew what they were going to talk about. Kyle saw them leave and
joined them too, Amber gave me a knowing look.

last, girly time! Now my friends, I don’t care who goes first but talk fast and
leave nothing out. I want to know it all before they get back.” Brit looked
from me to Amber and I gestured for Amber to take the lead.

Kyle and I are getting on really well. He’s funny and cute and his body is
hot!! I’m really hoping tonight’s the night …you know.” Amber said with a grin
on her face to match the Cheshire cat’s. I filled them in on Dan and me,
including the hot macho hero that came out in the hallway. Brit was excited for
us but I could tell underneath it all she wasn’t her usual self.

what’s wrong?” I asked her grabbing hold of her hand. She looked at me, her
eyes filled up with tears as she spoke

just don’t think I love him anymore.” She closed her eyes and let the tears
role down her cheeks. Amber shot me a look of shock before fishing a tissue
from her bag and wiping Brits face.

need a girls’ day out” she declared and Brit and I agreed.

don’t we go to the spa tomorrow?” I suggested quickly adding “just the three of
us.” Last thing we need is Nadia gloating over the situation. It was a deal, we
all agreed and the boys returned to us, minus Wil.

Wil went back to the hut. He wants to talk to you.” Dan informed her, I looked
up to him.

go after these drinks, he can wait.” I looked to Brit and she nodded.

walk you back Brit, I’m not letting you walk alone, Mr muscle might still be on
the prowl, plus it gets me out of here. If I have to listen to one more crap
karaoke song I’m going to go insane!” they all laughed at me. The conversation
returned to normal as we finished our drinks and left the bar. Amber and Kyle
stayed on, Dan and I walked Brit back to her hut, it was a quiet walk, she
seemed to be figuring out what to say to him, she won’t need to search for a
reason once he’s told her about Nadia. Once we said good night and she went
inside Dan pulled me to his chest and held me for a little while. While we
hugged I told him what Brit had said while they had been talking to Wil, I told
him our plans for tomorrow and he agreed that it’s what Brit needs. We walked
on to my hut, my phone chirped letting me know I had a message, I took it out
and read it and held it up to Dan. He read it and laughed. It said:

Hey sweetie, just wanted to let you know I’m
staying at Kyles tonight! Woohoo!!!!!! Have fun with Dan ;)

Amber xx

we arrived at my hut I pulled Dan inside with me, I wasn’t ready to let him go
just yet. I wasn’t ready to let him go at all. He kissed me, slowly,
passionately. My insides turned to jelly, a quiet moan escaped from me and I
blushed. Dan must have been spurred on by my noise, he picked me up and pressed
me to the wall, I wrapped my legs around his waist. It got crazy hot in
seconds, like we couldn’t get enough of each other. Dan broke the kiss to
remove my top, he looked at my body with hunger in his eyes. He trailed kisses
down my neck and over my chest, I ran my hands through his hair pressing his face
to my breasts. He pulled me away from the wall and I pointed towards my room.
He carried me to my room as though I weighed nothing and laid me down gently.
He traced his hands down my body taking off my palazzo pants and leaving me in
my underwear. He stood back to admire the view and I thanked God that I’d
chosen new, pale pink matching bra and thong. He kept eye contact as he removed
his shirt and jeans and stood before me naked. Wow! He took my breath away,
tall, ripped, bronzed, he was perfectly put together in all the right places.
He took a condom from his jeans and threw them back to the floor, I went to
remove my underwear but he stopped me.

let me. It’s all I’ve thought about since the first time I saw you.” He crawled
over me and kissed me, trailed the kisses down my neck and I arched my back to
him to give him access to my bra clasp. He removed my bra with ease and another
moan escaped my lips as he sucked in a nipple and caressed it with his tongue.
He slowly worked kisses down my body, the anticipation was too much, I needed
him, I was going to come apart just from his kisses. As if he could read my
body he took off my thong and pressed his body to mine as he entered me. Now I
was in paradise! His skin against mine, our bodies joined together.

you ok?” he asked looking into my eyes.

I smiled at him. He made love to me slowly, controlling every movement
perfectly. We fit together so well, sex had never felt like this with Tom. My
body erupted with a toe curling orgasm that tipped him over the edge too.
 He kissed me slowly and smiled and we laid together for what felt like
hours afterwards, neither of us saying anything. He got up to use the bathroom
but quickly returned.

looked down at his pile of clothes and then to me, I knew he was thinking about
leaving when I heard myself speak.

with me.” I almost begged. He smiled.

you sure?” I nodded and he climbed into bed and pulled me onto his chest. We
slept like that for a while until he woke me with kisses.

god I want you again Ella, you drive me crazy” he whispered as I woke. He went
to reach for his jeans for another condom but I stopped him.

don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.” He looked surprised and lay down
again, I pressed him flat onto his back and looked into his eyes as I climbed
on top of him.

on the pill, birth control. I’m clean, you’re the only other man I’ve been with
apart from Tom and I got tested after he came out, do you trust me, do you want
to carry on?”

grabbed my hips in answer to my questions and raised his hips up from the bed,
I lowered myself onto him and we made love again, this time it was more
powerful, if that was possible, it was faster, rougher. It was heavenly. After
we recovered we showered and got back into bed he pulled my back to his chest
and held me. I felt to safe and happy, I didn’t want to fall asleep and miss
out on the feeling but my eyes defied me, he had worn me out and I needed rest.
As I fell asleep I heard him softly speak.

Ella, how am I supposed to let you go?” he kissed my shoulder.

I whispered as sleep took me.

held me all night. In the morning we showered together and I got my first
shower sex experience. We dressed and had breakfast and he walked with me to
meet the girls. I didn’t want to say goodbye, I felt sad about leaving him but
I knew we were going to have a great day just the girls. He kissed me goodbye
and stroked my cheek before he left. As he walked away it hit me, I was falling
in love with him and it felt perfect!


Wednesday 12


WOW! Last night was hot. I’m glad we
organised this spa day, I need time to get over this sweet soreness before I
see Dan again. The Resort spa is hedonistic. We’ll have the perfect day here I’m
sure. Everything is white, clean and bright. Large bouquets of tropical flowers
are dotted around taking away the clinical feel and adding a relaxing,
comforting tone. The smells floating around on the breeze are delicious though
I have no idea what they are. I am prepared for the pampering! Let the day

Ella xx


day was just as I expected it to be. While we relaxed in the Jacuzzi, Amber
filled us in about her night with Kyle, sounds like she had as much fun as Dan and
I had. I gave them the gory details about my night and then it was Brits turn.
Her eyes were red and puffy under her sunglasses which indicated she had spent
the night in tears but she put a brave face on as she filled us in.

has been sleeping around. Seems he has got no love left for me either only he
decided to get stuck into someone else instead of telling me.” She sighed.

had been seeing Nadia for a while but broke it off before we came out here. She
didn’t want to break it off though, hence her trying to get Justin’s attention
at the bar the other night to make Wil jealous. It worked.” She shuddered.

told him I didn’t love him anymore anyway. I’d only stayed with him because
fucking Daddy Big Bucks had insisted I did until his business deal with Wil’s
father went through. It was eating me up inside until I found out about Nadia.
When Wil admitted his infidelity I seized the opportunity to get rid of him
once and for all.” She smirked.

shit Brit, what did you do?” I asked intrigued.

called Daddy Big Bucks to let him know what the golden boy had done to his
daughter. Laid it on real thick, crying, threatening to go and stay with him
for a while so I didn’t have to share an island with a cheater. He wouldn’t
have any of his family made a fool of, deal or no deal and he certainly didn’t
want me going to stay with him. He calmed me down and promised to have staff
remove Wil and Nadia from the island there and then.” She laid her head back as
if a giant weight had been lifted from her. So her eyes were sore from her
acting, ha, I love this girl.

they go without a fuss? I can’t imagine Nadia behaving herself.” Amber

didn’t have much choice, Jonathan sent his brick shit house assistant, ex- navy
SEAL. Wil practically shit in his pants and Nadia just argued with Wil about
how humiliating it all was.” She laughed. It was good to hear her laugh. 

talked about yesterday when we saw them together and Brit understood why we
hadn’t told her. She agreed that it was for the best. We decided to draw a line
under it all and move on to more exciting times. It was getting nearer to party
day and more friends were arriving over the next couple of days, the hall in
the complex was having the makeover of a life time thanks to Brits party
planner, all we were allowed to know was that it had a Gatsby theme, I didn’t
need to worry though, Brit had made our dresses for the evening and they were
beautiful, I couldn’t wait to wear mine. We left the Jacuzzi and headed for a
massage before lunch. The massage was so soothing, after the eventful night I’d
had I could feel myself drifting away as they worked their magic, until my
phone chirped and woke me up. It was a message from Dan:

Hey gorgeous girl, hope you’re enjoying your
day. Can I take you out tonight?

D x

made me smile that he couldn’t go the whole day without texting me. The girls
ridiculed me for my infatuation but I didn’t care, I put my phone on silent so
that I could carry on the conversation without them knowing.  

Having a great time, the guy massaging my
feet has magic hands. Look forward to tonight, take me wherever you like.

El xox

replied instantly:

The guy massaging your feet better keep it
strictly below the ankle or he’ll have me to answer to. Pick you up at 8?

D x

chuckled to myself looking down at the wafer thin boy massaging my feet. His
hair was died red, his nails were perfectly painted and his false eyelashes and
make-up were flawless.

Somehow I don’t think I have the right body
parts to attract this guy, don’t worry. I’ll be waiting for you at 8.

El x

should calm him down a bit. He replied:

Still hate that someone is touching you and
it’s not me! What happened to the rest of my kisses??

D x

instantly turned on by his possessive streak.

You get to touch me in places others can only
imagine! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

El xox

Instant reply:

Damn right! I’ll be cashing those kisses in
later. See you at 8 if I can wait that long.

D x

made me so happy that he hated being apart, that he couldn’t stand other people
touching me because I felt the same. I couldn’t wait for tonight, just to be
with him again. After massages, pedicures, manicures and getting our hair and
make-up done it was time to go home. We all walked out of the spa feeling like
new people. Brit wanted to go dancing. They made plans for tonight. I made my
excuses, I’d already promised Dan I was his tonight and they were fine with
that. They were going to meet up with some more friends and check out the club.
I was going to meet up with Dan and …. well who knows. I didn’t care as long as
he was there. Amber gathered her things and went to get ready with Brit, we had
made a pact to stay close to her, we didn’t want loneliness to suddenly strike
and ruin her holiday. It was only 6:30pm when Amber left and I was alone. I
text Dan.

Hi, I’m home, alone, all by myself, nobody
touching me……

El xxx

few seconds later he replied:

On my way gorgeous girl.

D x

girl was becoming my new nickname it seemed. Could be worse!

arrived not even 5 minutes later, out of breath like he had ran to get to me.
As soon as I opened the door he picked me up, I wrapped myself around him and
we made our way to the bedroom. We didn’t make it out for 8, we didn’t make it
out at all. We spent the evening kissing, chatting, laughing, making love. It
was perfect. As he slept beside me I couldn’t help feeling sad. In a few days
it’s all going to end. We will have to go home, separately. He doesn’t live too
far away from Brit and me but it won’t be the same. As I drift off I wonder if
we’ll survive in real life. Will we be able to grow together? Will he even want
to try? Who knows, I don’t even want to think about it anymore. I lifted his
arm and snuggled onto his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

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