Read Forgiven Online

Authors: Rebecca Brooke

Tags: #Romance

Forgiven (37 page)

BOOK: Forgiven
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“Oh baby, so wet. I love that you are always so wet for me,” he murmured.

His lips kissed up the inside of my thigh, and suddenly his tongue replaced his fingers. Holy shit! I tried to tilt my hips, but his hands held them down. His tongue ran through my wet folds and circled my clit.

“Oh my God, Caleb,” I whimpered.

“I know, I know. Just hold on and enjoy the ride,” he promised.

He continued to run his tongue over me, stopping only to suck my clit into his mouth. My head thrashed frantically on the pillow—the sensations he was building threatened to explode in the most intense orgasm I had ever had. Everything exploded around me, making my vision go black for a moment.

I watched in a haze as Caleb moved up and over me again, lowering his mouth to mine. I kissed him back giving him my tongue, tasting myself on him. I felt him pressing between my legs and the only thing I could think of was having him inside of me. I had started the pill a few days before everything happened, so many weeks ago. It hadn’t fully run through my system, so I hadn’t yet had the opportunity to feel him inside me without any protection.

“Please, Caleb,” I begged. He slowly slid into me, and the feeling was amazing. At first the pace was slow and steady.

“Oh God, Angie, you feel incredible. Not sure I can hold back.”

I nipped at his ear. “Then don’t. I don’t want you to.”

With that, his control snapped and he started pounding into me. His fingers rolled my nipple and I felt the familiar build up happening.

“Oh, Caleb, that’s it. Please don’t stop.”

“Oh shit, I can’t hold on any longer,” he groaned.

I felt him thrust into me one final time, setting off my own orgasm. Exhausted, he dropped down on top of me. “Shit, baby, that was fucking hot. I never want to wear a condom again,” he panted trying to catch his breath.

I laughed, “That’s fine with me.” Still breathing heavily, I moved my arms up over his shoulders, and once again he winced. He pulled out and lay down next to me. I sat up watching him.

“What’s wrong with your arm?” I asked, touching his arm to inspect the scar from the cut of Bryan’s knife. I ran my fingers along the scar and that’s when I noticed it—the tattoo on his shoulder was different. Inside the ‘O’ on the ‘Forever” was now a rose, and it was surrounded by the butterfly wings from my back.

“Did you just get this done today?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah, I wanted to do something for you,” he said quietly sitting up with me.

My brows drew together, I didn’t understand.

Hi hand moved up to cup my cheek, “You know I got this tattoo to remember Lily, but I don’t want to live in the past anymore. The rose represents my love for you and the butterfly wings remind me to forgive…even if the person who needs forgiveness is me.”

I turned my face into his palm and kissed it. “I love you, more than anything, Caleb.”

“I love you too, Angie. You are my whole world,” he vowed.

I moved to sit between his legs and lean against his chest. His stopped me from leaning back and fingers traced my tattoo. “Did I ever tell you this is the sexiest thing I have ever seen on a woman?”

I shivered at his words and his touch. “No.”

“Well then let me show you,” he said running his tongue across my back.

And show me he did.



“Come on, we’re going to be late,” I yelled down the hallway.

“I’m coming,” Angie called from the bedroom.

My parents were in town for Angie’s birthday. She thought we were meeting them for a celebration dinner, but little did she know that my mother had taken it upon herself to plan a huge surprise party. Mom, knowing Angie had a shitty childhood, believed it was her job to make up for it any way she could. I couldn’t have been happier with the fact that my family had welcomed Angie with open arms. Even Nicole and Matt had loved her when they met over the summer.

I looked up to see her coming down the hallway. Angie had moved in with me last summer. It took a lot of convincing, but she finally agreed and I was so happy to have her here. She only agreed to move in if Josh was staying though—she didn’t want for him to have to find a place, especially after everything he’d done for us. She was still hoping to find him someone. I was staying out of all of that shit. Plus, she didn’t have to worry about room and board for school. I tried to pay for as much as she would let me, but that didn’t stop her from working all summer to save money for the school year.

She looked phenomenal. Dressed in an electric blue dress with black tights and knee high black boots, she set my pulse racing. If Mom hadn’t gone to all that trouble of organizing the party, I would’ve taken her back to our room and had my way with her. But I knew she would love the party, and I had a special surprise for her, so I fought back my need.

“You look…wow! You are gorgeous!”

She smiled. “Thank you. Now let’s go. I don’t want to be late to meet your parents.”

I pulled the keys out of my pocket, feeling the ring burning a hole in it. We walked out the door and jumped in the car. Luckily, my parents still felt the need to stay at the Statler Hotel, and had chosen to hold the party there as well. Emily picked Josh up a few hours ago, and they were bringing overnight bags to the hotel for us, and helping my parents out until we got there. My parents reserved a room for us, knowing it was Angie’s twenty-first birthday and we wouldn’t want to drive home. It was a good thing Angie was living with me, because I’m not sure Emily would have been able to keep this secret for much longer. She was just way too excited about Angie “finally having a birthday she deserved”.

She had no idea how much Angie would remember this night. Just thinking about it made my hands start to sweat.

We pulled up in front of the hotel, and I valet parked the car. I sent Josh a quick text letting him know we were there. I moved around the front quickly to help Angie out of the car, and we walked hand in hand to the lounge where the party was being held. I pushed open the doors.

“SURPRISE,” everyone yelled.

I felt Angie jump next to me, then her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh my God!”

She turned to me. “Did you do all of this?”

I shook my head. “No, but I helped.”

She turned to see my family standing there, smiling at her. She let go of my hand and ran into my mother’s arms. I walked up to see Angie crying as Mom rubbed her back.

“Thank you so much, you couldn’t have made this birthday any more special,” Angie smiled.

“Anything for you, my sweet angel,” Mom said.

“Happy tears, I hope?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” she said with a blinding smile.

Dad reached out and pulled Angie into a hug, “Happy Birthday, Angie.”

After Dad released her, it was Emily’s turn to grab her, “Thank God, you know I’m not sure how much longer I could have kept the secret.” They both laughed—Emily really was a terrible secret keeper. That was part of the reason only Josh knew what I had planned.

Next were Nicole and Matt. “Happy Birthday, Sis,” Nicole cheered. Matt smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

Josh wrapped his arms around Angie next. “Happy Birthday.”

She kissed him on the check. “Thank you.”

She stepped back over to my side before going to talk to the rest of her guests. I leaned down to her ear and whispered, “We’ve got a room here tonight, Emily and Josh brought our bags over earlier. Happy Birthday, baby.”

She turned and kissed me. “I love you.”

After that she went to talk to her friends who had shown up to celebrate. Mom and Dad had pulled out all of the stops. They had arranged for a buffet with an open bar and even hired a DJ. I made sure that Angie ate throughout the night. She wasn’t a heavy drinker, but with what I had planned , I wanted her to remember and enjoy everything.

I watched Angie talking to Emily, Andrew, Nick, Mom and Dad. I still felt a stab of jealousy when she was around Nick, but we were all friends so I did my best to keep it locked up. I couldn’t really blame him for having feelings for her—she was amazing.

I looked at the clock, it was getting late and I still hadn’t given her my surprise. I was nervous as hell. I just needed to man up and do it. A bottle of beer appeared in front of me as someone slapped me on the back.

“Hey, man, you look like you’re gonna puke.”

I turned to see Josh with a shit-eating grin on his face.

I took a sip of my beer. “Thanks a lot asshole,” I grumbled.

He looked over to where Angie was standing. “Did you tell any of them your plans?”

I shook my head, “No. I didn’t even tell Mom and Dad.”

“I can’t believe you’re ready to take the plunge. Don’t you want to see what else is out there?”

I turned to look at him, I knew he still wasn’t convinced that there was someone out there for him. He still had a lot of problems to work through at home, but someday he was going to find the right girl who would help him see past all of the bullshit in life—like Angie had done for me. “There will never be anyone like Angie. She stayed with me even at my lowest. She is the most incredible woman I have ever met, and I can’t imagine my life without her.”

He smiled at me. “I know. Just don’t forget it.”

I clasped him on the shoulder. “I won’t. I’d better claim the birthday girl for a dance.”

He winked at me. “Good luck.”

I shook his hand and pulled him into a hug. “Thanks for everything. We never could’ve made it here without you.”

He patted me on the back. “Always, man.”

Josh’s attention turned back to the group around Angie. “Who’s the brunette standing next to Em?” he asked.

I followed his line of sight, “That’s Lauren, a friend of Angie’s from class.”

“I think I may need to go introduce myself,” he winked.

I stopped him with my arm. “She’s a friend of Angie’s, please don’t screw around with her. Remember we all have to live together.”

He sighed. “Alright, I’ll behave myself. But I’m still asking her to dance with me.”

I shook my head at him as he headed in their direction. My talk with Josh had settled my nerves a little. I decided that it was time to claim the birthday girl for a dance. Still nervous about my surprise, I had to wipe the sweat off my hands as I walked up to the DJ and asked him to play a certain song.

Walking over to Angie, I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Dance with me,” I whispered in her ear.

She turned her head and smiled. “I’d love to.”

I turned to my parents. “I’m claiming the birthday girl for a dance.” I took our drinks and set them on the table next to us. I was so fucking nervous. I hoped she wouldn’t notice my hands shaking as I brought her out to the dance floor. We reached the middle of the floor before the song I requested started to play. I pulled her into my arms and we began to move the music. Dancing with her gave me the time I needed to calm my shaking hands.

It wasn’t long before more people joined us on the dance floor. I saw Emily dancing with Andrew and Josh had convinced Lauren to dance with him. Angie wrapped her arms around my neck. Our bodies always moved so well together. We danced together through the song, and I just enjoyed the feel of her body against mine.

She looked up at me with those liquid-brown eyes that used to terrify me. “Thank you for giving me an amazing birthday.”

“It isn’t over yet, I still have something to give you,” I answered.

Just then the song ended and the next song started to play—Enrique Iglesias’ “Hero”. I pulled her close to me as we swayed to the music. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Josh give me the thumbs up. I nodded, took a step back from Angie and grabbed the box in my pocket. She looked confused until I dropped down to one knee in front of her. She gasped as her hands flew up to cover her mouth. The DJ lowered the music to background level while I spoke.

“Angie, I never expected to find love. I thought after what happened I didn’t deserve it, I thought I would be alone forever. Then I met you, and you turned my world upside down. You showed me how to forgive and showed me what it felt like to be loved unconditionally. You are
hero and I can’t imagine spending a moment of my life without you.”

I pulled the ring from its box and held it out to her. “Angelina Powers, will you marry me?”

The tears were streaming down her face, as her smile slowly broke through. “Yes, Caleb. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

I released the breath I’d been holding. I stood up, took her left hand in mine, and slipped the ring on her finger. She smiled at me and I pulled her in for a kiss. The DJ had already turned the music back up, but I still heard the cheers and shouts all around us. When I broke away, I saw Dad holding Mom as she cried. I knew she’d been thinking that she would never see this day. I looked back to the most amazing woman ever.

“I love you, future Mrs. Jacobs.”

She put her hand on my cheek. “I love you too.”

I turned my head to kiss her palm.



BOOK: Forgiven
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