Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (3 page)



I watch
her leave, coming to the conclusion that Stella Mayberry, Cindy's
friend just threatened her and I don't like it. Whatever they have
on her I need to get back. I'm in business with the Prescott's and
I'm thinking of getting in bed with the Mayberry's. I'm the
majority share holder in Prescott global, its very successful and
running efficiently. Mayberry Corp. at the moment is looking for
financial backing on new development projects or will soon go
bankrupt. Who do you think they came to for backing? Me, of course.
I pin Stella down with my eyes, she has what I need and I have what
her father needs. Not that I'll follow through with the business
venture. I'll convince her I will destroy her father and his
business if she doesn't give me whatever she has on Eva. Then I
will take her and her family down, simply out of spite. She ruined
my dinner with Eva.

dinner I approach Stella. "I need to speak with you."

smiles slightly, thinking I am interested in her. I walk to a
secluded corner. "What do you have on Eva Thorpe?" I ask, getting
straight to the point.

Her smile
slips. "What do you mean?"

I warn her. "I know you and the Prescott's have something on her,
what is it?"

struggles with what to say, "I don't know what your talking

"If you
don't give me a straight answer in the next minute, I'll personally
destroy you and your family. Leaving you absolutely

can't do that." She replies, but I can tell she scared.

"I can.
Your father needs my money to fund a project, without me he's going
to declare bankruptcy at the end of the month."

Her mouth
drops open. "You're lying."

"Go ask
him. I'll wait." I state, waving her away. She walks away stunned.
Five minutes later she comes back looking close to

Susan and Cindy asked me to keep a box of Eva's mother's things as
a way to control her."


they don't like her talking to anyone or getting any attention. If
she does they burn something in the box." She shrugs.

"I want
the box."

"If I
give you the box, you have to give my dad the money he needs." She

I use my phone and call my driver. I tell him to take Stella to her
house and bring her back. "My car is waiting for you downstairs.
Make it fast." I can't wait for the satisfaction of bringing down
the Mayberry family. Although, I wont be doing much. I will simple
refuse to give them the investment they need and encourage others
to follow.

She nods
and walks away. It never surprises me what women in my social
circle are like, but the Prescott's take gold. I see Susan slither
up to her blind husband. How can he not see how horrible she is?
His daughter is no better, a carbon copy of her mother. What really
bothers me is that I'm in business deals with a man that doesn't
see what's right in front of him. Even I picked up the looks and
the way they spoke to Eva in a hour and he hasn't in two

I want
Eva, but I know she won't fall at my feet. I have two options
available to me. I could return her mothers things and be the hero,
but risk falling into friendship territory. Or do what I know and
use her mothers things to get her where I want her, my

course, that doesn't sit well with me. Essentially, it would be
like what Susan and Cindy are doing to her. If I give her the
things and she's thankful, I can use that to my advantage and
capitalize on her gratitude. However, I know that she'll never be
grateful enough to just fall into bed with me. It's just not her,
there's something about Eva that I know isn't like the rest. It
doesn't matter how much money I make or the fact I could give her
the world. She wouldn't sleep with just anyone. I bet she wants
until she's in committed relationship before she sleeps with a man
and there's no way I'm waiting that long. When she punched my leg
telling me to keep quite, I wanted to take her on the table. The
need to have her is overwhelming, even thinking about her is giving
me a semi.

I hate
waiting for anything it's not my strong suit. When I want something
I get it. I will work for it, but waiting for others to give me
what I want is torture. Thirty minutes later Stella walks over to
me with a big designer tote bag and without looking my way, hands
it to me and walks off. This better be everything. I take the bag
and give it to my assistant Julia and tell her to put it in my car.
As the party comes to a close I wait for the Prescott's to leave
and follow behind them. When we get outside I see Eva stand up and
walk over to William, dismissing any concern he has for her. She
climbs in the limousine after Susan and I tap William on the

He turns,
"Ruxin, is there something you needed?"

giving Eva a ride home."

He looks
surprised by my words, it must be the fact that I'm not asking. I
lean down into the limo and look at a started Eva. "I need to speak
to you, I'll drop you off at home."

you just talk to me now?"

"Trust me
your going to want to hear this. Get out." I order. I step back and
wait for her to exit. I see how badly she thinks this will affect
her and I give her an encouraging smile. When she's standing in
front of me I whisper, "I got it all. It's in my car." I state and
point to my Rolls-Royce. She looks breathless, when it occurs to
her what I meant. She walks past a confused William and gets in my
car. I slide in after her and she's already digging in the bag.
"How did you do it?" She asks elated.

threatened to ruin Stella's family and leave her penniless." I
reply, not explaining any further.

will never speak to her again." She replies. "I don't know how to
thank you, but thank you." She says, genuinely grateful to

is something I want for this."

Her head
snaps over to me, she's automatically on the defense, interesting.
I think she knows exactly what I want. "Are you going to say it?"
She asks.

"I don't
think I have to." I respond.

"Tell me
I'm wrong and its not some kind of sexual favor." She

I laugh,
"Its not a sexual favor."

relaxes and looks ashamed that she thought badly of me. "Its more
then one." I state, before she can apologize.

tenses up again, "Meaning?"

I want you for six months. An agreement to come to me when I tell
you to. I want your complete compliance to my wishes. Do that and
all this will be yours." I gesture to the bag.

blackmailing me for my mothers things, so you can have sex with me
whenever you want over the next six months. What is it with you
rich people? You all act so superior and look down from your ivory
towers as you blackmail a women with her own property. Are you
insane or are you just lacking a soul? "

"Probably, both." I smirk.

repulsive. Here I thought you might be an okay guy and you do

"Do you
agree?" I ask, irritated that she finds me repulsive.



"No." She
crosses her arms and sits back in the seat looking out the window.
She's calling my bluff, I smirk knowing I'll win this hand. I pick
up the bag and lower the partition allowing me to talk to my
driver. I see her peeking at me as we start crossing the bridge. I
tell Henry, my driver to pull over. I take the bag in one hand and
open the door going to the side of the bridge.

"What are
you doing?" She shouts, through the door I left open.

these things are without meaning to you or I. I think I'll get rid
of them now." I reply.

Don't you dare!"

"Are you
agreeing Mrs. Thorpe?"

but three months!" She negotiates.

I hang
the bag over the bridge. "Okay, whatever you want! Six! Six months,
that's fine!"

"Say you
agree." I demand, not moving the bag.

I agree." She yells, giving in. I nod and walk back to the car. She
backs up to her seat and I give her the bag.

glares at me. "You suck."

"Do you?"
I ask, suggestively and stare at her mouth.

"No, I
don't." She replies, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of

will." I state.

groans. "Can't I just spread my legs like all the other girls you
have to blackmail to sleep with you?" She mutters.

the first women I've ever had to blackmail."

lucky me. If you don't have to coerce women to sleep with you, then
why are you?" She asks, disgusted.

them, I knew you wouldn't sleep with me."

perceptive." she remarks and turns back to the window."

wouldn't you have slept with me?" I ask, knowing the truth. As
certain as I know my name, she's a virgin. I came to the conclusion
when she looked so relieved I said it wasn't a sexual

She looks
at me and rolls her eyes. "You already know the answer. If you
didn't you wouldn't have made up your mind to blackmail

"You're a
virgin." I state. "How is that possible?"

"I'm only
23 years old. Stop acting like I'm a UFO sighting, their are others
like me out there."

me." I order.

She huffs
and shakes her head. "I took care of my mother. She- she was dying
for a long time. I didn't have time to meet anyone. Not that it
bothered me. Especially, if men are like you." She adds,

not all like me." I say.

"Is that
supposed to be reassuring?" She asks.

"No, were
all assholes. I'm just saying their not all like me." I reiterate,
as the car pulls up to my building.

are we?" She questions.

place." I answer, opening the door and getting out.



going to make me do it tonight?" I ask, shocked.

"No time
like the present, Miss Thorpe." He says, extending his hand to me.
I take it and he helps me out of the car.

"You told
William you were taking me home." I remind him, hoping he'll change
his mind. Knowing he won't.

He takes
my hand in his. "I don't care what William thinks."

I sigh,
"Yeah, I didn't think that would work." I mutter, under my breath.
We walk hand in hand into the building. The doorman opens the door
for us and Ruxin drops my hand and falls behind me, placing his
hand at the small of my back. I turn to him, "You don't have to act
like a gentleman on my account."

"I'm not.
I just wanted to touch you. You have a fantastic ass, by the

I almost
stopped walking, if he hadn't had his hand on my back urging me
forward, I think I would have fallen on my face from my sudden
stop. "Stop looking at my butt." I whisper yell at him, as we stop
at the elevators.

"No." He
replies, smiling and continuing to look at my backside. I know my
face is bright red as Ruxin follows me onto the elevator. He hits
the last button, which is the seventieth floor. The door closes and
I can't help think of the book I read with the young girl and the
rich businessman and their steamy encounter in an

"Why are
your cheeks so red?"

not." I deny.

find out what makes you blush." He replies, huskily and strokes my
cheek with his finger. I slap his hand away as the doors open
revealing a spacious entryway. Ruxin puts his thumb on a pad beside
the door and it scans, then I hear the click of the door

"Are you
kidding me. What do you work with the FBI or NASA? Why would you
need that kind of security?"

"I have a
lot of priceless art pieces." Of course he does, I think to myself.
He holds the door for me and I walk in. I instantly hate his décor.
Its masculine, cold and spotless, its completely Ruxin. However,
the view is amazing and is beautifully showcased by the floor to
ceiling windows.

"You have
an amazing view." I remark, striving for something nice to

chuckles, "You don't like it, but you're trying to be

I open my
mouth to refute his claim and he smirks, I can tell he's waiting
for my denial. I narrow my eyes at him. "You're not the only one
with manners." I reply, instead.

smiles, "Would you like something to drink?" He asks, as if
showcasing more of his manners.

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