Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (11 page)

your going to the Frasier's Gala on Saturday, right?" Andrea

"Yes, but
we leave that Monday. So, don't think of offering my attendance
anywhere else until after London." He warns.

"I would
never." She laughs. "Are you going as well?" Andrea questions

she's going." Ruxin answers before I can.

I can see
the smile about to split Andreas face and smile back. "You'll make
gorgeous kids." She states, dreamily and I freeze.

Ruxin replies scolding, but clearly entertained.

"I think
I scared her." She states, sheepishly.

think?" Ruxin, responds chuckling.

have you done dear?" Conrad questions, sitting beside his

poor Eva with my big mouth."

planning our children." Ruxin explains and Conrad looks at me and
smiles mischievously. Ruxin shares that look with his

"How many
are we planning?" Conrad asks, teasingly and rubbing his hands


I laugh
at my fathers enthusiasm for grandkids. I hear Eva groan and bury
her head in her hands no doubt blushing.

going on over here?" Kelsey's nosey nature gets the best of her as
she leans over the back of the sofa our parents are sitting

"Nothing." I state.

discussing grandkids." Dad answers, always a sucker for Kelsey's
inquiring mind.

pregnant!" She shouts.

"Kill me.
Please, just do it." Eva begs. I chuckle and shake my head

she's not pregnant." I respond.

soon?" She asks, practically jumping up and down.

"No, not
soon." I state, letting her know to drop the subject as I feel Eva
shrink even more into the couch.

pouts and turns back around to talk to my uncles. "Sorry, if I made
you uncomfortable." Mom apologizes to Eva. Eva lifts her head out
of my shoulder.

fine." She smiles at my parents.

"Are you
ready to go?" I ask.

"Sure, if
you are." She replies.

"I am. We
have babies to make, I wouldn't want to disappoint the family." I
wink and she scowls.

We say
our goodbye's to the family which takes another twenty minutes.
Henry is waiting at the car with the door open and we get in. I
immediately close the partition between the front and back of the

here." I order and see her stir at my voice. She slides over next
to me and I sit up pushing her dress up her thighs. I pick her up,
placing her on my lap. With her straddling my legs I moan and kiss
her plump lips, wanting her with an intensity I've never
experienced before. All day I've tried to quell my passion for her.
Over the past hour its been intolerable.

When she
choked on her water, I felt irritated. Thinking she didn't like the
thought that I would be settling down with her. I asked, even
though I told myself it didn't matter, but her response shocked me.
Instead of bringing up the fact that I'm blackmailing her as an
excuse not to be with me, she stated how long we've known each
other. I felt relieved. She's starting to see this as a real
relationship, no matter how much she tells herself and me its

I caress
her ass bringing it against my throbbing cock. Such perfection in
the palms of my hands. I moan when she kisses me back running her
fingers through my hair. Knowing this will only be her second time
is the only thing holding me back from taking her. I unzip the back
of her dress pulling down the material exposing her chest. Licking
and nibbling between her breast I hear her moan and I pull down her
lacy bra, taking one deliciously pink nipple into my mouth. She
grinds herself against me and I push against her, fueled by her
panting and loving every second.

I lower
my hands back to her butt pushing her up with my hands so I have
access to her moist heat. I feel her dampness through her underwear
as I trace the lace with my fingertips. I pull the material to the
side and stroke her cleft, paying close attention to her sensitive

"I want
you so bad." I moan, closing my eyes and trying to control my

I kiss
and play with her body until we reach the streets close to my
building. I start to put her dress back on her and our eyes meet.
"The second we get home, you're mine." I tell her, lust dripping
off of every word. She nods and moves off my lap. She pulls down
her hem and sits next to me. I hear her uneven breathing and if
possible my loins tighten even more.

When the
car stops, I don't even care about the group of paparazzi. As I
open the door to Dave and Ronan and help Eva out. The flashes of
the cameras startle Eva and I tug her along with me. Inside the
building I feel like picking her up and tossing her over my
shoulder, thinking it will get us to my condo faster. I step on the
elevator with Eva still in my arms. Before they close I wave Ronan
and Dave off and they nod in understanding.

We don't
speak on the ride up and I can feel the sexual tension between us.
As soon as the doors open and we step off I kiss her hungrily.
Pushing her against the door I reach over placing my thumb on the
pad, hearing the door unlock I turn the handle. I shut the door
behind us, unzipping her dress. She takes it off her shoulders and
I take my jacket off and work on my shirt still kissing her. When
our naked bodies meet I sigh and pull at my belt and pants. I kick
off my shoes, my pants, and my briefs follow. I unhook Eva's bra
and slide her underwear off. Picking her up she wraps her legs
around my waist and I walk to our bedroom. I lay her on the bed and
enter her feeling her slick tight passage and she moans my name. I
lose control and move swiftly, riding her hard and fast. I feel her
tightening around me and I come apart as she cries out is ecstasy.
I slump on top of her, not yet wanting to leave her body, enjoying
the feeling of her surrounding me.



I wake up
alone with the sun streaming into the room, not my favorite way to
wake up. I'm going to have to insist that Ruxin gets curtains or
shades. I stretch thinking of Ruxin he must be at work already,
which I desperately need to find. Throwing the covers back I see
that its already 10:30 a.m. I go to the bathroom and run the water
for the shower. I try thinking of what to do to find work while the
spray wakes me up. I don't know all the places Ruxin owns, but I
know I don't want to work for him. Maybe William can tell me where
to apply.

showering I brush my teeth and I throw on underwear and a tank top
to walk to the kitchen. I need coffee before I talk to anyone. I
see the coffee pot is already turned on. Just as I lift the lid I
hear someone clear their throat from behind me. Jumping I turn
seeing Ronan standing at the entryway. "Sorry, I didn't mean to
scare you." He apologizes.

With my
hand on my chest, I try to calm my racing heart. "Its okay. I just
didn't think Ruxin was still here."

not. I'm assigned to you."

I tense
at his words. "You mean you're babysitting me?" I ask

"Protecting you." He corrects. I turn back to the coffee
maker. "Do you have any plans today?" He asks.

"Why? So
you can run and tell your boss?" I mutter to myself. Did I mention
I'm not a morning person? I finish brewing my coffee. I don't like
the idea of someone following me around, even if it is for
protection. Mainly, I don't want to feel monitored by Ruxin. If he
knows I'm out looking for a job he'll put a stop to it before my
search even starts.

"Did you
have plans to leave the building today?" He asks again.

"Yes, I
did." I reply.


"I don't
know yet. I need to talk to my father." I answer, picking up my cup
of coffee. I walk past Ronan and go back to the bedroom for my
purse. I take out my phone dialing Williams number. It rings four
times before it goes to voicemail. Obviously, he's working and I
leave a message asking him to call me.

Where won't Ruxin have any power to fire me or keep me from
working? A school, but nothing is hiring, I've exhausted my search
in that area. A competitor would be the only option, every business
man has a competitor. I just have to find out who Ruxin is up
against in the corporate word. Going to a search engine on my phone
I try and find anything on Ruxin's competition. There's a long list
of corporations he's apart of, but nothing stating a rival
corporation. I think William is going to be the only one that can
possibly guide me down the right path. Sitting on the bed I finish
my coffee and realize I didn't put pants on. I decide before I make
my next cup to steal a pair of Ruxin's briefs. Dressed more
appropriately, I walk to the kitchen and find Ronan behind the
kitchen island, sitting on one of the stools staring at the

watches me as I make another cup. I know he wants to know what I'm
doing. I sigh, "Can I ask you something?"


"Who is
considered Ruxin's enemy or rival in business?"

He looks
a little confused, but answers, "Sterling Corporation. They're
always bidding against each other in business deals or fighting
over real-estate."

I nod.

welcome." he replies, somewhat suspiciously.

going to get dressed." I say, going back to the room. I find the
blue dress from last night on the floor. There are a few wrinkles,
but it will have to do. I pick it up and place it on the bed and go
back to the bathroom. I blow dry my hair and put my makeup on,
pulling my hair into a low ponytail. I walk back to the bed and get
dressed. I leave the room looking for my shoes. I see one in the
living room and the other is by the door. I slip them on and lookup
the address to the Sterling Corporation. I don't know what I think
I'm going to do with the information. Maybe ask to speak to someone
in Human Resources and ask for an interview. I feel like this is
pointless, but I have to try. If I don't get past security I can
always try going into some small family owned business and ask if
they're hiring.

All I
know is I have to give it a shot, even if it doesn't lead anywhere.
"I'm ready." I tell Ronan. He looks at me taking in my dress. I
don't want to tell him I'm going on a job hunt, so I don't

are we going?"

1st and 3rd." I answer, not looking at him.

"Should I
tell Mr. Novak your coming to see him?"

I pause.
That's where his office is? Well that's a good cover.

"No." I
reply, casually.

I turn
and walk to the door. I hear Ronan talking on his phone briefly,
but I don't catch a word of what was said. I go to the elevator and
hit the down arrow, as Ronan walks up behind me.

we're in the lobby I know I'm about to be ambushed by the media. I
know the car is waiting and all I have to do is keep my head down
and keep moving. I take a deep breath, but the panic that comes
with knowing you have to do something you rather run from, hits me
like a sack of bricks. Its the same feeling I got when I had to
take public speaking in college. My throat squeezing shut and my
knees knocking together. Ronan opens the door and I rush ahead. I
hear my name called out and feel Ronan guiding me while protecting
me with his large body. I leap into the backseat of the SUV and
take a calming breath as Ronan gets in beside me and shuts the

"Are you
okay?" He asks. I can't talk, so I nod my head yes.

I'm quiet
the whole drive and when we pull over I still feel my hands
shaking. I know I have to get out, but I feel stuck. I hear Ronan
leave and try and pull myself together. With my hands still
trembling I open the slightly only to have it opened all the way
for me. Surprised, I see Ronan. "Don't ever open the door. Wait for
me to do it for you." He orders.

I reply. Realizing if there we're reporters I would have walked
right into them. I look around and don't see anyone. I sigh in
relief and walk to the tall glass building. The huge lobby is busy
with people in suits and ties. I look around wow, this is New York.
I'm so far out of my league. I don't know the first thing to do
there's no signs telling me what to do.

Novak's office in on the top floor." Ronan tells me when all I do
is stand there looking around.

"Um, I'm
not here to see him." I admit.

"Why are
we here then?"

I shake
my head. "I had a stupid idea that I'd come here and try to get a
job at the Sterling Corporation. That way Ruxin couldn't fire me
like he did after finding out I got a job at Gulliver's." I
explain, feeling like a idiot. If I needed a resume and drug test
to work a Gulliver's, I can't imagine the hoops I'd have to jump
through to get hired here.

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