Read Double Coverage Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Double Coverage (41 page)

Ryker’s face turned into a bright smile at the compliment Hannah tossed his way.

“And that’s a surprise to you?” Ryker joked.

Hannah quirked her eyebrow at him, but kept flipping through the pictures. He actually looked pretty good, if he did say so himself. The colors in C.C. Morris’ fall line were incredible; Ryker was in love and he was luckily able to keep the bomber jacket that he instantly fell in love with, as well as pretty much everything that touched his body that day…except for Ashlin.

“These are great, Ryker. They totally picked…” Hannah paused for a second and then looked up at Ryker. “Oh.”

Ryker shuffled his body so he was standing over Hannah’s shoulder. The minute he looked over her tiny shoulder, he saw Ashlin’s scantily clad ass propped in the air, her bare back and Ryker’s hand gripping her lithe little body with a look of pure desire in his eyes. Shit, that was erotic.

Ryker cleared his throat and quickly took the pictures away from Hannah before she could look at any more of them.

“The other ones don’t really matter. But you liked the fall line? How about that jacket?” Ryker asked, trying to change the subject and hopefully get the image of Ryker squeezing Ashlin’s ass out of Hannah’s head.

“Why do you do that?” Hannah asked, with one hand on her hip.

“Do what, Boo?”

“Act like I can’t handle seeing you and Ashlin together? I can; you two look really good together. I think you should go for it.”

Ryker rolled his eyes. “Please, Hannah, let’s not start this. We were having such a good time.”

“You were the one who took the pictures away. I want to see them.”

Frustrated, Ryker threw the pictures on the table and said, “Fine, look at them. I don’t care.”

Hannah picked up the pictures and started looking through them again. “You don’t have to be a child about it. We’re all grownups here.” Hannah flipped through the pictures, studying each one intently, making Ryker squirm in his seat. Finally, when she finished, she set them on the table, looked at Ryker, gave him a quick smile, and then turned to the bar.

Oh, hell no.

Ryker caught up to her and turned her around quickly, so she was looking him in the eyes. Tears welled up in the beautiful light blue pools, making his heart break in half.

“What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and said, “It’s so stupid.”

“Nothing you think is stupid. Please tell me.”

Hannah let out a long breath and then looked Ryker in the eyes. “I know I have no right saying this because I am with Todd and nothing will come of you and me…”

“That’s not…”

“Please Ryker, let me finish.” Ryker nodded for her to continue. “It’s just that, in those pictures, you’re looking at Ashlin as if she is the only woman in the world that you want, that no one else will even compare, and that makes me sad because I thought I was the only one that you looked at like that. I guess I was wrong, which is fine because, like I said, I’m with Todd. What’s going on in my head is so screwed up.”

“But, you don’t get it,” Ryker tried to counter.

“No, Ryker, I get it. You’re a player and that is why I am with Todd because I know when I come home, I can rely on the fact that he will be there waiting for me.”

“More like you waiting for him,” Ryker muttered.

“What did you say?”

“Oh, come on, Hannah, who are you kidding? Todd will never be there for you the way that I will be. I can give you so much more than he can.”

“Oh, and what’s that? Anxiety over whether or not you’re cheating on me?” Fire flamed in her eyes and Ryker was so confused as to why Hannah had all of a sudden flipped a switch and turned into a nasty bitch.

“What is your problem?” Ryker shot back. “We were having a nice time before you looked at those pictures. I told you not to look at them and now you’re pissed at me, even though we aren’t in a relationship. Jesus, this is so fucked-up Hannah. You’re acting like my jealous girlfriend, yet we aren’t in a relationship because, if we were, you can bet your ass I’d be spending time with you in my bed and not at a bar.”

“That’s all I am to you, isn’t it? Just another notch on your belt.”

“Fucking Christ on a cracker. You are psychotic.”

“You are…you are…” Hannah looked around and then said, “You’re a fucking ass.” Then she walked away, while throwing the towel that was in her hand on the bar. “Stay away from me, Ryker. I don’t need your toxic energy surrounding me. Go torture another girl; I’m sure there are others just waiting in line to be with you. Oh hey, I heard Ashlin is available.”

She closed the door to the back room and Ryker stood there, stunned. Hannah never swore, ever. She didn’t believe in it but he just caused her to go against her beliefs. Hearing the harsh words out of Hannah’s mouth felt like daggers piercing his heart. Normally, such a comment wouldn’t bother him coming from someone else, but from Hannah it was a giant slap in the face that coursed through his body. Fuck. The moment he thought things were normal between them, he goes and screws them up again. Maybe he should take her advice and just be with Ashlin. At least he knew he would be getting some hot fucking action with Ashlin and he wouldn’t have to deal with the hot and cold torture Hannah was giving him.


Hannah sat down on the crate box that was in the back room. She breathed heavily as her hands held her head in disgust. Why did she just swear like a sailor at Ryker and totally lose her cool? All she knew was, the moment she saw Ryker gripping Ashlin in such a provocative way, her vision turned red and she wanted to hurt Ryker; she wanted to hurt him for the way she was hurting.

She hurt because her boyfriend was…nowhere to be found in their relationship. The guy that showed interest in her was now groping other women and completely unavailable in her eyes, and all she wanted to do was throw herself into Ryker’s arms because she knew he would give her more comfort than Todd ever could, but she couldn’t trust Ryker the way she trusted Todd.

Todd might not be around as much, but she knew that when he was gone, he was faithful. He made sure to call her, send her gifts and show her as much love as possible when he wasn’t around. Ryker had women throwing themselves at him all the time and now was in a very heavy sexual campaign with one of the hottest girls in the country. How was she supposed to trust the fact that he wasn’t getting frisky with Ashlin? And why did she care?

Ugh, she wanted to slap herself across the face and wake herself up. She was only thinking crazy thoughts because she hadn’t seen Todd in a while and she was looking for comfort in other forms. If anyone should be called names, it should be her. She was the one who was bordering the line of being unfaithful. She hadn’t done anything unfaithful, but she did have thoughts. But that was normal for any red-blooded human being, right?

Disgusted with herself, she stood up, brushed off her apron, and went back to work. Luckily, when she returned, Ryker was gone but there was a note with a twenty to cover the cost of his drink that was next to the register. Hannah opened the note and felt even more awful.


I’m sorry for upsetting you. I don’t know what you want, but if you really want me to back off so you can be happy, then I will.


Why did life have to be so difficult?


Game day. Mason was pumped. He kicked ass this past week at practice, wanting to shove Jax’s face in his own stupidity for taking Mason out last week. Plus, Mason was pumped for Piper to watch him play in person. Mason hooked her up with seats on the fifty yard line, on his side a couple rows back from ground level. Any beer-guzzling, belly-painting die-hard Stallions fan would give his left nut and first two children for the seats Mason secured for Piper.

He was feeling great, better then great, he felt like he was twenty-one again without a worry or care about whether or not he was tackled wrong. He was primed and ready. Jesse and he connected all week on the practice field, reading off of each other and pulling plays out of their asses that they didn’t even know existed. They shut Jax right up all week, which was almost as gratifying as Mason stealing Piper away from him.

Even though he had yet to confirm her break up with Jax, Mason was feeling confident about his ability to win Piper over. He had never stopped talking to her all week, telling her how much he cared for her, how beautiful she was, and how much he wanted her and needed her. He knew he was destroying the bad-boy image he’d made for himself, but Piper weakened him; she made him turn into complete Jell-O.

The game started and Mason took off as if he had a jet-pack strapped to his back. He caught every single pass Jesse threw his way. It was as if his hands were magnets and the ball was made of steel.

“Dude, you are on fucking fire right now,” Ryker said, while clasping him on the back.

“Thanks, bro. I feel awesome.” Mason turned around to look into the stands, but he didn’t see Piper; he didn’t let it deter him though…she might be in the bathroom. But every time he turned around during the game to see if she was watching, the seats he gave her were empty. Slowly, his confidence started to waver and it started to affect his game.

“Dashel, get your head in the game and stop scouting for possible hook-ups in the stands,” Jax shouted at him. “We need your head on the field…not in the clouds.”

Mason’s middle finger itched to show Jax just how he felt, but he knew he couldn’t. He knew if he showed any kind of distaste for his coach, he could get in trouble and give Jax some more fodder to not play him and hell if Mason was going to let that happen.

The rest of the game, Mason put in the same effort that he did at the beginning of the game and helped his team squeak out their first win of the pre-season. The win was bitter-sweet because Piper wasn’t there to enjoy his win with him. He tried to not think about what her absence meant, but it was hard to not worry that it was her trying to tell him that she chose someone else, that she chose Jax.

Mason sat on the stool in his locker room and tried to ignore the media that was making their way around the room looking for interviews. They had Jax cornered and the damn prick was taking all the spotlight when, in fact, Jax wasn’t the one who was making the plays out on the field. It made Mason despise the man even more.

“Your men were great on the field today. What did you change from last weekend?” someone from the press asked Jax.

“Well, we worked hard this past week and concentrated on making accurate throws and catches. I think the extra practice and time with each other really made the men connect this week.”

“Does it have anything to do with the fact that Mason Dashel played this weekend?”

Mason leaned in to hear Jax’s response because Mason sure as hell knew that he was a main contributor to the game today and Mason wanted to see if Jax could admit it.

“Dashel was spectacular today. He really showed everyone why he is a fan favorite and possible future hall of famer.”

Mason sat back by his locker, stunned. Even though he hated the man, Mason had to give him credit for setting aside their differences and calling it like he saw it. Maybe he wasn’t the biggest shithead Mason had ever met.

“Well, congrats coach on your win and hey, congrats on your engagement as well.”

Mason’s head shot up as he stared Jax down. Jax just smiled, eyed Mason, and walked away. Did the reporter just say engagement? No fucking way, no God damn fucking way!

Mason threw his helmet in his locker and took off to find Ryker. He needed someone to tell him it wasn’t true. There was no way in hell Piper was engaged to Jax; it couldn’t be true. Fear pricked at the back of his neck as clues started to connect with each other. Piper was very short with him in her text messages; she wasn’t at the bar all week and she didn’t show up at the game. Jax was actually complimenting Mason and admitted to Mason being a contributor to their win. Was it because Jax felt bad for him? Fucking shit.

Ryker was in the shower and Mason spun him around so they were eye to eye.

“Dude, what the fuck man? I know we are close and all, but I kind of like to keep some things a secret between us,” Ryker said, while cupping his hands in front of his junk.

“Quit the bullshit man and tell me the truth.”

Ryker looked around and so did Mason. They were causing a scene in the showers and all the guys on the team were staring at them, judging them, but Mason didn’t give a shit.

“Dude, this so does not look good. Can we finish this when I am not naked and wet and you don’t have death in your eyes?”

“Is Jax engaged to Piper?”

Ryker’s face registered total shock. “What?! Fuck, I have no clue. Where did you hear that from?”

“The reporter said…”

“He is,” confirmed one of the offensive linemen. “This morning, he asked.”

Mason spun around to look at the man who just delivered Mason the worst news of his life. What the hell?

“How do you know? Who fucking told you?”

“Jesus? You in love with Jax?” The guys all laughed and Mason tore out of the showers, even though Ryker was calling his name. He didn’t want to deal with anyone right now. Pure rage coursed through his body as he dug around in his locker, looking for his phone. He needed his phone. He sent a much needed text.

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