Read Double Coverage Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Double Coverage (36 page)

“Are you still going to see him?” Mason spoke with a firm tone.

Piper sighed and looked him in the eyes. “You know I am, why do you even ask?”

“Because I want you for myself,” Mason raised his voice, making Piper jump.

She pulled away, but he pulled her right back into his chest. “Don’t ruin this Mason, don’t start a fight now. I asked you to give me some time, so please respect that. I promise I will make a decision soon, but I just need some time to think.”

“Fine.” Mason kissed her cheek. “I’m not happy about it, but I don’t want to lose you either. I swear, though, if you sleep with him, I won’t be able to forgive that. I will not share my woman in the bedroom. I don’t want to share her at any time, but especially not in the bedroom. Do you understand me?”

The tone of Mason’s voice meant he was not kidding. She nodded in agreement because she didn’t want to lose a chance with Mason by sleeping with Jax. If Mason was the one she was meant to be with, she didn’t want to ruin it because she messed around. Then again, she thought about it and Jax was her boyfriend, the guy she loved, how was she supposed to just turn off her hormones around him?

Mason must have seen her pondering his statement because he jerked her head so he was staring her in the eyes. “I am dead fucking serious Piper. If I find out you slept with him, it’s over.”

“Okay!” Her statement came out harsher than she wanted it to, but she was annoyed…annoyed with herself, annoyed with the situation she was in, and annoyed with Mason for making things so damn difficult. If only he’d kept his distance, then she wouldn’t be in this predicament. If only he stayed an ass and didn’t show the soft side of him, the side that Lexi always spoke of, then life would be easier. She would be waking up next to Jax right now, not Mason.

Mason was about to say something when there was a knock at his door.

“Expecting someone?” Piper asked.

Mason frowned. “No. Maybe it’s Jake wanting to go to the stadium together.”

Mason got up and told Piper to stay in bed while he answered the door. As much as she wanted to stay, she knew she needed to get going and get the hell out of Mason’s web he’d tangled her in. She needed to clear her mind.

Piper got out of bed and grabbed her clothes that were folded on top of Mason’s dresser. She caught a glimpse of herself in his mirror that sat above his dresser and she took note of her appearance. She looked…happy, surprisingly. She looked tiny in Mason’s shirt, since he was so much bigger than she was, but it fit her in an odd way. Her hair was disheveled, like always, but her face was smiling; she didn’t even realize it. The worry lines that crowded her forehead recently were gone and the bags that took up residence under her eyes were not present. She looked well-rested and satisfied and it was at that moment that she realized she belonged with Mason. Even though it was going to be difficult, she belonged with him. He made her sparkle, a trait she never considered herself to have before…ever. Piper smiled into the mirror and took off into the living room to kiss Mason for what he gave her, for how he transformed her.

When she reached the living room, she stopped in her tracks. Wrapped around Mason and clawing at his body, was Brooke. Mason’s back was to Piper, so he couldn’t see her, but Piper could see that Mason’s back was tense and rigid from having Brooke wrapped around him, most likely not by his choice.

“What the fuck?” Brooke shouted, once she made eye contact with Piper. “I knew it. I knew I couldn’t trust you the moment I met you.”

Brooke released herself from Mason and Mason turned around quickly to see Piper standing in the entrance of the living room off his hallway. His face was full of shock and anger. He went to say something, but Brooke cut him off.

“Who the hell do you think you are, coming in here when you already have a boyfriend and trying to be with someone else’s man? I’m sure Jax would be very happy to know that you’re fooling around with his starting wide receiver.”

“Brooke, get the fuck out of here. I told you I want nothing to do with you.”

Brooke turned on Mason and pointed her finger at him. “You don’t mean that and I know it. I know the way you look at me, the way you touch me and the way your dick gets excited when I’m around. Don’t act like I didn’t feel it last night. I’m supposed to be with you and, once you realize that fire crotch is not what you want, I’ll be waiting at your side, to take your hand in marriage like we were supposed to.” Brooke spun on her heel and headed out the door, but not before she grabbed Mason and pulled him down for a knee-buckling kiss.

Piper watched Mason intently when his lips were on Brooke’s and she was happy to see that he didn’t engage in her lip lock. He also seemed very angry. He pulled away and wiped his mouth as Brooke walked out the door. Mason slammed the door shut and ran his hands through his hair. The tension radiating off of him was almost suffocating. He finally looked up at Piper and worry ran through his eyes.


“Don’t,” Piper said. She walked up to him, grabbed his head and matched her lips to his. She poured every ounce of emotion into her kiss. If her reflection in the mirror didn’t solidify her decision of being with Mason, then seeing Brooke hanging all over Mason did. She didn’t want to lose Mason; it wasn’t an option.

Mason pulled away and looked at her in confusion. “I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t know she was coming over. Please, you have to believe me.”

Piper placed her finger over Mason’s lips to silence him. “I know, Mace.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I’m positive.” She smiled at him, making him smile back, showing off his beautiful, mouthwatering grin. “Mace?”


“I want to be with you.”

Pure shock and astonishment crossed Mason’s face. “You what?”

“I want to be with you. I want to make this work.”

“You’re not kidding with me right now?”

She kissed him on the lips again and he lifted her up by her butt and twirled her around. “Jesus, please tell me you’re serious.”

“I’m serious,” Piper said with a smile that was permanently plastered across her face.

“Thank fuck!” Mason threw Piper on his couch and straddled her. “Baby, I can’t even tell you how happy you have made me right now. Jesus.” Mason ran his hands over his face and then looked at Piper again. Utter joy radiated from him, making Piper smile even more. It was as if someone told him he won the lottery.

He hovered over her, giving Piper a great view of his toned and tattooed body. He was irresistible. Piper couldn’t blame Brooke for wanting to come back to him. Piper had the same problem fighting off the man. He was too good to be true and, even though he was too alpha male for her most of the time, for some odd reason, it turned her on. He was strong and confident, yet sweet and understanding at the same time. He was what she needed.

“Give me a little bit more time, Mason, but my heart belongs to you and you alone. You make me happy…oddly enough.”

Mason chuckled at her reference to their fights. “I can give you time, as long as I know you’re mine.”

“I’m yours, Mason. I’m all yours.”

Mason shook his head. “Never thought I would hear you say those words. That is, by far, the greatest thing I have ever heard to date. You have made my day, babe.” Mason looked at the clock and swore. “Perfect timing. I have to get to the stadium. Will you come here tonight?”

Piper thought about it for a second. “I’m not sure. I’ll let you know.”

“Don’t go to him,” Mason said in an agitated tone.

“I’m not going to. Like I said, give me some time, Mason. It will be worth it, I promise. Just know that my heart is with you, alright?”

“Alright…” Mason said uneasily.

“Trust me?”

“Yes. Just please come back to me. I need you Piper. I can’t live without you. I can’t tell you how you’ve changed my life. Please promise me you’ll come back to me when you’re ready.”

“I promise, Mason.”

Mason smiled brightly at her, captured her mouth with his and showed her how much she meant to him. He was such a stark contrast to his exterior. He was rough and harsh on the outside, oozing male ego, but deep down inside, he was caring, sweet and kind. She could get used to this grizzly bear of a man; all she had to do was break if off with Jax.

How the hell was she going to break up with a man she loved?


Mason adjusted his jock strap just before he laced up his pants. He had an amazing warm-up and he knew it was because Piper had given him the most amazing news this morning. Never in a millions years did he think she was going to concede to be with him so suddenly. He, for sure, thought it was going to take a lot more coaxing, but she must have felt the same pull he felt when he was around her.

He hated leaving her, but he knew if he didn’t get his ass to the field for warm ups, he was putting a huge “X” on his back for Jax to fire at and he didn’t need that, especially since Mason was stealing Jax’s woman.

Pure satisfaction spread across his face at the thought of Piper finally breaking it off with Sir Douche-a-lot. Mason had no clue what she saw in the guy in the first place, but he wasn’t going to hold it against her because, obviously, she had good taste in men in the end by choosing to be with Mason. Her words from earlier, stating she wanted to be with him, still floated through his head. All he wanted to do was go back home and hold her, but he knew she wasn’t going to be there, which was disappointing, but she was worth the wait.

Mason adjusted his shoulder pads so they were secured in place. The last thing he needed was to get hurt in the first pre-season game of the year. He grabbed his jersey and put it over his head, but then turned to Ryker for help.

“Ryke, a little assistance, please.”

“Sure, but first are you going to tell me why you have that shit-eating grin on your face? Does it have something to do with Piper? Because, if it doesn’t, then something definitely crawled up Coach Ryan’s ass. He’s in one hell of a mood this morning.”

“Isn’t it great?” Mason said, still smiling.

Ryker punched Mason in the arm. “Dude, please tell me you got some last night, so at least we all know it was worth putting Jax in a shitty mood.”

Mason grimaced. Jax was being a giant dick today and his attitude could be taken as first game nerves, but Mason knew what the real reason was. It was because Piper didn’t spend the night in Jax’s arms. Instead, she spent the night in Mason’s arms and, damn, was it good.

“We talked last night.”

“Jesus!” Ryker said, as he finished pulling down Mason’s Jersey for him. “When did you turn into a pussy?”

“Fuck you, man. You have no clue what I’ve been through with her. Last night was monumental because, this morning, she told me that she wants to be with me. So you can shove it up your dick.”

Ryker falsely shivered. “Ooo, sensitive too today. Better not let the other team know or they’re going to take you out.”

“Doubt it, dick stick. I’m feeling fan-fucking-tastic today and no one can change that.”

The guys finished getting ready and headed through the tunnel that led out to the field. The announcer was calling out the opposing team as fans booed. Mason smiled to himself, wondering what Jake might be thinking right now. Stallion fans took no prisoners and showed no mercy where the opposing team was concerned, one thing Mason loved about his team.

Fog started to billow in the tunnel and their walk-out music blared through the speakers that surrounded the field. Pre-game goose bumps scattered over Mason’s arms. No matter what game was at stake, whether it was a playoff game or a pre-season game, he always had the same reaction before every game: nerves, excitement and feeling blessed. He was blessed for so many reasons, Piper being one of them, but he was blessed to be able to play the sport he loved for a living.

The team took off for the field once they were announced. Mason ran out on the field and felt the vibration of the crowd’s excitement. This was going to be a good day.

The Stallions lost the coin toss and the Thunder chose to kick the ball now, so they received the return after half time. Mason put his helmet on in preparation for running out on the field once the ball was returned. The Thunder kicked the ball and their kick returner, Maverick, took off with the ball in his hands. The crowd was roaring as Maverick dodged tackles and came up short at the opposing team’s forty yard line, good return.

Mason sprinted out on the field while snapping his chin strap into place. Jesse, their quarterback, huddled the offense on the field to deliver the play relayed from Jax.

“Blue forty.” He looked directly at Mason. “Coming to you, man; catch the fucking thing and start the season off right.”

“Throw it where it needs to be and there won’t be a problem.”

The two players exchanged grins and then clapped their hands to break their huddle. Mason got into position and stared down the opposing tackle. Mason had a couple inches on the guy and maybe a couple more pounds, this was going to be easy.

Jesse called out the play and then hiked the ball, giving Mason the cue to take off. Mason sprinted straight forward, then hooked to his left to find the ball sailing in his direction. Mason tracked the ball all the way in and was just about to catch it, when the corner back grabbed Mason’s arms and pulled them down, making a deliberate show of pass interference. They both fell to the ground and the ball dropped into the arms of the opposing team to gain a twenty yard interception.

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