Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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“A little,” Ryder admits.

“I'll see you later?” Xander murmurs.

Ryder nods. “Yep.”

Xander stares at him for a moment before pulling Ryder into a hug. Ryder’s a little stunned at first but then relaxes against Xander and wraps his arms around him. Ryder sighs and tucks his face into Xander's neck. God, he hasn't realized how badly he’s needed some comfort. He's been so lonely for what seems like forever. Not that he’s ever really alone since he lives with the four other guys. But still, he hasn't appreciated it until that moment how badly he needed it.

“Everything is gonna be fine; you know that, right?” Xander asks softly, stroking the back of Ryder's head.

Ryder nods against his neck. “I know,” he whispers.

They hug for a moment longer before Xander gently extracts himself. “We can do more cuddling later, too; you really seem to need it,” Xander murmurs with a wry smile.

Ryder flushes slightly. “It's been a long time since I've been in someone else's arms.”

Xander nods. “I know. Call me when you're on your way over.”

Ryder nods and watches as Xander leaves. Damn, the man has the sexiest walk that he's ever seen. And the nicest ass, too. His dress pants really show it off. Ryder sighs heavily and scrubs his face with his hands. He feels so much better now that he's told Xander. He'll talk with him some more later, then maybe he’ll tell the guys. Vance already knows, but he doesn't think that any of the other guys have a clue.

Ryder arrives at Xander’s apartment at around 7:00 pm. He’s never been to Xander's before, and he’s been curious as to what it will look like. Xander is a very put together kind of guy, so he suspects that his apartment will be the same way. Ryder knocks on the door and nervously waits until Xander opens it a few seconds later. He changed his clothes and is now wearing a pair of dark jeans and a light yellow polo shirt. His feet are bare and his hair is damp, obviously just having taken a shower.

Xander smiles. “Hey, Ryder, come in,” he says and moves aside.

Ryder walks in and Xander shuts the door behind him. Ryder looks around; he was correct. The place is neat and clean and smells great. It’s nothing like the house he lives in with his friends. Yeah, they keep the place mostly clean, but it’s a bachelor pad, and there always seems to be something or somebody laying around. Mike is the main culprit, lazy motherfucker. Mike hates cleaning with a passion.

“Nice place, Xan,” Ryder says, impressed.

“Thanks,” Xander replies and starts for the kitchen, which is just on the other side of a large peninsula countertop. “You want a drink?”

“Sure, what do you have?” Ryder asks and follows him. He sits on one of the stools at the counter.

“Beer, wine, hard liquor, whatever you want,” Xander says and chuckles.

“A beer is fine,” Ryder replies and watches Xander as he opens the fridge and pulls out a beer. Damn, he is sexy. Just the way his body moves is so smooth and effortless. Someone his size shouldn’t be so graceful.

It’s kind of weird to be there, in his best friend's brother's apartment. Ryder has known Xander pretty much his whole life.  He has watched him grow up really, with Xander being about seven years younger than they are. And now, here Ryder is, physically attracted to him and wanting to talk to him about being gay.

Xander opens a bottle of beer and hands it to him, then opens one for himself. They clink bottles, both murmur, “salud,” then sip their beers.

“So when are you gonna tell the guys?” Xander asks.

Ryder shrugs. “Maybe tonight, after I leave here. I think your brother already knows, though.” He smirks.

Xander laughs. “Yeah, he knows, but he's had practice detecting that kind of thing with me.”

Ryder smiles. “I figured.”

They stare at each other for a moment, searching each other's eyes.

“I've been waiting for you to come out, you know?” Xander asks softly, his eyes holding some kind of emotion that Ryder can't exactly identify.

Ryder tilts his head curiously. “You have?”

Xander nods, his eyes never leaving Ryder's. “I've been attracted to you for a long fucking time,” he says with a breathy laugh and rakes a hand through his hair. “A long fucking time,” he mutters, shaking his head and breaking their eye contact.

Ryder's breath catches; he had no idea. “What if I wasn't gay?” he asks, eyes wide.

Xander shrugs. “But you are,” he retorts then sips his beer.

“So, what do you plan on doing about this attraction?” Ryder asks bravely, his heart racing.

Xander chuckles and slips off his stool. He turns Ryder to face him, pushes his knees apart, and steps between them. “I plan on doing a lot of things,” he rasps, sliding his hands up Ryder's thighs.

Ryder swallows hard and stares into the light blue eyes in front of him then pulls in a shaky breath. He’s already hard and all Xander did was run his hands up his thighs. Xander smiles, and it’s a seductive smile that has Ryder's cock twitching. Xander's hands come up to cup Ryder's face just before he leans in and kisses him.

Ryder moans softly and wraps his arms around Xander's waist. Yes, this is so right. This is exactly what he's been yearning for. There is just something about being with a man that turns Ryder's blood to fire. And damn, Xander can kiss. That just helps Ryder confirm what he has been feeling, that he is in fact gay. 

“How old were you your first time?” Ryder pants after ending their first kiss with a couple of pecks.

“Sixteen.” Xander smiles.

“You've only been with men?” Ryder asks.

“I was with one girl, just to make sure that I really was gay. And let me tell you, I am 100%, without a doubt, gay. She did nothing for me; in fact, I could barely get hard. Thank God she was my friend, so it wasn't too embarrassing.”

“That's what happened to me the last time I tried to be with a woman. Only she wasn't my friend, and it was completely humiliating,” Ryder says dryly.

“Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore,” Xander whispers against Ryder's lips then kisses him soundly.

They somehow end up on the couch; Ryder isn't even sure how they got there. Xander is on top of him, kissing him passionately. Ryder slides his hands down to Xander's ass and gives it a squeeze. Xander rears back slightly, just far enough to pull his shirt over his head then yanks off Ryder's as well. One side of Xander's mouth lifts in a cocky smirk. His fingers find Ryder's nipple rings and pull on them slightly. Ryder's lips part as his back arches off the couch.

“Oh, I definitely like these,” Xander murmurs then leans down to take one in his mouth, where he swirls his tongue around then nips at it with his teeth.

Ryder cries out and grips Xander's hair, unsure if he wants to push him away or hold him in place. Xander, the bastard, chuckles. He then moves on to the other one, doing the same thing. After torturing Ryder's nipples, Xander starts slowly kissing and licking his way down Ryder's body. Ryder is panting heavily at just the thought of where Xander is heading.

Xander tugs one side of Ryder's jeans down and starts tracing the Harley tattoo with his tongue that Ryder has on his hip. Ryder hisses out a breath and shoves his hands into his own hair. Ryder glances down to see that Xander is watching him, and it’s sexy as shit.

“You ready for more?” Xander asks, his voice husky.

“Fuck, yes,” Ryder moans.

Xander growls and starts unbuckling Ryder's belt then unzips his jeans. Xander stands and pulls off Ryder's jeans and boxers in one shot then looks Ryder over with hungry eyes. Ryder groans when he sees him lick his lips. Xander moves to get back onto the couch but Ryder stops him.

“Wait, I want you naked, too,” Ryder says.

A devilish grin curves Xander's lips. “Oh, you do? Well, you better get up and take my pants off then.”

Ryder sits up and scoots to the edge of the cushion. He then grabs Xander by his belt and pulls him between his knees. Xander watches every move with lust-filled eyes. Ryder makes quick work of Xander's belt and zipper then shoves them down to his ankles, where he kicks them aside. Ryder's eyes widen when he finally sees all of Xander.

“What the fuck, Xan? Do giant cocks run in your family?” Ryder says in awe.

Xander laughs. “Wouldn’t know, babe. I haven’t seen my brother’s cock in years.”

Living in a house full of guys, nudity is the norm. So Ryder has seen all of his friends naked at one time or another, and Vance has the biggest cock of them all. The man is a monster. Ryder never imagined that Vance's brother would be the same way. He figured that Vance was a fluke. Apparently not.

Xander cups Ryder's face with one hand and urges him closer. Ryder puts his hands on Xander's hips, but stops him from pulling him any closer.

“I've never done this before.” Ryder frowns.

Xander gives him a reassuring smile. “It's okay, Ryder. Just do whatever you like having done to yourself.”

Ryder swallows hard and nods.

“No matter what you do, it's gonna feel good.” Xander winks.

Ryder nods again then pulls Xander a little closer. Xander slides both of his hands into Ryder's hair, probably for encouragement. Ryder wraps his hand around the base of Xander's hard cock then wraps his mouth around its head. Xander sucks in a sharp breath, making Ryder a bit braver. Ryder does everything to Xander that he likes done to himself, and after a few minutes, Xander is shoving him away, forcing him to lie back on the couch. 

Xander is on top of him, panting heavily. “Fuck, Ryder, I don’t wanna come yet.”

Ryder smiles. “I did good?” he asks softly.

“Hell, yeah! You did really good. Now it's my turn.” Xander smirks and slides down Ryder's body.

Ryder's breath quickens in anticipation. “It's been a long time for me, Xan. I might not be able to last long,” he admits.

“It's okay, we'll get one out of the way because you will be coming again,” Xander growls then takes Ryder into his mouth.

Ryder cries out as he body bows off the couch. Xander grips his hips firmly, pushes him back down onto the couch, and holds him there. Ryder bites out a curse as his hips involuntarily buck. Xander presses down on his right hip with one hand while the other disappears. Ryder doesn't even think about that hand and where it’s going because he’s so caught up in what Xander is doing with his very talented mouth.

Ryder tenses when he feels Xander's finger find then start rubbing circles around the hole that will eventually be filled with Xander's gigantic cock. Either Xander doesn't notice that Ryder has tensed up, or he doesn't care, because he just keeps going. Shit, the thought of Xander fitting inside of him is making him nervous.

“Stop thinking,” Xander murmurs.

How did he know?

“Can't help it; you're gonna tear me up with that monster of yours,” Ryder pants.

Xander laughs and moves up to kiss Ryder on the lips. “Not if you're ready for me, and I'm gonna make sure that you're ready,” he says and slides his finger in an inch.

Ryder shouts in surprise, his eyes wide.

“It's gonna feel weird and uncomfortable at first, but believe me, those feelings will go away and you're gonna love it,” Xander assures him then moves back down to take Ryder back into his mouth.

As Xander continues sucking him, his finger moves in and out at the same pace. Ryder becomes overwhelmed with so many different sensations. Then Xander inserts a second finger, and Ryder groans at the invasion, not sure whether or not it feels good. But even with the conflicting thoughts, he can still feel his orgasm building.

“Xander, I'm close,” Ryder moans.

Xander's only acknowledgement that he hears him is that he picks up the pace.

“Oh god yes,” Ryder wheezes, his hips moving in time with Xander's movements.

Ryder's hands find Xander's hair, threading his fingers into it. Ryder lets out a strangled cry as he comes. His fingers tighten in Xander's hair as his head dings back into the couch cushion. Ryder's whole body jerks from the force of his orgasm. When Xander finally releases him, Ryder sags and groans. Xander climbs back up and kisses him.

“You taste good,” he purrs then gets up. “Be right back.”

Ryder just lies there, boneless, eyes closed. His chest heaves from the sheer force of his breathing. Holy shit, nothing has ever felt so good in his life. He's never been like this after being with a woman. Never. Xander comes back into the room a moment later, and Ryder opens his eyes to see that he has a bottle of lube.

“Have you been tested lately?” Xander asks, laying his body on top of Ryder's.

“I'm clean.” Ryder nods.

“Good, me, too. You approve of no condoms then?” Xander asks.

“Yeah,” Ryder murmurs then reaches up, pulling him down for a kiss.

Their kiss is tender but passionate; it seems to Ryder that there may be other emotions coming into play here. Is this going to be something serious between them? Because it doesn't feel like a fling. They already know each other really well. Ryder wasn’t thinking about a relationship with Xander when he walked into his office at the shop this afternoon, but now, he can't see not being in one with him. Ryder and Xander have always gotten along and have a lot of things in common; they are the more mellow, peacemaker ones in the group. The age difference isn't a concern, and he doesn't think the guys would disapprove.

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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