Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2) (18 page)

“And you just want to know what a guy looks like in person?” Mike asks, searching her eyes.

“I want to know what you look like,” she murmurs softly, and Mike nearly comes in his pants. She wants to see him naked; not just any guy, just him.

“Why me?” he asks. He has to know.

“Because I like you and I can't stop thinking about you,” Scarlett says so softly that Mike can barely hear her. Her face is beet red and he can see that she’s struggling with this conversation.

Mike stares at her, indecision pulling him in different directions. He absolutely wants to show her what a real man looks like in person. He would love to teach her everything there is to know about how to please a man, too. But she’s innocent, and he doesn't want to be the one to taint her. She’s 19, dammit!

Scarlett must sense his indecision because her big brown eyes lift to his. “Please, we don't have to do anything. I just want to see what you look like without clothes.”

Mike closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Your brothers are going to kill me,” he mutters before standing and holding out his hand to her.

Scarlett's eyes flash excitedly. She takes his hand and lets him lead her upstairs to his room. They hear Vance and Melina moaning as they walk by their door; no doubt about what they’re doing. Mike takes Scarlett into his room, shuts the door, and locks it. He takes her over to his bed and sits her on the end. He can’t believe what he’s about to do. He must be completely insane.

“I'm assuming you're a virgin also?” Mike asks, taking off his gun and holster.

Scarlett nods, looking nervous.

Mike puts his gun on the dresser then takes off his belt. His boots are next to go. He stands in front of her the whole time. He can't remember the last time he actually stripped like this in front of a woman. Usually both parties are taking off their clothes. Mike pulls his shirt out of his pants and unbuttons it. He shucks it, along with his undershirt, tossing them to the floor. His pants and socks follow.

Mike stands only a foot away from Scarlett in his just his black boxer-briefs, hard. Her eyes are blazing hot, and her body is humming with desire. She is turning him on something fierce. He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and waits for her to drag her eyes up to meet his.

“You ready?” Mike asks low and husky, barely recognizing his own voice.

Scarlett licks her lips and nods quickly. Mike takes a deep breath and prays for control. He pushes his underwear down, letting them fall to the floor, then kicks them aside. Scarlett gasps. He watches her as she stares at his junk. She has his dick’s undivided attention and it’s unapologetically hard.

Scarlett glances up at him quickly before returning her gaze to his cock. “Can I touch?” she whispers, licking her lips again.

Mike clenches his jaw and steps closer, their knees touching. He laces his fingers behind his head to stop himself from grabbing her, stripping her naked, and taking her virginity. He watches as she hesitantly reaches out to run her fingers down his cock, which involuntarily twitches, making her giggle.

“It's so smooth and soft but hard at the same time, it's crazy,” Scarlett murmurs, almost to herself as she runs her fingers over him again, then moves down to his balls, where she cups them gently, before moving back up his shaft.

Mike groans low and Scarlett snatches her hand back, her eyes snapping up to meet his. “Did I hurt you?” she asks.

Mike smiles and shakes his head. “Not the kind of pain you’re referring to, sweetheart.”

Scarlett flushes. “Oh.”

“You can keep touching me,” Mike rasps, his heavy-lidded gaze fixated on her cleavage.

“I can't believe I'm doing this,” Scarlett whispers. “This is so unlike me.”

Mike chuckles. “What can I say; I guess I just have that effect on you.”

Scarlett's eyes lock on his and Mike's heart skips a beat. “You do,” she murmurs softly, reaching out to touch him again.

Mike backs his hips up so that he’s out of her reach. Scarlett looks up at him, confused. Mike sighs. “You need to tell me where you think this is going to go. What are you looking for?”

Scarlett's big brown eyes blink innocently up at him. Shit, he is so screwed.  “I don't know.” Scarlett shrugs, blushing again.

“Do you only want to see me naked, or are you looking to go further?” Mike asks.

Scarlett opens and closes her mouth a couple of times before getting the words out. “At first, I really did only want to see you naked, but now that I have, I'm curious about other things,” she admits softly.

Mike drops his head back on his shoulders and takes a few deep breaths to try to calm himself. His control is teetering on the edge. “Scarlett, are you sure? You have to be sure,” he says, bringing his head back up to meet her gaze.

“I'm not sure if I want to have sex right now, but I’m sure about doing some other stuff,” Scarlett says.

“Why not find someone closer to your age?” Mike asks.

“Wouldn't it be better to have someone experienced show me how to do things the right way?” Scarlett asks, tilting her head slightly, as she regards him.

“I'm not sure there is a right way. It’s all about what feels good for each person,” Mike responds.

Scarlett takes a deep breath, seeming to steel herself. “Well, I want to make
feel good,” she says firmly. Mike knows that there’s no changing her mind now.

Mike fights down a moan then climbs onto the bed. He scoots up to the headboard and sits against it, knowing that he’s about to be tortured with pleasure. Mike can’t help but notice when Scarlett turns around that his fantasy from the night he met her is coming true.

Mike wraps his hand around himself and starts stroking. Scarlett watches from the end of the bed. Her wide innocent eyes lock onto his movements, and her pouty lips part in awe. Mike beckons her forward with a tilt of his head. Scarlett glances up at his face before she refocuses on his cock. She hesitates briefly before crawling up to kneel between his spread legs. She sits back onto her heels and places her hands on the tops of her thighs. Her eyes are wide and curious, and burning with desire.

“Wanna make me come?” Mike barely gets out. He wants nothing more than to bury himself inside of her.

Scarlett nods quickly, licking her lips again. Her eyes never leave his cock.

“Give me your hand,” Mike growls.

Scarlett swallows hard and holds out her hand to him. He reaches over and grabs the lube that he keeps on his nightstand and pours some in her hand, then shows her how to rub it all over his achingly hard cock. Mike hisses out a breath at the feel of her long fingers on him. Mike then wraps her hand around his hand and teaches her how to stroke him.

“Would you believe me if I told you that this was a fantasy of mine?” Mike groans, his dilated eyes taking in her beautifully flushed face.

Scarlett's eyes flick up to his. “Really?” she breathes.

“Really,” Mike moans, digging his head back against the headboard. “Don't be afraid to squeeze tight.”

Mike demonstrates with his hand over hers, squeezing when they reach the head. Scarlett gasps. “That doesn't hurt?” she worries.

Mike shakes his head. “It feels good, keep going,” he growls and lets her hand go so she can do it herself.

Scarlett hesitates for a second before continuing to jerk him off. Mike watches her, struggling to keep his hips still.  She’s still nervous, and he doesn't want to scare her by going a little crazy and bucking his hips. Mike bites his bottom lip to keep from making too many noises.

“Am I doing okay?” Scarlett asks softly.

“Fuck yes,” Mike groans, his eyes practically rolling back into his head when she reaches his sensitive tip. He can feel his orgasm starting to form. The tingle starts at his toes and works its way up his legs. His balls pull tight.

“Faster, baby, I'm gonna come,” Mike grits out through clenched teeth.

Scarlett strokes faster and Mike’s control snaps. He comes hard, a guttural cry ripping up his throat as he throws his head back, squeezes his eyes shut, and fists the sheets. Scarlett gasps. Mike jerks in her grasp, his body shuddering with pleasure. He has to reach down and still Scarlett's hand because she’s still stroking and he can't take it anymore.

Mike opens his eyes slowly to meet Scarlett's wide gaze. A slow smile creeps across his face. Scarlett looks breathtaking. Her face is flushed, and her brown eyes are wide and awestruck, as she is breathing heavily. She is totally turned on. Mike sits up and cups her face with his free hand. He pulls her a bit closer until their lips touch, but that isn’t enough for him.  So he tilts his head to the side to kiss her more deeply, slipping his tongue between her parted lips.

Scarlett hesitates a moment before kissing him back, her tongue tentatively meeting his. Her breathy sigh makes Mike's heart flip-flop in his chest. He’s having all kinds of unexpected emotions running through him and it’s making him nervous. He doesn't want or need to have feelings for this girl. And a girl is what she is. She’s 19 and just gave him a hand job. What the fuck is wrong with him?

Mike slowly pulls away from their kiss and reaches over to the nightstand for the tissue box. He completely avoids her gaze as he cleans off Scarlett's hand and then himself. Once they’re both clean, he moves off the bed, grabs his underwear off the floor, and pulls them on.

“Mike? Are you okay?” Scarlett asks quietly from behind him.

“Yeah, fine. Is your curiosity satisfied?” he replies blandly, not turning around.

“ was hoping you my first,” Scarlett says in her soft voice from the bed. She’s so vulnerable and he suddenly feels like a huge dick.

Mike stills then slowly spins around to face her. Scarlett's face is turned down to look at her knotted hands in her lap, her cheeks tinted red. Mike's chest squeezes tight enough that he has to rub it with the heel of his palm.

“Scarlett, no. You don't want me as your first. You want it to be with someone you’re in love with,” Mike mutters.

Scarlett shakes her head, her eyes raising to meet his. “No, I don't. I want it to be with someone who is experienced enough to make it good for me. I'm not stupid, I've heard how horrible losing your virginity to someone who has no idea what they’re doing can be. I like you, Mike, a lot, and I know that you’d make sure it’s great for my first time,” she says, not an ounce of doubt in her eyes.

Mike gawks at her. What can he say to that? She’s right. He remembers the first time he popped a girl's cherry; he was 17 and she was 16, and he had only had sex one other time. He just wanted to get off so badly that all he did was make sure she was wet enough then drove into her. He probably came after about five thrusts. The girl cried and never spoke to him again. He really hurt her, and didn't realize until a few days later when one of her friends told him that she was still in pain from their little tryst. He was such a selfish prick back then.

Mike swallows hard. “Are you sure you're ready for sex? You're still young and have plenty of time,” he says, his voice hoarse.

Scarlett rolls her eyes at him. “I'm almost 20; most of my friends have been having sex for years now.”

“Are your friends pressuring you?” Mike frowns. He'd knock them out if they are.

Scarlett sighs. “No, Mike, they're not. I just want to. I'm ready, and I want it to be with you,” she replies convincingly.

Mike shoves his hands on his hips and drops his chin to his chest. Indecision again pulling him in different directions. If he does this, he knows that there is a risk that he could lose his heart to her. And if he doesn't do this, then she'd most likely have a bad experience at the hands of an unskilled loser. And the thought of another man laying his hands on her is filling him with another unexpected emotion - jealousy.

“Fuck,” Mike bites out quietly and lifts his head.

Scarlett stares at him, hope filling her eyes. Goddammit! Why does she have to be so beautiful?

“Alright, fine, but we're gonna go slow. We already did more than I thought we would today. Let’s just keep it at that,” Mike agrees begrudgingly.

Scarlett smiles brightly, her whole face lighting up. She jumps off the bed and throws herself into his arms. Mike grunts as he catches her. She wraps her arms and legs around him and kisses him, while her fingers slide into the back of his hair. Against his better judgment, Mike melts into the kiss. He just can’t resist her. Shit, he is so screwed.


Chapter 15


Damien smiles at the sales clerk as he hefts his new rifle off the counter and heads out the door. He was able to obtain a new identity and purchase a new weapon. He’s now going by the name Ben Riggs. He has a new social security number, ID, and look. He dyed his hair platinum blond and grew out a goatee. He also started wearing fake glasses. They really make the biggest difference with his new look. He has also been laying low for almost two months, which is making him a little twitchy.

Damien is definitely ready to take Melina out. After fucking her senseless of course. He is dying to get his hands on her. Preferably around her neck. And he’s so going to enjoy having her watch while he kills her cop boyfriend and his friends. Did she really think he'd just forget about all of the bonuses she supplied him with? Oh yes, this is definitely going to be fun. He can't wait to see the pain on Melina's face when she’s forced to watch everyone around her suffer and die.

“So bro, when’re you gonna tell Melina that you love her?” Xander smirks at him from across the small round table they’re sitting at.

Vance stares at his brother with what he hopes is a bland face, giving nothing away. “As soon as you find your balls and tell Ryder that you like him,” Vance says, narrowing his eyes at Xander.

Xander's jaw drops. “How...I...What...Did Melina tell you?” he stutters.

Vance smiles wickedly. “Nope, you just did.”

Xander blanches “Dammit, Vance! You know that I can't do that. Ryder isn't out. Besides, I don't even know if he knows that he's gay.”

Vance nods. “He knows. I can tell that something’s bothering him, but he won't talk to me. He’s also stopped bringing women to the house.”

“How long ago did he stop?” Xander asks curiously.

Vance gazes at his brother for a moment before answering. Xander looks hopeful but cautious. “Since the big barbeque, but it was already few and far between for the past year or so,” Vance replies.

Xander frowns. “Does he think you guys wouldn’t notice?”

Vance shrugs and sips his soda. He’s on his lunch break with Xander. He usually spends it with his partner, but Mike promised to meet Scarlett for lunch today. While Vance and Xander are at a local restaurant, Mike is taking Scarlett to a cafe where they can eat outside, which Vance finds hilarious since Mike insists that they aren't dating. Apparently, he’s only teaching her everything about sex.

Xander sighs and rubs his face. “I can't stand not being able to go after someone I want,” he murmurs.

“Yeah, well maybe he needs a push. And what the hell, by the way? You told Melina you liked Ryder but not your own brother?” Vance snaps, glaring at Xander.

Xander winces. “Sorry, man. It just kinda came up while we were talking. Are you going to tell her that you love her?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

“How do you know I'm even in love with her?” Vance asks mildly.

Xander snorts. “Really? That’s what you’re going with? I'm not blind, Van; I can see it every time you look at her.”

Vance sighs and squeezes the bridge of his nose. “I don't know. I have no idea when I'm going to tell her.”

“What are you afraid of?” Xander asks.

Vance shakes his head, staring down at his food. “That she doesn't love me back.” He shrugs.

Xander rolls his eyes. “Dude, come on, you know that she loves you,” he says before sipping his coffee.

“How can you be so sure?” Vance hedges. His heart clenches at the thought of Melina not feeling the same about him as he does about her. He knows that she really cares about him.  Her reaction at the hospital after the shooting is proof of that, but what if it isn’t love? Vance knows for sure that Melina is the only woman he will ever want. He wants forever with her, but he just isn't sure if she will return the sentiment. And there is no way he could survive losing her again. The first time almost broke him. A second would be catastrophically devastating.

Xander frowns, his brows furrowing. “Vance, are you serious? Of course Melina loves you; she never would have tried to save you from Damien if she didn't. You've been together, what? Six months?”

Vance nods.
This time
, he thinks, but wouldn’t dare say it out loud.

“She loves you. I'm positive of that. She looks at you the same way you look at her; like the sun shines out of your ass,” Xander says firmly, not an ounce of doubt in his voice.

Vance exhales slowly; his heart is racing. He nods again, the corner of his mouth lifting. “Funny. Okay, but when do I tell her?”

A slow smile creeps across Xander's face. “Whenever it strikes your fancy,” he answers with mirth, trying to lighten the mood. “Next time you see her, go for it!”

Vance feels a small smile tug at his lips. “Yeah, I guess you're right.”

“Uh, yeah I am!” Xander laughs.

“Hey, Vance! Xander!” comes Ryder's voice from their left. Both Vance and Xander turn their heads toward him in unison.

Vance smiles and stands then glances at Xander to find him frozen in his seat. Vance gives a smiling Ryder a brief hug then grabs an empty chair, dragging it over for him to sit on. Ryder sits down between him and Xander. Ryder reaches over and gives Xander's shoulder a squeeze.

“Hey, Xan.  How ya been?” Ryder asks, his chocolate brown eyes looking over Xander casually, but Vance can see the difference in the way Ryder is looking at Xander now, versus a few years ago. There’s definitely an attraction there. He can see the sexual interest in Ryder’s eyes.

Xander snaps out of his funk and shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m good, how are you?”

Ryder nods. “I'm good.”

“What’re you doing here?” Vance asks as he sits back down.

“I was just out running errands.” Ryder shrugs, glancing at Xander again.


Just then, Mike walks through the door of the restaurant and heads right for their table. “Hey, fucker, time to go,” he growls at Vance, looking pissed.

Vance frowns. “What the hell is your problem?”

Mike's lip curls in disgust. “My problem? An almost twenty year old named Scarlett Higgins. She’s my fucking problem. Now let’s go.”

Vance smiles as he stands. “Sweet little Scarlett’s a problem? Somehow I find that hard to believe.”

“I think she's turning into a nympho and we haven't even had sex yet,” Mike grumbles.

Xander and Ryder smile up at Mike while Vance chuckles, shaking his head. Vance pulls out his wallet and drops a couple of twenties on the table. “Xan, I'll talk to you later, alright?”

Xander's head whips around to glare at him, the look totally telling him that they’re going to fight later for leaving him with Ryder. Vance just smiles, ruffles his brother's hair, and then gives Ryder a playful pat on the cheek.

“See you at home later, douchebag.” Vance smirks at Ryder, who's gone a little pale watching the brothers’ interaction. Vance winks at Ryder and nods his head toward Xander, hoping to give Ryder the impetus to open up to his brother.

Ryder swallows hard and nods slightly, understanding what Vance is silently telling him. Vance smiles, returns the nod, and then leaves with Mike.


Vance knows. How the hell does Vance know? Ryder watches as the two officers leave the restaurant. Two of his best friends. The guys that he's trusted and loved his whole life. Of course the one with the gay brother would know! How could he not? Ryder sneaks a glance at Xander, who is watching him over his coffee mug.

“You alright, Ry? You look a little pale,” Xander asks softly after setting his mug down.

Ryder nods and clears his suddenly clogged throat.

“How's work?” Xander asks, thankfully changing the subject.

Ryder clears his throat again before speaking, “Ah, it's good, got a lot of clients. We may even need to hire a couple more mechanics to keep us from falling too far behind.”

Ryder owns a custom bike shop with Dayne. They opened it right out of high school when Tripp, Vance, and Mike joined the military, and it just keeps growing bigger and bigger. They already have two other mechanics working for them now. The shop always seems to be booked solid. All of the guys are really proud of them for following their dreams and succeeding.

Xander nods. “That's awesome. I'm glad your business is so successful,” he says sincerely.

Ryder smiles. “Thanks. How has your job been?”

Xander shrugs. “Same shit, different day. I mean I like my job, but it can be monotonous.”

Ryder nods in understanding. Xander is a web designer for the local Los Angeles newspaper. He maintains their website. Ryder can see how that could get monotonous. Ryder reaches over, grabs Vance's half-drunk soda, and takes a sip.

He really should talk to Xander about the issue that's been eating him up inside. He hasn't told a soul and he desperately needs to get it out before it totally consumes him. Xander is the only one who would understand how he’s feeling. Why he didn't think to talk to him sooner is beyond him. Xander is perfect, in more ways than he first thought.

Ryder glances over at the man sitting next to him. Xander looks so put together in his light purple dress shirt, gray and purple striped tie and gray slacks. His shirt fits him perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders and defined chest. Xander looks so much like Vance but is so different at the same time. He is a few inches shorter than Vance, making him the same height as Ryder. Xander has a more athletic build, like that of a soccer player, unlike Vance who is all bulky muscle. Xander's hair is also a couple of shades darker than Vance’s. Xander is just gorgeous. The complete package.

“You look like you've got something on your mind,” Xander murmurs quietly.

Ryder lifts his eyes to meet Xander's steady light blue gaze. “I do,” Ryder admits softly, averting his eyes.

“You can talk to me you know. We’re friends, Ryder, and have known each other forever,” Xander says, reaching out to place his hand on Ryder's forearm.

Ryder glances around quickly before settling his gaze back on a concerned looking Xander.

“What's going on, man?” Xander prods gently.

“I think...” Ryder starts, raking a frustrated hand through his hair. He can say it. He has to, for his own sanity. “I think I might be gay,” he whispers, watching Xander to gauge his reaction.

Xander smiles softly and gives his forearm a squeeze. “I think you are, too,” he says, surprising the hell out of Ryder.

Ryder stares at him in shock. “Come again?” he asks flatly.

Xander chuckles softly. “Listen, I've noticed a change in you. I haven’t seen many women in your life lately. And I can tell that you’re struggling with it because I went through it myself.”

Ryder sags in his seat. Man, he feels like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. “Shit, Xander.  I've been so fucking confused, and I still am if I’m being completely honest.”

Xander nods in understanding and rubs Ryder's arm. “I understand, Ry, really I do. I need to get back to work, but why don't you come to my place later and we can talk more,” Xander offers.

Ryder nods. “I'd like that. Thanks, Xander.”

They both stand. Xander adds to the forty bucks that Vance left then turns to Ryder. “Do you feel a little better now that you've told someone?” Xander asks with a soft smile.

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