Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2) (10 page)

“Shut up, Raquel!” Whit ordered.

“Protective of your latest paramour I see. Well I could care less about her. Her days as your mistress are over,” Raquel said harshly. “Send her packing tonight.  I’m quite possessive and I don’t share.”

Whit looked at her in outrage.

“Have you lost your mind? Get out!” Whit ordered.

Raquel slowly gathered her print silk scarf and draped it elegantly around her shoulders. She picked up her tan leather clutch and tucked it under her arm.

“I’ll go…for now. I have a few things to attend to before moving in,” she said in blasé fashion. She looked at Maddie pointedly. “Make sure you throw the trash out before I return.”

Whit took a step toward Raquel in anger.

“Whit! No,” Maddie forestalled him. 

Raquel trilled her amusement.

“You would do well to listen to her, darling. I would not appreciate any bruises on my person and nor would Father,” Raquel smiled smugly.

Raquel exited the house leaving the door front door wide open. Whit crossed the foyer and slammed the door shut. The sound reverberated throughout the house. Whit was incensed and he literally shook with rage. Maddie never expected to see Whit in this state of mind. She was unsure of what to say or do.

“Whit?” she murmured.

The sound of her voice seemed to pull him back to the present. He crossed to her quickly and embraced her.

“Maddie, I’m sorry you had to experience that scene,” he said remorsefully.

“Who is she?” Maddie asked. She looked up at him.

Whit sighed deeply.

“Raquel Fleming. An old acquaintance. She and I hook up from time to time,” he answered.

“To have sex,” Maddie filled in the omission.

“Yes. Raquel showed up the night I canceled our dinner date. She wanted to continue our association but I told her it was over,” he said.

“I take it that didn’t sit well with her,” Maddie said dryly.

“It did not. She wants me to marry her and has threatened to ruin me if I do not,” Whit said angrily.

“What? She’s ridiculous. She cannot force you into a marriage that you don’t want,” Maddie was aghast.

“She thinks she can and has no qualms about playing her trump card,” he said bitterly.

“Which is?”

“Having her father call in a debt that I owe him. Howard Fleming bankrolled my investment in a telecommunications business,” Whit said. “The company has turned around and is now earning a profit but not enough to repay the entire debt. I would have to liquidate all of my assets and sell my business to repay him.” 

“No! Whit, there has to be another way. Surely you can raise the money without selling your company,” Maddie said. 

“It’s not easy to come up with four hundred million dollars, Madison. I have considered a lot of options but none will suffice. I haven’t an answer at this point,” he sighed.

Maddie moved to him and stroked his arm.

“But you will. Give it a little more time. It will come,” she encouraged.

“I doubt if I have much more time. Howard has spoiled his daughter excessively. It is not likely that he will refuse her,” Whit muttered.

“My grandmother always told me that God is above the devil. God will see you through this crisis. Trust Him,” Maddie insisted.

He turned and clasped her shoulders.

“Thank you, Madison. What would I do without you?” he asked.

She smiled sassily.

“Keep up the good work and you’ll never have to find out,” she quipped.

He laughed.

“Easily done, my love,” he grinned.

He brought his head down to capture her mouth. They never made it to the bedroom as Whit lowered her to the carpeted floor and made wild love to her. Maddie engaged in their sexual play with unabashed wickedness. As she suckled his penis she kept thinking about the endearment he had used: ‘my love’. Was she really his love? He was certainly hers. Well, there was no time like the present to make sure that she was. Maddie was not one to sit back and hope for things to go her way. She was a proactive person and she would do whatever necessary to make sure that he loved her to distraction. And she would enjoy every minute of her campaign. She straddled his hips and slowly inserted him into her. Maddie rode him like there was no tomorrow and together they reached even more ecstatic heights.




Raquel hid behind a stout tree and watched Maddie giving instructions to the workman on the Edelston property. The little red-haired witch thought she was all that and a Birkin handbag too. It galled Raquel to see Madison flitting about the place like she was important when she was nothing but a seaport whore. How dare she be ensconced in the home that should be hers? Well, she wouldn’t be there much longer. One phone call from her father and that bitch would be history. Raquel saw Whit come out of the house. She almost screamed in rage when she was him run up to that slut to twirl her around. It was nauseating to see him kiss her at length. Raquel wanted to vomit. She crept from her hiding place and once far enough away she ran to her jeep. Sitting in the vehicle she dialed her father’s number.


“Yes, my pet,” Howard greeted.

“You must come to Aruba immediately. It is time,” Raquel said breathlessly.

“You sound agitated, Raquel. Time for what?” he asked.

“Do not be obtuse, Father. You know of what I speak,” Raquel said in annoyance. “Whit is here in Aruba sleeping with a two bit whore. It is time for this nonsense to cease. You must come right away.”

Howard paused. Several seconds passed which only heightened Raquel’s agitation. She was ready to scream when he finally answered.

“I will be there,” Howard answered.

“When?” Raquel demanded.

“Soon. There are things that I must do prior to this unexpected trip. But I will be there,” he said.

“Whatever! Just get here,” Raquel snapped.

The phone went dead. Howard looked at his cell in irritation. Raquel will soon realize that she must be careful for what she asks.




Whit had woken early and stood at the window gazing out at the ocean horizon. The sun was beginning to rise and the brilliant colors of yellow, orange and red lit the sky. It was a beautiful sight. Inevitably his thoughts turned to his dire problem. How could he pay his debt and keep his company intact as well? His current plan of repaying Howard was going well. He had estimated another two years and he would have paid his debt completely. Now Raquel had placed him in a position of pay now or suffer the consequences. Damn her! He had known that it wouldn’t take Raquel long to find him. She was like a hound that had sniffed his shirt. She thought she had the upper hand and had arrived to throw down the gauntlet. He just had to find a way to withstand the blow. He heard a movement from the bed. He turned to see Maddie repositioning herself. She had not wakened. He moved to the side of the bed and looked down upon her. She looked so beautiful as she slept peacefully. He smiled gently as he realized what she had brought into his life. Maddie filled the void in his existence. He had been restless and listless. He’d tried to fill it with work and making money but he hadn’t been able to erase the feeling of lack. He now knew that what he sought had been Maddie. Someone to make happy. Someone to love. Yes, he loved Madison and would give up everything he owned to keep her. She made him laugh. She brought out the silly side in him; for he did tend to be a bit too serious. And he could tell that she cared about him. She hadn’t said it but he knew that she was very fond of him. She wouldn’t be sleeping with him if she wasn’t. It would only be a matter of time before she said those three little words. He wanted to hear them from her lips for he was dying to say them to her. And he wouldn’t wait much longer to say them. She had his heart and she belonged to him. And he’d be damn if he allowed anyone to tear them apart. He leaned down and gently shook Maddie’s shoulder. She stirred and slowly opened her eyes; she rubbed the drowsiness from her bright green eyes.

“Good morning,” she yawned.

“Good morning, sleepy head. You must wake up. There is much to do today,” he said.

Maddie groaned and pulled the sheet over her head. He laughed and yanked the sheet off of her to expose her naked body.

“Whit!” she exclaimed as she scurried to pull the sheet about her.

He chuckled.

“I’ve seen you in all of your naked glory. You’re magnificent, darling,” he grinned.

Maddie narrowed her eyes at him and defiantly threw back the sheet.

“Fine!” she retorted. She leaned back on her elbows and bent a knee. She looked at him sexily. “Why must I get up at such an ungodly hour?”

Her sensuous pose filled Whit’s head with all manner of erotic ideas. And he doubted that he would leave the room without acting upon several of them. But he needed to tell her of his plans for the day first.

“I’ve arranged for us to go visit my mining investment on the nearby island of Jimaya,” he explained. “I want to check on the mining progress and I thought you would enjoy seeing the island.”

Maddie was excited. She sat up on her knees.

“I would love to. Thank you. I could use a break,” she said. “Besides the workers know what they are to do and I can’t do anything else until the new pieces arrive. So the timing is perfect.”

“Good,” he said.

Whit sat on the bed as Maddie was scrambling to get off of it. He caught her arm.

“We should get ready, Whit,” she said happily.

“We have time,” he murmured.

Maddie chuckled.

“For what exactly?” she joked.

“For this,” he muttered as he brought his mouth down upon hers.

Maddie fell onto her back as Whit climbed over her. She welcomed his attention as she always did. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. She spread her legs and felt his cock move against her lusting need. She ached to feel him inside of her. She grasped him and guided the growing sex into her hot, damp haven. She didn’t want a lot of foreplay; she just needed him. Whit seemed to sense her need and he was more than willing to oblige. He plunged into her with ferocity. He ached to be massaged and hugged by her vibrating muscles. She felt so good; he could stay inside of her forever and be content. Maddie clamped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips to slam him onto his side. He grinned. Their wild frolic had begun.



Whit and Maddie sat in the helicopter and looked down at the stunning view of the Caribbean islands. Whit’s hand rested on Maddie’s thigh and he squeezed her leg and began to move upward. Maddie halted the movement.

“Stop that,” she said into her mouthpiece.

He looked at her and grinned.

“I can’t seem to help myself,” he laughed.

“Try,” she scolded.

“I shall but it will be in vain,” he joked. He looked out the window again and pointed. “There it is: Jimaya.”

Maddie leaned across his chest to better see. Whit caressed her back unthinkingly. 

“It’s lovely. I can’t wait to see it up close,” she said eagerly. 

The helicopter soon landed and an open jeep was waiting for them. They greeted the driver and were quickly on their way. Maddie looked at the lush scenery and was amazed at the multitude of exotic blooming flowers and plants. It was an exquisite oasis filled with extraordinary foliage and fruit. Maddie was dying to taste the ripe papaya hanging from the trees. It was only a twenty minute drive to the mining camp. Whit went into the office while Maddie watched the busy activity around her. Men hurried in and out of the shaft; some rolling wheel carts and others carrying large buckets. Maddie felt a sense of hushed excitement about the place. It heightened her own exhilaration. Something was happening. What was it? Whit came out of the shack that served as an office with a dark, short, slim man of Whit’s age. He was good-looking and appeared very pleased about something. They approached her.

“Maddie, meet Hugh Gloughton. Hugh, this is Madison McClain. She’s overseeing the Edelston project. She’s also my close friend,” Whit introduced them.

Hugh grasped Maddie’s hand in a firm shake. She liked his handshake which was a good sign that she would like him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Maddie said.

“Likewise,” he smiled. Hugh turned to Whit. “I’m so glad you arrived today. I was about to contact you. I think you will be very pleased with what I am about to show you.”

“I am all agog. Lead the way,” Whit said.

They walked to the mine entrance. Hugh gave Whit and Maddie hard hats to put on. After doing so the three of them entered the mine. They stepped gingerly over debris and wheel barrel tracks and entered one of the shafts. Whit clasped Maddie’s hand to keep her close. Maddie looked around her with curiosity. She had never been in a real mine shaft. She reached out to touch the wall and felt moisture. Hugh noticed her action.

“The mine is well ventilated which will cause the walls to be damp,” Hugh explained.

“I see. I find this very fascinating,” Maddie said.

“Your fascination is about to become mind-blowing,” Hugh grinned.

Maddie’s interest was extremely piqued. What was Hugh about to show them? She couldn’t wait to see. They walked deeper into the shaft then turned left at the dead end. Hugh led them halfway down the tunnel then stopped. It was obvious that digging had been taking place as there was a large hole in the wall. Hugh inserted his hand and after a moment withdrew it. He turned to face Whit and opened his hand. Nestled in his palm were sparkling rocks. 

“Oh my God! Are those what I think they are?” Whit exclaimed.

Hugh grinned.

“If you’re thinking they are diamonds then yes, you are correct. We’ve struck pay dirt, Whit. We’ve discovered diamonds,” Hugh said excitedly.

Maddie gasped. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

“They are real?” she asked.

“As real as they get. The clarity and perfection of these gems are without equal,” Hugh said.

“How much are here?”  Whit asked.

“We’ve already excavated ten gallons. I estimate that there is at least another ten thousand tons to be mined,” Hugh replied. “You are a very rich man, Whit.”

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