Dearest Series Boxed Set (81 page)

I watch in a sleepy daze as he turns on the faucet and fills the enormous bath tub. He drizzles something pink into it, and the room starts to fill with steam and the scent of cherry blossoms.

“Baby, come here.”

Sliding off the counter, I pad over to him. He crouches in front of me and unhooks my garters to slide them down my legs until I’m just standing in a pleated, short black skirt.

His eyes drift down my body in a slow, appreciative perusal. “That’s a good look. You should prance around topless more often.”

I grin and reach for him, helping him to stand, before I let the skirt slide down my hips. “Food for thought.” I wink and head into the delightfully hot bath. I sink into the water and turn around to see my huge football player watching me.

“Get in. I’m not going to soak in a bubble bath all by myself.”

His lips tip up on one side and he steps in, making the water swish around me. Once in, he hooks a finger. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to be soaking in this tub and have you way over there.”

I laugh, the release feeling so good after such an agonizing day. But having Daren here makes my chest flutter and stretch, and I realize how much I want this and how close I got to losing the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

- Daren -


She’s crying.

“Babe. What’s wrong?” Sliding through the water, she shifts between my legs. I pull her back to my chest, loving the way she feels against me. "Was I too rough?"

She laughs and shakes her head as more tears fall.

"No, that was perfect." She sniffles, and I stroke her hair.

Shit. This is about work. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise. We'll figure out who hacked you.”

She sniffles and shakes her head. “This isn’t about my job. I’ve basically accepted that I’ve lost it. There’s no way a news station would hire me back right now. Rule of thumb in journalism: You cover the news. You don’t become the news.” Her hand comes up to her face to wipe a tear, and my heart breaks to hear the reality of her situation. But then she sighs. “I’m just overwhelmed about us. About how easy it is to screw everything up. I’m freaked out because I want us to work, and you have so many demands on you that are only going to intensify.”

Silence fills the room. “And you’re worried how those demands will affect our relationship if I’m constantly traveling.”

She nods and sinks deeper into the water.

I squeeze her, lifting her higher, and push the hair off her shoulder so I can kiss that delicate skin. “I have a solution.”

She stills, like she’s stopped breathing.

“Move in with me. I know you live next door, but I fucking hate when you leave my bed, Maddie. I want you there all the time. The last thing I need to see before I go to bed is your beautiful face. And I want you there when I wake up. Our schedules are too busy to live separately. I’ll never see you. Because, trust me, you’re going to start getting amazing job offers, and soon you’ll be going a hundred miles an hour because that’s what you do.”

The silence that greets me is deafening. Shit. And then it hits me. “You’re scared because of what happened with your ex. Because you were just about to move in with him.”

She takes a little shuddering breath and nods.

“Babe, look at me.” I turn her around and wipe the tears that streak her face. “Is what you and I have at all like your relationship with him?”

She laughs and shakes her head. “No. Not even close. Honestly, now that I’m with you, I have no idea what I saw in him.” She looks down. “Maybe it was just this idea of having someone be there for me. Like you said, I’m always on the go, always working. And it gets lonely. He was there, and I think he filled a void. This is going to sound crazy, but I’m actually glad I caught him when I did.” She looks up, those luminescent eyes searing into me. “Because if he hadn’t, I never would have met you.”

“We’d already met.”

“You know what I mean.” She nibbles her lip. “Will it be weird? Sharing space with a woman again?”

My brow furrows. “Again?”

Maddie glances away. “Didn’t Veronica live with you?”

“God, no. She had her own place on campus. We were planning to move in together after graduation, but we broke up in May.” I study Maddie’s reaction, enjoying the shy smile that peeks out on those full lips. “By the way, Sheri told me something about my headboard. That you left her place because you didn’t want to hear it against your wall. Babe, you have to know that shit killed me."

Those big, blue eyes widen, and she glances down. “Oh, um. That.” Maddie shakes her head. “I guess I didn’t want to hear you move on. You know, eventually date other women."

Fucking hell. I scrub my face. “Babe, I can't help what happened before we got together, but I can tell you this. You're the only woman I've ever wanted to see first thing in the morning. The only one who made me want something other than football. Who made me think I could have more out of life."

Her lips twist as she fights a smile. “The only one?”

“Yup.” I kiss her. “Now stop thinking I’m about to run off with some random chick. If you and I didn’t work out, I’m pretty sure I’d barely be able to get up out of bed, much less mess around with other girls. So no more freakouts, okay?”

She nods, laughing.

When her laughter subsides, she raises her hand to my face. Smiling, I kiss her palm and lean closer to bite her wrist. She giggles, and I kiss up her arm until I reach her shoulder. “What do you say? Move in with me. Be mine.” Pulling her so she straddles my lap, I tilt my head back and stare at this beautiful woman, who’s soapy and slick and such a fucking vision my chest hurts.

She leans down to kiss me, and her hair falls forward, casting a curtain around us. “On one condition.”

“Anything. Name it.”

“I get to come to some of your games.”

My heart? That muscle in my chest that’s carried me through grueling practice after practice and workouts that made my whole body burn? It cracks open with the love I have for this girl.

“It would be my honor to have you there, sweet thing.”

A wry smile lifts her lips. “Even if I’m rooting for the other team?”

I stare at her, straight-faced, and lock my jaw. Her smile drops, and then, when I know she’s doubting whether she should be joking like that, I tickle the fuck out of her.

“Kidding! Kidding!” she screams, laughing.

Water splashes all over the floor, bubbles are in her hair, and I’m damn near positive I never want to get out of this tub.

- Daren -

addie is wearing
a charcoal-gray suit and a cream-colored blouse, looking like she’s about to cover the White House. Realizing that this scandal has hurt her chances of doing something like that makes me sick to my stomach. Because this girl could do it. She has that kind of talent and drive.

I’m hoping today at least mitigated the damage.

It’s been a long day of talking to attorneys, ours and WNEN’s. We told her employer she forgot her laptop at home so my father’s tech expert can take a look at it first. I’m afraid if we hand it over to the station, it’ll mysteriously fall down a flight of stairs, destroying any evidence. Because for all I know, her smarmy producer Spencer did this so he could perv on her. Luckily, her battery died the morning the story broke, so she hasn’t been online, which hopefully means no one has remotely hacked it this week.

When our team of lawyers finishes talking to her, Maddie heads for me with her arms crossed. She lowers her voice. “I’m relieved this is over for now, but I’m pretty sure I can’t afford those guys. You should have talked to me first before you got the biggest law firm in Boston to represent me.”

Of course I sent her in with the best lawyers money could buy. I want my girl to be protected. Because if her job tries to hold her in any way responsible for this, I will lose my shit. Our firm has already contacted the FBI in hopes of expediting the search for the fucker who hacked her.

Frowning, I shrug. “Money is no object. I’m paying for it, and before you give me any attitude, remember that we’re a team. We’re in this together, and if I want to pay to help my girlfriend deal with all of this bullshit, she’s going to let me.”

She rolls her eyes, but a smile is playing on her lips. “Why are you talking about me in third person?”

“I thought it would help you see how objective I’m being.”

She laughs softly, resting her palm on my chest. “Okay, Clutch, but seriously. It’ll take me like fifty years to pay you back.”

I stroke my chin. “You can make me brownies.”

At that, she really does laugh. “Brownies?”

“Yup. Every week. Think of it like you’re working off the debt.”

“So… basically a lifetime of brownies?”

“That sounds about right.” I grin and kiss her on the cheek, whispering, “And if you want to serve those to me naked, I won’t complain.”

She swats at my arm, chuckling, and I pull her to me. “You’re terrible.”

“That’s part of my charm.” I bat my eyelashes, and her mouth opens as she inhales quickly. Did I just make her swoon? Good God, I love this girl. “Maddie, baby, how about we get out of here?”

By the time we make it back to the hotel, she looks exhausted. I tuck her into bed and head into the living room to make a few calls and update my parents. They’ve been Maddie’s biggest supporters through all of this without any judgment.

My parents and I have talked more this week than the last several years combined, and I’m relieved to be rebuilding our relationship. I still won’t agree to accepting Mason’s—um, my father’s—inheritance, but for now we’ve tabled the discussion.

When I get off the phone, I’m about to order some room service when my phone lights up again.

“Hey, man.”

“Hey, stud. How ya doin’? Gotta say I don’t envy you this week. We all miss you over here. When ya gonna be back?”

“Day after tomorrow. I’ll get in a few practices before this weekend. Thank fuck it’s a home game. Not sure if Coach will use me, so I hope you’re playing nice with Brentwood.”

“He’ll play you. Trust me. But that’s not why I called.”

I shift the phone to my other ear. “Lay it on me.”

“I’ve been thinking about Maddie and her situation. It got me wondering about something.”

“Spill it. You’re making me anxious.”

He lets out a sigh. “Well, I started thinking about how those girls were always able to get into your room. They got around security, the room switches, everything.”

That has my attention. “What are you thinking?”

“You only told a handful of people that you had moved rooms, right? But somehow those chicks always knew where to find you.”

My heart is starting to thud hard. “Yeah.”

“So I called up Shayna.”

“Who’s Shayna?”

“One of the girls in Dallas. The cute little blonde one who had those tattoos on her nipples.”

“Christ.” I run my hands through my hair. “I didn’t get a good look at her, man. I saw that she was naked and asked her to leave. Obviously, when you offered to walk her out, you got a closer look.”

He laughs. “Anyway, she tells me some guy told her how to get in your room. He texted her an update after you switched to that other suite down the hall.”

“What the fuck?”

“Exactly. You got a pen?”

Blood is roaring in my ears. It takes me a full minute to realize Quentin asked me a question. “What? Yeah. Hang on.” I head over to the desk. “Shoot.”

He rattles off a number. When he’s done, I’m still confused. “So this is Shayna’s number?”

“Nah, man. It’s the dude who told her how to find you.”

* * *

hen I enter the bedroom
, I’m surprised to find Maddie awake. She’s staring at the TV with tears streaming down her face.

“Babe, don’t watch that shit. It’s just going to upset you.”

She sniffles. “I’m not upset.” She lifts her head to me, a smile on her face.

I turn to face the flatscreen and realize she’s watching my impromptu press conference the other day. It’s being rerun on ESPN.

“I’m sorry about saying anything about you hating Jacob. That’s no one’s business.”

She shakes her head. “It’s fine. I called him a few minutes ago. He’s not mad about the video leaking. He says he feels worse knowing what I saw that day. I told him I’m over it.” A deep sigh leaves her. “He told me I could say whatever I wanted about that video—why I took it, what happened—and that he was cool with it.”

My eyebrows lift. Guess the guy’s not the dirtbag I thought he was. “He’s been surprisingly quiet about it.”

“He’s up in Vermont training, so he wasn’t super plugged in to the story.” Her head tilts forward, and she wipes her cheek. Then she motions toward the TV. “I was just overwhelmed about what you said. The whole ‘I need to go find my girlfriend’ thing kinda got to me.” Those big, blue eyes lift to mine.

“I’m a lucky bastard.”

“Yeah, you said that.”

I laugh and sit next to her. Hugging her to me, I get ready to share what Quentin just told me. “We need to talk.”


I unload all of the details, the ones I hadn’t shared with her when I was on the road because I feared her reaction. But now’s the time for her to understand how insane it has gotten. Because if we’re in this for the long haul, and God knows I am, we need transparency. Being in public the way we are, it’s too easy to twist the truth, and I need Maddie to trust me. Which means I have to tell her shit that won’t always be pleasant, but she tells me she can handle it, and I have to trust she can.

She chews on her bottom lip. “So those girls always found their way into your bed on every road trip.”


“And you’d walk in to find them naked. Every time.”


“But you kicked them out.”


She laughs. “Can you say something more than ‘yup’?”


Blowing out a breath, she rolls her eyes, but she’s fighting a smile. “Okay.” She pushes her hair out of her face, and her expression grows serious. “Basically, you’re saying that someone tipped off these girls so they knew how to find you.”

“Possibly. But I’m not ruling out the idea that someone actually sent those girls to my room. It’s too coincidental. I know NFL players can live crazy lives sometimes, but I’ve never been like that. I’ve never welcomed those kind of situations. And for it to happen in city after city? I don’t think I’m

She laughs and reaches over to kiss me. “You probably are that popular, Clutch, but I’m not going to think about that now. What happens next?”

“I’ve already given the phone number Quentin snagged to our attorney and private investigator. Hopefully, they’ll dig up something.” I kiss her forehead, relieved to have all that shit out on the table. “Now, for the really important question.” Her brows pull tight, and I kiss her nose. “Do you want a jersey with my number for Sunday’s game?”

The grin on her face could light the night sky. “Hell, yes, I want a jersey.” She rubs the scruff on my face, a rueful expression in her eyes. “Are you sure it’s okay if I come on Sunday? I don’t want to cause any problems or be a distraction.”

“It’s fine. I promise. Jax and Clem are coming, so you won’t be alone.” I trace a finger over her cheek. “I talked to Coach Reynolds this morning. Gave him an update. I’m planning to head in to practice day after tomorrow. Think you’ll be okay without me?”

Her eyes widen. “Yes, of course. I hate that your schedule is being thrown off because of me.”

I tug her closer. “You’re the best part of my schedule.”

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