Read DangerousPassion Online

Authors: Desconhecido(a)

DangerousPassion (20 page)

A bedroom door opened, and Susan and Amanda stepped out. At a glance Derek could tell they had both washed up since the last time he’d seen them. They had removed their hair pins to let their hair down, and had changed from the simple wool dresses they’d worn during their workday, to lightweight nightgowns. A hard life of physical labor had stripped both women of any unnecessary weight, so small, firm breasts with nipples made erect with anticipation pressed against white cotton décolletages.

Derek looked at the women, and a muscle flickered in his jaw. Susan and Amanda were plain but attractive, he decided, though they lacked Sarah’s ostentatious feminine curves that he had learned to covet. The two stepped within five feet of him and stopped, standing shoulder to shoulder, both clearly nervous and embarrassed.

Sarah’s fingers eased downward, gliding lightly over the slumbering length of Derek’s shaft, touching him through his trousers. She purred, “They have a right to feel divine at least once in their lives, don’t they?” Sarah walked her fingers back and forth over the length of Derek’s burgeoning flesh. “Edgar’s cretins won’t show up until
.” She glanced at the clock on the fireplace mantel. “It’s only a little after nine. Surely there’s enough time for you to be divine?”

Derek’s eyes flickered over to Susan and Amanda very briefly before coming back to rest on Sarah’s face. The right side of his mouth quirked into a smile, creating the dimple in his cheek. “You are one damnably confusing woman, Sarah.” His gaze lingered on the generous mounds of her breasts for several seconds before finally returning to her face once again. In a soft, sincere tone, he said, “I’ve never met anyone like you. I’d bet every penny I’ll ever make for the rest of my life that I never will meet anyone like you. Not ever. Not in a thousand years.”

Sarah smiled at the compliment. “I can stand guard near the windows, just in case Edgar’s gunmen show up early.”

Derek should his head. “They won’t show up early. And either you do this with me, or I don’t do it at all.” His eyebrows danced for a moment. “As I recall, the so-called divine feelings that Ellie Mae experienced were caused by both of us, not just me.”

He watched as Sarah looked over at her friends. How much did they know? How much had Ellie Mae actually revealed?

Then a concern struck him. He looked at Susan and asked, “She said you’ve never been married. Does that mean you’re a virgin?”

She shook her head. For a second or two her lips moved as she tried to speak. Susan finally got her voice to work as she said in a strained tone, “I’ve been with one man. It was just a couple times, and it was years ago.”

“Good. Virgins complicate things. Being wrapped up in Sarah’s life is complication enough for me.”


* * * *


Sarah’s heart flipped upside-down when she heard Derek say that he was wrapped up in her life. And she had loved the fact that he wanted to teach two sexually frustrated poultry ranchers all about what ‘divine’ was, but only as long as she was a participant. When Derek had said he wouldn’t entertain Susan and Amanda without Sarah’s direct involvement, he hadn’t been kidding—and for that, Sarah adored him.

She looked up into Derek’s face, amazed once again at his handsomeness, at the way his dark eyes could make her heart flutter and her hands tremble. She wanted him all to herself. Sharing him wasn’t optimal—but neither was selfishly keeping Ellie Mae, Susan, or Amanda from personally discovering ‘divine.’

She looked to her left, and said softly but with authority, “Help him off with his jacket, ladies. I think it’s time Derek gets comfortable.”

Sarah waited until Susan and Amanda had walked around behind Derek and began easing off his jacket, exposing the shoulder holster that held his deadly Colt Peacemaker. Then, very slowly, Sarah sank to her knees and eased off Derek’s boots as he raised his feet one at a time. By the time she finally looked up, Derek’s jacket and holster had been removed, and Susan was unknotting his neckerchief while Amanda—with fingers made clumsy with her trembling—was busy unbuttoning his shirt.

When Derek looked down at her, Sarah placed her hands over the growing bulge in his trousers and whispered, “Such a man. There’s simply no one else like you.”

Sarah had experience with the buckle of his belt, so it came unfastened quickly. So, too, did the brass buttons of his fly. When Sarah tugged his trousers down to the tops of his thighs, and Derek’s awesome cock drooped outward, not yet fully engorged and yet still mammoth and intimidating, all three women gasped. Susan and Amanda, though, had hands to their mouths, their eyes enormous as they stared covetously and yet fearfully at what Derek had for them.

“It is that big,” Amanda murmured through her fingers. “Ellie Mae said it was, but I never believed her. Not for a second. You can’t believe half the things she says…but this time she told the truth.”

Still on her knees and in no particular hurry to alter her position, Sarah wrapped her fingers around the shaft of Derek’s cock. She felt the heat of his flesh, the velvety skin surrounding a steadily hardening inner surface, and a shiver trembled through her voluptuous body. Her eyes danced from that which filled her hand up to the faces of her friends who were watching her with unblinking interest. The exhibitionist in Sarah rushed to the fore; her pussy throbbed with her pulse.

“I can get him much bigger,” Sarah purred, openly bragging as she leaned forward and lavished the head with lewd swipes of her tongue for several seconds before she sucked the swollen crown between her lips.

Sarah heard Derek’s groan of pleasure. Even though she had heard it many times before, it never failed to excite her to know that she was pleasing him. Added to that, she had two women looking at her, able to see every wickedly erotic thing she was doing—and it aroused her enormously to be watched with such careful scrutiny.

She bobbed back and forth, taking as much of Derek’s growing length into her mouth as possible. It took only seconds for Sarah to arouse her lover into full stature. His cock was magnificence itself.

Amanda, the widow, announced quietly, “I’ve done that before.”

Sarah was holding Derek in her mouth when she turned her eyes questioningly over to Susan. The slender blonde woman shook her head slowly and said, “I haven’t. He never asked me to so I never did it.”

Sarah closed her eyes. She wrapped her right hand around Derek’s shaft, and cradled his testicles with her left. She began moving slowly back and forth, using her lips and tongue in the manner she had learned that Derek liked, feeling his cock pulse with wanton life in her mouth. She felt him moving and realized that the women were helping him step out of his trousers. By the time she opened her eyes again, Derek was standing before her completely naked, his cock possessing all the latent, explosive power of nitroglycerine.

Derek put a hand down to Sarah, and with a fingertip smoothed a silken lock of auburn hair away from her left eye. Then he held his hand palm upward. Sarah was a little confused, but she put her palm to his. His fingers closed around her hand, and he helped her to her feet.

“I need your kisses,” Derek explained.

Sarah gasped at the comment and replied, “I love the sound of that!”

Now that Sarah was standing, Amanda saw her opening—and went for it. Gently but insistently pushing Sarah aside, she knelt before Derek. She wrapped slender fingers that were loving but callused from endless hours of hard labor around the cock’s shaft.

“He’s huge!” she whispered.

Sarah said to Susan, “Better get down there. From the look in her eyes, Amanda’s got plans that won’t include you if you hesitate.”

Amanda’s blue eyes were smoky with lust as she stared at the cock filling her hand. Sarah watched her, knowing from first-hand experience the fear and sense of amazement that was so overwhelming to the psyche when kneeling in front of Derek.

“Go ahead, Amanda,” Sarah purred. “You can do it. He’s the perfect man to practice on.”

“But I might not be very good—not as good as you.” It was an admission delivered with painful honesty.

Sarah shook her head slowly and waved her hands as though to sweep away doubts. “Don’t be scared. Derek won’t criticize you. No one will criticize you.”

Derek’s arm slipped around Sarah’s shoulders, and she allowed herself to be pulled against his side. She placed her cheek against his naked chest, loving the warmth of his muscular body pressing against hers. Looking down, she watched as Amanda very tentatively kissed the crest of Derek’s cock several times before actually pushing her lips over it. She heard Derek sigh with satisfaction as his cock was bathed in the warmth and wetness of Amanda’s mouth, and her smile broadened. While watching Amanda dragging her lips back and forth over Derek’s steel-like flesh, Sarah turned her face just enough so that she could flick the tip of her tongue over his left nipple. When she did, Derek flinched from head to toe and hugged Sarah a little more tightly against his body.

After thirty seconds, Sarah said, “Amanda, don’t be selfish. Let Susan have some. With Derek there’s more than enough to go around.”

Amanda tilted her head back on her shoulders to look up. Seeing her with her facial features obscenely distorted with the enormous cock forcing her jaws to open wide was one of the most disturbingly erotic visions Sarah had ever experience. She felt her clit tighten and honey moisten the lips of her pussy in response, and it took an act of willpower to not get down on her knees once again. Derek had the power to make a woman literally hunger for his cock.

While Amanda had been tentative in taking Derek’s cock into her mouth, Susan—who had never done anything quite so intimate with a man before—was infinitely more so. She kept kissing the moist crest of Derek’s cock, but every time she started leaning toward him to engulf the crown in her mouth, her courage faltered. Finally it was Sarah who impatiently took matters in hand. She slapped Amanda’s hand from Derek’s shaft, then wrapped her right hand around his magnificent cock. Then she put her left hand to the back of Susan’s head—and brought her hands together! Derek’s hard cock forced Susan’s jaws to open. An instant later the head of his cock was pressed tightly against the opening of her throat, and Susan was squirming on her knees on the floor.

“That’s it,” Sarah said, continuing to hold both Derek and Susan tightly. “Take him deep. Now start going back and forth. Use your lips and your tongue. You’ve seen me do it, and you’ve seen Amanda, so you ought to have a pretty good idea of how to do it by now.”

The urge to touch her own pussy was overpowering for Sarah, though she fought against it—at least for the present time. The visual stimulation of having Amanda and Susan performing fellatio so nearby was triggering within Sarah responses both voyeuristic and bisexual.

“Kiss me,” Derek whispered.

Sarah looked up into Derek’s eyes. She could see the sexual strain in his features.

“Kiss me,” he said again. “I need your kisses.”

Whenever Edgar had said he “needed” Sarah to do this or that to him, she had always felt distinctly put upon by his baser needs. With Derek, her reaction was just the opposite. Derek “needing” her kisses was as good as anything she could hope for. Tilting her head back on her shoulders, she whispered honestly, “I’ll do anything you ask.”

An instant later his lips were compressing hers, and his tongue was exploring the now-familiar terrain of her mouth. Sarah had lost her hold on his cock, but that didn’t matter. She wrapped her arms around his middle, hugging him tightly as they french kissed. The erotic, earthy, natural music of a blowjob being enthusiastically though not necessarily skillfully delivered drifted to Sarah’s ears, the sound just slightly louder than that of her own lusty moans.

The kiss finally ended, though Sarah could have continued kissing Derek for a week without pause and still have felt as though the time had been woefully brief.

“On your feet,” Derek said, his arm still tight around Sarah’s waist. “Everyone over to the sofa.”







Chapter Fourteen



Near the fireplace was a long, somewhat worn but still serviceable sofa. Derek brought the women there, and then turned Susan and Amanda so that their backs were to the sofa and they faced him.

Completely naked and with a fierce erection protruding from his loins rather threateningly, Derek took a moment to look his latest initiates directly in the eyes. Sarah, fascinated by Derek under any circumstance, but particularly so under one as erotic as this, stood at the side, silent but enraptured by the scene unfolding before her. Her pulse throbbed in her clitoris.

“Are you absolutely certain you want to do this?” Derek asked the two women he had met such a short time earlier.

At that comment, Sarah’s respect for Derek instantly reached the stratosphere. She doubted there was another man in the world who would risk a sudden rejection at such fragile moment in time. But Derek wasn’t like other men. She decided, then and there, that to compare Derek with other men was profoundly unfair—to the rest of the world’s male population. He continually set a standard that he alone could fulfill.

Amanda nodded vigorously; Susan was staring with lust-glazed amber eyes at the erection that was pointing at her. There was a vague sense of inebriation about her, though she hadn’t so much as had a sip of alcohol. The only thing intoxicating her was Derek.

“I need words. I want to hear you tell me exactly what you want,” Derek said in a tone that was soft and yet authoritative. Men who are naturally commanding do not need to raise their voice in order to be heard. When they speak, people automatically listen.

Amanda tried to speak, couldn’t, cleared her throat, tried again, cleared her throat again, then finally managed to say aloud, “I want you. I want whatever it is you do that makes you divine.”

Derek looked at Susan. She, however, was still looking at his erection. Sarah could see that the glassiness in her eyes was even more pronounced now than earlier. Sarah smiled. She understood perfectly well how narcotizing Derek’s passion could be. He was a man who inspired extremes.

“Susan, I need a response from you.” His tone carried with it an undercurrent of impatience, and Sarah’s smile broadened. Derek was decent enough to make absolutely certain that Amanda and Susan hadn’t been talked into having sex with him by Ellie Mae, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t enthusiastically anticipating the encounter. “Tell me what you want…or it stops right now.”

Susan’s gaze finally crawled from Derek’s erection up to his face. He had just made a statement that, under the circumstances, Susan found frankly frightening. In a breathy whisper, she replied, “Fuck me.” There was a pause, but then she added with significantly more emphasis, “Please fuck me.” And then, turning to Sarah, she added with an almost tragic display of helplessness against the lust that Derek evoked, “Tell him he has to fuck me, Sarah! Tell him he must!”

Sarah smiled, understanding Susan’s emotional turmoil. She replied, “Don’t worry, dear friend. Soon enough you’ll experience ecstasy.”

Susan’s eyes narrowed. She wasn’t familiar with the word ‘ecstasy.’ “Is that when I’ll feel divine, like Ellie Mae said?”

“Yes. Do as he says now. Follow his every command, no matter what it is. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.” She looked at Derek and said with a smile, “Just remember, I love divine as much as the next girl.”

Derek looked into Sarah’s eyes and asked, “Are you sure you want me to do this?”

Sarah nodded. “I’ll be right here.”

What Derek did next made Sarah’s love for him reach a level of pristine adoration, and her respect for him elevate meteorically. Derek sighed with relief. It was a sibilant sound, hardly audible, emitted unconsciously—but it said that however much pleasure he would experience with Amanda and Susan, he was unwilling to jeopardize Sarah’s respect just to experience it. Sarah winked at Derek, a saucy, flirtatious wink that let him know she would be waiting for him when his obligations were fulfilled.

Derek moved so that he stood in front of Amanda and Susan, but between them. He slipped his hands around the back of their necks to hold them securely before bending low to kiss each one, in turn, fully and firmly on the mouth. For Sarah, the emotions suddenly going through her were chaotic, directly at war with the encounter that she had plotted so carefully to facilitate. It was seeing Derek kissing Amanda and Susan that triggered Sarah’s most profound jealousy and possessiveness. It had been erotic to watch Amanda and Susan on their knees giving fellatio to his amazing erection. When Sarah had watched that happening, she hadn’t been overwhelmed with resentment. But having Derek kissing their mouths tenderly and erotically triggered within Sarah a spark of anger that was marrow-deep and completely unanticipated.

“Is that really quite necessary?”

The words were out of Sarah’s mouth before she was even conscious of thinking them. Her tone was jagged-edged, laced with poison. Suddenly all eyes turned toward her. In an instant Sarah realized the error of her ways and felt petty and small. She had promised Amanda and Susan an experience they’d never forget, one they could not have with anyone other than Derek…but now she wasn’t sure she could calmly allow it to continue. The reality of watching Derek inciting passion in Amanda and Susan was not the same as imagining him doing exactly that.

Derek asked, “Sarah, is something wrong?”

Seconds ticked silently by. Finally, Sarah shook her head with the smallest of movements and whispered, “No…no, I just…um…”

She was looking into Derek’s eyes when he smiled. It was a knowing smile, one that said without words that he understood exactly what was going through Sarah’s mind, one that suggested he understood all of her fears—and that he could allay them as he did so many things, thoroughly and with effortless grace.

“I’ve been rather selfish, haven’t I?” Derek said, putting a hand out toward Sarah. “I must kiss you, too. I must kiss you most of all.” As Sarah stepped forward he added, “And then together we can teach these ladies the true meaning of ‘divine.’”

“I can never stay angry with you,” Sarah whispered with a sense of joyous helplessness as she molded herself against Derek’s naked body. She angled her face up to receive his kiss and felt the hard length of his erection pressing against her stomach.

All the anger, all the green-eyed jealousy, all the fear that had erupted within Sarah upon watching her lover kissing two other women…simply vanished. By the time Derek finally ended his kiss with her, she was trembling and weak, her labia slick and ready for penetration by Derek’s most outlandish physical asset. Amanda and Susan were left standing quietly, watching Sarah and Derek French kissing lustily, both of them understanding instinctively that they were temporary participants in the love life of Derek and Sarah.

When the kissing finally ended, Derek took Amanda by the shoulders and pushed her backward, sending her toppling onto the sofa with a squeal of surprise. Then he looked at Sarah and said, “To begin with, I’ll take Amanda and you take Susan. We can switch later.” He leaned down and kissed Sarah on the forehead. “Get rid of those clothes. Once we’re done with these two, I’ve got some serious plans for you
and your knickers will only get in my way.”

Without hesitation, Derek sank to the floor in front of Amanda, pushing her homemade nightgown up her legs while forcing her thighs to spread wide apart. Then he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to the widow’s pussy. Sarah watched as his mouth opened, and she knew that his tongue was delving deeply into her pussy—but she didn’t feel the least bit of jealousy. As long as she was participating with Derek, whatever he wanted to do was acceptable. The only time Sarah felt betrayed by her lover was when she was not similarly engaged in libidinous activities.

She turned to Susan and said, “Your turn,” and then pushed her onto the sofa beside Amanda. Still wearing her light gray skirt and jacket with the simple white cotton blouse, Sarah dropped to her knees in front of Susan, forced the woman’s nightgown up to her waist, and then with speed and determination that would have made Derek proud, she pressed her mouth to lust-enflamed labia and began administering oral caresses with all the enthusiasm of a connoisseur.

To say that Susan was surprised that it was Sarah who would be licking her pussy and sucking on her clitoris would be to deliver an understatement of mammoth magnitude. However, the shock of having cunnilingus administered to her for the first time in her life outweighed the fact that the tongue creating such unholy havoc with her senses belonged to a woman did not long weigh negatively on Susan’s mind. The instant Sarah’s mouth had touched her pussy, Susan had gasped: “Stop!” Within thirty seconds of that rather pathetic and feeble protest she was panting “Don’t stop! Oh, Sarah, don’t stop! Please, please, don’t ever stop!” with all the zeal of a religious convert. She concluded her exclamation by declaring, “My pussy’s on fire!”

For Sarah, it was different this time giving pleasure to a woman, putting her tongue to intimate places, licking here and there, seeking the pussy’s most sensitive nerve endings and always careful to judge each reaction from Susan objectively. This time Derek’s hard cock wasn’t filling Ellie Mae’s cunt, as it had the first time that Sarah had tasted pussy and set about with narrow-minded ambition to force an orgasm as quickly as possible. This time there was only Susan and her tempting pussy
and to Sarah’s shock and delight…that was just the way she liked it. She wrapped her arms around Susan’s thighs from the undersides, and using her fingertips gently eased apart the delicate labia to expose more completely the small, pink, erect clitoris that was her central focus.

Sarah did not know how much time had passed. She was busy easing the tip of her tongue between Susan’s labia, starting at the bottom and working her way slowly and enticingly upward until she reached the clitoris, which she sucked tenderly on for several seconds before starting the process all over again. Then she felt strong fingers push into her hair before those masculine digits curled into a fist. Derek pulled on her hair slowly but firmly, forcing her mouth to separate from Susan’s pussy.

He leaned over Susan’s naked thigh to look into Sarah’s eyes, her face only inches away from his. “Don’t enjoy that pussy too much,” he said softly but with fierce intensity. “You’re mine. Don’t forget that. You’re mine—tonight, tomorrow, and always.” He shook her by the hair. Not terribly hard, but firmly enough to make his dominating strength impossible to ignore. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

Then he kissed Sarah, a harsh, hungry, demanding kiss that bruised her lips and made her crave his utter and total domination
because Derek had just said the words that she had ached to hear, even if she hadn’t been consciously aware of it.

When the kiss finally ended, he shook Sarah again by the hair and said, this time smiling, “Damn it, but I love tasting pussy on your mouth.” He kissed her again before concluding, “You’re the most exciting woman in the history of the world. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

The bond had been set between the lovers; the rules, though unwritten and for the most part even unspoken, were now clearly understood by Sarah and Derek. She could give and receive pleasure from other women, but only provided Derek was both present and a participant. Likewise, Derek could pleasure women, but only if Sarah was there—and only so long as their presence in Derek’s sex-life was transitory and without emotional significance. Sarah alone would have preeminent permanence.

It was Amanda, the long-neglected widow, who was first to reach the summit. She was on the sofa, on her back with her legs up over Derek’s broad shoulders while he pumped his lusty cock into her and Sarah licked her clitoris, when the climax ripped through her lean body, tossing and turning her as the contractions rolled over her one after another. And when she was finished, Derek and Sarah turned their attention to Susan, displaying pleasure-giving techniques that were now significantly more fine-tuned with experienced and choreographed with nearly ballet-like precision. Susan announced her orgasm with a scream that could have been heard a half-mile away.

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