Read DangerousPassion Online

Authors: Desconhecido(a)

DangerousPassion (17 page)

“Stop! Stop!” Ellie Mae gasped when her climax, triggered by Derek’s cock and Sarah’s tongue, had finally ceased.

The next few seconds could not have been more joyous for Sarah, nor surprised her more completely. Upon declaring herself thoroughly and completely sexually satisfied for the first time in her life, Ellie Mae was immediately and rather indelicately tossed aside by Derek. Sarah had never felt small—until that moment. Derek grabbed her bodily and tossed her to the mattress. The bed creaked dangerously in protest, not having been designed to hold three people, and certainly not when one of the three was a big man. An instant after that, Derek was atop Sarah, his chest sweaty from his labors, pressing against the naked, quivering mounds of her luscious breasts, his lean hips sliding between her parted thighs. Without dalliance, he positioned himself and thrust, burying his entire length inside Sarah in one impaling plunge.

She cried out, shocked at the sudden invasion, her body forced to accommodate his length and girth in a heartbeat. The breath rushed from her lungs and she twined her legs around his to hold him motionless, her fingernails digging into the flesh of his back.

“Wait!” she gasped, loving the sensation of having Derek fully engulfed within her feminine embrace, but her delicate tissue stinging at the abruptness with which she had been forced to accept her lover’s amazing cock.

Frozen seconds passed with Derek’s body pressing Sarah down into the mattress. Finally, slowly, her lush mouth curled into a smile that was carnality itself.

“I love how I feel when your cock is inside me,” Sarah whispered, looking up into Derek’s eyes before nervously glancing to the side at Ellie Mae.

Derek kissed her mouth softly, gently, then he too smiled. “I can taste her pussy on your lips,” he said.

Sarah closed her eyes, not knowing how to react to the damning statement. Derek kissed her again, then used the tip of his tongue to follow the circumference of her mouth, savoring the taste of Ellie Mae’s passion.

“The taste of her pussy excites you,” Sarah said, opening her eyes to look into the face of the man she adored.

He nodded. “It excites you, too.”

Once again, there was a long moment of silence as Sarah struggled against her own inhibitions and truths about herself that she could not comfortably accept. Finally, looking straight into Derek’s eyes, she whispered, “Yes. It excited me to do that do her.”

With a smile on his lips, Derek whispered, “Her pussy tastes best when I taste it on your lips.”

Derek began moving his hips then, easing the slick length of his hard cock into Sarah slowly and smoothly, but with steadily increasing force and fury. He kissed Sarah hard, almost bruising her lips as his body slapped moistly against hers. For her part, Sarah was every bit as unrestrained, using her fingernails on Derek’s back and buttocks, raking his flawless flesh to urge him on hard and faster.

It was Sarah who came first, the contractions powerful, her cry of ecstasy ricocheting off the walls of the narrow bedroom. Sarah’s orgasm had subsided barely a moment before Derek withdrew and unleashed a torrent of sperm, leaving lines of his passion from Sarah’s breasts down to her pussy.

“I’ll get you a towel,” Ellie Mae said, open-mouthed with shock at seeing for the second time the deluge of passion emitted by Derek when he erupted.







Chapter Eleven



Ellie Mae was sleeping soundly—in fact, more soundly than ever before in her entire adult life—by the time Derek and Sarah eased out of the bedroom. Sarah had put on Ellie Mae’s bathrobe, but it was sized for a woman considerably smaller, so even though she had pulled it tightly around her body, she was showing a daring amount of cleavage, and all her curves were on display beneath the thin cotton. Since Sarah had chosen to make at least some effort at modesty, Derek thought perhaps he should do the same, though he was entirely at ease with being naked.

“That was kind of you to come with so much food,” Sarah said.

Derek could tell that she was nervous. Whenever he would look away, he could feel that she was looking at him with a fond expression in her eyes. But whenever he looked at her, she always turned her gaze away.

“Just thought it might be appreciated.”

“Would you like me to make you something to eat?” She blushed and her gaze flittered toward Derek’s for a moment. “You must be famished after all that…exercise.”

“Now that you mention it, I never did stop for supper before I came here.”

Sarah seemed genuinely pleased to be cooking for Derek, and as he watched her building the fire in the stove, in the back of his mind he wondered what it would be like to have her cooking for him every day. Soon she had a cast iron pan ready and was scrambling four eggs. So enchanted was Derek as his eyes caressed Sarah that he didn’t say a word. He just watched her, noticing how the too-small robe wrapped tightly around her body defined her curves, and thinking that one day he would buy her a thick, velvet robe that would give her a queenly appearance—and he alone would see her in that robe.

With a flourish, Sarah transferred the scrambled eggs onto a plate, quickly cut a thick slice of bread and an equally thick slice of cheese, and placed everything in front of Derek at the table. Before she sat down herself, she found the cup he’d been drinking whiskey from, intemperately filled it to the rim with whiskey, and set that down.

“A meal fit for a king,” Derek said, tasting the eggs.

“Did I add enough salt and pepper? I’m always leery of putting too much in when cooking.”

“They’re perfect,” Derek said, and he meant it. But if they hadn’t been perfect, he would have kept that bit of information to himself. He liked the way Sarah glowed when she was satisfied with her own efforts.

“Tell me what your troubles are,” Derek prodded once Sarah had sat down across the table from him. “I want to know what makes a smart woman like you think that linking arms with a toad like Edgar Patterson makes sense.”

Sarah looked away, but only for a few seconds. She cleared her throat nervously, then said, “I’ve got a brother in a sanitarium in
. He needs the cool, clean air there to get well again. He’s a lunger, and if he doesn’t get the proper treatment—the treatment that he’s getting in
—the doctor’s say he’ll die.”

“Sanitariums cost money.”

“More than you can imagine. I work at the bank and save every penny I can, but it still is hardly enough.” She folded her hands together on the table and stared at them as she spoke. “Edgar was quite nice and gallant…at first. And when he asked me to marry him, it seemed a little odd since he hadn’t really sweet-talked me much…but I said ‘yes,’ anyway. But lately he’s been more determined to get married. He’s pressing me about it all the time, but he treats me worse every week.”

“Doesn’t make sense him wanting to get married then treating you bad.”

Sarah’s eyes angled upward to meet with Derek’s. He smiled at her, and she returned a soft smile, then looked at her hands again, though the smile remained.

“I’ll have to figure out some other way of paying for my brother’s medical care,” Sarah said, her voice now barely above a whisper. “I can’t marry Edgar. I don’t love him now. I guess I never really did love him, I just thought I did. I needed someone…and Edgar was there. That’s all it was. He was convenient. I suppose maybe I was convenient for him, too. Maybe all he wants is a male heir. Some men are like that, you know.”

“Some are,” Derek replied. “Well, now I know what you saw in Edgar. Can’t say I blame you, either. It’s a good thing what you’re doing for your brother. Lots of sisters wouldn’t.” After finishing the last of his eggs, he cut a slice of cheese and put it on his bread, bit that and chewed, and then washed it down with a swallow of whiskey. He was aware of Sarah watching his every move. Derek looked up into her eyes and gave her a rogue’s smile. “Tell me what your thoughts are on what we’ve just done.”

Sarah’s cheeks turned bright pink. She looked away, shaking her head as though her own actions had surprised her beyond words.

“Come on now, sugar plum. Seems to me I’ve got a right to know.”

Sarah liked how the endearment sounded coming from Derek. She looked at him and asked, “How is it I can’t say ‘no’ to you? No matter what you ask me to do, I tell myself to not do it…but then I look in your eyes and I hear your voice and the next thing I know I’m following your commands like a slave.”

“But you liked it—with Ellie Mae?” It was more of a statement than a question.

The silence was oppressive. Finally Sarah whispered, “I wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t made me…but once I got started, I enjoyed it. Part of the reason why I liked it was because I knew you were right there watching. What I was doing was sort of a performance for your pleasure. I…I liked knowing you were watching. And feeling Ellie Mae responding to me, feeling her quiver and shiver when she couldn’t take any more pleasure and finally climaxed…” Sarah closed her eyes and shivered herself at the memory. After several seconds she looked up into Derek’s eyes as he sipped his whiskey. “I wouldn’t have done it without you being there. You made it all possible…and you made it”—she struggled for the right word—“okay for me to kiss Ellie Mae so intimately.” Her breath caught in her throat. “When I saw your cock pushing inside her, I got jealous. I’ll be honest with you, the first emotion that went through me was nasty, vicious jealousy.” She placed her hand over Derek’s on the table and said in a soft, sincere tone, “Promise me you’ll never do that with Ellie Mae again. Not…not unless I’m there.”

Derek picked her hand up, kissed the back of it, and replied, “Hell, it wouldn’t have been any fun at all if you weren’t there.” He pulled on her hand, forcing Sarah to stand and walk around the table. She sat on his lap. “Tell me more about your brother. Just how much does it cost to keep him at that fancy sanitarium?”

Sarah hemmed and hawed before giving Derek the answer. His expression didn’t change at all. “That’s not as bad as I had thought it would be,” he said finally. He looked away, thinking over all that Sarah had said to him, thinking, too, how very nice it was to feel her buns on his thighs, her breasts so close to his face, hidden only by a very undersized robe. “Seems there ought to be a way of making a profit somehow. Do you know what it is Edgar’s got going at his bank?”

“You mean the reason he wanted to hire you? No, he never told me. But he’s got something devious up his nasty little sleeve.”

“How so?”

“He’s buying up land near the old Peck’s Flats, but it isn’t really very good property. I know that Edgar and Jerome are always looking to make a profit, but why buy land that smart folks shy away from?”

Derek tried to think about what Sarah had just said, but what was of greater interest to him was what happened when she shifted her weight, and her buns slid over his suddenly reawakening cock.

“Buying up worthless land?” he replied, trying to ignore his libido—at least for the moment. “Apparently Edgar wants a lot more land, too, because it was to have been my job to convince some folks to sell, and sell fast.”

“Edgar never does anything unless his father tells him to.”

Sarah was looking away, her thoughts faraway on the fiancé she despised, which allowed Derek the opportunity to look at her profile. Her throat seemed particularly kissable, the flesh as soft to the touch as the feathers of a dove. And lower, the exquisite swells of her breasts, lush and extravagant and so enticing…

“Oh, my!” Sarah said, shifting her weight. After a second of deliberation, as she moved her hips in just the right way to feel the growing bulge beneath her bottom, she added breathless, “Again? Derek, can’t you ever get enough?”

“Apparently not.” He paused for a moment to consider his words, then added for clarity, “At least, not of you.”

He took another sip of whiskey before setting his glass on the table. Then he eased his left hand inside Sarah’s robe, his palm caressing the nearest plump breast as he eased it out of the robe as though for inspection. With his fingertip he circled the nipple several times before pinching it tenderly. Within seconds Sarah’s nipple was visibly tighter, more erect. She began to squirm a little on his lap. Sarah had her left arm around his shoulder; she used her right to stroke Derek’s hair.

“I love it when you touch me,” she whispered, speaking words that not long ago she never really thought she’d ever say with honesty. “I feel…precious.”

Derek lowered his head enough to catch the exposed nipple between his lips. He sucked softly upon the nipple, using his lips and tongue to gently persuade a response rather than to force one
as he had earlier. Sarah moaned softly, watching Derek as he opened his mouth wider to take more of her delicate flesh between his lips, sucking more intently, more insistently. When he put a hand to her knee, she spread her legs slightly, unconsciously opening herself, availing herself to the man’s lustful wishes.

The hand was powerful, though that power did not stop the fingertips from making swirling patterns on the inside of Sarah’s thigh with astonishing delicacy. Sarah squirmed a little more, her breathing escalating swiftly as emotions she thought were unnecessary again this evening returned with her fluttering heartbeat. She slipped her arm from Derek’s shoulders to hug his face more firmly against her breast.

“Again?” She spoke the single word with a certain sense of awe. Her lover’s sexual energy was amazing.

By the time Derek’s fingertips finally finished their leisurely journey up Sarah’s naked leg, at last reaching the juncture of her thighs, the delicate lips of her pussy were slick with the lubricating honey of her passion. Sarah’s labia was swollen, tingling, her clitoris engorged with anticipation. Derek’s middle finger slipped smoothly between pink lips, drawing a quavering sigh from Sarah. When he rubbed her clitoris with the tip of a slippery finger, she sighed even louder.

Sarah used the tip of her tongue to moisten her mouth. Looking down at Derek as he sucked on her breast, she whispered, “I’ll fuck you anywhere, anytime, any way you want…all you have to do is ask.” She smiled. “Actually, you don’t even have to ask. Just do it. Take me. Take me soft as silk or ravish me like a madman. Just do it.”

The admission shocked her to the core, and incited in Derek behavior that she craved. He pushed her off his lap, and within seconds had his pants unbuttoned and pushed down to his thighs to expose the ostentatious erection she had learned to adore. As Derek sat in the straight-backed kitchen chair, Sarah straddled his lean hips and lowered herself slowly and sensually upon his upraised hardness.

With her thighs upon Derek and his body joined with hers, Sarah looked into her lover’s eyes and whispered, “When I’ve got your cock inside me, I feel complete. I feel like I’m in heaven.”

It scared her a little when she realized she was exaggerating…but only a little.

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