Read Cursed Vengeance Online

Authors: Brandy L. Rivers,Rebecca Brooke

Cursed Vengeance (22 page)

“At a fancy restaurant even. I do have a couple suits.”

“Ooh, you do clean up well.”

“I can’t wait.”

Tracey brought us our food. We ate quickly. Got a few thank yous from other wolves, then headed to his house for a nap.

The phone woke me. I put it to my ear with a yawn. “This is Sierra.”

“Tell me you’re where you can get to the TV. Turn it to the channel ABC Six o’Clock News.”

Dylan reached for a remote and turned on the TV, setting it to the right channel.

A fire blazed on the screen in downtown Philly. The reporter spoke urgently. “We have a blazing fire at Solstice Blessings in downtown Philadelphia. The smoke is noxious, and we’re being told to move back once again. The fire started a couple hours ago, but the blaze is so hot water isn’t enough to put it out, and no one can see through the smoke and flames well enough to discern what’s left of the building.”

My hand flew to my mouth.

“We didn’t do that,” Dylan said quietly. “We left the body. That’s it. Maybe they destroyed the shop themselves.”

“Probably. I’ve got a bad feeling about this, though. I don’t think it’s over.”

Dylan pulled me against him. “You have to take care of Ashley’s pack still. I’d say that’s a good indication it’s not over.”

Sean’s voice rattled off, but the phone was in my lap.

I hit speaker. “Sorry, what was that?”

“I’m betting they ran. Maybe we’ll be lucky and they’ll go far away.”

“Doubt it. Let me know if you see something strange.”

“I will, but Sierra, let Dylan take you to and from work. If they’re hiding, we don’t know what our grandmother will do.”

“No shit. Love you, Sean. I’ll see you in a few days.”

“I’m going to be busy most of the next few days. Need to go see my girl.”

I grinned. “Good luck.”

“You too, Sierra. And, Dylan, don’t let anything happen to my sister or I’ll kick your ass.”

“Yes, sir,” he saluted with a smirk and I couldn’t help laughing.

“Have a safe trip.”

Dylan pulled me back, his hands roaming under my shirt. “Tell me we can make love before we get dinner and I take you home.”

“Nothing I want more.”


Chapter 24





“Would you knock it off,” Sean called over his shoulder.

I stopped and looked over at him. Seated at his desk, he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, watching me. 


He chuckled. “You need to relax, there’s still a few hours until she gets here.”

“I know. Can you blame me for being excited? With both of our schedules it’s been almost a week since I’ve gotten to sleep in the same bed as her.”

“Sleep my ass.” He snickered under his breath. 

“Shut the fuck up, asshole. You don’t like being separated from Ashley either. You want her to disappear for days?”

The smile dropped clean off of his face. “Shit, you’re right.”

“And, I’m nervous as hell she’s going to hate it.”

Sean shook his head. “I told you. It’s perfect for her.”

Slumping down into my chair, I ran my hand through my hair. “You know I’d ask her to marry me today if I thought she was ready.”

“I know, but we both know that’s not the case. She’ll be ready. Just make sure you keep taking good care of her or I’m going to fuck your shit up.”

I gave him a quick mocking salute before looking at the paperwork on my desk for the first time that day. There was no doubt I was excited to have Sierra with me every night, but I didn’t know how she was going to react to my surprise. Invoice after invoice, the day finally ended and it was time to go home and wait for Sierra to show up.

Over the last two weeks we made trips back and forth to the house in Philly, bringing back more of her stuff each time. She’d decided to leave the main furniture there in case there were times we wanted to go up and stay. Eventually she would have to do something with the place. I knew she wanted to keep it for when she needed to consult in Philly, but I’d seen what happened to my parents’ house as it sat empty for years.

Being empty all of the time was only inviting trouble. I suggested she rent it and she’d agreed to think about it. Her friend Rachel had offered her guest room whenever we were up there.

When I pulled up out front of my house, my heart sped up. I jumped out of the truck and ran through the front door. Sierra was waiting for me as soon as it closed. I scooped her up into my arms, twirling her around.

“Put me down,” she scolded, but couldn’t keep the laughter from her voice.

I covered her lips with mine, stealing the kiss I wanted all week. Slowly, her hand crept up my chest, over my shoulder and into my hair. Things started to get heated and I pulled away. Her brows drew down as she stared at me.

“Do you not want me?” she asked, a bit of hurt creeping into her tone.

Gripping her waist, I pulled her tight to me, letting her feel my hard length against her stomach. “Oh, love, I want you more than you know.” She tried to nip at my bottom lip, but I moved out of her reach and continued, “Once I get you in bed, we’re not leaving for a few days and I have something I need to show you first.”

She stepped back with a sigh. “I’ve had enough curses and evil daises to last me a few lifetimes and I still need to deal with Ashley’s pack. Can’t I have one night with you without anything interrupting?”

“You most definitely can, but first I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise for me?” Sierra may claim to be a simple woman, but the gleam in her eye said there was so much more to it.

Gathering her into my arms, I nodded. “I do.”

“What is it?” Her eyes darted all over the room.

“It’s not here, but we can get dinner first if you want. I know you worked all day.”

No denying it was a delay tactic. What if she hated it?

“Uh uh. You’re taking me wherever it is and we’ll pick food up on the way back. We can eat in bed.” A sexy, devious smile rose on her lips and it made me hot as hell.

Grabbing her hand and the keys to my truck, I pulled her out the front door. Once we were both settled, I took off down the road.

“Whose house is this?” Sierra asked when I parked out front.

“My parents’ house.” My hands were shaking so bad I was afraid to take them off the wheel.

She looked at the house and back over at me. “What are we doing here? I thought you said your mother passed away a few years ago?”

“She did. I want to show you something inside.”

Taking a deep breath, I climbed from the cab of the truck. Sierra met me at the front. The sounds from the forest seemed amplified with my nerves. One hand in my pocket, I used the other to take Sierra’s hand and lead her to the door.

“Dylan, what are we doing here?” Sierra asked, confused. “I thought we were living at your house?”

“We are. Close your eyes and I’ll show you.”

She gave me a look, but slowly let her lids slide closed. Opening the front door, I helped her over the threshold and stared at all the work Sean and I’d done over the last few weeks while Sierra was working. With a quick prayer she liked it, I said, “Open your eyes.”

She blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the brighter lights inside.

“Holy shit.” Her gaze panned around the room, eyes wide. “Did you build me a clinic?”

I couldn’t tell if she was happy or not. “My parents’ house was sitting here. I didn’t have the heart to sell it and didn’t want to live in it. It sat here rotting away. I figured this was better for all of us. You could treat people in the town here when you aren’t working at the hospital.” She still hadn’t said anything and I continued to ramble. “Sean and I worked on it—”

She jumped into my arms. Catching her under her ass, her lips connected with mine. “I love it. I can’t believe you did this.”

“Anything for you. Sean and I talked to Will. He thinks a clinic is a great idea. The wolves who will be willing to see you can come here and Will can be here to help or cover when you’re at the hospital.”

“Will helped you pick out what we’d need?” she asked.

While she talked, I carried her back to one of the examination rooms. “Yeah. Sean and I don’t know shit about any of this.”

“Oh,” she screeched when I dropped her down onto one of the tables.

“You know what else?” My voice got deeper with each word.

“What’s that?”

“I’m tired of waiting.”

I crushed my mouth to hers, pushing her back onto the table. It’d been almost a week since I had a taste of Sierra. She’d had so much to wrap up before leaving that there hadn’t been any time for her to come down. Not to mention Sean and I had been swamped.

Her body felt so good beneath me. I slid my hand under her shirt, rubbing my thumb across her nipple through the fabric of her bra. The little whimpers from her went straight to my dick. Hard as a rock and needing her sooner rather than later, I lifted my mouth from hers.

“Babe, I can’t wait. It’s been too long. I promise I’ll make it up to you later.”

“Stop talking and get naked,” she groaned. Standing, I shed my clothes the same time she was tearing off her own.

Her curves and milky white skin did me in every time. My body surged, needing hers more than ever. Pushing her back down on the table, I climbed over her, my hard length sliding through her core.

“Fuck, you feel so good.”

“You’d feel better inside of me,” she chided.

“I agree.”

Bringing my lips down on hers, I slid inside in one sharp thrust.

“Oh God,” she screamed, her back arching off the table.

My body found a rhythm, loving every sound she made as we built toward our climax. No matter how much time passed, I’d never grow tired of the feisty witch below me.

“Oh shit, Sierra, I love you.” I panted.

I thrust a few more times and pleasure exploded between the two of us, each enjoying the sensations. I slumped down on Sierra, doing my best to keep most of my weight off her.

Her eyes captured mine. “I love you, too, Dylan.”

“I guess we christened the clinic.” I chuckled when I’d gotten my breath back

She smacked me on the arm. “You have issues.”

“I do and you love all of them.”

Sierra’s eyes rolled so far back, I thought they might stay that way. “You’re lucky I do.”

I kissed her quickly. “I’m the luckiest son of a bitch.”

Laughter lit her smile. This woman who came into my life by hitting me with her car. Who fought me and challenged me. This woman who saved me and everyone I loved was mine. I’d do anything to see her smile. And to think that because of her we had a future to look forward to, something I’d never thought about. Now that the wolves knew they were going to live, they wanted bigger houses for bigger families, giving Sean and I a ton of work. Someday I hoped Sierra and I could have a family of our own. For right now, I’d be content to have her in my arms every night. No more curses, the future was bright.







I shook my head as I watched Dylan leave. My sister was going to love the clinic. I tried to tell him, but he was nervous as hell.

Sighing, I picked up my phone, contemplating calling Ashley. She was on her way over as soon as she finished her shift. I hadn’t bothered to tell Dylan or Sierra she was moving in. They’d been busy with my sister’s move.

My phone buzzed and I grinned. Ashley’s text read,
I’m waiting for you. In your bed. Naked.

Snagging my keys, I was on my way out the door. I sent a quick text.
On my way.

The last few days had been hell. Waking up without her was something I wanted to avoid at all costs. We sealed our bond the day after we ended the Pine Barren’s curse for good. Since then we hadn’t had to spend more than a day apart until this week. How Dylan and Sierra managed to go nearly a week, I’d never understand.

Except I’d already made her wait a year before we sealed the bond, so we were worse off as it was.

I cruised down the road, trying to keep my speed limit in check. Being Alpha didn’t get me off the hook where tickets were concerned.

Pulling into the driveway, I grinned at her car. Something was off. She wasn’t there. I couldn’t feel her presence wrap around me like it did anytime she was in the vicinity.

Shutting off my car, I flew into my house. A broken side table lay scattered across the floor. Claw marks raked the wall near my bedroom door. Traces of blood left behind.

My whole world threatened to implode as I stared at the mess. Magic, dark, tainted magic burned my nose. My grandmother had been here, took my mate, but I couldn’t fathom why.

Grabbing my phone, I called Dylan. I needed my second and my sister, who happened to be a hell of a lot stronger than me, though she had very little practice with her magic so far. I certainly didn’t stand a chance against the old witch.

Dylan answered, out of breath. “Hey, Sean. What’s going on?”

“Need you. Sierra too. Get over here. Now!”

“On our way,” Dylan answered before hanging up.

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